• Published 14th Jun 2020
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My Little Pokémon - Amarvax

The world of Pokemon and the world of My Little Pony cross paths.

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Party for Mew, please

Author's Note:

The Pokemon speak in this chapter.

Within a mysterious realm.

The Cosmic Wall. A massive wall that stretches across this mysterious universe, existing at the very edge of it. This colossal wall not only trapped people who were aware of the Rift's actions but also summoned creations that were a mixture of Arceus and the Rift's power.

A Rift Dialga and a Rift Palkia.

Ash and Twilight were already struggling with a Rift-Dialga but now a Rift-Palkia has arrived to make it worse as a means of the Cosmic Wall aiming to defeat all possible threats, much like how it was used against the original creators, the people that were embedded within the wall.

They had an ultimate method to stop all of this and remove the forcefield that was keeping Ash and Hoopa away from each other. Aura. One of the few things that could affect anything Rift-related.

"So as long as the Cosmic Wall sees you as a threat...it'll continue to churn out defences." The man within the wall said. "We made it so that it would be a vast defence against the Rift, but its power has been altered and is being used by the Rift itself."

"In that case, let's make it one big hurrah and end it as soon as we can, Ash. You won't be severely harmed on the inside compared to the outside." Twilight said as they were going for one big Aura pulse to end it.

"Gotcha! Go, Lucario!" To make sure it was guaranteed, Ash would send out the Aura Pokemon Lucario for extra efficiency.

"Come out, Togekiss!" And out came Twilight's Togekiss for the backup.



"Just give me some time to make it work." Ash held out his hand, summoning Sir Aaron's staff once more by expanding its size. "I wish Victini was in here to give me a boost but this is all we need."

"Right. Togekiss, use Aura Sphere! Eve, Dazzling Gleam!"

"Okay, Lucario! Get in there and use Aura Sphere! Pikachu, Thunderbolt!"

"Pika...Chuu!" A ranged assault would occur. Aura Sphere, Dazzling Gleam and Thunderbolt would be unleashed. Lucario and Togekiss threw out spheres of concentrated aura while 100,000 volts and rays of rainbows came flying in.

In response, that's when the powers of these Rift-Arceus creations showed themselves some more. They could do more than just attack. After all, they were variations of Dialga and Palkia so they could do more.

At the same time, they both used their abilities, albeit weaker variations of what the actual Dialga and Palkia were capable of. They had warped time and space. By the power of Rift-Dialga, Dazzling Gleam and the two Aura Spheres had been rewound, returning back to Espeon's body as if the attack never happened whilst Palkia manipulated space, causing Thunderbolt to hit Togekiss instead.

"To!" Togekiss cried out after being hit by the blast of electricity while Lucario, Pikachu and Espeon gasped once they saw that their attacks hadn't gone through.

"Togekiss!" Twilight gasped as Togekiss almost fell before managing to hang in there. After reversing and manipulating their attacks, Rift-Dialga and Rift-Palka unleashed two breath attacks that were coloured blue and purple. Representative of both their original colours and the colours of the Rift.

Twilight acted fast, putting up a shield of magic to block the breaths while everyone else was confused. The dragon breaths had crashed into Twilight's shield. The force of them together was enough to shatter Twilight's barrier, pushing her back.

"Twilight!" Ash caught Twilight after the blowback, protecting her from a heavy impact. But Rift-Palkia followed up, using what looked to be Spacial Rend. It raised its arms up before then swinging it down. Indeed, this was just like Spacial Rend as a purple wave of energy had emerged, moving in between Ash and the others. In the blink of an eye, the starlight pathway and parts of space had been split up.

Ash and Twilight were split up instantly once Rift-Palkia split space. They were split up with their Pokemon being on their respective sides. Ash, Pikachu and Lucario were hurling to the left while Twilight, Espeon and Togekiss were sent flying to the left, leaving the starlight path.

"Warping space and time...we should've seen this coming!" Twilight groaned while drifting away from Ash and his Pokemon. Afterwards, Rift-Dialga and Rift-Palkia split up to attack both sides with weaker numbers.

These two were making it harder for them. Freeing Hoopa from the Rift's restraint was getting increasingly harder as Rift-Dialga and Rift-Palkia came flying in with devastating Auras. The plan to have Ash use all of his Aura was still in motion but that would need some time for him to make it work.

Kalos. Dahara City. The Pokemon Festival. Afternoon.

Meanwhile, there was an equally wild scenario happening outside. Hoopa had just summoned hundreds of Mews from his ring as they were all flying around Dahara City. This was wonderful to Pinkie Pie's Mew and Mewie as this was their goal from the start. Finding other Mews across the world.

But with the power of Hoopas ring, it was instant.

"So this means the Mew species isn't as rare as it seemed to be," Bertha observed all of the Mews flying around. "Perhaps, they were all so mischievous to the point where they disguised themselves."

"That's not it. Hoopa just got them from different dimensions and worlds." Hoopa responded to Bertha, flying to her. Indeed, not all of these Mews came from the same universe. Some of them were from completely different worlds far from here.

"Really now? So one of these Mews has to be from our world then." Hilbert replied as a Mew flew over his head.

"Oh. Well, that's fine with us. It doesn't matter where they come from." said Pinkie Pie. "As long as Mewie's got more of her own to see and meet. That also means the other Mews from this world are still out there. Or maybe some of them are here already.

"Mew-Mew!" Pinkie Pie's Mew was already socializing well with every other Mew. At the same time, hiding behind him and not fully facing the other Mews was Mewie herself. She could face one or two Mews but this was a massive amount. However, Pinkie's Mew was here to support her."Mew."

"Mew..." Mewie moved to the side, facing a total of 7 different Mews. She was reminded of how in the past, she would hide from every Mew, unable to interact with them. Now was her chance as the other Mews waved at her. This prompted Mewie to wave back, albeit sheepishly.

But it went well. After all, these Mew could all understand each other no matter how each of them felt. And with such an amazing friend as Pinkie Pie's Mew here to support her, Mewie felt some sort of peace. Her wish had been granted by the looks of things.

"Well, they aren't gonna stay here forever, right?" Hilda commented. "They have their own homes back in their universes. At least, I think so. Mew seems to go anywhere it wants."

"Uh, they might not head home if someone doesn't stop them." Sci-Twi was already ahead of everyone, seeing that the consequence of having so many Mews out and flying everywhere would lead to them wandering off. They are a curious species after all.

"Hm?" Pinkie Pie and everyone soon turned around to see that a plethora of Mew had already flown away. "Gah! Wait! That could be a problem now that I think about it!"

"With so many Mews around, someone is bound to want them all," Bertha added. "Especially that Hunter J."

"Bringing that up only makes it worse." Sci-Twi lowered her head as everyone now knew how serious this could get. While Hoopa did something wonderful, it came with massive risks.

"Gah!" Pinkie Pie stretched her mane, processing the drawbacks. While it was amazing seeing them all fly around like this, she didn't want the worst to happen. "What do we do?! I don't wanna send them back! Or do I?" She then pondered.

"Mew-Mew!" However, Pinkie Pie's Mew spoke out, saluting Pinkie Pie as he already had the perfect solution. He knew how his fellow species worked after all so the answer was clear.

"Ooh. That's a good idea." Hoopa heard what Mew had shared, nodding in agreement. Mewie, Victini and Meloetta did the same as only they could understand Mew.

"Huh? What? What did they say?" Hilbert got in between them, wanting to know what they agreed upon. "Wish I could speak Pokemon. Man..."

"Mewkan says that we can just hang out with them and let them go home later. No need to worry." Hoopa translated. "Hoopa will be their uh...Sabby."

"You mean cabby?" Hilda corrected Hoopa, knowing what he meant by that. Indeed, Hoopa would be the one to send them back since he already brought them here. However, while Pinkie Pie was afraid that she might've made them all vulnerable targets, Mew already knew that the best way to get around this while also avoiding any problems was to hang out with them.

Mainly for the sake of Mewie. She would be the focal point as spending more time with her fellow Mew would increase her happiness. While she did find peace knowing that there were more of her out there and some more that have yet to be seen in her world, she was still missing the element of hanging around these various New Species Pokemon.

"Oh. Okay." Pinkie Pie let go of her mane as it returned to normal as if it was a balloon snapping back into place and jiggling about. "A bummer Ash, Twilight, Pikachu and Eve are gonna miss this out."

"I'm sure they'll wake up soon enough. We'll let you and the Pokemon handle this while we get them to the hotel." Bertha offered to guard Ash, Twilight and their Pokemon. "Victini. Meloetta. You two can join in on the fun while we handle things."

"Tini!" Victini loved to hear it. Though, Meloetta would prefer if she were to stay with Ash instead.


"Victini!" Before Meloetta could do so, or ever, Victini grabbed her arm, pulling the Melody Pokemon with her. Meloetta had already been dragged into this Mew scenario, unable to spend time with Ash. Then again, he was currently unconscious so spending time with him would be difficult.

Meanwhile, carrying them with the utmost care, Ash, Twilight and their Pokemon had been safely brought over to the Dahara City Hotel until they end up regaining consciousness. But no one else would know the type of battle they were going through right about now.

Dahara City Westside.

"But I want to stay with Ash!" Meloetta cried out. "I want to keep him safe just in case!"

"It's fine, it's fine. He'll be fine." Victini replied. "Right?"

"Hm? Oh, right!" Mew was too distracted hanging around his fellow Mews. This took him back. Back to when the earth was populated with Mews before they all evolved into the Pokemon that exist today. Thanks to Hoopa, he could experience those early days once more but this time from Mews that came from other dimensions.

"Hoopa never knew you were all so important," Hoopa commented, surprised that Mew was so important that the entire species couldn't afford to be out in the open for as long as they want considering how important they were. Then again, this was Dahara City and it's seen something far greater than an army of Mew.

"Welcome to my world!" Mew grabbed the paws of other Mews, dancing around with them. "This is the best world ever! Better than anywhere else!"

"Huh? That's a lie." Some of the Mews begged to differ.

"Nope. 100% True. This world has weird space things happening. I can prove it to you." Pinkie Pie's Mew could back it up. All he had to do was show them the ponies that could be found here. Their respective worlds certainly didn't have ponies. At least, ponies that weren't Pokemon. "But right now, I want to throw a party for her."

"Me?" Mewie noticed that she was being pointed at by Mew. And this was to be expected as this was centred around her.

"Oh yeah! It's all about you, Mewie!" Excitedly, Mew flew over to his friend pulling her this way. Mewie used her tail, transforming it into the tail of a Ninetales to cover her entire body. "We're gonna throw a big party for you just like how Pinkie does it back home."

"Will it have Honey Cheesecake?" Mewie had one request. Her personal favourite dessert from SugarCube Corner.

"Coming right up. We'll have so many Honey Cheesecakes that it'll last two days! Maybe even three! But...we're gonna have to work together to set everything up."

"You don't have to do that! with Hoopa around, anything's possible!" Hoopa was the answer to that. His ring was practically the answer to almost everything, being able to summon anything. "You want party decorations right?"

"Well...big enough so that we can party all day and all night. Maybe near that garden!" Mew aimed his paw over a garden at the distance of this mega-metropolis. A 75,000-metre flower garden could be seen, displaying millions upon millions of flowers with more than dozens of flowering plants with different species that could be seen.

It was a luxurious place to behold and to the Mews, a perfect place to have a party. Everyone looked at each other while agreeing that it was perfect. Wide enough too.

"That'll do. And then...you should sing at the party, Meloetta!" Mew declared, taking the role of a party planner, much like his trainer.

"You want me to sing?" Meloetta gasped as she already liked the sound of it. It also meant that she would get to sing in that beautiful flower garden. "I'd love to!"

"Great. But make it just for her." Mew patted Mewie on the head. "I wanna make sure it's all about her today."

"Ooh. What about me? What about me?" Victini asked, curious about what his role would be in this upcoming party.

"Uh...Fireworks! Pretty please?" Mew squeed, not thinking much about what Victini could be so he just came up with the first thing to mind. He took the factor of Victini being a Fire-Type and slapped the fireworks role on him.

"Fireworks?" Victini pouted. He wanted to be more than that considering his infinite power. But it looked like that wasn't the case right now. "Ahh...Fine. I'll try and make it as bright as I can."

"Wonderful! Do it Hoopa! Uhh...you can bring party decorations right?" Or is it just Pokemon and stuff?" Mew asked.

"Hoopa can do more than that! Hoopa will bring those Honey Cheesecakes too! They sound delicious!" Hoopa would get started, holding out two of his rings, making sure to get it right. Hoopa was also in the partying mood. Sometimes, mischievous Pokemon love to have fun at parties.

Either way, they can still be mischievous there.

Out of Hoopa's dual rings, party decorations were being grabbed from different parts of the Pokemon World and Equestria too. Bunting flags came flying out but they needed something to support them.

A massive array of tables with various foods had been pulled in, dropping in the Flower Garden as Hoopa found himself some Honey Cheesecakes. But, he wanted to spice things up, selecting multiple desserts and food for everyone to enjoy and explore. There were also cups, juice and soda cartons that came dropping in. The Mews all gazed as Party streamers dropped onto them as well as a massive pink banner.

Of course, Hoopa could only summon them, not set them up. This would take the efforts of the others to make it work. Mew already knew how he wanted this to be present as he rubbed his paws together.

"All it needs is some Psychic and we're good to go," Mew commented. "Let's make it work team!"

"We're a team now?" The Mews repeated. "Okay then!" But they found no issue with it. They were all in this together from start to finish.

They got to work as the Mews spread out to set this party up. Of course, PinkiePie's Mew would be the one to instruct them on how a party was meant to be set up. Many months of living with Pinkie Pie have given him some major experience.

"Oh! Do you think I should dress up for this?!" Meloetta gasped. "Aw, but Ash might not see me in it. Oh, I could just transform too."

"If you want a dress, you could always ask Rarity, but she's really far away from here. Probably somewhere else." Mew suggested this option to the Melody Pokemon.

"Fireworks...I don't know if I wanna do it." Victini sat down, crossing his arms.

"Does Vikan want Hoopa to bring in more Victini to help?" Hoopa suggested an abundant increase in Victini.

"No way! I can do this!" Victini stood up, pumping his fists. "I'll make it as bright as I can!"

As the party was being set up, the banner had been written on with the Mews turning into Smeargles. On the banner, it was congratulating Mewie mainly as ordered by Pinkie's Mew. Everything was coming up nicely in this Flower Garden. To show her thanks for this, Mewie had given Mew a power-hug for all that he did for her. And she'll have to give Pinkie and the others some hugs as well.

Very soon, her party would be set up. Pinkie Pie was watching the whole thing, wiping a tear off her face as she was absolutely proud of Mew. He learned from the best after all.

Over at the Dahara City Hotel, Ash, Twilight, Pikachu and Espeon were placed on the luxurious beds of the hotel as Bertha paid for the expenses. They looked peaceful even when unconscious though Ash was still radiating high levels of Aura within his body.

They didn't make a single sound aside from Ash's Aura as it had already been 30 minutes since this has happened. The only time they responded was when Twilight sub-consciously replied to Sci-Twi.

"On second thought...Aura's pretty dangerous if something like this can happen. Almost makes me glad I never caught that Lucario." Hilda commented.

"I wish I could see what was happening in there. Or even help out." Sci-Twi sighed, worrying for them all. "What now? Do we just leave them?"

"Maybe. But after this, Ash may need to find a way to strengthen his Aura so that these unconscious episodes won't be frequent anymore," said Bertha.

"How's he gonna do that? Sounds like it's a pretty huge burden having Aura, ya know." Hilbert laid his back on a bed, resting for a bit. "It's awesome but it's dangerous to your body at the same time?"

"That's mainly Ash's Aura. It's so big that it can be the best weapon we have or it can screw him over." Rainbow Dash replied. "It's helped us a lot of times but it's put him in some pretty bad spots when it pushes his body. Sucks."

"It's a double-edged sword. But some say the way to fully withstand Aura is by using Mega Evolution." Bertha revealed one way that Aura could be maintained without massive strain.

"Mega Evolution?" Rainbow Dash and the others repeated. "But doesn't Mega Evolution make it worse? Rarity can't even use two Mega Evolutions at the same time or it'll hurt badly. I can't even use the Harmony Phenomenon and Mega Evolution at the same time either. I'll pass out too, no doubt."

"Judging by what Rainbow Dash said, won't Mega Evolution just be a bigger burden?" Sci-Twi asked.

"If you see it that way...however, Ash's Aura brings more positives than good. With the time I've spent with him, I've been able to observe his Aura for what it is. His Aura being so massive doesn't just make it strong but also suitable to hold anything. Think of Ash's Aura as a vessel. The sheer size of it allows him to not only showcase a massive wealth of power but also a way to let the power come to him."

"Oooh...Just like how Twilight has Rift Magic in her!" Rainbow Dash gasped. "She emptied out her own magic first to add Rift Magic in it!"

"That's right. Similar to that. But in this case, Ash won't need to empty out his Aura to become a vessel for the power of Mega Evolution. His Aura can be multiple vessels instead of just one. It's not like he can empty it out anyway. It's his lifeforce after all."

"AH, I gotcha. All Ash has to do is let all that Mega Evolution energy become a part of that Aura. Man, he's so lucky. Why don't I have some mega Aura with me?" Hilbert sat up. "The number one Trainer in the world should have something like that, ya know."

"If you had Aura, you'd knock yourself out in the first five minutes." Hilda snapped back at Hilbert's sentence as always.

"There are other ways and Mega Evolution is one of them. Of course, Ash will have to wake up first before any of that." Bertha looked over at Ash, who wasn't even twitching in his sleep. Even with everything happening inside, nothing was making him move. All they could do was watch and listen to the sound of Aura.

Within the mysterious realm.

"Ugh!" Ash crashed into a meteor along with Pikachu and Lucario. They had been separated from Twilight and her Pokemon after what the Rif-Palkia did. Ash held his head, looking up as the Rift-Dialga would face him and his Pokemon only. Meanwhile, Twilight would be occupied with the Rift-Dialga.

"Man...If this keeps up, I'm never gonna save those guys and Hoopa," Ash said, getting up back as Pikachu and Lucario growled at this Rift entity. He couldn't see Twilight right now. She was stuck with the other Rift entity on the right side.

Ash knew that if something wasn't done, he and Twilight might end up in that wall with the people and those objects. And if that happened, everything else on the outside would spiral into chaos. Ash thought about everything that could happen.

He wouldn't be there to challenge the Masters 8, help against the Rift since his Aura was so powerful or even keep his promises to others that he's met. He wouldn't even get to experience the rest of the Pokemon Festival or even fulfil the promise that he would keep the worlds connected and find Jirachi.

Worst of all, he would worry his mother, no doubt. And something like that couldn't happen. Ash closed his eyes, thinking about everything that would happen. This one event happening with a gigantic forcefield already had a lot of things riding on it. No matter what, Ash would take this seriously.

And it was because he thought of everyone else and the stakes that were behind it at all, the moment he opened his eyes, his Aura exploded out of nowhere. As if a dragon was roaring, blowing away the mountains themselves. Rift- Dialga flinched for a bit as the sound of the Aura was that intimidating. Lucario could feel Ash's pure determination as it was helping his Aura.

Ash's Aura illuminated the darkness of these cosmos' with its intensity, shining as bright as a star. Possibly. Because of the bonds he shared with so many others and knowing of the stakes, his Aura was made stronger.

"I can't let that happen!" Ash declared. "If I don't get out of here...I'll never become a Pokemon Master! Back out there, Hoopa and the others are waiting! And so is everything else that'll come later! Even if my opponent's a mixture of Arceus' power and the Rift's power, I'm not gonna lose this!"



"If I'm gonna become a Pokemon Master with all of my achievements...I'm gonna add you to the pile of those achievements. I hope you're ready. You're going down!" Ash adjusted his hat as he was going to make sure this was the final confrontation between them. This was serious enough for Rift-Diagla to adjust its sword and shield. He would experience Ash at his absolute best at the moment.

And his absolute best would be something to behold.

As the journey continues.

Chapter 854 End.

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