• Published 16th Feb 2014
  • 7,893 Views, 2,739 Comments

Trixie's Forest Retreat - crowscrowcrow

Following the events of Boast Busters, Trixie decides to hide from the town (and Rainbow Dash in particular) by taking cover in the Everfree Forest. Not every problem can be outrun, and sometimes facing them can have unexpected consequences.

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Chapter 17 - Recounting

With all the animals fed, it was finally time for the ponies’ own breakfast. It was not clear to Trixie why the animals ate first, but she was not about to question her host. Setting the table was easy enough even without her magic, and soon she found herself enjoying a quiet breakfast with Fluttershy.

Before, Trixie might have tried to get the conversation started, but this time she just ate silently, waiting for Fluttershy to decide if and when to talk. Honestly, after bickering with Rainbow Dash, Trixie did not feel too bad about getting a little peace and quiet again.

Trixie observed the non-unicorn prepare her own food. How did anypony get anything done without magic? She tried to copy Fluttershy, but fumbled the bread, making it drop off the table, earning herself a look from Fluttershy. “Trixie meant to do that.”

A lingering stare switched between Trixie, her plate and the bread on the ground. “Oh, Okay.” Fluttershy returned to her meal.

If it was possible to sink through the floor, Trixie might have chosen that option right there. Normally, she had always come back from her chores to an already-prepared meal, since she usually took much longer than Fluttershy to feed the animals, but with Rainbow Dash’s helpful advice, Trixie was early this time.

Being the most magical unicorn in all of Equestria, Trixie had never needed to use her own hooves for anything delicate since she was just a filly. As much as she tried, she was unable to think of something that could help her save face. She let out a sigh and relented, picking up the bread for a second attempt. “Are you sure you are fine with not flying? Trixie would not mind if we push the date up a bit… To right now even.”

Fluttershy shook her head. “Oh no… It’s okay. I can wait till the weekend.” She moved to take another bite, but paused when laying eyes upon Trixie’s attempts to work hay in between the loaves of bread.

Trixie’s plate, and much of the table around it, was almost entirely covered with strands of hay, except for the actual bread. With increasing frustration, the depowered unicorn tried to catch the hay between her hooves and get it on the bread, but what little she actually got on was wiped off by her own hooves on the next pass.

After Trixie accidentally swept her bread clean yet again, Fluttershy softly spoke up. “Uhm… Trixie? Do you need any hel—”

“Help? The Great and Powerful Trixie never requires help!” A loud bang sounded through the room from Trixie’s hoof striking the table, scattering some of the more skittish animals.

Fluttershy leaned back away from the loud noises, her ears drooping. “Oh n-no.” She remained quiet for a moment, a look of contemplation on her face before she brightened again. “Not that kind of help. You know… Help like at a restaurant. ” She smiled at Trixie while she watched for her response.

Trixie’s anger melted under that warm smile, such an unfair weapon for such a weak creature to have. “That… Yes, of course.” She knew perfectly well that was not what Fluttershy had meant, but somehow she did not care. No, that was not true, somehow that actually made it better. "But... Maybe you could show Trixie how later? Just for research."

“T-then allow me, uhm, if you do not mind that is…?” Fluttershy got up and trotted over to Trixie’s side of the table to prepare her meal with practiced ease, her uneasiness clear from her sudden interest in small talk. “So uhm… You and Rainbow Dash were having fun again?”

Trixie watched silently, while Fluttershy clearly upstaged her. In no time at all, the hay was cleared from the table and neatly arranged between the two slices of bread. What had seemed like an impossible task just moments before was quickly dealt with. She was glad for the distraction the question posed. “Oh yes, we get along great. See, we haven’t fought at all since we started breakfast.”

“But, Rainbow Dash is not he— oh.” A blush showed on the timid mare when she realized she had walked right into Trixie’s joke. “… I just think… You have a lot in common.” She put down the prepared haywich on Trixie’s plate, then made her way back to her own seat.

“Trixie supposes you are referring to ambition. Many ponies have ambition. That is not exactly hard to have in common. It’s as meaningful as both of us having a blue coat.” Trixie had to keep her retort short, as hunger compelled her to try the freshly made haywich. Actually, who ever heard of fresh hay? It was like saying fresh dried fruit.

“… Oh. I’m sorry… That is true, but... There are more things. Rainbow Dash is brave, likes attention and loves to show what she can do… Aren’t you like that too?” Fluttershy shrank back a little, as though expecting another outburst.

Trixie declined to respond until she had finished with her meal however. “A foolhardy attention-seeking show-off…? Trixie can see the resemblance. What about you, Fluttershy? Actually, maybe Trixie should guess. Yes, that should be fun.” She leaned forward, staring at Fluttershy, analyzing her for a moment.

Fluttershy shifted uncomfortably while she was being watched so closely, shielding herself with her long mane. “Uhm, you don’t have too. I-I just thought you’d make good friends…”

That interested Trixie. The choice of words brought a slight grin to her face. “Trixie has to wonder how much you told Rainbow Dash, or was she listening from the beginning? It does not matter. There is no use in trying to distract Trixie, manipulating another manipulator is not that easy.”

Fluttershy blinked uncomprehendingly.

“You do not like confrontation, so you use other methods to get ponies to act the way you want. It’s not a bad thing; it is the gentlest way to get your way. Trixie would say it suits you. Like changing a subject, claiming help in the restaurant sense, disarm their anger or appeal to a pony’s sense of guilt. Be so nice to them so that they want to be nice in return for fear of losing someone that wonderful. Really, Trixie Is impressed.”

“… What? B-but I don’t do things like that. I-I…” Fluttershy leaned back away from the table, looking surprised with the turn the conversation had taken, and not enjoying it.

Trixie observed for a moment before she shook her head. “No, you just want to be kind to everypony, Trixie understands that now. Trixie is sorry for implying otherwise… It is just so rare that a pony is just honestly, naturally that… Kind.”

Fluttershy’s looked at Trixie uncertainly, but soon showed a smile again. “Oh, uhm… thank you… It’s nothing really…”

“But it is. Trixie has traveled much, and everypony always wants something when they treat somepony this nicely. Except you, Fluttershy. Trixie… Well, Trixie wants you to know… She just wants to thank you. Trixie is not sure what would have happened to Trixie if it was not for you. Trixie would still be in that awful forest, she is sure. Even if the way Trixie ended up here was not pleasant. It was worth it.”

The blushing pegasus had retreated almost entirely behind her mane and showed no signs of wanting to get out of there any time soon. Trixie really should have guessed this was the way she would react to compliments.

“Oh no, you cannot speak anymore? Well, in that case perhaps Trixie should give a small demonstration of Trixie’s need for attention and showing off. While you calm down, Trixie will beguile you with a most fantastic tale.” She paused for a moment to concentrate for her magic, but her horn sparked and she hissed. She raised up a hoof to stroke her horn. “Ahhh, bad idea. Trixie will make do without… ”

“Once upon a time, in the magical land of Equestria, there were two regal sisters who ruled together.”

Author's Note:

Thank you for reading, I hope you enjoyed.

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