• Published 16th Feb 2014
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Trixie's Forest Retreat - crowscrowcrow

Following the events of Boast Busters, Trixie decides to hide from the town (and Rainbow Dash in particular) by taking cover in the Everfree Forest. Not every problem can be outrun, and sometimes facing them can have unexpected consequences.

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Chapter 104 - Recommend

The small table in the library easily fitted the four ponies, or three ponies and one dragon as it turned out. Trixie had ensured she was seated on the same side of the table as Fluttershy, leaving the other side to Spike and Twilight.

It was amazing how much a simple thing like a mug of hot strawberry flavored tea with honey could do for a pony. Trixie felt calmer and warmer with each sip she took. Planning out how to manipulate Twilight was so much easier with a good cup of tea and Fluttershy by her side. She savored the sweet taste while shooting Fluttershy an appreciative smile.

Fluttershy, ever so easy to embarrass with the smallest compliment, blushed and nodded towards Spike as if to pass off the praise. Trixie did not feel quite ready to say something nice to him yet, especially not something that might be actually true.

Although Spike had asked what they were doing in the basement, Twilight had made it clear she did not wish to speak of it any more than was strictly necessary for her report to Celestia. A sentiment that Trixie could get behind. The conversation quickly turned to the more mundane things of life, such as the weather. In particular the bad storm that had struck Ponyville earlier that week.

Twilight had confessed she was more than a little grateful for the company of Applejack and Rarity that night, as Spike had been in Canterlot that night, and she’d dreaded being alone during her first big storm in Ponyville.

“Come on, Twi. I’m sure you’d have been so busy reading every book on weather making that you wouldn’t even notice it.” Spike assured her.

“Well sure I’d have used the opportunity to learn more about meteorology, but that doesn’t mean I would have been at ease, Spike.”

The atmosphere was reminiscent of the evening she’d listened to the dragon story. Although the occasional quips and snark between Twilight and Spike could not hold a candle to the ruckus of Rainbow Dash and Applejacks constant one-upmareship. It was nice.

As far as Trixie was concerned, if she just disregarded the feeling of impending doom, she was honestly enjoying herself. Though one thing bothered her. It wasn’t something she could have noticed when it was just the two of them, but now… Twilight never took her eyes off of her for long, as though she were distrustful of her.

Well, if she likes to watch so much… She felt her lips pull into a sly smirk. “It is a shame storms like that do not happen more often.” She mused while sloshing around the tea in her cup as she spoke, then aimed a lingering look at Fluttershy. “It certainly sounds like it had a way of bringing ponies closer together,” she said, scooting against the timid, and now blushing, mare.

“I agree, but you don’t need storms to have a slumber party!” Twilight sounded excited, and completely clueless.

For a unicorn that was so unsettlingly powerful and knowledgeable, Twilight certainly couldn’t read a mood to save her life. Unless of course, she was deliberately trying to make this weird. Fortunately, Trixie had a hard time getting angry about anything while she was so near Fluttershy.

“If you’re going to have any more, can I at least have my own room?” Spike deadpanned. Though it took him all of two seconds to change his mind, and to sound a lot more eager. “Unless Rarity is coming! Is she?”

Twilight giggled, but shook her head while she gave Spike an apologetic look. “I offered already, but I think those two might need to get trapped in here during a blizzard before they’ll agree to have another slumber party. At least until they’ve had a while to recover.”

'Recover'? Just what on earth did they do? Trixie made a note to press Applejack on this later. It should be easy enough if she really was awful at keeping secrets.

“Oh, uhm, Twilight?” Fluttershy asked. “Have you seen Rainbow Dash today?”

“Rainbow Dash?” Twilight echoed quizzically. “I think I saw her flying overhead this morning, but now that you mention it… I’ve not seen much of her at all lately. I suppose she must have been working a lot of overtime to earn that promotion.”

Trixie grinned, knowing full well that was not why Rainbow Dash had been busy. “Ah, she told you about that?”

Twilight said, “No, but Pinkie Pie is planning an ‘ohmygoshyougotpromotedDashiecongratz!’ party. So I think it is a safe bet. Although on second thought, she might just be hoping that if she throws a party for it, the event will happen. That does sound like something she’d try.”

Although that got Twilight some strange looks from Trixie, the others at the table did not even flinch. Instead, they started to actually talk about the party as though they were looking forward to it, and how long it had been since the last one.

It was just one more data point that Trixie could use to justify her suspicion that Ponyville’s heroes, and the town as a whole, were simply insane.

While most of the topics they covered were completely innocuous, soon the inevitable happened. Twilight brought the topic back around to how the last two weeks had been for Trixie. The way she phrased it was as though she showed concern and interest, but it was not lost on Trixie that there was only one relevant difference between the last time she’d asked and now. Fluttershy’s presence.

If Trixie had been lying, then checking with Fluttershy would be an easy way to find that out.

Fortunately, Fluttershy was no more eager than Trixie had been to provide the painful details of her stay. Which in retrospect was amusing Trixie, as Twilight likely had no idea that the secret she was trying to probe for was not one that would hurt Trixie, but Rainbow Dash.

Instead, Fluttershy neatly confined herself to filling Twilight in on Trixie’s condition and treatment. Though she kindly always checked Trixie for approval before revealing any personal information.

Trixie herself mostly kept quiet, making exceptions only to praise Fluttershy’s accommodations for her, conscious of the fact that anything she said could be construed as guiding Fluttershy. There was no mistaking that this conversation was only for Twilight’s benefit, and the more confidence she could put into it the better.

“So, uhm, she’s doing much better now, thank goodness.” Fluttershy wrapped up, and turned to Trixie with a smile. “You’re even helping around the house now, right, Trixie?”

The surprised look on Twilight’s face tittered somewhere between amusing and insulting. Trixie did her best to just smile and nod. “But of course, a mere trifle for one such as Trixie. It doesn’t hurt that it allows Trixie to spend some more time with you either, Fluttershy. Trixie just really wants to show you how much she appreciates your kindness. One way…” She glanced briefly at Twilight, then looked back at Fluttershy, giving her a seductive look. “…Or another.”

Fluttershy only managed to squeak something in reply, and quickly retreated behind her mane.

Across the table, Twilight looked on in confusion, alternating her gaze between the two of them, then finally looked at Spike as though expecting him to have an opinion.

However, Spike had tuned out the yammering ages ago, and just stared dreamily at a picture he held in one hand, while the other supported his head.

"So, what are you going to do now, or well, once you've recovered?" Twilight asked.

Trixie felt a cold chill. She really should have seen that question coming. Though even if she had, there would have not been an easy answer. After all, she had no idea herself yet. Each time she should have thought on it, she ended up putting it off, dreading that eventuality too much to really think about it. "T-Trixie, uh, supposes maybe she will go back to trying to, erm, accomplish her dream."

Twilight perked up, apparently very interested. "Oh, what's that?"

Even Fluttershy peeked out from behind her mane with one eye, looking at Trixie with curiousity.

It was no real surprise, as Trixie had not spoken about this. Not to Fluttershy, nor anypony else, before. In truth, she much preferred to keep it that way, but there was value in sharing it, or at least a small part of it, right now. It opened up the chance for Trixie to get something else she needed from Twilight.

Trixie took a deep breath, carefully thinking over how she wanted to go about this. “To perform for Princess Celestia.”

“Ah, of course.” Twilight nodded. “I’ve heard that is the desire of a lot of showponies. That and being a star, though one is often linked to the other, isn’t that right?”

“Yes. Only the best entertainment is good enough for the princess. To be able to say ‘I’ve preformed for royalty’ is a mark of accomplishment that distinguishes that artist from their peers.” Parroting what was common knowledge was easy enough, though she had to struggle to keep her voice steady as she continued. “It, it opens doors that were closed before.”

Fluttershy quietly asked, “So, uhm, does that mean you planned to go to Canterlot? A-after Ponyville, I mean.”

Trixie held off shuddering at the thought, taking another drink of tea to calm herself down. Not unless Trixie suddenly develops a death wish. “Well, yes and no. You do not simply go to Canterlot to get famous.” Trixie chuckled and raised a hoof to affectionately brush Fluttershy’s mane out of her face. “Everypony else has that same idea after all. It is much better to get invited, come highly recommended by someone of status, or at least to come in with an already established reputation to get a leg up on the competition.

“As you know, Trixie came to Ponyville to learn about Nightmare Moon. That story is what Trixie planned to use to build up her name, and garner enough attention to get an invitation to Canterlot.” Sighing, Trixie looking down at the table. “This whole thing put a bit of a hitch in Trixie’s plans though. It’ll be ages before Trixie can replace everything she’s lost, and carry on where she left off.”

Twilight looked uncomfortable while she listened, staring at the two of them. “I’m sorry to hear that Trixie…”

Now, let’s set her off. Giving a smile, Trixie shook her head. “It’s fine, Twilight. There’s nothing you can do.” Letting her eyes linger meaningfully on Princess Celestia’s personal student.

Given how insultingly blatant Trixie was trying to take advantage of Twilight, it would be lucky if she didn’t get kicked out right then and there. In one fell swoop, she’d cast a whole different kind of specter over her sudden, overly friendly, visit.

To Twilight’s credit, she seemed to pick up on the unspoken suggestion, judging by the glare she was giving Trixie. “Oh I get it. Gee, if only there was somepony here with a direct tie to the princess, right Trixie?” If she made any effort to hide her sarcasm, she wasn’t doing a very good job.

Oh that’s a nice expression. Yes. Isn’t Trixie just so impudent, Twilight? There’s only one response.

“W-what?” Fluttershy looked taken aback by Twilight’s response.

Twilight did not break eye contact with Trixie, but answered the question. “Trixie thinks she can just ask me to use my connections and get her into Canterlot. It’s not going to happen Trixie.”

No, it isn’t. “Why? What is so wrong with that?” Trixie asked indigently while she stared down Twilight. “Trixie knows you send letters to the princess. Surely you could drop her a little line about what a great show you saw Trixie put on?”

“You mean aside from the fact that is abusing the trust Princess Celestia puts in me? Well let me see, first of all those letters are about the study of friendship, not whatever entertainment happens to be in town. Second, even if I am sorry for accusing you, I will not be guilt tripped into something so dishonest. Third, it isn’t fair to everypony else. What about all the ponies that don’t happen to bump into me?” Twilight actually looked angry with Trixie for even bringing it up.

“What about everypony else? Can’t Trixie just luck out? It’s how things go in Canterlot too! Somepony gets ‘discovered’ by somepony with influence, how is that fair on everypony else?” Trixie asked, letting a little desperation enter her tone.

“The upperclass ponies there have a frame of reference. What am I supposed to compare you too? I have no idea what other magic acts even look like.” Twilight replied, though she didn’t look quite as mad anymore.

Watching Twilight take a deep breath, Trixie mirrored the action, just staring at her with a conflicted look, rather than interrupting.

After a moment of silence, Twilight continued. “Look, Trixie… I’m sorry. But you can’t expect to be taking shortcuts through life. Just imagine that I actually convince Princess Celestia to come and watch your show, would you really feel fulfilled? Knowing that the only reason you are on stage is because I took pity on you, instead of your own merit?”

Trixie broke eye contact, staring down at the table, but she said nothing.

“For what it’s worth… I thought your original idea was a really good one.” Twilight sounded kinder this time. “Telling Princess Luna’s story? I’m sure that would get the attention of the princesses eventually, if you did it well. Wouldn’t you much rather succeed like that?”

“…Yes.” Trixie said quietly. Feeling a set of hooves wrap around her, Fluttershy pulled her into a hug. “T-Trixie is… sorry. You’re right, Twilight,” she said, raising her head with a resigned sigh.

Twilight showed an understanding smile, and seemed to briefly consider. “You know… actually. I was going to mention you to the princess anyway. Not about your show, but, because you helped with the book, and I felt like maybe I could even include you in this week’s friendship report, after today.”

Trixie returned a weak smile, but shook her head. “No, you made a good point. Trixie would much rather earn her place on Celestia’s stage herself. Without any help besides Trixie’s own strength, and a well-earned reputation.” She puffed up her chest proudly, but then quickly deflated. “A-actually, Twilight, could you do Trixie one favor? Please, don’t mention Trixie at all, for anything... It would mean a lot to Trixie if the first time Princess Celestia hears about Trixie is when Trixie’s reputation is for having an amazing show worthy of that attention, rather than when it is tainted by the ursa or rumors. Is that okay?”

From the corner of her eye, Trixie could see Fluttershy giving Twilight a pleading look on her behalf as well. It warmed her chest to see she had the sweet mare’s support.

Nodding quickly, Twilight wore the biggest smile. “Of course, Trixie. I’ll leave you out of the reports. I’m happy to see you’re so determined. If you need any more information about Nightmare Moon later, be sure to let me know.”

“Trixie will,” she said, while carefully sliding her foreleg around Fluttershy, Trixie momentarily buried her muzzle into Fluttershy's mane, hiding the Discord-like grin she was now wearing. It was the grin an opponent wore after winning a long chess game. Getting control over her mouth, which only wanted to laugh, Trixie added in a soft tone, “Thank you.”

Too easy.

One pot of strawberry tea and a plate of sliced cake later, Trixie and Fluttershy stood near the front door, preparing to leave.

“Thanks for stopping by.” Twilight smiled as she opened the door with her magic. “You’re welcome to come back any time.”

Trixie returned the smile, nodding. “We will! Trixie still isn’t through with you and your insistance on transfiguring rocks into hats. Trixie keeps telling you. You should be using small fruit. It takes way too much magic to change the texture and weight.”

Twilight shot Trixie a playful glare. “And I keep telling you. Rocks are much less complicated, because they are homogenous. It’s easier to use more magic than it is to account for the structure of a complicated base object.”

“Just because it is more complicated doesn’t mean it’s not better! This is exactly what Trixie means when she says trading efficiency for convenience is what is wrong with magic today.”

Nearby, Spike rolled her eyes, and gave Fluttershy a pleading look. “Can we please never have them meet again? It’s four times as bad as normal.”

“Oh, I’m sorry…” Fluttershy looked from Twilight to Trixie as they argued. “I don’t really mind but… I just wish I could understand what they were saying.”

“I do a little, and you’re not missing out on anything, Fluttershy.” He said, exasperated. Running a clawed hand over the scales atop his head, he added. “Although, I wouldn’t mind not getting hit with rocks each time the spell fails.”

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