• Published 16th Feb 2014
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Trixie's Forest Retreat - crowscrowcrow

Following the events of Boast Busters, Trixie decides to hide from the town (and Rainbow Dash in particular) by taking cover in the Everfree Forest. Not every problem can be outrun, and sometimes facing them can have unexpected consequences.

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Chapter 83 - Redwood

“Oh, come on!” Rainbow Dash said, as Trixie stepped into the spa. Groaning in displeasure, she leaned against the wall of the nearest house. “This is taking forever, isn’t she supposed to want to get to the hospital right away?”

“Uhm, well, w-we left early… because of this.” Fluttershy trotted up besides Rainbow Dash, and gave a quick look around. “You, uhm, don’t think we should go in there, do you?”

“Nah, what’s the worst that could happen to her in there? A hooficure?” Even though she said it dismissively, the very idea of one made Rainbow Dash shudder.

Fluttershy nodded, and brought her attention back to the spa door. “Oh, yes. You’re right… Lotus Blossom and Aloe are very nice ponies, but, uhm, i-it’s just… they are a little… talkative…” Fluttershy kept talking quieter and quieter, clearly feeling guilty for ‘badmouthing’ the pair.

“Who? Oh, that’s their names? I forgot you and Rarity go there. Huh, come to think of it, isn’t that a weekly thing?” Rainbow Dash tried to sound casual about it, but she had a fairly good grasp on Fluttershy’s schedule. Every week, without fail, those two went to the spa, and Rainbow Dash made sure to visit Fluttershy’s place right afterwards. So far, she’d never really been able to tell the difference, other than the relaxed expression Fluttershy wore the rest of the day.

“That’s true… I felt really bad about canceling on Rarity these past few weeks… but I couldn’t leave Trixie alone...” She gave Rainbow Dash an apologetic look as she spoke.

Rainbow Dash gave a soft nod. Even Though Fluttershy didn’t say it out loud, she understood there was an implied ‘or with you’ in there. Nurse Redheart would probably have found a way to mobilize the royal guard. “I guess, err, but now it should be fine, right?” It suddenly occurred to Rainbow Dash that she was planning to take care of Trixie for the rest of the day, unsupervised.

Fluttershy was quiet for longer than she perhaps should have been. Apparently she was thinking the question over, as she finally shook her head. “Well, uhm, n-not really… but it will depend on what the tests say…” She sounded hesitant, as if she was not convinced no matter what the test was going to say.

It hurt to see Fluttershy act that way, as though she did not trust her alone with Trixie either. In all honesty, the more she thought about it, the less Dash trusted herself with the task either. “…Maybe this was a bad idea… but I can’t call it off now, Trixie was so excited.” A warm feeling spread through her chest as she recalled the look on Trixie’s face. However that tricky mare managed to look so positively idyllic when she was truly happy, Dash would never understand. Rainbow Dash’d already been responsible for shattering that look once before, and she’d cross Tartarus before she’d let it happen twice. Laying her ears flat against her head, she turned to her precious friend. “Hey, uhm… Fluttershy. Do you… trust me?”

Fluttershy looked conflicted as she listened to Rainbow Dash, biting her lip while she thought it over. Upon that final question though, she surprised Dash, and stepped in close, throwing her hooves around her neck. “Of course I trust you!” Hugging dash tightly against her, Fluttershy shook her head. “I-I’m sorry… I didn’t mean to make you feel like, like you’re, you know…”

Rainbow Dash was taken aback by the sudden warmth around her, but quickly returned the gesture, pulled one hoof around Fluttershy. The words did not even truly matter, just the action alone vanquished any feeling of doubt in herself that she had a moment ago. “Thanks, Fluttershy… I… I…” She coughed, and made a halfhearted attempt to pull away. “Ponies are staring.”

“O-oh!” Fluttershy reluctantly pulled away and blushed as she looked straight down at the ground, not even checking around. Which was a good thing too, or she’d have easily detected the lie. “U-uhm, just… just remember to go easy on her, a-and yourself. I don’t want either of you hurt… okay?”

“Got it. You can count on me, Fluttershy. Oh, hey, there she is.” Relieved with the legitimate distraction, Rainbow Dash let out an uneasy breath. That was such a stupid close call, she just wanted to bang her head against the wall for it. “Hey, uh, Rarity kind of already knows so… if you like, you could go to the next appointment, and bring Trixie with you?”

Fluttershy blinked as though it was the first time she’d ever heard of such a concept. “You mean, make an appointment for three instead of two? That’s a great idea, Trixie does seem like she would enjoy that.”

“Heh, I know, I’m a genius. Now come on, we can’t lose her.”

Trixie closed the door behind her, the pleasant jingling sound was gone, and her bags were heavier now, but she couldn’t be happier. All she had to do now was get to the hospital and figure out some way to commandeer one of their showers before Dash would return to pick her up.

It’s been so long since Trixie had her own shampoo. It’s too bad Trixie will probably have to hurry, or she would take her sweet time with this. Trixie trotted along the dirt streets, and a reflection in the window told her that her guardians were following behind while chatting with each other. It was difficult to tell from a glance, but neither of them seemed upbeat.

Feeling a sting of guilt, Trixie picked up her pace a bit. Perhaps she had been taking too much advantage of them for this trip. Hopefully she could make it up to them by sharing the news of the invitation to Sweet Apple Acres later today. Just the thought of getting to eat some more of the Apple familie's cooking had Trixie mouthwatering.

As Trixie passed by a dark alley, she suddenly heard a familiar voice.

“Uhm, hello? I’m looking for a doctor, I see crooked.”

It sounded like that mailmare she’d met the other day. Though why she was looking for a doctor in an alley was a mystery to Trixie. If she delivered mail, she should at least know where the hospital was. What was her name… It was pretty, erm, unique… Derpy? Trixie felt a chill run down her spine as she looked into the alley. The memories of her last encounter with one came flooding back, forcing her to involuntarily take a step back.

There was a package set down a few steps into the alley, while Derpy searched the place. “Doctor, I see crooked?” Derpy called out again. She spoke loud enough that combined with the acoustics of the bare walls it was easy to hear her even from the main street.

Some of the ponies passing by behind Trixie snickered and giggled, continuing on their way. Trixie was starting to get a dreadful sense of what was so funny.

“Maybe it’s not here? But the address says nine point six… that’s ten, that’s nine… it should be here?” A frustrated sense of confusion was obvious from Derpy’s voice. “Doctor, I see crooked. Hello? Anypony?”

Another chuckle could be heard from another random passerby, and Trixie scowled, struggling to resist the urge to buck. They were laughing at the walleyed pegasus. A quick check revealed Fluttershy and Rainbow Dash standing together on the other side of the street, ‘window-shopping’. With her backup confirmed, Trixie took a deep breath, and stepped into the alley.

Something seemed off about the whole thing. The first thing to grab Trixie’s attention was the package Derpy had left on the floor. Presumably it was what she was trying to deliver. Trixie read the address label.

Ponyville, Manestreet (9.6), Dr. I.C. Croquette

In disbelief, Trixie read the label again, twice more. She could feel her blood boil. Sure she didn’t really know the pegasus, but she seemed nice enough. What impudent foal thought this was funny!? Of course there was no return address.

The ponies in the street were unlikely to be the actual culprits, as none of them hung around. Whoever setup the prank was probably not around unless they were content to wait all day for the mail, just to watch Derpy unwittingly humiliate herself, until she figured it out. The idea that she wouldn’t be able to find the prankster just infuriated Trixie more. Just because she’s a little different?

“Docter, I se—”

“Derpy! Silence!” Trixie snapped, before kicking the package with all her might, aiming to send it across the alley. Unfortunately, it barely budged. The weight, sound, and painful feeling in her leg gave away it probably contained just a solid block of wood. “Ughrr!” Trixie hissed pained, doing her best to keep her voice down, and limped towards the mailmare.

Shocked, Derpy whirled around, her eyes wide as she watched Trixie stalk closer. “T-Trixie?”

It seemed wise to Trixie not to yell anymore, especially since she knew the sound in here carried too well. Despite her rage, she forced herself to a low tone, but she was unable to keep the anger out of her voice. “Trixie’s glad she caught you. Be quiet, Trixie doesn’t want ponies to hear. What kind of foal would fall for such an obvious ploy?”

“C-caught? Ploy?” Derpy’s ears folded flat against her head while she backed away from Trixie, her eyes growing ever wider. “I-I’m sorry. I didn’t do anything, I didn’t tell anypony I swear.”

“What? Trixie doesn’t care about that. Don’t you get it? Trixie is here to put an end to your foolishness.” She made a sweeping gesture with her hoof. “Now, come here.” Trixie trotted towards the package in between them.

Trembling, Derpy flared out her wings the moment Trixie took another step, and leaped into sky. “No! Stay away!” With that, she immediately flew off with a speed that would probably have done Rainbow Dash proud.

The strange reaction caught Trixie off-guard. “Wait, what? No! Come back here!” she called after Derpy, pointing her hoof at the package, but she went completely ignored, or at least disobeyed.

“Hey, are you okay?” Rainbow Dash’s voice called from behind.

Trixie looked over her shoulder at her escorts. Naturally, they had followed her when she went into the alley, though a little later. Trixie looked from Dash to Fluttershy, then up at the sky. She was still not quite sure of what just happened. She only wanted to help. “Yes… Trixie is fine.”

“A-are you sure? Y-you look really mad…” Fluttershy trotted closer, and briefly glanced at the package that Trixie was standing over.

“Trixie is fine.” She gave the package another, though more careful, kick. More to release some frustration over the situation and her failure, than to actually damage the accursed thing. Then quickly turned around. “Let’s just go.”

“Go on ahead.” Rainbow Dash motioned towards the road. “We’ll catch up.”

It did not sit right with Trixie. While she walked she barely even paid attention to her surroundings anymore. Derpy reacted so strangely, as if she expected Trixie to just assault her in a dark alley. Where did she ever get an idea like…. Oh… curses.

Of course Derpy would think that. She was the one that told Trixie about that rumor in the first place. Though Trixie had thought that their meeting would have changed the mare's mind, apparently it did not change it that much.

It’s just a misunderstanding. Okay, Trixie, next time she comes to bring the mail you just have to clear this up. Should be easy enough. Now quit worrying about this and just focus on the ho—

“Gah!” Trixie’s muzzle collided with the thin air, causing her to stumble backwards and collapse onto her haunches while she got her bearings. Rubbing her sore snout, Trixie was pleased to find she had sustained two blows to the head today, and though they did hurt, neither brought on a headache.

She looked up at the oddly hard air. Upon closer inspection, Trixie realized she had located the glass front doors of the hospital. Which brought a completely new thing to worry about.

Oh, Luna! If Dash saw that, Trixie will never hear the end of it!


Author's Note:

Thanks for reading, I hope you enjoyed.

The road to Tartarus is paved with good intentions.
Trying to be helpful with an abrasiveness nature is hard if ponies aren't desensitized to it yet.

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