• Published 16th Feb 2014
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Trixie's Forest Retreat - crowscrowcrow

Following the events of Boast Busters, Trixie decides to hide from the town (and Rainbow Dash in particular) by taking cover in the Everfree Forest. Not every problem can be outrun, and sometimes facing them can have unexpected consequences.

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Chapter 51 - Requiescit

In the morning, Trixie made her way out Fluttershy’s room, and down the concrete stairs. During her descent she scanned the room, she found Fluttershy and Rainbow Dash sitting together on the couch already, they each took opposite ends. Trixie trotted up to them. They waved and smiled to her while she took the seat in the middle, smiling at each in turn, but then turned her attention to Fluttershy.

There was just this ever present aura of calm around the timid mare, yet she knew it was fragile, truly something to be caressed and allowed to flourish. Trixie stared into Fluttershy’s magnificent, mesmerizing eyes for a long moment, then let her gaze slide down the gentle features of her face, settling upon the lips that formed her warming smile.

Without hesitation Trixie found herself with her hooves around Fluttershy’s neck, kissing her tenderly. She felt Fluttershy utter a muffled eep in surprise, but then returned the affection. Her lips were as soft as she was precious.

A shocked cry from Rainbow Dash right behind her made Trixie break away from Fluttershy, turning around towards the outraged mare. Even below the fur Trixie could see her lean muscles tense and strain. Her wings flared out wide behind her, making her look even more imposing and strong. Trixie lifted her eyes up to Rainbow Dash’s face, the look of shock was turning quickly into anger. Rainbow Dash no doubt thought her war face was terrifying, but in a way she was cute when she was mad. It was something Trixie first noticed during their arguments, though she would have never admitted to it.

“You know what this means right?!” Rainbow Dash growled.

Trixie could already see Rainbow Dash pull her hoof back behind her, but smiled as she nodded in agreement. She felt no fear even as it collided with her face, hot stars dotted her vision as she was knocked onto her back.

The hurt passed away almost as quickly as it came while Trixie laid there. Above her she could see the sky, laying on her back upon the couch. Trixie smiled at Rainbow Dash and Fluttershy as they looked down on her.

“With that out of the way. The worst part was you left me out of something that awesome,” Rainbow Dash scolded. Then she leaned in with a mischievous grin, kissing Trixie passionately on the lips. They both held the kiss for what Trixie simultaneously felt was an eternity and far too short.

Rainbow Dash set her hooves against Trixie’s shoulders and pushed away, grinning down at her. Fluttershy’s hooves curled around Rainbow Dash from behind, and soon after Fluttershy peeked in over her shoulder, blushing so cutely.

While Trixie watched awestruck, Rainbow Dash turned her head towards Fluttershy, and received a kiss. They both squinted during the kiss, peeking at Trixie from the corner of their eyes. Trixie felt as though her heart would drill its way out of her chest.

Fluttershy broke the kiss with a soft gasp, leaving a glistening tendril connecting them, before she licked her lips with a blush. Rainbow Dash turned towards Trixie, and Fluttershy followed her example.

“So, think you can handle us both do you?” Rainbow Dash smirked while she shifted to the side slightly, allowing Fluttershy besides her, both looming over the excited unicorn.

“Trixie is Great and Powerful enough for two!” Trixie exclaimed, thrilled.

“Trixie.” Rainbow Dash said her name so lovingly, and leaned down to kiss her throat. Trixie blushed deeply. She was often told she loved to hear her own name, but she had no idea how true it was until that moment. Fluttershy followed Rainbow Dash’s lead, kissing Trixie as well, through on the left side. Trixie squirmed below the pair in delight.

Rainbow Dash pushed herself up on Trixie’s shoulders again, jostling her a little in the process. “Trixie” she repeated, and they leaned in to kiss her again, higher this time. With each repetition she lead the trail of kisses up higher, and her voice got a little louder. The constant pushing and pulling on her sore shoulders was a little painful, but nothing the blissful Trixie even paid attention too, closing her eyes.

“Trixie… Trixie… Trixie! TRIXIE!”

Trixie winced slightly as that last one was especially hard, she opened her eyes groggily to find Rainbow Dash had made it all the way up to her face this time. Though she could barely see the beautiful mare in the dark, it was enough for Trixie to lean up and claim the next kiss from those tasty lips.

It felt a bit different this time. Trixie could see Rainbow Dash’s eyes open wide during the kiss. For some reason Rainbow Dash was not kissing back, and Fluttershy was nowhere to be seen. Confused, Trixie broke the kiss. Mm why did she stop? …Why is everything so dark, Trixie thought it was morning?

So many things seemed off now, Trixie could have sworn they were on the couch, but she was in bed instead. Rainbow Dash was not even on top of her anymore but at the bedside. A terrible feeling settled over Trixie, making her even more anxious, before it finally hit her. Trixie’s eyes widened and she franticly looked down at the bed then up at Rainbow Dash who seemed to have recovered from the shock.

Trixie just wanted to kick herself, disappear, or wakeup. She quickly scuttled away from Rainbow Dash, wincing as she discovered her sore muscles protested heavily. “D-don’t be mad.” Trixie stammered while she crawled further backwards, only to see Rainbow Dash make a lunge for her.

“Trixie, no!”

With a scared yelp Trixie pushed herself back faster, and discovered she had run out of mattress to retreat to, toppling backwards off the bed.

Closing her eyes tightly, Trixie braced for the impact with the wooden floor. She knew she had to avoid hitting her head somehow, but all she could do was bend her neck forward, taking the brunt on it. Which was not good either, and would still send most of the shock up to her head. Time seemed to slow down, but it did her no good beyond dragging out her end.

Really? I’m going to die by falling out of bed?
R.I.P. The Great and Powerful Trixie, she fell out of bed one morning.
This is the worst.

Trixie felt something snap shut around her like a vise, that someone had left out in the desert sun, and flipped her mid-fall. The impact against the ground followed just a split second later, but it was nowhere near as rough as Trixie had thought. Instead of crack, she heard thud and a grunt.

“Ugh, that hurt.” Rainbow Dash complained from below Trixie. “What part of ‘no’ did you not understand?”

Trixie’s heart was beating in her throat, fairly certain she had seen her life flash by for the twelfth time that week. Blinking slowly, Trixie found herself sprawled out on top of Rainbow Dash, the mares forelegs clamped tightly around her, just like on the cloud. The main difference was that instead of a soft cloud, they were on the hard floor.

“Uh… if it is any consolation, Trixie has mistaken Fluttershy’s rescue attempt as an attack before too. It’s not just you.” Trixie said sheepishly.

A bemused chuckle sounded below Trixie. Rainbow Dash released her grip on Trixie. “Heh, you know, that actually does make me feel a little better about this. Seriously though, you thought Fluttershy was attacking you at some point? Oh, and can you get off?”


“What do you mean, ‘no’? It wasn’t really a request.”

“Trixie is too sore.” Though it was true, Trixie did not even make a single attempt. Glad for an excuse to stay the way they were for the moment.

Rainbow Dash blinked, but allowed Trixie to rest on her for the moment. “Oh, I get it. I guess you would be. And probably weak from hunger too?”

It had not occurred to Trixie yet, the dull aching pain in her limbs distracted her, but she was starving. She had no idea how that could be possible, considering she had plenty of Fluttershy’s soup before bed, and she was not even that hungry back then.

There was something she was much more concerned about however. “Never mind that. What the hay are you doing back here? You only left a few hours ago. And why were you watching Trixie sleep? Trixie is pretty sure there are laws against that.” Trixie was not entirely sure if that was true, nor if she actually minded having Rainbow Dash show up in her bedroom at night. The last thought was quickly pushed to the back of her mind. “A-answer Trixie!”

“Hey, don’t make it sound like I’m a creepy pony, Trixie. I did not come back a few hours later, I came back the next morning. You’ve been asleep for over a day. Fluttershy said to let you rest, cause you probably needed it.” Rainbow Dash motioned a hoof toward the door. “She’s sleeping by the way, so no more yelling okay?”

Trixie tilted her head puzzled. Rainbow Dash had no reason to lie to her, and it matched up with her hunger. Still it was odd to think she had slept that long, usually she would wake up for short periods at least. “Oh. Maybe Trixie really did push herself too hard. You still did not explain why you were up in Trixie’s face like that.”

“You think? Heck I am pretty sure you would have slept for another day if I didn’t wake you up.” Rainbow Dash sighed. “Anyway, we decided to take shifts, so that one of us would be up when you woke. I have the night shift since it was much easier for me to get some sleep during the day, you could say I am well practiced at it.” She grinned proudly.

“Oh, Trixie is well aware you are lazy.” Trixie grinned back at Rainbow Dash. “So then your job is to keep Trixie company for the night?”

“Huh, well I guess. I’m supposed to make sure you don’t freak out and get you something to eat.” She motioned to the bed. “The freak out prevention thing was part of that by the way. You were having a nightmare, I saw you really squirming in your sleep, burning up and mumbling. You looked pretty distressed so I figured I’d wake you from it, but you sure are a sound sleeper. So how bout we get you something to eat?”

Trixie knew Rainbow Dash had meant well, and that she would have no idea why, but she still stared daggers at her all the same. It was a good thing the room was dark, or Rainbow Dash would have been able to see Trixie’s burning face. Best dream ever, ruined. I’ll get you for this so bad.

“What?” Rainbow Dash stared up at Trixie in complete confusion. “You must have been pretty grateful for it, if you kissed me as soon as you woke up. Though I thought you’d have learned your lesson last time, Trixie.”

“That is not why!” Trixie blurted out before she could stop herself, “Trixie was dreaming and did not realize you were real that time!”

Author's Note:

Thanks for reading, I hope you enjoyed.

Say what you want about Trixie, but she sure does have a lively imagination.

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