• Published 16th Feb 2014
  • 7,885 Views, 2,739 Comments

Trixie's Forest Retreat - crowscrowcrow

Following the events of Boast Busters, Trixie decides to hide from the town (and Rainbow Dash in particular) by taking cover in the Everfree Forest. Not every problem can be outrun, and sometimes facing them can have unexpected consequences.

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Chapter 112 - Reheat

Trixie opened her eyes with a drawn-out yawn. She found herself resting comfortably on the couch with a thin green blanket across her back. Oddly enough, she felt a little weird at not waking up on the floor. That had been the established pattern whenever she passed out after all. Perhaps she was getting better at suddenly going unconscious over the past few weeks. Trixie wasn't sure how happy she was at that thought.

It took a few moments for Trixie to recall what had happened. After she had returned last night she had been unable to sleep. The soon to be encounter with Twilight just left her too tense and worried. Everything had hinged on that encounter going right. And as soon as the fight was over, all that tension vanished, leaving her with nothing to stave off her exhaustion.

Her body and mind felt fuzzy and cloudy at the moment, giving her the sensation that it had all happened months ago. Like it was just a bad memory amidst a sea of comforting ones. Now she felt fit as a fiddle. Well, a lazy fiddle.

A soft sound nearby caught Trixie's attention. Looking over, she saw Fluttershy quietly reading a book, the sound being the turning of a page.

Huh, well that explains why Trixie's side feels so warm. She must be waiting for Trixie to wake up. Still, it wouldn't hurt to let her read for a few more minutes, right?

Silently, Trixie continued her observation of the pegasus. Without any magic, Fluttershy appeared to fumble with the pages on occasion. As far as Trixie was concerned there was no more endearing a sight. She couldn’t help but smile as she finally decided to speak. “Thanks for the blanket.”

Fluttershy startled, clenching her wings tightly against her side. “O-oh. Good morning, Trixie,” she said while slowly melting out of her stiff pose again. “How are you feeling?”

Looking out the window to get a read on the sun’s position, Trixie estimated she must have been out for a couple of hours at least. It was just like Fluttershy to simply let her sleep. “Trixie is fine. Assuming Twilight has no intention of accosting her again. Ah, thanks for putting a stop to… well… all of that,” she sighed, and let her head rest on her forelegs again.

Thinking briefly on the time, Trixie realized that all of the animals must have already had been fed and taken care of. She felt a sting of guilt in her chest at causing Fluttershy do it all alone. It was one of the only things Trixie could do that made her feel less like a leech after all. The guilty feeling only got worse when it occurred to her that Fluttershy had also done it faster than the two of them together usually did.

“O-oh, it was nothing. I’m just glad you didn’t get hurt.” Fluttershy sounded at least twenty times as guilt-ridden as she spoke. “I-I just hope Twilight isn’t hurt, or mad, or disappointed. Ohhh, I shouldn’t have kept spraying her. It was really mean. I-it’s just I, I don’t know why. It felt right at the time, but I know it wasn’t. Should I go apologize? But what if she doesn’t want to see me again? Are we still friends? I—”

Fluttershy’s rambling got caught in her throat as Trixie slid one hoof around her and pulled her close.

“Trixie is sure Twilight understands she went too far. It might be best to give her some space for now.” She doubted it would do any good to visit Twilight for a while. Odds were that crazy mare was going to be freaking out over whoever else could have broken into her home, and be far too busy for social visits. Trixie smiled, caressing Fluttershy’s soft fur. Fluttershy felt very tense still, so she silently started rubbing along one of Fluttershy's shoulders in hopes of easing it a little.

Fluttershy squeaked. “Okay. I-if you think so.” Though she said that, she hid herself behind her mane and pretended she was focused on reading.

It was easy to tell Fluttershy didn’t feel at ease. Despite her past mishaps Trixie could see that much at least. She reasoned that either she was still worried about Twilight, or maybe she was nervous about being touched. Fortunately, the solution to both problems was exactly the same: help her relax.

Trixie decided to play along with Fluttershy’s transparent ploy. A light conversation about a story was just what they needed. “What are you reading?” In the instant she’d said it, realization struck her. Trixie looked toward the closet. The romance books that Twilight had strewn around were gone. Oh, you cannot be serious!

“Oh, uhm, it’s… are you hungry?” Fluttershy asked. “I’ll bet your hungry. Stay right there. If that’s okay. I think we’ve got something leftover. It will only take a second.” Without even waiting for an answer, she was already off the couch, and half-way to the kitchen. Whatever book she had been going through was neatly tucked under her opposite wing.

Trixie nearly tumbled over as she lost Fluttershy’s support all of a sudden. “Hey that’s cheating!” Trixie shook her hoof at Fluttershy as she made her escape. “Get back here and… uh, actually, yes something to eat would be great.” She chuckled weakly. She was in no hurry to explain her choice in reading materials.

“G-great. I’ll be right back.”

The last Trixie saw of Fluttershy was a pink and yellow blur rushing into the kitchen.

Trixie drug a hoof down her face with a groan. “Yes… great.”

Even if it was obviously an excuse. Trixie had to admit that Fluttershy was right. She was starving.

True to her word, it barely took a minute before Fluttershy returned and set out a plate of heated up garlic burritos from the previous night. Trixie commended her on her swift service before digging in. They were still every bit as good as she remembered them. Some ponies might have questioned having burritos for brunch, but Trixie was not about to argue with free food.

Two bites in, Trixie looked up from her meal. “Don’t you want anything?”

“Oh, no. Sorry… I already ate something else. While you were asleep I mean.”

“Ah, right. Trixie knew that.”

While Trixie ate, Fluttershy returned to her spot, and continued reading. Though Trixie would have loved to catch a glimpse, that infernal mane was in the way! All she was left with was to finish her meal, and listen to Fluttershy’s vague little hums and ha’s that could mean absolutely anything, but invariably wreaked havoc on Trixie’s mind.

It was too embarrassing to ask Fluttershy about it again, but Trixie was slowly going mad. What could have Fluttershy so interested? Who read romance novels next to another pony? Huh, actually… that could be… something? Slowly coming around to the idea, Trixie entertained the notion that this might not actually be a bad thing. She’d never had an opportunity to share that side of herself with anypony. Dash had made fun of her for it, and Trixie knew that she’d have made fun of Dash too had the tables been turned. Fluttershy was probably too nice for that.

Trixie would say Fluttershy does not seem the type, but who is Trixie kidding? It’s always the quiet ones. Still, Trixie was keenly aware that she obtained this information from reading those exact novels. She could already hear Rainbow Dash laughing at her, and quickly shook her head to get rid of the pesky specter.

Fluttershy was apparently oblivious to her distress. She folded the book shut with a soft thump that drew Trixie’s attention away from her little inner mockery. Fluttershy shook her head. “Well, uhm, t-this is… I don’t think I like it… it’s scary.”

Trixie would have given just about anything for a fissure to open underneath herself right then. “T-that’s okay! They are stupid books anyway! Trixie doesn’t even read them! Haha! They’re only there as jo—scary? Uh, that’s the first time Trixie’s heard that as a, errr, criticism of the genre.”

Fluttershy pushed the book in between the two of them. Her gaze met Trixie’s briefly, then she glanced down at the book then back at Trixie.

As embarrassed as she was about the whole situation, Trixie followed Fluttershy’s gaze. Upon reading the title, her breath caught. ‘The Strange Case of Dr Jekyll and Mr Hyde’!

A thousand and one questions battered Trixie’s brain. Did this mean Fluttershy had taken the book? How did she know? When did she have time? Why had she hidden it? Was this blackmail? Why give it back? Had Twilight simply overlooked it in her haste? Was this just a huge coincidence?

Trixie had just about stared a hole in the cover before a soft cough drew her attention back up to Fluttershy.

“S-so, uhm… I-is there anything you’d like to you… you know… tell me?” Fluttershy bit her lip as she stared at Trixie. Just one look was enough to see how uncertain Fluttershy had to be feeling about this whole thing. This wasn’t an interrogation. It was one scared, confused pony asking for answers.

Lying is easy.

Trixie took a few long, steadying breaths, banishing as much of her panic as she could. “…How much of it did you understand?”

“None of it.”

So very easy.

“It was a regular book Trixie stole from a conning, traveling merchant. Unknown to Trixie, it was something more. Twilight noticed something was wrong, and showed Trixie it was actually a spellbook. Trixie does not know how it got here, but Twilight would never believe that.”

All done.

"Huh, really?” Fluttershy blinked surprised, but gave Trixie a relieved smile. She believed her. Of course she did. Sweet, naive thing that she was.

Trixie returned the smile and looked into Fluttershy’s eyes. She could lose herself in those deep whirlpools forever. Things were so much easier if ponies just took her word for everything, trusted her, held unwavering faith in her.

…curse it all.


“N-no?” The look of confusion and worry was back.

“It’s not true. Well, some of it is. Twilight did find out, that’s why she kept it, but Trixie already knew. It’s Trixie’s spellbook. It has been for a long time. Trixie lied to Twilight about it.” Trixie kept her eyes locked on the book between them. “A-and… Trixie snuck out last night, to get it back.” Nervously, she held her breath after this declaration, awaiting Fluttershy's reaction to her deceit.

“Oh, uhm, well… Why didn’t you tell Twilight the spellbook was actually yours? I’m sure she’d have given it back. I-I know it’s not nice to lie, Trixie, but I think maybe burglary is worse?”

Trixie chuckled weakly. “Heh, right. Trixie forgot. You wouldn’t know anything about these things, would you? Not all magic is the same, Fluttershy.” She leaned back against the couch and held up the book. She easily remedied the damage Twilight had done to the illusion enchantment, then, with a shimmer, the disguise fell away fully. A weathered plain brown cover, with no distinguishing features, other than the title which merely read ‘Research Journal: Volume XI’.

“Uh, Trixie? I don’t really understand.”

“Trixie won’t bore you with the details. The short of it is that the ban on the kinds of spells in this book is so strict that you can barely even know of them without being royalty, or receiving express permission. Forget about actually having any idea how to cast them.”

Fluttershy fold her ears back. “S-so I?”

Shaking her head, Trixie tapped on the cover. “Don’t worry. It’s not a crime if you didn’t understand them.”

Fluttershy nodded stiffly, and Trixie could practically see the cogs turning inside the mare’s head. “But you do, right? That’s why you don’t want Twilight to know you knew what the book really was?” She gasped, and her hooves shot up to her mouth. “D-did she act that way because she thought you did know?”

Trixie couldn’t help but smile a little when Fluttershy caught on so quickly. That was so refreshing. It was a shame Fluttershy was born a pegasus; a mind like that was a terrible thing to waste. “Yes. It was a good thing she knew Trixie can’t use higher level spells while she’s hurt, or she might not have been so kind as to give Trixie a chance to speak. It is clear to Trixie now that Twilight had doubts as to whether Trixie knew such spells or not, but she probably would have assumed the worst if she thought Trixie was in a condition to use them.”

That was kind? B-but she hurt you, and looked through your things, and yelled at you, and imprisoned you.”

“And she was right to do so. No, too lenient. Twilight was soft to even let Trixie talk, but a complete fool to turn her back on Trixie even for a second.”


“You could have been in grave danger. The only right action was to take out the potential threat, Trixie, immediately, and sort it out afterward.” Even though it worked out in Trixie’s favor, just thinking about how negligent Twilight was proving to be made her angry. How could she ever trust Twilight to keep Fluttershy and Rainbow Dash safe the next time they got asked to do Celestia knows what?

Maybe Trixie should see about how permanent the attachment between a bearer and her element really is? The Great and Powerful Trixie Element of Magic does have a nice ring to it… It is a mouthful though. The Element of Magic Trixie? The Great and Magical Trixie? These are all awful.

A gentle poke in her side brought Trixie down to earth.

Fluttershy withdrew her hoof. “I, uhm, I don’t really understand… It’s bad to know spells like that, right? So… does that mean you’re a… a bad pony?” Her voice held concern and worry, but didn’t sound nearly as fearful as Trixie would have expected.

Author's Note:

Another double update. I'm not sure if it counts as one if I skipped last week's though. :trixieshiftright:
There really wasn't any good point in the process of writing this were I felt I could just stick a chapter end and make you all wait a week to see how it kept going. That's the trouble with conversations I suppose. So instead here's the whole thing. Still cut into two chapters as per my own demands for readability, but without week long random cliffhanger. Maybe I should just go back to the evil-cliffhanger model. :trollestia:

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