• Published 16th Feb 2014
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Trixie's Forest Retreat - crowscrowcrow

Following the events of Boast Busters, Trixie decides to hide from the town (and Rainbow Dash in particular) by taking cover in the Everfree Forest. Not every problem can be outrun, and sometimes facing them can have unexpected consequences.

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Chapter 75 - Replacement

Things had not gone quite as Trixie had planned. She wanted to make the pancakes because it took her so long to make them, which meant Rainbow Dash couldn’t leave her just yet. It was only when she was actually in the process of collecting the ingredients that she found a flaw in her plan, she was alone in the kitchen anyway.

As far as Trixie could tell, Rainbow Dash had stayed in bed like she’d told her to, but that meant she was missing out on her all the same. Even if the idea that Dash was in the next room was a little better than knowing she was up in the clouds somewhere, Trixie hadn’t realized it had practically the same result.

“Trixie?” Rainbow Dash called out from the living room. “Is this going to take as long as last night?”

“Uhm, maybe?” Trixie looked toward the kitchen door, then back at her small gathering of egg yolks , milk and flower in the bowl before her. She was nowhere near ready yet. Gah, is she on to Trixie already? Curse that impatient striking dolt! Trixie paused a moment to consider her choice of words with a smirk, but quickly was brought back to reality when Rainbow Dash spoke up again.

“Yeah, I thought so. I really don’t have the time for that, Trixie.”

The door opened, and Rainbow Dash trotted inside. She still had a head full of bed hair. Trixie was not sure how Rainbow managed to get her mane even wilder than usual, in her sleep. It also made Trixie consider how her own mane might look right now. Unfortunately there were no mirrors in the kitchen she could sneak a peek at. More importantly, she had to think of something now that Rainbow Dash was showing a remarkable sense of responsibility. Maybe she got sick of all the cracks at her job? Gah, focus, Trixie! “Uh, well, what are you going to do then?”

Rainbow Dash shrugged. “I guess I could swing by Sugar Cube Corner on my way to work, and pick up something.”

Laying her ears flat, Trixie nodded. “That’s fine… maybe Trixie will have pancakes ready for lunch, will you be back by then?” Maybe it was better this way, since she was not even sure she could make lightning strike twice and produce another batch of actually edible pancakes.

“I doubt it. Well, I mean, yeah, if all we had to do was clear the clouds away, but a lot of them have to be relocated to other areas. It’s a pain.” As she spoke, Rainbow Dash walked up to Trixie and glanced into the bowl. “Whoa, you’ve been here a while and you’re only this far?”

Trixie grumbled. “Oh be quiet. Genius cannot be rushed. Besides, if Trixie had her magic she could have been done by now.” Frustration seeped into her voice while she stomped a hoof down on the floor, and mumbled. “If Trixie wanted to hurry anyway…”

Grinning, Rainbow Dash turned to face Trixie. “Hah, I knew it! You were stalling!”

Startled with the deduction, Trixie quickly shook her head. “Nonsense! Trixie was doing no such thing! What would be the point?”

“Mhm, good question.” Rainbow Dash looked contemplative for a moment while she glanced around the kitchen. Her eyes lingered on the green teapot, then the gathered ingredients, before she settled on Trixie again. “I bet you figured if you kept me weak and hungry long enough, then I would blow off work? Something like that, huh?” She chuckled.

It gave Trixie pause. That wasn’t a terrible plan all things considered, better than her own at least. Except of course that Rainbow Dash was onto it already, so it wasn’t going to work either way. Dash had boasted before that she was better at scheming than Trixie, and it was starting to worry her that this was lending credence to that idea. Has Trixie been underestimating her? She is so much harder to trick now.

“So, what’s next?” Rainbow Dash said.

Trixie blinked slowly as she was brought out of her thoughts and looked at Rainbow Dash standing there, as if she expected something. “What?”

Rainbow Dash pointed to the bowl. “What do you need next?”

Trixie raised a brow, and huffed. “You doubt Trixie? She knows how to make pancakes just fine. What do you care? Go bust some clouds already.”

Rolling her eyes, Dash held a steady hoof out towards Trixie’s face. “You think I don’t know? Come on. Yeah, you know how to do it, but you can’t do it, right? You said it yourself, if you had magic you’d be done already.”

Surprised, a brief flash of anger flared up in Trixie. Her magic handicap was not something they talked about, and to be reminded of it, more than she already was, hurt. “Trixie can do it! She did it just fine yesterday, and you liked it!”

“It took you like two hours! Not to mention made a huge mess!”

“What, so you want to do it instead of Trixie!?”

“No, I wanted to help!”

“The Great and Powerful Trixie doesn’t need help! She can do this just fine without you arou—” Trixie froze midsentence as the actual meaning suddenly hit her. “Wait! Wait, wait, wait. YOU want to cook, with Trixie?”

The sudden switch seemed to catch Rainbow Dash by surprise as she watched Trixie do a complete flip. “Uh, yeah?”

Trixie eyed Dash suspiciously for a moment. “Trixie thought you said you don’t cook?” That actually sounded like a wonderful idea to her. She would get to spend time with Dash and show she was good for something at the same time. In hindsight, it was lucky that she fumbled the recipe so much last night, because she had to remake it often enough that she came to know the steps by heart.

“But I never said anything about helping somepony cook.” Rainbow Dash made a dismissive gesture with her hoof, looking a bit embarrassed. “I do stuff like that sometimes, like I help Fluttershy document the butterfly migrations.”

Trixie allowed herself a moment to conjure up an image that fit that revelation. Fluttershy she could easily picture doing something like that, but Dash? That was a strange idea, though if she really had helped Fluttershy with such a task before, than perhaps she was serious this time too. Trixie quickly shot her a smile. “So what did you plan to help Trixie with? You don’t know how to cook right?”

“True, but neither does your magic, does it? You just tell it what to do. It’s like that.” Rainbow Dash gestured to the bowl. “So, what do you need next?”

“Uh, one spoon of sugar?” Trixie pointed to the sugar jar, and watched as Rainbow Dash quickly took a scoop and threw it in the batter. Though Dash did so with ease, Trixie knew her own attempts had littered the countertop with sugar before she’d managed it. She pushed the butter towards Dash. “Three spoons of butter, and pinch of salt.”

“Alright, while I do that, how about you get a pan ready?”

“Sure.” Trixie set out to retrieve one of the pans from the cupboards. She was starting to catch on to the idea. Dash would do the things for Trixie that needed a bit more finesse than she was capable of without her magic to aid her. Meanwhile, Trixie could handle the more coarse tasks and keep track of what needed doing. It was almost like having actual magic again, though much more pleasant company.

While they worked on making the batter, Rainbow Dash was able to fill Trixie in on where Fluttershy actually was.

“Well, after we decided we should just let you rest, she said she was feeling cold. So she decided to go sleep in her own bed for the night. Which is fair I guess since she’s not been able to in a while, heh.” Rainbow Dash gave Trixie a glance, then returned to heating up some butter in the pan. “Besides that, she’s probably still asleep, she’s not really used to being up that late.”

Trixie stirred the batter with a large wooden spoon while she listened. “Oh, Trixie hopes she’s not gotten sick. She will go check on her when we’re done. Oh! Trixie will bring her breakfast in bed!”

“Heh, good idea. She’ll like that.”

In practically no time at all, the smell of freshly made pancakes wafted through the house.

It had gone fantastic, though Trixie had a little trouble getting Rainbow Dash to stop ‘taste testing’ every time they managed to make one. Fortunately that problem sorted itself out once Dash had filled up a little, and she wasn’t starving anymore.

As much fun as it had been, they still had a schedule to keep. Once they had the three stacks of pancakes ready, it took barely ten seconds for Rainbow Dash to wolf it all down, then she announced she was heading out immediately.

“Wait!” Trixie abandoned her only half finished plate to chase after Dash quickly.

Fortunately, Rainbow Dash heeded her request and paused at the door , turning to face Trixie. “Yeah, sorry to dine and dash, hehe, but I really gotta get going.”

“Not so fast! Trixie didn’t get to thank you properly yet.” She paused in front of Rainbow Dash, feeling more nervous than she did for her first stage show.

“Thank me for what? We both made it, we both ate it. Seems fair to me.” Rainbow Dash shrugged.

Trixie swallowed. She was so close to Dash now, but it felt like it would be weird to just grab her. She kicked her hoof across the floor while she tried to gather up the courage. “It’s just… uhm.” She hesitated. come on, Trixie! You’re already dating, of course you get to ask that! “Trixie was just thinking, maybe it would be fun to go on a date?”

“Huh?” Rainbow Dash looked confused, though Trixie was almost sure she also could read intrigue in those gorgeous eyes. “Go on.”

“W-well, it’s uhm, well you know. A date date. Like go eat something, see a play, something like that?” Trixie could feel her cheeks burning up. She had never actually asked anypony on a date before, and her only consoling thought was that she knew Rainbow Dash was as new at the whole thing as she was, as evident by the sudden shift from cyan to pink in her face.

“O-Oh, uhm, that sounds, uh, yeah. Hey, leave it to me okay? You already took care of this ‘date’ after all. We ate something right?” She gave a chuckle and motioned with her towards the table. “It will give me something to think about while I’m pushing clouds.”

Trixie briefly looked back at the table, then turned back, smiling brightly. She nodded enthusiastically. This was just perfect. Everything was going so well she was worried she might still be asleep after all, but she sure knew one way to find out. “Excellent! Oh and one more thing…” Trixie gave Rainbow Dash a seductive look while she leaned in, and kissed her. “Thanks… for being Trixie’s magic.”

Author's Note:

Thanks for reading, I hope you enjoyed.

So, Rainbow Dash may be a hipster who does things 'ironicly'.:rainbowwild:

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