• Published 16th Feb 2014
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Trixie's Forest Retreat - crowscrowcrow

Following the events of Boast Busters, Trixie decides to hide from the town (and Rainbow Dash in particular) by taking cover in the Everfree Forest. Not every problem can be outrun, and sometimes facing them can have unexpected consequences.

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Chapter 123 - Roll

“Fear not! Trixie has returned!” Trixie shouted while she all but kicked down the sauna door with her entrance. Trixie was rarely opposed to a little bit of an entrance, but the door’s hinges must have been particularly well oiled, as the door swung practically without friction and banged against the wall much harder than she had intended.

Despite Trixie’s reassurance that there was nothing to fear, both Fluttershy and Rarity shot up, startled by her entrance. By the looks of things, Trixie was pretty sure she’d given Rarity something of a heart attack. Trixie was okay with that.

Roll with it.

Even though Trixie was as startled as everypony else by the noise, she wasn’t about to let on that she’d made a mistake, leading her to confidently strut into the room as though it had all been part of the plan.

Holding both hooves to her chest, Rarity glared at Trixie. “Are you out of your mind? Who enters a room like that?”

While Rarity ranted, Trixie wasted no time in claiming herself a seat in between the two of them, one pointedly closer to Fluttershy. Things were off to a flying start, but then, Trixie’s actual concern for what Rarity thought was at an all-time low after she’d overheard how the mare really thought of her. Tilting her head slightly, Trixie put on a face of incredulity as she looked at Rarity. “Who? It’s Trixie, don’t you remember? Well, they do say the mind is the first thing to go. You know, with age.”

“Oh, you witch!” Rarity said, red-faced. Rather than engage Trixie any further, however, she directed her attention to Fluttershy. “You see? This is precisely what I meant.”

Fluttershy tried to vanish behind her mane while Rarity and Trixie looked at her.

A sizzling splash of water on hot stones subtly reminded everypony that the blue-furred spa pony was also in the room.

“Oh, yes,” Trixie said while clapping her hooves together. “Trixie meant to bring this up. You were right, Fluttershy.”

“I, I was?” asked Fluttershy, revealing a single eye through the pink curtain of her mane.

Trixie pointedly ignored the raised eyebrow by Rarity and continued on. “Yes. Trixie was just talking with the eart—uhm, with Aloe and Blossom, and they’ve helped her realize she was… insensitive. But, it’s all sorted out now!” Trixie added with a bright smile. “Isn’t that right, Aloe?”

“Yes, miss Trixie, you and Aloe had a discussion,” Lotus Blossom gently corrected. “Much was cleared up.”

Trixie blushed and did her best to ignore the amused look Rarity was giving her. “Y-Yes! Exactly! Thank you, Lotus Blossom.”

“Oh, don’t feel bad, darling,” Rarity drawled with an insufferable smile. “I’ve heard the mind is the first thing to go.”

Before Trixie had time to think of a proper rebuttal, she heard Fluttershy speak up. “That’s great, Trixie. Don’t worry, I used to mix Aloe and Lotus up too,” she admitted with a pink blush while she looked over at Lotus Blossom. “I, uhm, I think everpony does that for a while.”

Trixie quickly forgot all about the little verbal joust between her and Rarity, Fluttershy was on her side, that was all that mattered. Smiling brightly at Fluttershy, Trixie nodded. “Yes, they do look alike, don’t they?”

Fluttershy looked distinctly less comfortable as she was asked to agree with that observation. “Uhm? Like, twins, yes?”

“Exactly.” Trixie folded her legs below her as she spoke. Curiously, Fluttershy looked as if a gigantic weight had fallen off her shoulders as she let out a relieved sigh. Trixie wasn’t really sure why. “So, as Trixie was saying… She’s sorry for saying those things in front of you. She understands now. You’ll forgive her, won’t you?”

Fluttershy briefly shared a look with Rarity. No doubt it had to do with Rarity's earlier accusation that Trixie was never sorry. Her attention quickly returned to Trixie, where it belonged. “Of course. Oh, I'm such a loudmouth... I should've known you were just confused. I'm sorry for blowing up at you like that while you were trying to be open.”

Sensing an opportunity, Trixie scooted closer to Fluttershy and wrapped her forelegs around the adorable, soft, mare hugging her tightly. Even while sweaty and clammy from the sauna it still was the best feeling in the world, just a little grosser. "Trixie forgives you. We... We'll just talk about 'that' again later, okay?" Trixie was dying to continue their conversation, but not while Rarity was staring daggers at her.

Fluttershy returned the hug, clearly more than happy to put the whole thing behind them. “Okay.”

Although Trixie really didn’t want to let go, once Fluttershy pulled back, she reluctantly let go as well. On the bright side, she was still sitting very close to her. And Trixie had no intention of scooting back to her previous place. So, for the time being, she could enjoy her new position.

Rarity’s left eyebrow crept up as she watched, but she held her tongue. Instead, she directed her attention to Lotus Blossom and requested more steam.

Things took a remarkably calm turn after that. As though per some unspoken agreement, the conversation moved on to less contentious topics, mostly between Fluttershy and Rarity. Naturally, it was about Rarity’s latest story from her boutique.

“So, I was in the verge of my deadline and busy stitching the ruby buttons when Sweetie Belle barges in and begins to cry as though her world is ending.” Rarity rolled her eyes. “Apparently her school is merging their two classes into one. There haven’t been enough foals going to it to justify two classes, so that’s hardly a surprise.”

“Oh, my… I’m sorry to hear that. But, uhm, why was she so upset?”

Rarity chucked. “Oh, the poor thing, she misunderstood. She thought that ‘only one class’ meant that her class would be disbanded and she’d lose all her friends. It was easy to explain once I knew that of course, but she was so distraught it took me the better part of an hour to just to calm her down enough so she could tell me what was actually wrong.”

“Awh, that poor thing. It’s good of you to take the time to help her, Rarity. Even though you were so busy. She’s lucky to have a sister like you. So, uhm, everything turned out okay?”

“They did, oh you should come by for tea next time and I’ll show you! The rubies go so well with the jades it’s just a sight to behold! It breaks my heart to think I’ll have to ship the last of them off at the end of the week.”

Even if Trixie didn’t care at all to hear about the snobby fashionista’s bragging, she didn’t want to fight in front of Fluttershy again. It wasn’t easy to hold her tongue, but she was perfectly content to just silently enjoy Fluttershy’s company, and ignore Rarity’s.

Before long, Lotus Blossom announced it was time to move on to the next event.

Compared to the sauna, the air in the large circular room they were led to was cool. Fortunately, the bathrobes and towel turbans did a good job of keeping the cold sufficiently at bay to keep Trixie comfortable.

In the middle of the room were three sparkling clean, pink spa beds.

“Please, lay down and get comfortable,” Lotus Blossom said while motioning toward the beds. “Miss Rarity, Quake will be here shortly.”

“Quake?” Trixie immediately claimed the middle bed, which earned her an irritated look from Rarity, but no actual retaliation. Trixie ignored her. As a result of Trixie’s quick thinking, Fluttershy ended up on Trixie’s left and Rarity on her right. No way that Trixie was going to leave it to chance that she’d end up anywhere but next to Fluttershy, even if the beds were spread far enough apart that they may as well be sitting on opposite sides of the room. It was the principle that mattered.

“Quake is our best masseuse, Miss Trixie, she’s very talented,” Aloe said, apparently appearing on Trixie’s bedside out of nowhere.

“Gah! Oh! Aloe, right?” Trixie looked over her shoulder at the nodding mare. “Is that what this is then? Massages? Trixie approves of this idea.”

Just remembering the massage she’d gotten at the hooves of Fluttershy was enough to elicit a warm purr from Trixie. She didn’t think it could get much better than that, but if it was half as much fun she’d still come away satisfied.

“All in good time,” Rarity chimed in, immediately making the small hairs on Trixie’s neck rise. “After all, Quake isn’t here yet, and you didn’t think we’d just lay here doing nothing, did you?”

“Actually, Trixie did think that. Trixie is fairly sure the e—experts, Aloe and Lotus, will be doing all the work.” Trixie heard Aloe giggle. A glance to her left showed that even Fluttershy was smiling at her now. The heat from the sauna seemed to come back in Trixie’s chest at the sight.

While they waited for Quake, Rarity began another conversation with Fluttershy. At least, Trixie assumed so, considering the way that Rarity's eyes were aimed in Trixie's direction, but seemingly peering through her to the mare on the other table. Trixie honestly preferred this over the fake smiles and small talk Rarity had done with her in the sauna.

Like last time, it was Rarity that did most of the talking, apparently unfazed by the lack of contribution from anypony else in the room. In fairness, Trixie supposed this was only natural for somepony who expected to carry a weekly conversation with Fluttershy.

Once Quake arrived, Trixie found herself surprisingly unbothered by the whole thing. Though, it wasn't so much Quake's presence, as to what occurred after her arrival. Much of the credit for her continued good mood absolutely had to go to Aloe. While Rarity was tended to by Quake, and Fluttershy by Lotus Blossom, Aloe had apparently lucked out and been allowed to tend to Trixie herself. A task which she performed with admirable skill.

The sauna hadn’t been bad, but it wasn’t that different from a particularly humid summer day. However, this was pampering on a whole new level. The massages were just the start. A rejuvenating mud mask and two refreshing cucumber snacks came into play a few moments later, though that last one earned her a curious look from the spa ponies, and some mumbles from Rarity. Apparently the cucumbers were Applejack's favorite part of going to the spa, who knew?

Aloe meticulously filed down the rough edges on Trixie’s hooves and horn, working away the small chips and cracks that had developed thanks to Trixie’s long treks. Although Trixie was convinced she was a stunning beauty either way, she loved the new smooth feeling.

However, Trixie’s absolute favorite had to be the massage. Perhaps there was something to the theory that even earth ponies had a kind of magic, because Aloe most certainly had magic hooves. Trixie practically melted into the bed while the world took on a warm, fluffy quality.

The whole world just felt so perfect while she lay there. It was enough to make her consider that perhaps she had been too hasty. She couldn’t even really summon up the energy anymore to be angry at Rarity.

If they really did this every week, it was no wonder to Trixie that Fluttershy was so soft to the touch.

Unfortunately, all good things had to come to an end, even it was far too soon. Trixie would much rather have stayed, but still she allowed herself to be ushered into the next room.

The room was large, much larger than any of the other rooms, and right in the middle stood a gigantic tub that would sooner pass for a swimming pool than a bath. Trixie couldn't even begin to imagine how they heated up so much water, or where it came from. Was the whole place just built around it?

While Trixie was distracted, Fluttershy had already slipped into the water. It was then that Trixie noticed something else. It was quiet.

"Uh, where is Rarity?" Trixie asked while she looked around. For the longest time now, she'd been somewhat used to the constant background noise of the white pony's babbling, but now she was nowhere to be found.

Fluttershy lifted one hoof out of the water to point to the door they'd just come through. "Oh, she's still with Quake. Their sessions are a little longer, and, well, she was a little late, remember?"

"Ah, yes, of course, Trixie remembers." Trixie said while she hastily made her way up the steps to reach the water's edge. "What, uh, what are we supposed to do here? Trixie notices the staff isn't around."

Fluttershy gave Trixie a confused look. "Uhm, we just have a bath. W-well, not just a bath. I mean, they have scents and soaps and minerals and... uhm, I... I don't really know how it's different... I think it's just a regular bath, uh, with company." As she spoke, Fluttershy clearly became more and more self-conscious about the whole thing, and she kept sinking deeper into the water until it came up to her muzzle.

Trixie couldn't shake the feeling that this was a scene straight from one of her more questionable books. Just her and Fluttershy, all by themselves, bathing together in privacy. These types of baths always ended up with the participates becoming more dirty than they started.

A fire ignited in her cheeks, and Trixie tried to banish the thought from her mind. She wasn't very successful. It didn't help that Fluttershy somehow still managed to look absolutely adorable, even with wet fur and a towel on her head. Stop it!

Trying to clear her mind, Trixie took a step away from the edge and trotted onto something soft. Looking down, she discovered Fluttershy’s discarded bathrobe. The fire spread from her cheeks to her entire face.

“Trixie? Are you not coming? Is, uhm, is it a problem? That I don’t know what this is for? I’m sorry. I could go ask Lotus Blossom, if you want me to?”

“What? Oh! No, no, it’s fine.” Snapping out of it, Trixie tested the water with one hoof, and, finding it comfortably warm, quickly lowered herself into the bath. "Whatever it's for, Trixie's pleased to have you all to herself for a while. Alone. In a bathtub." Trixie winked.

Fluttershy responded, but her muzzle was so deeply hidden in the water that all Trixie heard was mumbles and bubbles. She grinned.

"Trixie's thoughts exactly."

Author's Note:

All better. :yay:
Back to our regular schedule.

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