• Published 16th Feb 2014
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Trixie's Forest Retreat - crowscrowcrow

Following the events of Boast Busters, Trixie decides to hide from the town (and Rainbow Dash in particular) by taking cover in the Everfree Forest. Not every problem can be outrun, and sometimes facing them can have unexpected consequences.

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Chapter 54 - Radiant

Trixie would never have guessed that Ponyville could actually scare her more from a distance than it ever did up close. But now that she was flying so high above it, she wished for nothing more than to be down in its streets on her own hooves. Rainbow Dash ignored her pleas to be set down, and there was nothing Trixie could do about it.

“Set Trixie down right now!”

“Are you having fun?”

Rainbow Dash had leveled out her flight path so Trixie saw the ground slowly shift, at first they’d been above Fluttershy’s house but by now they were above the town hall. Trixie could barely make out the town square she’d used for her performance.

“This is not funny! Let Trixie go!”

“Huh, this was fun and all but… you are pretty heavy you know. I’m not sure I can hold you long enough to fly back down.”

Trixie’s eyes widened. “No! Don’t let Trixie go!”

“Relax we don’t have to actually fly you know. We’ll just freefall for a while then I’ll start flying again. Oh before that though, ever wondered what it’s like to do a loop? It’s awesome!”

Trixie could feel Rainbow Dash fly up again, but the angle kept changing as they arched further backwards, starting up the loop. Trixie could not even see the ground anymore, first she was forced to look at the horizon and then to the sky, not that she had spared a single thought to either of those sights. “No no no stop it! Rainbow please! I’m scared!” She lifted up her hooves to cover her eyes.

With the both of them upside down on the highest point of the loop, next came falling back down. Trixie saw Rainbow Dash’s wings strike up beside her, sending the both of them down while she cried out. But instead of the terrifying plummet, they quickly came to a complete stop, and she just heard a soft ‘pompf’ sound.

Shaking, Trixie lifted one hoof from her eye and glanced around. She could see something white all around them. “A… a cloud?” She looked towards Rainbow Dash, who was grinning back at her a far too smug look on her her face.

“Scared huh? Relax we can rest here for a bit then fly back do—Oopfh!”

Trixie elbowed Rainbow Dash in the ribs as hard as she dared. “You jerk! Don’t play with Trixie like that!” She struggled against the previously iron grip, which had loosened a bit after the jab to the ribs.

Rainbow Dash felt the trembling Trixie attempt to roll over and quickly tightened her grip again. “Woah! Hey, stop moving so much! ”

“T-Trixie’s not supposed to stress…” Trixie whimpered. Her struggles simmered down to whimpers, tears coming to her eyes.

Drooping her ears, Rainbow Dash’s face fell. “I-I’m sorry okay? But you were trying to trick me, what did you expect?”

Trixie averted her gaze, quickly bringing up a hoof to clear her eyes as best she could. She just barely managed to look at Rainbow Dash from the corner of her eye. “T-Trixie didn’t even want to fly, she just wanted to hold you, m-maybe earn a real kiss...” The tears came back, and Trixie looked away again. “Trixie should have known…”

Rainbow Dash looked down at Trixie, then gradually loosened her grip on the upset mare’s chest. Letting one hoof shift up to Trixie’s head, She urged Trixie to look at her. Without being given the chance to clean up, Trixie looked like a mess.

“Hey… ” Rainbow Dash spoke softly, then gently kissed her forehead. She showed a smile when she saw the surprised, confused look on Trixie’s face. “I guess this would be much safer, if we both held on, right?” She briefly glanced down then meet Trixie’s gaze again.

Trixie was not quite sure what the kiss had meant, but she knew a hint when she heard one and quickly nodded. “Right!” Without Rainbow Dash holding her down, it was no trouble to twist and roll onto her chest. She gave a slight shiver as her previously warmed back was introduced to the cold air, but Trixie got over it quickly when she felt the warmth spreading through her chest; Trixie was not sure all of it was Rainbow Dash’s body heat either.

Wrapping her forelegs around Rainbow Dash, Trixie rested her muzzle against the mare's neck happily. After holding still for a moment, she gave Rainbow Dash an experimental nuzzle, and was answered with a hoof stroking through her mane.

“Trixie, you like the night right?” Rainbow Dash asked while she used the primary feathers on her right wing to wipe Trixie’s cheeks and eyes clear.

“…Among other things. Was Trixie that obvious? Why?” Trixie held her eyes closed while the soft, cool feathers brushed over her, the feeling was almost magical. It did not take long for Trixie to find herself smiling again while the feathers stroked her. She was sure they had already finished their job, and those last strokes were purely for her benefit.

“Well, I won’t pretend that this was my plan all along, but…” Rainbow Dash withdrew her wings, eliciting a small whine from Trixie. “You know how they say that you should not look down if you are scared of heights? How about you try looking up right now?”

“Who says Trixie is scared of heights? She will personally make them regret it,” Trixie grumbled a little, though she knew there was no real point in attempting to save face at this point, she still tried. Opening her eyes, Trixie looked up at the sky then uttered a gasp. “H-how long has that been there?”

Rainbow Dash smirked lightly, but let none of it sound through in her voice. “How long has what been there?”

“The sky!” Trixie swept her eyes across the vast openness above them, not a single cloud was higher than they were, allowing for an unfettered, perfect view of the moon, the stars, and even a gentle glow far away on the east horizon. “It’s beautiful.”

Trixie had never been so high up in her life. Only a few moments ago she would have thought being this high up one could touch the moon and rearrange the stars, but they did not seem any closer than way down on the ground. The only difference was that they were brighter, clearer. Somehow there were more stars up here, ones Trixie had not seen before, that were slightly fainter than the others.

“It’s been there all night you know.” Rainbow Dash deadpanned. Her wings folded around Trixie, shielding her from the cold high altitude air.

Smiling, Trixie felt warmer already when she noticed the feathery appendages make their return. The soft feeling over her coat more than made up from the airheaded comment. “Are you trying to ruin this? It’s not working.”

Rainbow Dash stayed quiet, letting Trixie appreciate the view from their cloud.

As beautiful as the night sky was, it did not take long for Trixie to recognize there was something even more beautiful she could be appreciating in the pale light of the moon. She turned her gaze back to Rainbow Dash, she really was the best thing to look at, if only she was quiet more often. It was a shame she was going to have to ruin their moment, but maybe it could wait just a little longer.

Noticing Trixie staring at her, Rainbow Dash looked down, locking eyes with the mare. “What?”

Trixie just shook her head, and laid back down, nuzzling her muzzle along Rainbow’s neck. “Nothing.”

“It’s not nothing, come on tell me.” Rainbow Dash urged.

Sighing, Trixie relented and spoke softly. “Trixie was just thinking, it’s a shame Fluttershy isn’t here too.” She peeked at Rainbow Dash, catching the surprised look on her face, clearly she had not been expecting that answer.

Rainbow Dash’s face was showing a bit of red even in the pale light. “W-what? Fluttershy?”

Trixie nodded. “Wouldn’t you want her here? Trixie thought you two were really close. She talks about you a lot you know.” She could feel Rainbow Dash tense up below her and smiled, doing her best to sound casual. “About how much she looks up to you, and Trixie thinks she makes some good points too.”

Rainbow Dash swallowed, and lifted her muzzle back up to the moon, avoiding eye contact. “What else did she say?”

Trixie forced a chuckle as she spoke, “well… that she wants to make you proud, but that she was really hurt when you scolded her on the mountain. She’s scared she will disappoint you again if she tells you though.”

“Wait, what?” Rainbow Dash’s eyes were back on Trixie in a split second.

“Trixie understands, you were in a hurry. Fluttershy was slowing everypony down, she was completely useless. It is only natural, she is such a scaredy-pony. From what Trixie heard it was like she was sabotaging you the whole way, she should have just stayed home!” Trixie laughed and shook her head while she poked at Rainbow Dash’s wings. “What kind of pegasus fails to fly? Just that cost you like an hour, taking her up a new path.”

“It’s not really her fault she’s scared of dragons.” Rainbow Dash growled. “If we’d all taken that path in the first place I’m sure she would have done fine!”

“Wasn’t it all her fault you were gone all day? She should have said up front that she was extra scared of dragons, but no, she wasted everyponies time, and only told you at the last second. It would have been one thing if she was scared, but she didn’t improve at all and was scared of absolutely everything. Hay she is a pegasus that was too scared of heights to step over a minor crevice.” Trixie giggled, while she could feel Rainbow Dash’s heartbeat sky rocket in her chest.

“How dare you talk about Fluttershy like that! She was trying! That’s all that matters! It was really brave of Fluttershy to even come along. She would rather try her best to face that mountain than let us down! Sure she faltered at the end but at least she tried! Hay not even that, she came through for us at the very end!” She glared at Trixie.

Trixie’s giggling died out as she looked towards the pair of magnificent, angry eyes, taking just a moment to appreciate them before she forced herself back on target. “If she was all of that, why didn’t you tell her? You were mean to her the whole trip and only changed your tune when she saved you. Trixie is new at this but, is that how you treat a friend?”

Rainbow Dash opened her mouth to scold the next insensitive thing to come out of Trixie, but froze. “But, she, I-I just…just…” She went quiet as she looked at Trixie for a long while, though Trixie could tell it was not really her that Rainbow Dash was focused on.

“…I am a terrible friend,” Rainbow Dash finally said.

“Is that how it works? If you make a mistake you are a terrible friend? Then what does that make Trixie?” She nuzzled Rainbow Dash. “You know Fluttershy will give you another chance no matter what, but you should still apologize.”

Rainbow Dash nodded. “You’re right! The second she wakes up!” She looked towards the moon. “Which I guess is in like six hours, aw come on!”

Trixie giggled and shook her head. “Well good, Trixie didn’t think you were really that callous, just that clueless.” She stuck out her tongue.

“Heh, that reminds me. You tricked me again didn’t you? You know what that means right?”

Trixie’s ears folded flat. “A-another crazy flight?”

“Yep!” Rainbow Dash grinned at Trixie. However, when Trixie reluctantly tried to roll onto her back again so Rainbow Dash could get a good grip again, she stopped her with a tight hug, pressing their chests closely together. “Hey… I think flying this way will be safer, you?”

Trixie blinked confused a moment, but then perked up immediately. “Right!”

Author's Note:

Thanks for reading, I hope you enjoyed.

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