• Published 16th Feb 2014
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Trixie's Forest Retreat - crowscrowcrow

Following the events of Boast Busters, Trixie decides to hide from the town (and Rainbow Dash in particular) by taking cover in the Everfree Forest. Not every problem can be outrun, and sometimes facing them can have unexpected consequences.

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Chapter 55 - Regale

Once again, Trixie found herself far higher above the ground than any unicorn had any right or sense to be. Plummeting through the air straight down at what to her were dazzling speeds, she should have been terrified. In truth, she absolutely was, but she had promised to place her trust in the crazy daredevil that she held onto with all her might.

“Okay here we go! Get ready!” Rainbow Dash called out, then spread her wings fully, pulling up out of the dive and spinning into a loop, then another. She held on tightly to Trixie, who screamed out as they were half way through the first loop in terror, but by the time they were half way through the second loop the screams had turned to fearful excitement. Rainbow Dash stabilized into a straight path with the cheering Trixie below her.

“That was great! Trixie has never been so sick, or dizzy, or thrilled!” She laughed manically and tried her best to keep the world from spinning around her, and keep her breakfast down. Unlike Rainbow Dash, Trixie was completely untrained to handle the effects of the stunts, but that hardly mattered if she was not the one doing them. If anything, it just made it more fun. Though Trixie supposed that this could not technically be called resting, it was not like she was the one moving and she was at no risk of hitting her head on anything except Rainbow Dash, and she was already pressed up against her.

“Nah, that was nothing, these are just simple tricks, since I’m carrying you. But hey, I guess there isn’t a stunt in the world that I cannot make awesome just by doing it!” Rainbow Dash grinned, Trixie could literally feel that warm chest puffing up in pride.

Trixie’s heart rate was still skyrocketing. She could feel it pulse in her head, but it wasn’t bad enough for her to want to ruin their moment. However, sounds of voices and slamming doors below them drew Trixie’s attention. She could see lights coming on in some of the houses in the streets below and ponies wander into the street. “What’s wrong with ponies in this town, who gets up in the middle of the night? Do they always do that?”

“Nah, only on special occasions.” Rainbow Dash started a slow spiraling descend.

“Oh, what is the occasion?” Trixie had not heard of any particular events that were planned for Ponyville this week, then again she also did not exactly get out much lately. She leaned away from Rainbow Dash just a bit, trying to get a better look at what was going on. Strangely, she found the some ponies were looking up rather than doing anything useful.

“It’s the night of the screeching mare. She flies over Ponyville and her cries wakeup the townsfolk. It’s a new legend.”

Trixie’s blushed scarlet and her eyes widened as realization began to set in, she glared at Rainbow Dash. “H-how new exactly?”

“About two minutes.” Rainbow Dash grinned at Trixie and motioned down at the gathering ponies. “Want to go say hi?”

Tightening her grip around Rainbow Dash, Trixie quickly shook her head. “No! Oh look at the time. Trixie sure is tired. Let’s go home, right now.” The last thing she wanted was to have yet another crime to account for, she was pretty sure that disturbing the peace had to qualify. She tried to hide her face in the prismatic mane.

Trixie could feel the wind rush through her fur with decreasing speed while they flew back home. She could hear Rainbow Dash was gradually breathing heavier. A quick glance down confirmed they were out of Ponyville already. “Rainbow Dash, Trixie has decided she wants to stretch her legs. Put her down.”

Almost as soon as Trixie had said it, they swooped down to the ground, landing in the grass next to the path. “ah, yeah, ah, good idea.” Rainbow Dash panted and looked down at Trixie puzzled. “Well start walking then.”

Right below Rainbow Dash, Trixie rested with her back upon the grass. Her forelegs still hooked around the exhausted pegasus. Laying her head back against the ground while she looked up at Rainbow Dash; she looked wonderful, silhouetted against the stars. “Trixie can’t.”

Rainbow Dash sighed. “Why not? You did ask me to put you down right?”

“Trixie did, but you didn’t let go.” She smiled up at Rainbow Dash, who still had her forehooves around Trixie as well. “Not that Trixie is complaining. Staying here for a while is fine too, we have time.”

To Trixie’s disappointment however, Rainbow Dash quickly pulled away. Within seconds she felt the cold night air chill her fur again, she had not quite realized how cold it was at this hour when Rainbow Dash had been heating her up the whole time, but she certainly did now.

Rainbow Dash dusted off her hooves awkwardly. “Y-yeah, just testing. You know, those tests Fluttershy tried before, my job now. Right?”

Getting back onto her hooves, Trixie just grinned. “Oh, yes. Let Trixie know if there are anymore ‘tests’ to do later.” With that, she walked towards the road, swishing her tail at Rainbow Dash in passing.

All in all Trixie was incredibly pleased with how her night had gone, but as she walked she quickly rediscovered just how sore she was. Wincing, she looked back over her shoulder, but found Rainbow Dash was not in all that much better of a shape than she was in. Flying with a passenger must be hard. “Are you okay?”

Snapping out of her thoughts, Rainbow Dash grinned. “Of course I’m okay, I’m awesome.” she retorted, then regained some of the swagger in her step as she seemed to remind herself of that fact as well. “So there was this thing I’ve been wondering a while, you actually had a friend before right? Called Flitter? Fluttershy told me about her. They sound pretty similar?”

“They are Trixie supposes… A lot more than Trixie initially realized actually. Now that Fluttershy has shown she can be assertive as well. Speaking of which, why were you not angry when Fluttershy scolded you?” Trixie slowed her pace for a few seconds, bringing her next to Rainbow Dash.

“Why would I be? It was awesome. Sure it hurts a little bit, but she meant well. Sometimes I get a little carried away, and I’m glad I have friends I can count on to tell me that. Like you. I mean what else is she going to do? Concoct some insane masquerade scheme to make me see the error of my ways instead of just telling me?” Rainbow Dash laughed and shook her head.

Trixie laughed with Rainbow Dash. “Well maybe not! It’s just Trixie thought friends were supposed to get along perfectly.”

“No it’s not like that. Having a little fight does not mean you can’t be friends anymore. Like, take me and Applejack? We’re cool no matter how much we fight, and we kind of do that a lot. And really, how boring would that be?” Rainbow Dash’s wings flared out as she spoke, giving a few practice strokes.

“Trixie had not thought of it that way before. It’s not bad if you can resolve it like you and Applejack, just ‘bam’ and your friends again.” Trixie idly kicked a loose stone of the path, watching it bounce through the grass.

“Yeah. Though me and Fluttershy haven’t really had a fight since flight school, and even that would be pushing it. She is just so insecure, she wanted to drop out and just live on the ground. I guess you could say we compromised on that, heh.” Rainbow Dash looked up at the moon, then gave an aggravated sigh at the slow passage of time. “Sooo… Magic school huh? What’s that like?”

Trixie gave Rainbow Dash an incredulous look. “You are asking about school? That’s it, Trixie knew this night was going too well, but you’ve really messed up this time, changeling!”

“Oh haha real funny, Trixie.” Rainbow Dash rolled her eyes. “If you don’t want to talk about it just say so. You probably got kicked out didn’t you, I mean you run a magic show.”

Trixie glared at Rainbow Dash. “You fool! Fine, Trixie will tell you just how wrong you are. For starters, would you run a flying show if you dropped out of flight school? No? Trixie did not think so.” She caught Rainbow Dash snickering, but choose to ignore it.

Though it was clear to Trixie now that Rainbow Dash had succeeded in riling her up, she knew just how to get back at the mare, adopting a lecturing voice. “Magic school serves two purposes. The first, is for young unicorns to learn basic magic that they will use the rest of their lives. The second, it is a place where particularly talented unicorns are scouted, and given recommendation for higher level magic education. Though technically the school is not required, and homeschooling young unicorns until they are ready to take an exam to get into a university is also acceptable. However, this has been speculated to have a negative impact upon their social skills and may cause them to end up as bookwo—“

“Stop! Please stop! I’m sorry okay!” Rainbow Dash cried out comedically, walking on two legs with the help of her wings, so that she could press her hooves against her ears. “Any more and I’ll die of boredom! And that is like the least cool way to die, second only to dying in your sleep! Huh, actually that might be the same thing.”

Trixie grinned. “Fine, Trixie will have mercy. But, for your information, Trixie was so talented that she got special private lessons, and graduated before anypony else in her class. She was well respected, eventually.” She added the last bit with a little involuntary grumble in her voice.

Rainbow Dash waved her hooves apologetically. “Alright, alright I believe you. It’s just that it seemed weird to me that you would be doing a traveling show. I always hear Twilight talk about how talented unicorns go on to do, well more magic stuff. Didn’t you?”

“Oh, Trixie understands your objection. Yes Trixie did not simply graduate then start doing a magic show. She did some ‘magic stuff’ jobs and studies first for several years, but ultimately Trixie realized she enjoyed the stage far more. Trixie does still do some studies in magic, but only from books in… her… wagon…” Trixie trailed off and her face turned pale, she froze in the middle of the road. “My book! Rainbow Dash, what happened to Trixie’s books? Did the Ursa destroy them?”

It took Rainbow Dash a couple of steps before she realized Trixie was missing, then turned around when she heard her cry out. “Huh? Uhm, I dunno. Fluttershy only sent me out to ask for your clothes. I guess if they survived then Twilight would have them down at the town library. That egghead just loves collecting all kinds of books, always reading too. Heh I bet she felt like it was her birthday if you had any books she had not read yet. By now she has probably read them all eight times though, and I’m sure she will give them back if you want them.”

Okay, don’t panic. Don’t panic! That Ursa was pretty heavy, Trixie’s wagon was a complete mess, but it might have... Well played Celestia. Trixie took deep breaths and did her best not to freak out any further. There’s nothing Trixie can do about it now. Worrying herself sick about it is just what Celestia wants, but ma—

“Trixie? You okay there? You don’t look so good. Want me to carry you the rest of the way? I guess we might have overdone it a little.” Rainbow Dash sounded worried, walking closer and setting a hoof on Trixie’s shoulder.

Blinking, Trixie was pulled back to reality. “Huh? Oh, no no. Trixie is fine. Just a little tired so she zoned out.” She struck up a quick trot towards the inviting cottage that loomed up over the hill, or on it really. “Don’t worry about the books either, they are just for eggheads. The Great and Powerful Trixie was well beyond needing them, she does not even care if they are destroyed or whole.”

“Uh yeah okay if you say so I guess.” Rainbow Dash shrugged and galloped to catch up to Trixie before she settled into a trot as well.

As they passed tiny bridge that stretched over the creek in front of Fluttershy’s house, Trixie stepped off the road and sat down in the grass next to an upside down bowl that held down some hay. “Hah Trixie knew this was a good idea.” She pushed the bowl aside and started on the rest of her meal.

“Hey I’ve been doing all the work, share some of that.” Rainbow Dash sat down besides Trixie.

Trixie smirked and pushed one of the untouched bruised apples over to Rainbow Dash. “Here you go.”

Rainbow Dash took a bite of the apple without hesitation, then sniggered when she saw the look on Trixie’s face. “They aren’t for sale, that doesn’t mean they aren’t for eating. It’s only because AJ cant afford to waste so much time haggling with ponies that try to get a better deal on a bruised apple, it’s cheaper to just give these away free to Fluttershy.” She took another bite, apparently really enjoying the taste.

Trixie blinked slowly, and realized she had not quite thought of that. “Oh, ugh, Trixie knew that. Oh speaking of Fluttershy. Trixie heard you two always have a date on Hearts and Hooves Day, how cute.”

Rainbow Dash nearly choked on her apple, coughing up some snippets and swallowing the rest. “W-who said that? We just hang out, that’s all. It’s not cool to be alone when everypony else is pairing up you know.”

“Oh Trixie can rela—aaay your opinions to other single ponies with a story someday. Yes that’s it. Though it surprises Trixie you had nopony try to ask either of you, though Trixie supposes Fluttershy might be hiding too much for that, but you had nopony ever ask you?” Trixie chewed her hay contemplatively while she watched Rainbow Dash, she was pretty sure the pegasus’s face was supposed to be cyan, but it sure wasn’t right now.

Rainbow Dash struck her chest with her hoof a few times to clear up the remains of the apple while she cleared her throat. “No, nopony ever tried. I was way too, err, awesome and ponies don’t like to get close cause, uh, I overshadow them so much you know?”

Trixie swallowed the last of her hay and raised a brow. “Right… And you never decided to go after somepony yourself either?”

“Well wouldn’t be fair on them would it?” Rainbow Dash grinned cheesily, then quickly bit into the apple again.

“No, Trixie supposes it would not be.” She reached for the last apple, taking a bite, it really did taste perfectly fine. Trixie couldn’t help but grin as she now knew all those apples were indeed good to eat. Glorious solid food.

Between the two of them, the meal was quickly devoured and after a few long discussions involving the Wonderbolts, various methods of flying through firework explosions, and what kind of legend the screeching mare would turn out to be, they decided it was late enough. Much to Trixie’s displeasure it was once again her body and mind that gave out first, and after nearly dozing off she felt Rainbow Dash slip her hooves around her again, holding her tightly then in a couple of powerful strokes they were through the bedroom window.

Rainbow Dash unceremoniously dropped Trixie on the bed. “Well, good night.” Without really waiting for a response she turned around and headed for the window, spreading out her wings again.

Reaching out towards Rainbow Dash, Trixie called after her, “wait! Uhm, it’s pretty late, so Fluttershy will be awake soon. Trixie thinks it would be a good idea to just stay here so you can talk to her. ‘First thing in the morning’ right?”

Rainbow Dash was already halfway through the window, but sat down on the frame while she considered the idea. “Huh, well I guess that’s true. I suppose it’s not really worth the effort to fly all the way back home if I have to come back here in a little while anyway.”

Trixie smiled confidently, trying to ignore the nights chill that came back. “That’s right, and as long as you are here. Trixie has a request.”

“This is gonna be another one of your ‘caretaker requests’ isn’t it?” Rainbow Dash groaned, placing one hoof on her forehead. “Okay, let’s hear it.”

“Well no, you are free to leave and find your own cloud to sleep on if that is what you are worried about.” Trixie made a dismissive gesture. She gave up on trying to beat the cold by force of will, and crawled under the blanket. “It is just, Trixie has a hard time getting proper rest, because she has nightmares a lot. Except twice, and both times seem to have been when you were near, so Trixie figures you must function as some kind of dream catcher.”

Rainbow Dash tilted her head puzzled. “Uh, okay. So?”

Trixie blushed and grumbled annoyed that Rainbow Dash was being so slow, in fact she was pretty sure it was on purpose. “So, won’t you consider staying with Trixie tonight? To see if her theory is correct? J-just until Trixie falls asleep would do too.”

“Mhm, let me think about it.” Hopping off the window frame, Rainbow Dash ducked down to grab a piece of cloth from the floor, then flew up to hang it over the window. Afterwards, she flew over to the side of the bed and looked down at Trixie, who stared back up unsure of what to do next.

Is she buying it? Worse, is she on to Trixie? Maybe this wasn’t such a good idea, maybe Trixie is pushing her luck…

“Trixie, do I really look that stupid to you? I thought you’d have figured this out by now, I don’t like you tricking me.” Rainbow Dash glared down at Trixie.

Trixie visibly shrunk, slipping the covers up further to try and hide in reflex, even if she liked the angry look on Rainbow Dash, right now it still made her heart race for both reasons. “N-no, I didn’t mean too.”

Rainbow Dash folded her hooves over her chest while she stood by the bedside. “What do you want? Be honest.”

Trixie pressed her hooves together, fidgeting idly with them while she glanced to the door, the window, then the chest by the edge of the bed. None of them seemed particularly good methods of escape, with a resigned sigh she brought her eyes back up to meet Rainbow Dash’s. “…Trixie wants you to sleep with her.”

“Well, then scoot over.” She motioned for Trixie to shoo, which Trixie quickly followed up on. In one fluid motion, Rainbow Dash hopped onto the bed, and rolled onto her back, folding her hooves below her head as she took up the right side of the pillow. The night air did not seem to bother her at all as she stayed above the covers. She turned to look at Trixie and gave a smile. “Not that hard, was it?”

Thank you Luna!

Author's Note:

Thanks for reading, I hope you enjoyed.

This was supposed to be just a fairly short chapter, but leave it to RD and Trixie to thwart my plans.
At least I was having as much fun chronicling their exploits as they were in having them. :twilightsmile:

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