• Published 16th Feb 2014
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Trixie's Forest Retreat - crowscrowcrow

Following the events of Boast Busters, Trixie decides to hide from the town (and Rainbow Dash in particular) by taking cover in the Everfree Forest. Not every problem can be outrun, and sometimes facing them can have unexpected consequences.

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Chapter 105 - Report

The stroll through Ponyville had been relatively uneventful so far. Ponyville always kept her on edge, and she imagined it would every time she went into it for the next... let's say... couple years.

She needed this little break though, after nearly giving herself a bad headache from thinking through all the possible problems and pitfalls visiting Twilight could have delivered. Still, she couldn't help repeatedly thinking back to her meeting with Twilight Sparkle and Spike, and evaluating how successful she had been.

Okay, so Trixie did not get her book back, but that was to be expected. She also forgot to ask her about the law. Curses. That could have been useful right now.

As agreed upon, Fluttershy was serving as Trixie’s tour guide, and the next stop after the library was the mayor’s office. Trixie had no intention of going in there today, but it was good to know it’s location for when she felt a little more confident. Whether that meant to have more confidence in her chances for an acquittal, or to fight her way out, she had not yet decided. Perhaps both.

Actually, this works out. Trixie can return to the library later with the excuse of seeking law advice, maybe even magic advice. Once there, it shouldn't be hard to get Twilight to spill how Celestia reacted to the spellbook. She's pretty dim for somepony so bright.

Despite knowing her act couldn't have gone any better, something still didn't sit right with her. A nagging feeling was scratching at some dark corner of her mind, telling her she was missing something important. Could she have missed something? Twilight wouldn't send anything about her now, not after that little redemption act. Trixie even had the complete story of Nightmare Moon and the Elements of Harmony. Every little detail at that, all the way down to the dresses Rarity had forced on Twilight right after meeting her.

Trixie can't help but wonder just how dull her letters must be... Does Celestia actually read them?

Any potential suspicion about the reason for her visit had even been shifted to unscrupulous ambition.

So why is Trixie this on edge?

She tried to disguise her look of worry as mere pensiveness. As far as Trixie was concerned, she was in the middle of enemy territory, and there could be no show of weakness. Now that she thought about it, she really should be spending less time zoned out, and more time observing her surroundings.

Giving her head a quick shake, Trixie reordered her priorities.

While scanning the street, Trixie noticed Fluttershy was looking at her, and smiling. "Is there something on Trixie's face?"

“Oh, no,” said Fluttershy, returning her gaze to the road ahead. “It’s just… I-I’m really proud of you, Trixie.”

That was a surprise.

“What do you mean?” asked Trixie. Her resolve to focus on the ponies around them forgotten.

“It’s just, I saw you were really trying. T-to be nice, I mean. Even though it must’ve been hard for you not to yell, or get angry.” Fluttershy struggled to find the right words, looking away.

“Are you suggesting Trixie has a short fuse?” Trixie grinned.

“Oh no! I wouldn’t, I’d never—” Fluttershy halted as she caught sight of Trixie’s face, then blushed. “T-that was mean.” Still, she was smiling as she said it.

Trixie sniggered. “Well, Trixie is proud of you for catching on. You’ll get there yet. Now, Trixie believes you were in the middle of flattering her? Do go on.”

Fluttershy gave her a look that could almost be described as a glare, if it were performed by a two month old puppy. “I think I, uhm, forgot the rest.” She then looked ahead, wearing the kind of tense smile that made it clear she was trying very hard to look neutral instead.

“Aww, come on.” Trixie whined, speeding up her trot to get slightly ahead of Fluttershy so she could look her in the face. “You’re not mad, are you? Trixie was really looking forward to this part. Wasn’t The Great and Saintly Trixie a shining example of humility and forgiveness? She didn’t even accuse the dragon thing of ruining her.”

Although Fluttershy didn’t speak immediately, she did see fit to look at Trixie again after that, nodding in response.

Waiting a couple of a seconds for a response that never came, Trixie huffed. “You know Trixie hates the silent treatment. It’s not fair of you to tease her with the promise of praise only to then hush up. Is it because we’re in public?” A sly grin spread over her face. “Ohhh, that’s it, isn’t it? You’re afraid of what you might do if you think too long on how amazing Trixie is. Trixie sugge—”

Fluttershy colored pink, and quickly shook her head. “S-stop it. Fine, you were really friendly. I think Twilight liked you; she doesn’t usually get to talk about magic. A-also, I liked the way you, uhm, d-did…t-things…” Her voice got progressively softer, and her face redder.

“Things?” Trixie asked, bemused.

It wasn’t very specific, unless she took into account what kinds of 'things' Trixie did at the library that could, and did, make Fluttershy react like this.

“Ah, things,” said Trixie. A lecherous smile played on her lips while she took a half step closer to Fluttershy, nearly touching her as they walked. “That is good to know,” she whispered.

A massive understatement if ever there was one. That one simple, stuttered sentence was enough to set Trixie's heart racing.

Although it only ranked in the top five of things Trixie was especially scared of, hurting Fluttershy was one that had her second guessing her every action ever since the blunder in the kitchen. She had no clear idea of what she was allowed to do. It was as though she were lost at sea with no indication of land in any direction. Until that one simple sentence, approving of her.

It wasn't a lot, but it was a start. Trixie could hardly wait to get home.

"Oh, there's the Mayor's Office," Fluttershy said, pointing out the building.

"Great." Trixie looked at the building just long enough to commit its location to memory. "Next."

“Ugh,” Rainbow Dash groaned. “Who thought it was a good idea to put one pony in charge of the whole region? How the hay did Captain Rainy Day put up with all this?”

Leaning back on the hind two legs of the chair, she stared up at the grained wooden ceiling of the weather management office. Absurdly, the weather team office was ground bound. It had never bothered Dash before, as it only served as a general area for her to fly above to meet up and hear what needed to get done. Yet apparently there was a lot of work that actually went on inside too.

She had a desk now. A desk. She’d never had to spent a day in her life behind a desk. Three heaps of paper were stacked on top of it. The one on the left was incoming weather orders and schedules, the one on the right was probably finished work that needed to be filed, and the heap in the middle had better be for setting on fire for all Rainbow Dash cared to deal with it right now.

“Who even knew this job was for the region? I didn’t sign up for this. I only ever did the weather for Ponyville.” She glared at the empty chair at the other side of her desk, imagining she was calling the former captain out. She’d done that a lot lately.

“This is not what I had in mind…” A glance at the clock told her she had about half an hour to get to the west district, but her wings still ached from flying all over the east district an hour ago.

Flying was supposed to be fun. Even when she was working it used to be fun to fly around. But this was just grueling, even with her speed she only barely managed to scrape by and get all the work done.

She had to oversee all the pegasi as they worked, not to mention giving directions for what needed to get done. Dash had figured the other teams knew what they were doing, but everypony just looked at her, or waited for her to fly by and give them orders before they did anything. Which in practice meant she was flying all over the place, her only ‘breaks’ being when she was dealing with the paper work in the office.

She had the urge to kill whichever pony kept dropping papers off to the office in the morning. Dash just 'knew' they were purposefully getting here while she was gone, just so she couldn't have somepony to yell at. It was all very unfair.

Every day she read through all the requests and schedules, then planned out the weather patterns, sent orders for the clouds required in advance, and blew her time waiting there to receive them when they arrived. Somehow, that was even more exhausting, but at least it gave her wings a rest.

Rainy Days must have been insane if she thought Rainbow Dash could plan her way out of wet paper bag. The urge to just push all the stupid boring papers off her desk was held at bay only by some small part of her brain that kept reminding her she would have to clean that mess up, and it would take another hour to sort it back into piles. Although, it might not even make that much of a difference.

Rubbing her eyes in a vain attempt to regain her focus, Rainbow Dash let her head fall on the desk with a heavy thump and a groan. She could just see the window from there, and the alluring blue sky above.

“I wonder what Trixie and Fluttershy are up to…”

That was probably the worst part. She barely had time to sleep, let alone visit her friends. She wasn’t even sure anymore if she’d ever have free time again.

Lifting her head up high, Dash surveyed the mountain of paperwork, and took another look at the clock. She really had to get going. “Just chill, Dash. This is just a busy week. You’ll have loads of free time after this, right? Right?”

With a heavy sigh, Rainbow Dash pushed herself off her desk, then headed for the door.

She was going to make this work. She had to make this work. Rainbow Dash would never get done in by something as uncool as mere work. Especially not if her predecessor had done it all without an issue. In fact, she was going to do it twice as good.

If only she wasn't so very tired.

Home at last.

“Ugh, Trixie can’t feel her hooves!” Trixie complained while she staggered to the couch. Her legs ached and shook in protest every time she forced herself another step forward.

Aside from the tour, they’d also briefly visited the market place. Applejack had been friendly as ever, and she even managed not to throw anything at Trixie this time.

“You did really well, Trixie,” Fluttershy said encouragingly. “I guess I shouldn’t have asked if you wanted to go home early.”

If Trixie didn’t know better, she’d swear Fluttershy was being sarcastic.

Why hadn’t she accepted Fluttershy’s offer to go home sooner? Oh, yeah, because she didn’t want to admit she couldn’t walk as far as she was used to.

“That does it. Starting tomorrow, Trixie is exercising.” With that resolution made, she crashed down on the couch. She groaned as at long last her body got its well-deserved rest. Resting on her side, she pulled up her legs against her body, enjoying the warmth. She could swear she heard a very soft snort of amusement from Fluttershy, as Trixie did her best impression of a ball on the couch.

“Oh, that’s a wonderful idea, but, uhm… Please try not to tire yourself out, okay, Trixie? If it’s not too much trouble. Applejack will be expecting us for dinner.”

“Right. Trixie forgot about that.”

Perhaps she would count the trek to Sweet Apple Acres as exercise for the day. It was a fairly long walk to go back and forth. It was an alluring proposition, especially since she didn’t want to even think about doing anything strenuous right now.

Trixie knew she should have been helping Fluttershy unpack the groceries. And she would have, if it wasn’t for the aching in every muscle below her horn. By the noises of shuffling and shelving in the other room, it sounded like Fluttershy had it under control anyway.

Without even thinking about it, she closed her eyes. Just five minutes.

The scent of hot chocolate. Trixie would recognize it anywhere.

Stretching out with a long yawn, Trixie felt something soft brush along her fur. Opening her eyes, she blinked against the light, then noticed a blanket had been folded over her at some point.

On the nearby table stood a single mug with a thin wisp of steam flowing up from it. There was also the extremely strong smell of garlic in the air, of which Trixie hoped was coming from the rolled up burrito on the plate next to the mug, as opposed to the mug.

Almost immediately upon spotting it, her stomach growled loudly as though to make it absolutely clear she either ate that right now, or it was going to pack its bags and leave. A threat which Trixie didn’t dare to call a bluff on.

It was only when she was about half way through her meal that Trixie remembered this couldn’t have just magically materialized.


“Oh. Yes, Trixie?” Came a voice from right beside her.

Leaning over the armrest of the couch, Trixie spotted Fluttershy on the floor, reading a book.

“What are you reading?” she asked, before taking another bite.

The question startled Fluttershy, her cheeks colored as she looked up to meet Trixie’s gaze. “Oh, uhm, well, it’s one of yours.”

Trixie felt a hot flash soar through her face. Gah! How did she even find them?! Right, it's her closet! As rapidly as she could, she tried to think of excuses as to why she owned a book like that. Research? A two for one deal? Inherited? Twilight got it wrong? Yes! that one!

Apparently noticing her distress, Fluttershy drooped her ears, adopting a guilty look. “O-oh. I’m sorry. I knew I shouldn’t have taken it without asking, but, well… I didn’t want to wake you up, and it looked so interesting,” she said while turning over the book so Trixie could read the cover.

The Comprehensive Guide to Equestria's Wildest Wildlife: From Alps and Basilisks to Yetis and Zaratans.

That mare was going to be the death of her one day. She had to be doing this on purpose.

"Ah, yes, of course. Great book," Trixie said, with the most strained neutral voice she could have possibly managed. Before she could say anything even more stupid, Trixie bit into her burrito again.

Fluttershy either was unaware, or pretended to be unaware for Trixie’s sake. Simply looking back down at the book as she turned back to the page she’d left off. “Oh, it is. I always wanted to read it when I was younger, but my parents said it would give me nightmares. And, uhm, they were probably right.” She sounded ashamed of being scared of monsters as a filly.

Trixie idly pondered what Fluttershy might have looked like back then. It was hard to think of her as any cuter than she already was. “Don’t worry about nightmares. Trixie will keep you safe.” Leaning over the armrest, she grinned playfully down at the scaredy-cat. “Trixie could hold you all night, if you like?”

“I-I meant at the time,” Fluttershy stuttered, her face bright red.

Nodding, Trixie gave Fluttershy a little pout. “Oh, well, the offer still stands.”

She waited for a moment, but Fluttershy slowly retreated behind her mane and buried her muzzle in the book. Trixie noted that despite this, Fluttershy's ears were attentively swiveled in her direction as opposed to being pressed to her skull. And, she was fairly sure no actual reading was taking place. She took this as a good sign to tease juuust a little more.

Trixie smirked. “No? Well, next time Trixie will just have to ask Twilight for a scarier book.”

Fluttershy just squeaked.

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