• Published 16th Feb 2014
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Trixie's Forest Retreat - crowscrowcrow

Following the events of Boast Busters, Trixie decides to hide from the town (and Rainbow Dash in particular) by taking cover in the Everfree Forest. Not every problem can be outrun, and sometimes facing them can have unexpected consequences.

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Chapter 70 - Rift

Of all the stupid questions Trixie had figured Rainbow Dash could ask, this one set her face ablaze instantly. She could not help but think of Rainbow Dash licking her horn to find out its flavor. It took Trixie a good few seconds before she could speak in anything but a stutter. “T-that’s the dumbest question Trixie has ever heard, how would Trixie know? It’s not like Trixie can reach it.”

Rainbow Dash looked genuinely intrigued by the answer. “Oh yeah, I guess that makes sense. Hey, Fluttershy, what do you think alicorn tastes like?”

However, Fluttershy had not taken much interest in the silly conversation, and instead she had closed her eyes while she held her embrace with Rainbow Dash below Trixie. She yawned softly as her name was called and opened one eye, following Rainbow Dash’s direction to Trixie’s horn “Uhm, blueberry?”

Seeing Fluttershy half asleep, Trixie for the first time that evening took note of the hour. Mhm, what time is it? Trixie can’t tell if it’s been a few hours or a month, but this is too soon for it end. Her only point of reference was that it was pitch black outside, but it had been that way since the storm started.

Rainbow Dash laughed and squeezed Fluttershy a little tighter before letting her go. “Hehe, blueberry huh? Let’s find out.”

Trixie’s eyes widened, suddenly she became astutely aware that Rainbow Dash was staring directly at her, and specifically slightly higher than her eyes, her horn. S-she can’t really be thinking of doing that! She gave a quick glance down at Fluttershy, but the mare just rubbed the sleep out of her eyes and watched Rainbow Dash’s antics without any concern on her face. No way! They both are acting like it’s no big deal!? “Uhhh b-but.”

Rainbow Dash suddenly squirmed away from Fluttershy, creating a rift in between them, and the unsuspecting Trixie fell right in, colliding with the blanket and one warm pony on either side. Fluttershy did not look pleased with Rainbow Dash for breaking her dare, though she still smiled at her, but the eyes did not match.

Looking at the downed Trixie, Rainbow Dash shifted to sit up, relatively towering over her. “Alright, well then, Trixie, I dare you to—”

For a brief moment, Trixie wondered if a pony could be taken advantage of in reverse, and she concluded that was probably what she was risking right now. “Wait! No!” Trixie called out, her face beet-red as she did.

Rainbow Dash tilted her head. “Uh, Trixie, I haven’t even said what I want you to do yet. Besides what are you objecting for? It’s not like I’d change my dare just because you want me to.”

Trixie swallowed. “It’s just that… Trixie did not know the thing about wings, so perhaps you don’t know about horns? ” She looked up at Rainbow Dash uncertainly. As much as Trixie really liked the idea of Rainbow Dash, or Fluttershy for that matter, doing something so intimate, she did not want it to be out of an abuse of their ignorance.

“Know what about horns? You just use them for magic right?”

Well at least Trixie isn’t the only one clueless about other pony races. Smirking, Trixie rolled her eyes. “Yes, just like you only use your wings for flight.” She was so caught up in her snark that she failed to notice a pair of hooves wrapping around her until she saw the creamy yellow.

With Rainbow Dash out of reach, a sleepy Fluttershy had decided cling to Trixie instead. Her eyes were closed again.

Trixie could not really blame her, as the last dares had been overall relaxing and enjoyable ones, if significantly more physical, than the rest of the game. Trixie wrapped one hoof around Fluttershy, and remained resting on her back while she looked up at Rainbow Dash.

Grumbling, Rainbow Dash looked down at the pair now that Trixie had effectively stolen her spot. Though really, it was more like she’d inadvertently forced the trade herself.

Rainbow Dash had taken the time to put two and two together, and it was clear that she had worked out what she had been about to suggest by the blush on her face. “Got it. You could’ve said something, you know, Trixie.”

“Trixie did, you know.” Trixie retorted in a hushed whisper, and gave a glance over at Fluttershy. Trixie could not be sure if Fluttershy was asleep, but she definitely looked adorable like that. Then again, Trixie does not recall a time when she doesn’t. A warm feeling on her right side drew her attention.

Rainbow Dash had laid back down, and looked contemplative. “I guess Fluttershy is out, that just leaves us.” She whispered. Trixie noticed Rainbow Dash gave another look at her horn. “So it’s… uh… you know? Cause I’m pretty sure I’ve seen Twilight use it to fence or something.”

Trixie gave a soft grin. “Trixie doubts that, but yes it is. Why, do you still want to give it a try, Rainbow Dash?” She did her best to use an alluring tone, but she was sure it was not going to entice even the daredevilish mare to skip ahead so many steps.

“Heh, no thanks. Although, I guess it would be pretty good payback for your little stunt earlier.” She gave a nod towards fireplace, though it was so close by, they were practically on the same spot they’d dried Rainbow Dash off to begin with.

Blushing at the reminder, Trixie turned her gaze towards the fireplace. “Y-you could’ve said something, you know, Rainbow Dash.”

“I did, you know.” Rainbow Dash showed a wide grin.

“Trixie meant before she made you putty in her hooves. Although, Trixie cannot blame you for wanting to get a sneak preview.” She used her free hoof to sweep a rebellious lock of her mane out of her face, letting it fall to the blanket.

Rainbow Dash averted her gaze and busily cleared up an apparently nasty cough. “You know, Trixie, at the time, I, uh, thought you were doing it on purpose. Figures that it was just dumb blind luck that you were hitting the good spots.”

“Hah, Trixie just happens to be amazing at anything she does. Trixie thought even you would have caught on to that by now, Rainbow Dash. Afterwards, Trixie actually tried to get Fluttershy to teach Trixie what not to do.”

Raising a brow, Rainbow Dash looked fixedly at Trixie. “You did what?”

Staring right back at Rainbow Dash, Trixie did not answer immediately, but instead spent a moment to gauge her own reaction now that she’d admitted to asking Fluttershy for something intimate, and was at the receiving end of a stare. She was definitely still nervous about it, she could feel her heart beat quicken, but she did not feel that sharp sting of fear seize her lungs. “Trixie asked Fluttershy to teach her how to preen a wing. She refused though, and explained a little more about pegasi culture.”

“Oh, I see. I guess you wouldn’t know about that stuff huh? Hey, do unicorns have any culture stuff like that?”

“Do unicorns have culture? Really?” Trixie put on a mock offended face.

Rainbow Dash jabbed Trixie in the ribs. “You know what I meant!”

Trixie squirmed away and giggled, but knocked into Fluttershy in the process who gave a startled yelp and grumbled drowsily before she settled back down.

“Oh, sorry, Fluttershy, Trixie did not mean to wake you.” She shot Rainbow Dash a sideways glare.

“Its… Okay…” She mumbled so softly that Trixie had to actually guess what she’d said. At least it seemed to only be temporary as Fluttershy had relaxed again.

After looking at the drowsing pegasus for a moment, Trixie returned her attention to the awake one. “Well for one thing, Trixie would advise against going around licking horns to discover their flavor… in public.” She winked playfully. “Other than that, pegasi are the only ponies that have cities all to themselves, so race based culture is not a thing elsewhere, instead it is location based. Though Trixie supposes Canterlot comes fairly close to being a unicorn city if you go by population.”

“Really? Huh, I guess I will get to see some of that unicorn culture then when I go to the gala. Nah, I’ll be too busy with the Wonderbolts to pay any attention to that boring stuff.”

Trixie shook her head. “Oh, don’t bother. If the stories are true then Canterlot ‘culture’ is something Trixie would not associate wi—waaah?” It had taken a moment to fully register, but now Trixie’s jaw was practically on the floor. “You? In Canterlot? At the Grand Galloping Gala? With the Wonderbolts? You?”

“Uh, yeah? Twilight got us invitations. It’s weird actually, she only got two at first.”

“Twilight? Ah! Right! The whole personal student of Princess Celestia thing. Yes, that explains everything. Huh, except for one thing, you did not all get invitations originally? You would think the brand new bearers of The Elements of Harmony would be the kind of ponies to invite right away...”

Trixie paused for a moment to consider it, then shook her head. “No, actually it makes sense. The invitation list is probably drafted well in advance, before the elements were found, the gala is at the end of the year, so you probably would have gotten the invitations once the list was updated.” After solving the mystery, she smiled proudly at Rainbow Dash, trying to impress her with her knowledge.

Tilting her head , Rainbow Dash watched Trixie. “Uhm, okay? I don’t really care, Trixie.” She shrugged while being as blunt as a hammer. “It’s not an elements thing. I bet if we asked we could get you a ticket too, I’ll just ask Twilight have Spike to send a letter to Princess Celestia and th—”

“No!” Trixie shouted loud enough that she felt a tremor to her left and winced, lowering down to a whisper. “Sorry, Fluttershy.” Each time she woke the mare up made her feel more guilty about it. Now that she thought on it, she probably woke her up a few times already without realizing. She looked at Rainbow Dash. “Uhm, no, but thank you. Trixie does not want Celestia to know about Trixie, promise Trixie you won’t let Twilight send any letters…” Her eyes widened. “Wait, she hasn’t already has she? After Trixie’s show?”

“Trixie? Are you okay? You don’t look so good. Far as I know Twilight does not really make reports on events, just on the lessons she’s learned so I doubt she told Princess Celestia about what happened. Still, she probably knows. I mean it’s not every day some big town threatening disaster strikes Ponyville. Huh, actually, I guess you are the second. Hah, I hope that won’t become a trend.” Rainbow Dash laughed, shaking her head.

Trixie remained quiet for a time while she collected herself. She couldn’t tell Rainbow Dash the truth. “Uhm, it’s just… Trixie does not want Princess Celestia to have a bad first impression of Trixie.” Her mind scrambled for a suitable change of subject. “Ah! It’s your turn, Rainbow Dash. You were stalling for time again?”

Rainbow Dash blinked. “What? Oh, right. Okay, let’s see… I dare you to lick your nose, the tip of it.”

Trixie rolled her eyes. “That’s not even hard, what a waste.” She stuck out her tongue, first to taunt Rainbow Dash with an impish grin on her lips, then curled it up towards her nose. Try as she might though, somehow she was coming up just short, instead only managing to reach just halfway up her muzzle.

Grinning, Rainbow Dash watched Trixie embarrass herself. “Not even hard huh?”

“Wait, Trixie is sure she can do it.” Trixie frowned, and tried again, straining and trying to use the tip of her tongue to walk up. Even with all her effort, she only barely reached her columella, the very lowest part of her nose.

“Sure you can, you’re The Great and Powerful Trixie, right? So hey, that means if you don’t do it, it’s because you won’t, and not because you can’t, so I’d win the game.” Rainbow Dash chuckled and propped her head up on one hoof while she observed the struggle.

By now, Trixie was well aware that Rainbow Dash was trying to cheat her way to victory. She’d underestimated the winged prankster’s cunning. “Almost... there… just…” She blatantly lied. She had not made the least bit of progress, and she knew it. Trixie spared a sideways glance at Rainbow Dash, looking all smug and assured of victory. A draconequus idea popped into her head.

If she’s cheating, Trixie will just have to cheat harder. She smirked and suddenly turned her head towards Rainbow Dash. As they were laying against each other, Trixie was immediately within range, and gave Rainbow Dash a swift lick on the nose. “There! Just as you said. Trixie licked ‘your nose’. Better luck next time, Rainbow Dash.”

Rainbow Dash was taken aback and nearly tumbled backwards after the lick, she brought up her free hoof foreleg to rub her fur along her nose. She shook her head though. “Heh, nice try, Trixie, but I’m calling you out. This isn’t your nose.”

“Mhm, Trixie supposes you are right.” Trixie agreed, but then turned her attention to her left, using her hoof to gently poke at the sleeping pegasus. Speaking just barely above a whisper. “Pst, hey, Fluttershy?”

Fluttershy stirred, opening half an eye. “Mhn, yes?”

Trixe swallowed, she had woken her up again, and this time it was even on purpose. “Can Trixie have your nose for a minute?”

Yawning, Fluttershy responded barely half awake. “Sure, Trixie, Ah, just bring it back when you’re done.” She closed her eyes again.

“Thank you.” Trixie smiled at her, then leaned in to give Fluttershy a gentle lick, then quickly pulled back. She could feel her cheeks flush while she looked back at Rainbow Dash. ”There.”

Rainbow Dash looked open mouthed for a moment before she found her voice again. “Hey! That’s cheating!” She paused at the accusation, then showed a grin while she laughed. “Hah, okay fine. I guess that was clever, we’re even.”

Giggling, Trixie nodded in agreement. Though she would not entirely agree they were completely even. After all, she just got away with giving both Rainbow Dash and Fluttershy a lick. As minor as that might have seemed, to Trixie it broke some big barriers that she’d been skirting around, and the experiment definitely paid off. Rainbow Dash was not upset, though she was surprised, and Fluttershy, well she was fast asleep again, so Trixie could not make much of a judgment there.

Author's Note:

Thanks for reading, I hope you enjoyed.

So, what a horntease huh? Trixie hornblocked herself. :trixieshiftleft:

In related news, my vacation has started. So I expect to be able to bring some more updates. :yay:
Honestly, I did not expect this evening to go on for a month, but I regret nothing.
It's not over just yet though. Stay tuned.

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