• Published 16th Feb 2014
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Trixie's Forest Retreat - crowscrowcrow

Following the events of Boast Busters, Trixie decides to hide from the town (and Rainbow Dash in particular) by taking cover in the Everfree Forest. Not every problem can be outrun, and sometimes facing them can have unexpected consequences.

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Chapter 41 - Retribution

The Ponyville hospital was usually a calm and serene place, or so they claimed. In the last day alone they had been terrorized by a rainbow colored invader, swarmed by coughing herds, and now it looked like they might have even lost a patient.

It fell to Nurse Redheart to explain all of this. While she stared down an annoyed Rainbow Dash.

“She was not outside, you said she would be.” Rainbow Dash pushed an accusing hoof at Nurse Redheart.

“Of course she was not outside. Did you really think Trixie is in any state to walk down a hall? Let alone climb down two flights of stairs and just stroll out the door to go take a leak? I would be amazed if she made it to the hallway without soiling herself, we have bedpans for that you know.”

Rainbow Dash was actually speechless for a moment. She understood it made no sense now that Nurse Redheart explained, but that also left her with a new question. “Wait so, you were lying? Then were is she?”

“Well, I never actually said that she was outside. I only suggested that she might be, you went to go check and by the looks of it you did not find her. Meanwhile I’ve been asking and looking around, it seems that nobody has seen Trixie since… Erm… this morning.”

“Then you knew she was missing the entire day!” Rainbow Dash shouted.

Fluttershy trotted up next to Rainbow Dash from behind, panting softly as she finally caught up to her. By the look of worry on her face she’d caught most of the conversation. “T-that can’t be right.”

Shaking her head, Nurse Redheart looked apologetic while she continued. “No we only found out just now. You see we’ve been just terribly busy with all the smoke panic, and, well… Trixie might have been kind of forgotten. She was still listed as a coma patient so the nurse that was supposed to take care of her got temporarily relocated to panic control duty…”

“B-but that means… Trixie was all alone all day? She didn’t even get any food?” Fluttershy looked horrified.

“Right, I am so sorry about this Fluttershy. We don’t know where Trixie is right now, but she could not have gotten far on her own. I’ve already informed the rest of the staff and a search party is being formed. All we can say for sure right now is that she is not in the hospital or the garden. I don’t know how she managed to drag herself that far away, or what possessed her to do it. For all we know she might as well have been kidnapped.”

“Are you kidding me? All that talk, and you LOST her!” Rainbow Dash flew up to the ceiling while she felt a heat spreading through her body, glaring down at Nurse Redheart. “I can’t believe this! I-I should! I…”

“Rainbow Dash!” Fluttershy flew up in front of her. “Oh uh, I’m sorry, but are you sure this is what you care about most right now?” She held a pleading look in her eyes.

Rainbow Dash simmered down a little as a different emotion started to fight for dominance. “Trixie, Trixie’s hurt and alone somewhere… in a town she is really scared of… I have to find her right now!” Without sparing another look at Nurse Redheart, Rainbow Dash Flew out of the nearest window like a bolt of prismatic lightning.

Speeding through the air, Rainbow Dash flew up above the hospital. She looked at the nearly setting sun and grimaced. “Okay I’ve got maybe half an hour of twilight left, no problem! I’ll find Trixie in ten seconds flat! Then never leave her alone again, or at least until she gets sick of it.”

Rainbow Dash kept a look out for the easiest feature to identify Trixie by from on high, her silvery blue mane. The fading light made searching more difficult than Rainbow Dash had hoped, even with her prized eyesight she could not simply scan the area from on high anymore.

Below on the ground several ponies could be seen spreading out from the hospital. Rainbow Dash guessed these were part of the search party then. “Is that all they could spare?” She began a swift glide, spiraling out from the hospital.

“Where could she have gone? Why did she leave in the first place? Maybe she was just hungry, but then they should have found her in the kitchen.” Rainbow Dash swooped over the houses, streets and fields. Now and then she had to climb up higher again before resuming her glide.

Though she spotted a great many things during her flight, so far Trixie was eluding her. “Weird, I’m already pretty far from the hospital. Trixie wasn't in any shape to make it this far, right?” Rainbow Dash felt her stomach turn itself into knots.

“Where the hay are you Trixie? Oh hey that’s a good idea! TRIXIE!” Rainbow Dash shouted at the top of her lungs, then hushed to listen for a response. She did not get one, but she did see everypony on the ground look up. “Oh horse apples. I guess If I keep doing that then everypony will know she’s here.”

“Come to think of it. Is that really a bad thing? Trixie was pretty scared of being seen by anyone in Ponyville but it’s not like they would just mob her if she walked through the streets.” The thought of the possibility left Rainbow Dash uneasy. She did not want to admit it to herself, but it scared her. “Please be safe…”

The light faded quickly, making it harder and hard to see. By this point Rainbow Dash had to fly so low that she was barely above the rooftops anymore. She was about to turn back to the hospital when she caught a strange scene from the corner of her eye as she passed an alley.

It was even darker in the alley, the shade nearly impenetrable. But Rainbow Dash was sure she had seen a pair of yellow coated stallions and a green mare had been gathered closely around something she couldn't make out on the ground. What puzzled her the most was that they appeared to be repeatedly kicking it. “Well you don’t see that every day. Must have been my imagination, I can’t think of any ball game you play like that.”

A cold feeling ran along Rainbow Dash’s spine. “T-there is no way, but…” dipping her left wing, Rainbow Dash circled back around for a second pass. An inescapable feeling of dread gnawed away at the back of her mind.. Her eyes stayed firmly trained on the dark alley, and she saw it again. Her hooves begun to shake. “No!”

Folding her wings back, she nosedived straight towards the alley. She pulled up into a horizontal charge with her hooves stretched out before her, colliding into the closest stallion and knocking him into the other two ponies.

Rainbow Dash skidded to a halt while she watched the trio tumble backwards, crashing into the wall with pained cries and groans.

“What they hay do you guys think you’re doing!? beating up on Tri… thi... this sack of… apples?” Rainbow Dash blinked in utter confusion as she felt her hooves sink into mushed apple bits on the floor. The revelation made her unsure whether to laugh or cry.

Now that she had a moment to actually look them over, Rainbow Dash noticed the three ponies lying in a heap were much more badly hurt than she had intended. Bruises and scrapes covered all of them, and she somehow had managed to give two of them black eyes! Rainbow involuntarily took a step back in shock.' W-what did I do? I didn’t mean to hurt them that badly!

“Uh Hey, sorry about that… but you got to admit that was really suspicious! Who the hay starts kicking a sack of apples in the middle of the night? What gives?”

“None of your beeswax that’s what!” The green mare shouted, rubbing her head with a pained expression.

“Who do you think you are, just flying into ponies like that? We did nothing to deserve that.” The yellow stallion with the black eyes grumbled. He did not sound all that convincing to Rainbow Dash though.

“Look I-I am sorry really I am, are you guys okay?” She took a step closer only to see the pony closest to her flinch away.

“Get the hay out of here! You psychopath!” The second yellow stallion, without a black eye, snapped at her. “Attacking honest ponies out of the blue who does that!?”

Rainbow Dash took a few quick steps back, trampling the sack of apples and nearly tumbling over the suddenly uneven terrain. Her wings flared out. “I, well, uh, Okay. Sorry!” She leapt up into the air and rocketed up towards the nightsky as quickly as her wings could carry her.

She cursed at herself as she flew. “What the hay is wrong with me! T-they didn’t do anything wrong. I could have just asked them what they were doing!”

The last slivers of light vanished, leaving the world in the grasp of Luna’s night. Rainbow Dash glided over Ponyville, looking down at the dark streets but unable to make out the ponies at all anymore. “It’s too late, I failed… wait maybe somepony else found her?”

Rainbow Dash set course back towards the hospital. It was not a very long flight if she focused, but her mind wandered. “W-well what if they actually had Trixie? I would have been in the right! But… they didn’t I just assumed. J-just like… ” She swallowed and went quiet, thinking of Trixie and Fluttershy.

The hospital was lit up like a beacon compared to the rest of Ponyville. Rainbow Dash landed by the front doors, trotting inside and taking the path towards Trixie’s room.

The door was already open, but inside Rainbow Dash only found Fluttershy who looked up at her hopefully. Rainbow shook her head slowly, a guilty pang in her chest as she saw Fluttershy’s expression. “I-I’m sure she is fine Fluttershy.” She moved next to Fluttershy and draped a cyan wing over her.

“Maybe the staff has found her, everybody should be getting back now that it’s this dark.” As much as Fluttershy tried to sound hopeful, it was easy for Rainbow Dash to tell her beloved friend was anything but.

The sound of hoofsteps down the hallway caused both pegasi to perk up and look towards the door expectantly. Nurse Redheart stepped inside, followed by a nurse Rainbow Dash did not know yet. “Fluttershy, Rainbow Dash, this here is Nurse Manners. She says she might know something about Trixie’s whereabouts.”

“First I, I really want to apologize. I did not take her seriously, I am afraid this might all be my fault…” Nurse Manners looked miserable.

Rainbow Dash waved her hoof impatiently, every second wasted on more apologies was a second that could have been spent finding Trixie at this point. “Give it a rest already, just tell me where she is!”

Author's Note:

Thanks for reading, I hope you enjoyed.

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