• Published 16th Feb 2014
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Trixie's Forest Retreat - crowscrowcrow

Following the events of Boast Busters, Trixie decides to hide from the town (and Rainbow Dash in particular) by taking cover in the Everfree Forest. Not every problem can be outrun, and sometimes facing them can have unexpected consequences.

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Chapter 91 - Rapids

To Trixie, time had lost its meaning. She wasn’t sure how long she’d been here, sharing a blanket with Rainbow Dash on the shore of Saddle Lake. Which was apparently what it was called, if Dash could be trusted to identify such things.

What she did know, was that she loved every minute of it. Curled up against one another, they’d talked, fought and joked around about things big and small. Trixie’s favorite part was hearing Dash telling her about some of her best stunts and how she planned to improve them, the sheer enthusiasm in the mare’s voice was invigorating. Though Trixie didn’t actually understand much of the technical terms Dash used, she got the gist of it enough to ask a question on occasion without sounding like a complete moron, or so she hoped.

In return, Trixie elaborated on her show, detailing some of her more successful performances. Of course she added the necessary bit of flare to the tale where appropriate, but ‘enhancing the truth’ a little bit was absolutely not the same thing as lying, or so she assured herself while doing her best to impress Dash.

“And that is when they presented Trixie with the key to the city.”

Only a little bit.

Rolling her eyes, Dash just nodded. “Yeah, I think I heard about that.” She glanced towards Trixie with a soft grin.

Trixie felt a hot flash sear through her. “O-of course! It was the talk of South-Equestria.”

“Just South-Equestria?” Dash asked, the grin on her face growing. “That’s pretty modest coming from you, I guess it wasn’t a big deal, huh?”

Glaring at Dash, Trixie levitated a globe of water out of the lake, then hovered it above them threateningly. “Either you drop it, or Trixie will.”

“You’re threatening me with water? Really?” Dash let out a mocking laugh, but paused when a single note rung through the air, causing her to look towards a nearby hill. “Woah, is it time already?”

Trixie recognized the sound as a pitch pipe, but she wasn’t sure why Rainbow Dash would care about it at all. “Time? Don’t tell Trixie you are a musician, Dash.” As far as Trixie knew, pitch pipes were only intended as a reference for musicians, not as some kind of signal, a regular whistle was much more effective for that.

Giving Trixie a look of surprise, Dash shook her head. “Nah, but you are right that it’s for musicians, or well, singers really.” As if on cue, a deep, harmonious voice rolled over the hill, soon joined by three others in order of pitch.

Trixie’s ears perked up involuntarily to listen to the sound, it was surprisingly beautiful. “Is that… an a cappella quartet? Trixie hasn’t heard one of those in…” She paused briefly to consider, but once she remembered, it didn’t sound quite as good as she planned. “…Actually it was just a year ago, but still, those are pretty rare.”

“A what? I mean, erm, yeah that!” Dash chuckled and nudged Trixie’s shoulder, then pointed up. “Trixie, do you mind? It’s getting kinda close.”

Disgruntled to be shaken out of the spell the melodious tones put her under, Trixie gave Dash an impatient glance. “Huh, what?” She looked up at the mass of water that slowly drifted dangerously close ever since she lost focus. “Oh that, yes.” She let the water flow higher into the air absent mindedly while she listened. It wasn’t her favorite kind of music, but it was the first she’d heard in months.

Meanwhile, Rainbow Dash filled her in on a few details. “They’re called The Pony Tones. They come here to practice. Well, usually it’s on Fridays, but one of their members couldn’t make it that day so they moved it this week. Do you like it?”

“Trixie does,” she all but whispered reverently, afraid to disrupt the music in the air. It was not a song she was familiar with, but it was catchy. With a smile, Trixie considered how appropriate it was to ‘find the music’ out in the middle of nowhere. She stared at the hill where the sound came from, apparently the quartet was on the other side. Trixie regretted not being able to see the singers, but at the same time she was grateful for being spared the trouble of hiding as two of those voices sounded familiar.

Dash smiled, her eyes didn’t leave the spellbound Trixie. “If you like, we can check them out next week too. I guess they’d be back at the park then though.”

Barely sparing a glance, Trixie replied. “At the park?”

“Yeah, there’s a, uh, wooden thing there, I dunno, a gazelle or something.”

“Gazebo.” Trixie chuckled softly, feeling a slight headache that she attributed to Dash’s silliness.

“Yeah! That! It’s where they usually practice at I think. It was taken so they came here.” Dash paid little attention to the singing herself, apparently more interested in Trixie’s reaction. With the music distracting her, Trixie did not think too much on it.

A false note made Trixie winch, and the singing died down. She could faintly hear somepony speaking, but she couldn’t make out what it was about. Well that’s a shame. Wait, what did Dash say? Tilting her head, Trixie looked towards Dash, she knew suspiciously much about these Pony Tones. “Do they normally practice at this time too?”

“Uh, I dunno.” Dash shrugged and reached for the picnic basket, pulling out a quarter full bottle of grape juice. “I guess they probably do.” Taking a swig, she offered the bottle to Trixie.

Trixie raised an eye brow, surely Dash did not think she was a foal. “So, you are telling Trixie they would normally practice on a different day, in a different place. That you have no idea when they practice. And they just happen to be here at the same time we are? That’s quite the coincidence.” She mused aloud while she took the bottle from Dash, downing the remainder.

Looking nervous, Dash put on a cheesy grin. “Heh, yeah.” Her eyes darted to the hill as the singing started up again, a look of relief on her face. Clearly she thought Trixie would back off and start enjoying the music again.

However, Trixie was not about to do any such thing. Though she was not clear on what kind of trick Dash had used for this, it was obvious this was somehow part of her plan. Tossing the bottle aside, she set her hoof against Dash and gently toppled her over. Trixie continued on to pin Dash down to the blanket, allowing Trixie to tower over her. “What do you take Trixie for? You think Trixie is fooled by this façade? You secretly ARE romantic!”

Either Dash was too surprised to resist, or she didn’t mind having Trixie on top of her. “What? No. I’m not.” She grinned up at Trixie with confidence. “Why, whatever could you be talking about?”

Trixie rolled her eyes. “Fine, be like that, but do not think Trixie will let you get away with this merely because you feign ignorance! The Great and Powerful Trixie will not be deceived!” She jabbed an accusatory hoof at Dash, narrowing her eyes. “Trixie’s on to you.”

Smirking, Dash let her gaze travel to Trixie’s hoof on her chest. “Well, you are definitely ‘on’ me.” Relaxing below Trixie, Dash folded her hooves under her head to get more comfortable, perking up her ears to listen to the singing. Her eyes briefly darted away from Trixie to look past her, then settled back. “Hey, Trixie? Remember that thing with your horn?”

“W-what about it?” Her face flushed. Trixie most certainly did remember the time Dash tried to get a taste of her horn, completely oblivious to what that meant to a unicorn until Trixie told her and made Dash back off. Of course, that had been before they were dating. Still, this was much sooner than Trixie expected to return to it.

“It just got me thinking. I don’t really know much about unicorns,” she said coyly, but then let the volume of her voice drop while leaning up closer to Trixie, nearly whispering. “So, you’ll have to teach me, sometime.”

A tingling feeling ran along Trixie’s spine as she did her very best to remain calm and collected, which was not helped by her racing heart causing a pounding feeling in her head. “S-sure.” This was perfectly normal, right? There was nothing wrong with sharing some information of that nature with her marefriend. It didn’t mean they would act on it straight away, even Dash wasn’t that fast.

“Thanks, so, first of all, I was wondering…” She looked past Trixie again. “What’s it mean when a unicorn’s aura is flashing?”

“What does… what?” Trixie blinked. She supposed that by now she ought to be used to things not going quite as expected. “Uh, well. It usually means a unicorn is overexerting themselves. It is pretty common among young unicorns that don’t have much magic power yet. The best Trixie could liken it to is your muscles getting shaky when you reach your limit. It’s like that.”

Dash nodded, still not looking at her. “I get it. So does that mean we’re about to get wet?”

Trixie tilted her head, puzzled. “Huh?” Though she did not mind answering questions, the silly cryptic follow-up annoyed her, and she became acutely aware the headache that had been gradually growing the past few minutes. Ugh, stupid questions giving Trixie a— She froze, and tentatively tilted her head up towards the sky. “Oh no.”

The large globe of water was still hovering right above them, surrounded in a rapidly flickering orchid glow. Trixie had completely forgotten about it.

“No, no, NO! Trixie’s mane is finally dry!” With the last of her magic, she tried to force the globe to move just a few meters in any direction, but all she succeeded in doing was shattering the delicate, already unstable, magic that held it.

Frightened, Trixie’s ears folded flat against her scalp as she watched the water plummet out of the sky. With only half a second to react, all she could think to do was burry her face in Dash’s chest fur.


Before today, Trixie did not think there would have been much of a difference between heavy rainfall and falling water. She was wrong. It was like falling into a pool in reverse. From one moment to the next, she felt a borderline-painful impact, and was suddenly submerged in cold water. It lasted barely a second, then it was all gone, leaving her drenched from tail to shoulder.


It was strange, the globe above them had definitely been big enough to cover her completely. Carefully, Trixie opened one eye, and flinched when all she saw was blue. Wait, that’s not water. She recognized them now, the soft cyan feathers that enveloped her.

The sunlight returned when Dash’s wings unfurled, shifting downward to Trixie’s back, bringing the rest of the world back into view. First the sky, then the trees, and finally Dash herself, still in the same careless position she’d been in a second ago. However, her face, unlike Trixie’s, was completely soaked.

When Trixie made eye contact, Dash tried to speak, but coughed up water instead. Hacking and coughing, she finally forced a few words out. “I wish my wings were bigger.”

It was obvious to Trixie that Dash had shielded her from the torrent, taking the brunt of it herself. Trixie shivered at the thought that all that water already stung a bit when it hit her back, she didn’t want to imagine getting hit in the face with it. “You are such a foal.”

It cemented just how right Trixie was to put her trust in Dash. She really could depend on Dash to come through for her, even though so far it often meant Dash putting herself in harm’s way instead.

In the grand scheme of things, being spared a little splash in the face wasn’t really that big of a deal, but the gesture still warmed Trixie to the core.

As Trixie thought about it, she came to realize why. In a way, this was much more significant. There was little doubt that Rainbow Dash was a brave and loyal pony that would quickly put her own life at risk to save that of another. So brave, that she would do it for anypony, just because it was the right thing to do. This, however, was trivial. There was no danger, no right thing to do. Dash herself had done worse things on occasion in good fun. There was no reason for Dash to act, but she simply did it because she cared that much for her.

“Trixie? Are you okay?” an anxious voice asked.

Trixie snapped out of it, suddenly aware she’d been lost in thought. Blushing, Trixie looked down at Dash. Perhaps it was that Dash always looked a bit disheveled to begin with, but she pulled off the drowned cat look well. Above all, Dash wore such a caring expression, one that usually went hidden under that much more familiar teasing grin. Before Trixie quite realized what she was doing, she’d already leaned down and locked lips with her.

Closing her eyes, Trixie decided she may as well go with her subconscious decision making, it clearly knew what she really wanted to do better than she did. Feeling especially adventurous, Trixie teased the tip of her tongue along Dash’s moist lips. To her delight, Dash caught on quickly, responding to the gentle coaxing by granting Trixie access.

It was as though there was a flame spreading through her whole body. Trixie had read about these kinds of kisses more than she’d dare to admit, the ‘prance kiss’. The memory of the first one she ever experienced was still so fresh in her mind she could remember the taste. They’d briefly shared one the first night when Dash gave into the bet, but had not since. Thus Trixie intended to make the absolute most out of this one, pouring all of her passion into it.

Since Dash was trapped on the ground, it was up to Trixie to decide when to end the kiss, which naturally was only once her lungs were burning from a wholly different kind of fire. Involuntarily breaking away for air, Trixie noticed to her mild annoyance that Dash, once again, did not even appear winded, but at least she was blushing as heavily as Trixie was. How does she do that? She can’t have that much air!

The thought only occupied her mind for a split second though, as there was something much more important she had to get out while she was still feeling courageous enough. She stared into Dash’s eyes, admiring their sparkling beauty in the sunlight. Already feeling her nerves playing up, she quickly gathered just enough air to whisper, “Dashie, Trixie loves you.”

A look of surprise passed briefly over Dash’s face, which clearly it had less to do with the fact Trixie loved her, than with Trixie actually saying it. Smiling up at Trixie, Dash replied as mushy as she would allow herself to be. “I know.”

Trixie knew it was as good as she was going to get, and she’d happily take it. Rolling her eyes, she rested her head down on Dash’s chest. Listening to the racing rhythm that joined the music already in the air as a result, Trixie smiled. “You are the worst at this.”

Finally, Dash moved her hooves out from under her head, wrapping them around Trixie instead, holding her close to her chest as she spoke. “I know.”

Held tightly in Dash’s embrace, Trixie closed her eyes. If she had the power, she’d make the moment last forever. Above, the sun’s warmth shone down upon them, drying their soaked fur. Below, Rainbow Dash’s warmth radiated through Trixie. She settled in comfortably while she listened to the greatest possible sound, a standing ovation from within Dash.

This is the best!

Author's Note:

Thanks for reading, I hope you enjoyed.

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