• Published 16th Feb 2014
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Trixie's Forest Retreat - crowscrowcrow

Following the events of Boast Busters, Trixie decides to hide from the town (and Rainbow Dash in particular) by taking cover in the Everfree Forest. Not every problem can be outrun, and sometimes facing them can have unexpected consequences.

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Chapter 39 - Revenge

If Trixie did not know any better, she would have sworn it was some evil conspiracy on behalf of Ponyville to get her a room on the second floor. In fact, the more she thought about it, the more she was sure she actually did not know any better. It could be some evil cabal government that set it up.

Trixie was not about to let them win however. If nopony was planning to help her that just meant she never could have trusted them with the task in the first place. A lesser pony might have given up but not the Great and Powerful Trixie. One way or another she was going to get out, and find Fluttershy.

So get going already! Trixie stared down the staircase and swallowed. Okay here go’s. It’s just a staircase, that’s nothing compared to what Trixie has faced already. Encouraged, Trixie begun her climb down the stairs.

Walking in a straight line had proved hard enough, but descending stairs was a challenge. Each new step downward felt to Trixie like she was tumbling straight into an abyss before her hoof struck the step and grounded her again. After the first couple of semi controlled falls Trixie noticed the stairs contorting in weird ways, but she was pretty sure stairs did not normally do that.

It’s fine, the spinning is only in Trixie’s head, the world is still there. Just take it slow. But not too slow! The fire isn’t going to wait till Trixie g— Trixie’s next hoof had landed too far over the edge of the step and slipped down, sending her tumbling down the stairs. “Gah! Ooof!”

Trixie could feel she had hit something hard, but it was not the stone steps. Whatever it was she heard it grunt when she smacked into it. All she could see was a red blur. “Ugh what hit Trixie, a fire dragon?”


Blinking a few times to clear her vision, Trixie realized what she had crashed into, the extended hoof of a huge, red stallion. From the looks of it, Trixie could guess he had been climbing up when she slipped and swung out a leg to stop her fall. She hung doubled over it, lifted off the staircase with such ease and stability that Trixie could have sworn it was a railing rather than a ponies leg.

“You caught Trixie?” Bringing up a hoof to rub her head, Trixie hoped the thumping in it would settle down soon.


Glancing up, Trixie was met with a pair of concerned green eyes, examining her bandages before returning to meet her gaze. The seemingly immovable limb lowered back down to set her back onto the staircase, it still barred her way however. His eyes shifted down the stairs briefly then returned.

The meaning behind the gesture was clear to Trixie. “You are worried about Trixie?”


“There is no need. Trixie was merely testing your reflexes. You can let her pass now.”

Trixie could see the huge stallion raising an eyebrow in response to the answer. She gave a sigh as she continued. “You don’t believe Trixie do you?”


“Fine Trixie tripped, but she is fine now. Let Trixie go, she is in a hurry!” She scowled at the massive stallion. Trixie has no time for this, who does he think he is holding Trixie back? “Did you think Trixie would reward you for coming to her aid? She did not ask for it, now get out of Trixie’s way.”

There was no hiding the reluctance in the stallion, but he did move out of her way and continued up the stairs. Trixie resolved to be more careful with her descent.

It was strange to have a conversation with someone even worse than Fluttershy, Trixie had not thought it was possible. Though she supposed that while the red stallion might have been quiet, he had said as much as he needed to in order to get his thoughts across.

As Trixie reached the end of the stairs, she could hear voices coming from above her. The first she recognized as Nurse Manners. “Oh hello Big Mac, coming in for you final checkup? I’ll bet your happy to get back to work the next harvest, Applejack was in quite a fix I hear.”


Trixie growled. Oh so Nurse Manners has time to give checkups to big, healthy stallions but not to check on a sweet mare that might need help? Trixie’s sees how it is! Still she was not going to climb all the way back up to give that nurse a piece of her mind. She had a much more pressing matter to attend to. Her attention was drawn towards the lobby where a small crowd of ponies had gathered.

Many of the ponies there were coughing and wheezing in an exaggerated manner as though they were auditioning for an amateur play set during a hay fever apocalypse. The doctors and nurses present were busy attempting to assure the newcomers the smoke could not possibly have affected them unless they had lost their wings on the way to the hospital.

Looking around, Trixie was unable to find Fluttershy among the gathered ponies. She turned her attention to the front door, simply walking right out, still dressed up in her bandages and hospital gown.

Once outside however Trixie realized a brand new problem.

“Wait… Where does Fluttershy live? Trixie does not even know where this hospital is.” Trixie thought on it briefly before she raised her gaze up at the sky. perhaps Trixie can just follow the smoke?

By the slow direction of the black clouds Trixie estimated direction she needed and begun her trip, keeping an eye on the sky. She actually felt a bit thankful for the thick smoke, as it blocked out the sun for her, making it much easier to move around outside while she was still sensitive to light. She never spared a thought at the notion that bright flames would be a lot worse.

Simply following the smoke back to its source seems like a good enough idea. If Fluttershy does not live where the fire is than Trixie would be satisfied. But, only works if the wind has been the same all day, if the wind has turned Trixie would not find the fire. Worse, than Trixie still would not know what’s wrong with Fluttershy, and would be even further away. Trixie came to a halt, reconsidering her options.

“Mhm okay what does Trixie know? Fluttershy lives on the edge of town, but Trixie has no time to walk around the whole edge. What else? She lives near the Everfree Forest. Ah! That’s it, the forest is only on one side!” She snapped out of her monologue right as she felt her headache creeping back up past uncomfortable and into painful, perfect timing.

Trixie searched the sky and soon enough found what she was looking for, Canterlot. A perfect steady point of reference. It could be seen from nearly all over Ponyville.

If Trixie keeps Canterlot on her left, she should find the forest edge of town. From there it should be easy to spot Fluttershy’s home, it’s the only building there. Pleased with herself, Trixie resumed her journey. By the looks of it she was going to have to cross the town first.

After trekking through a couple of streets Trixie was already regretting her decision, feeling as though she was almost dead on her hooves. It took half her strength to keep herself moving forward and the other half just to keep her eyes open, her pace had slowed gradually to a crawl as lifting each hoof took more and more effort.

Ugh… If Trixie had known, she would have slept during visiting hours. Instead of fight to stay awake, she could have used that fight right about now.

Trixie pushed herself onward, letting her hooves drag over the road while she tried to keep a straight line, lifting her head to confirm Canterlot’s position on her left still. Trixie can’t help but wonder, why does Princess Celestia do nothing to help? She just sits there. Her eyes lingering on the castle, Trixie did not spot the rock on the road and stumbled, crashing into the dirt road with a grunt.

Okay… Trixie had that coming.

Trixie could not bring up the energy to even be mad about the fall, even though it hurt. She did not even feel any real need to get back on her hooves. The hard dirt road just felt so very comfortable, like she had nothing to worry about if she just closed her eyes for a little while. J-just… five minutes? Trixie can rest for five minutes can’t she?

What is Trixie in such a hurry for anyway? To get to some house? Why can’t it wait a little while? Her eyes slid closed and she yawned. It was so alluring, all she had to do was forget for a little bit. Forget… forget what? Something, something important…

Suddenly it all clicked in Trixie’s mind and her eyes snapped open. “Fluttershy!” She shouted loud enough for a couple nearby ponies to stop and stare, Trixie did not even notice. Scrambling back onto her hooves, her head spun and the street looked so hazy. Trixie took a couple of deep quick breaths to steady herself.

That was close, focus Trixie! She scolded herself while she resumed her journey, stumbling through over the road towards the forest. Trixie’s eyes remained firmly on the ground, only gaving a quick glance at Canterlot occasionally, the rest of her time spend scanning for rocks. Trixie was not sure she could pick herself back up if she fell again.

Trixie felt as though she was in a trance. She was too tired to really think about anything to complicated as she just set one hoof in front of the other. It was only when she crashed into something that the trance was broken.

Blinking and disorientated, Trixie found herself on top of a yellow coated stallion, this one was even more comfortable than the dirt road had been. Unlike the dirtroad it was complaining at her.

“Watch where you are going, what’s wrong with you?”

Finally, Trixie felt something rise in her other than an overpowering need for sleep. She glared at the stallion while she hurriedly climbed off him. “Who dares trip the Great and Powerful Trixie! Trixie should smite you were you stand! Out of Trixie’s sight!” Although Trixie expected more resistance, the stallion looked up at her in shock and said nothing further, giving a few sideways glances while Trixie stared down at him.

“At least you know to hold your tongue when in the presence of your betters.” She took a few steps to the side and walked around him, continuing on her way. Something was nagging at the back of her mind though. What is this… why does Trixie feel like she is forgetting something? Fluttershy, fire, find. Mhm no Trixie is pretty sure that is all that is important… right?

A quick glance back revealed the yellow stallion was back on his hooves, speaking to what Trixie assumed were his friends. Perhaps they are worried about him, it’s not every day one has a run in with The Great and Powerful Trixie. However, when they all stopped talking and turned their heads to meet her gaze, Trixie felt chills.

Oh Celestia! THAT was it! I forgot about that!

As tired as she was she still quickened her step and tried to put some distance between herself and the group, she could hear the sound of slow trotting hooves behind her though. Trixie was sure she was being followed. She was in no state to bluff her way out of anything if they caught her, Trixie’s current outfit was not exactly intimidating, her mind racing to find some way to escape.

Quickly, or as quickly as she could manage. She turned a corner to get out of sight of the ponies behind her. Maybe Trixie can hide, or shake them if she goes out the other end of the alley. Or, oh come on! Trixie found herself looking at a dead end, silently cursing her luck while she turned quickly to make her way out of the alley and back to the streets, she bumped into the yellow stallion again.

“Whoops sorry ‘bout that Great and Powerful Trixie.” He scowled down at her.

“Trixie will forgive this once, now the—” As Trixie turned to her left to go around she found herself crashing into a green coated mare.

“Oh don’t be like that, we’re all just dying to see you try to smite something.” She gave Trixie a shove.

Trixie did not respond. Using the bit of momentum from the push Trixie spun to make a dash in another direction only to hit a second stallion, this one also yellow.

“Especially after you bailed on your last town wide performance, maybe you need some motivation though? What do you guys think?” He grinned as she spoke.

No no no! This isn’t fair! Uh Uh maybe She stared up at the dark sky and gulped, she could only think of one thing she could do. Though she dreaded the idea. Trixie tried to summon up some magic in her horn. Just a simple fireworks spell, that’s all, just a little fi—Gah! The only fireworks she managed to summon where the hot sparks that seared her vision after she tried to start the spell, closing her eyes tightly. She only barely managed to even keep standing.

“Trixie has no time for these foalish games! Let Trixie go right no-Uphf!” As she turned to make a blind dash away she crashed into a fourth pony like a wall, Trixie was well and truly boxed in. She bounced off the stallion and crumbled on the floor as her legs finally gave out after that last straw. She could hear the ponies inevitably closing in on her.

H-how bad could it really be?

Author's Note:

Thanks for reading, I hope you enjoyed.

Birthday and Dark Souls 2 related delay.
On the bright side I have the week off so I have some time to catch up.

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