• Published 16th Feb 2014
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Trixie's Forest Retreat - crowscrowcrow

Following the events of Boast Busters, Trixie decides to hide from the town (and Rainbow Dash in particular) by taking cover in the Everfree Forest. Not every problem can be outrun, and sometimes facing them can have unexpected consequences.

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Chapter 26 - Recoil

Trixie rested quietly upon Rainbow Dash, waiting for the pair of pegasi to wake up. The brief nap had done wonders, just as Rainbow Dash had claimed it would. Her headache had cleared up and she felt more alert. Unfortunately, with both her headache and the adrenaline gone, it brought had back all her other senses to the forefront. Apparently there were many fun and interesting ways bushes, stones and bark could cut up a pony’s flanks and legs.

Trixie lifted her head to peer over the edge of the cloud, smiling when she caught sight of Fluttershy peacefully sleeping on a cloud a little lower. Luckily she was largely unharmed, the saddlebags seemed to have protected her during the chase. She owed her again. As she thought about it, she supposed she owed both of them now, or maybe she could consider Rainbow Dash even.

She understood that Fluttershy needed time to recover her strength, and honestly so did she. She had been unwilling to take the nap, but at the time she had been promised that as soon as she woke up she would get to talk with Rainbow Dash till they were ready to leave. It had not been exactly a mutual agreement, Trixie did not want to sleep and Rainbow Dash simply declared she would not talk to Trixie until after she woke up then said nothing more.

Supposedly Rainbow Dash could never sleep above the Everfree Forest, something or other about being ever vigilant when in the forest. Trixie felt rather silly for having believed her at the time, while she stared at the snoozing pegasus. She was sure the death grip around her body had actually gotten tighter since Rainbow Dash dozed off.

It was not exactly all bad though. In hindsight, Trixie was rather glad that her request to be put down on a tree branch had been denied, on the official grounds that Rainbow Dash did not trust her to keep her balance in her state. As embarrassing as it had been to rest up on the mare, she was actually pretty comfortable.

Rainbow Dash had turned out to be much more firm than she had expected, toned muscles hidden beneath her fur, and surprisingly warm, or maybe all ponies were that way and Trixie just never got this close to them? The only other pony she had gotten close to lately was Fluttershy. Who had been much softer to the touch. She was warm too, but not this warm.

She leaned further to her left to get a better look, then felt herself starting to slide and gasped. She pulled her hooves tighter around Rainbow Dash to stop herself. She felt Rainbow Dash grab her more strongly in return. Trixie breathed a sigh of relief, scooting back slowly so she was balanced again.

It was strange to think that just yesterday she would have sworn Rainbow Dash’s purpose in life was to torment her, and now she was glad to be held by her. As opposed to falling to my death. She watched the heaving and falling of Rainbow Dash’s chest, the rhythmic breathing relaxed her slowly after her near fall.

She hoped they would wake up soon, but why exactly she wanted that she had a tough time explaining. Sure she was a bit bored. But then would it not make just as much sense to wish for something interesting to happen?

What’s so different about these two? Is it because they were nice to me? No, plenty of ponies are nice to me, Snips and Snails were, right? Fluttershy, she was so timid it was annoying. But she was so kind, I just did not want to see her get hurt. She won’t get hurt if she sleeps, so that’s not a reason for wanting her awake.

She got sick of propping herself up, letting her head rest on Rainbow Dash’s chest while she pondered. A somewhat familiar thumping sound in her head, but this time it was not her own.

What about Rainbow Dash? She was a jerk to me. But I guess she did not really mean to be, after a while anyway. But why would that matter to me?

She took a deep breath, taking in a faint scent of rain and leafs. In a word she could describe it as a cool scent, it was pleasant. She nuzzled into the soft, scented fur, allowing herself to unwind.

It’s not really that complicated is it? I like them, quit trying to be so profound. She blinked when the last thought went through her head, she supposed it was true, and there was no point in overthinking it too much. She liked the odd couple.

With that realization she let her gaze travel up. Finding a set of magenta eyes staring back at her, Rainbow Dash was awake.

“F-finally! You kept Trixie waiting. Can’t you be trusted with anything?”

“Hey! I swear I never fall asleep here. It must be your fault somehow, know any sleep spells maybe huh?”

“The Great and Powerful Trixie could put a dragon to sleep. But that does not mean she did so. Why would she?”

“I don’t know, you sure did not seem to mind too much. Which reminds me!” Rainbow Dash suddenly brought her muzzle up close to Trixie, staring into her eyes.

Trixie blushed at the observation and opened her mouth to rebuke, but she found herself quickly so close to the mare that she could feel her breath. Trixie just stared back dumbfounded, she had no idea how to react to this or what to expect.

Nothing else appeared to happen however, she just saw Rainbow Dash smiling at her looking incredibly pleased with something. She held her breath trying to figure out how this even related to their argument if it was what prompted Rainbow Dash to do this. After a moment of silence in which neither of them moved, she finally spoke up. “Is this it?”

“Is this what?” Rainbow Dash’s smile turned to a mischievous grin, realizing Trixie’s confusion and seeming to enjoy prolonging it.

“What are you doing? Or why did you stop doing it? Whichever.” Trixie huffed, she was sure now that Rainbow Dash was playing some kind of game with her again.

Rainbow Dash unwrapped her right hoof from around Trixie, it left her feeling chilly there. The hoof rain through the rainbow mane. “You have not figured it out? I thought you were supposed to be so clever, what was it you said? Read my one track mind like a book? Well don’t worry I’ll give you another hint.” She raised her hoof up to Trixie’s face running it along her glowing cheek and up to her horn giving a tap against it.

Trixie’s mind raced, what on Equestria was that trickster up to now? She felt as if Rainbow should have drawn her hoof back with a third degree burn after touching her cheek.

W-what? O-okay relax Trixie you’ve got this. What is she doing? She brought her lips right up to yours, and smiled. T-that could mean anything right? Next she strokes your face and horn as a ‘hint’. You woke up lying on top of her and she woke up watching you, nuzzle her chest. Celestia damnit. It can’t be what I think it is?

She let her eyes rotate between Rainbow Dash’s hoof, lips, and eyes. Her breathing quickened and she could swear the pounding in her head was back, just much quicker than before. It seemed Rainbow Dash had complete boundless confidence as she did not seem at all deterred by how long it was taking Trixie to take her hints or respond to them. If anything she seemed to enjoying watching her squirm.

Okay, okay breathe Trixie. Breathe! It’s only Rainbow Dash, she could mean all sorts of things right?

She has clearly recognized Trixie’s superior nature. She is clearly coming on to Trixie!

What? No breathe! Isn’t that a little fast? I suppose she did say she was the fastest in Equestria but who knew she meant it like that!

She did her best to stay calm and not give away too much of her thought process while she stared into the magenta orbs. Taking steady breaths while Rainbow Dash just looked curiously at her, so close by.

It’s only natural, Trixie IS the most powerful unicorn. She would be wise to make her move quickly before another does. Would it not be fun? Trixie would not be lonely, not that Trixie ever is, but she would be twice as not lonely! She is not as amazing as Trixie of course, but she is much like Trixie. Ambitious, quick witted, enthusiastic, talented, skilled, working hard for her show, excellent taste in fashion.

I am not that lonely! How does she even know I like mares?. B-but I do like those things about her. And she is fun to be around, if a little infuriating. How can she just smile at me with complete confidence that I’ll accept? Maybe. Maybe she is not serious?

She observed Rainbow Dash, giving a small hint of a scowl as she considered the possibility. If Rainbow Dash noticed she was not letting on. She just kept that mischievous smile waiting for Trixie’s final reaction.

Come now! If she was not serious Trixie would have spotted it right away! There is no way she can fool Trixie, she even said so herself. Trixie see’s right through her, she likes Trixie. Trixie already said she likes them.

I said I liked them, not that I like liked them. But, I guess it does sound… nice? But, I never thought about it. She can act mean, and she’s short tempered right? But, well. I-I guess on rare occasion, sometimes I get a little carried away too. With good reason but still, I guess I could handle that?

There is nothing The Great and Powerful Trixie cannot handle! That includes pretty prismatic pegasi that smell like fresh rain, and let Trixie use her as a bed. How much more obvious does she need to be? She clearly wants Trixie.

Well, she has turned out to be much more nice and fun than I gave her credit for. And I guess those are good points. Yes that makes perfect sense, why else would she be so nice lately? But why would she act like that suddenly.

Trixie is the most desirable unicorn. Besides she had not seen Trixie’s fireworks show before, and Trixie gave a grand show for the timberwolf, she saw that. The magical prowess of even a wounded Trixie is enough to steal any mare’s hearth.

But… Fluttershy saw it too, so it would have affected her too would it not? So would she not be disappointed if I did not choose her? I’d have to make a good decision.

Why choose? Trixie is great enough for everyone.

Trixie’s face went from blue to purple as her blush shimmered through her fur, it was painfully clear Rainbow Dash noticed this as she rose up a brow in response. Maybe it was taking too long, she had to hurry up.

That’s right! Well it’s something I will deal with later. I have to tell Rainbow Dash I accept!

That does not sound like something Trixie would say. In fact, forget saying anything!


With her mind made up she finally smiled back at Rainbow Dash. She took a breath as if preparing to say something, but instead pushed forward the last half of a hoof, planting her lips on Rainbow Dash’s.

Author's Note:

Thanks for reading, I hope you enjoyed.

Are these chapters getting longer? I think they are.
I guess that's also why they take longer to write.

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