• Published 16th Feb 2014
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Trixie's Forest Retreat - crowscrowcrow

Following the events of Boast Busters, Trixie decides to hide from the town (and Rainbow Dash in particular) by taking cover in the Everfree Forest. Not every problem can be outrun, and sometimes facing them can have unexpected consequences.

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Chapter 80 - Reschedule

Trixie looked out the window, appreciating the setting sun as it colored the sky in a beautiful shade of crimson. Amusingly enough, she could look to her left and find that very same color, all over Fluttershy’s face.

The three of them had retreated into the living room and gotten comfortable on the couch. For some time, the conversation ran the gambit between explanations *Poke her face being the first of many*, snickering, and the occasional apology for the snickering.

In the commotion Trixie had not paid attention and sat down on the right end of the couch, while Fluttershy had taken the middle, which meant Rainbow Dash was all the way on the other end.

Truthfully, Trixie felt terrible for laughing at Fluttershy like that, but she really couldn’t help herself. Hopefully she’d have some chance to redeem herself soon.

In brief, Trixie told her friends about her meeting with Derpy, and the rumors that were apparently starting up. It only made sense to share her concerns, especially after making a promise to do so more often.

Fluttershy just shook her head. “That’s not very nice of them… But, uhm, it’s not as bad as it sounds, Trixie. There is not much that goes on in Ponyville, oh, not that it is a boring place, but it’s peaceful and quiet. Erm, most of the time that is. So ponies like to gossip a lot. I don’t think many ponies take it seriously… I hope.”

Rainbow Dash scowled, and for once seeing the volatile mare angry actually soothed Trixie. It was nice to have somepony else outraged on her behalf, it saved her half the work. “Just wait till I get my hooves on whoever started those rumors, I bet Rarity or Pinkie might know! There’s plenty of things somepony could say about you without making stuff up to make you look worse!”

Despite the unintentional dig, Trixie chuckled at the remark, watching as Fluttershy gave Dash a gentle nudge with her elbow that went completely unnoticed. “Thanks, Dash. Trixie thinks she has some idea of who might be responsible, but she doesn’t have any proof, or even a name.” She sighed and shrugged her shoulders, burying the frustration that came with the false rumors as best she could. “Anyway, other than that. Trixie received a letter from the hospital. They are asking Trixie to come in tomorrow for a checkup.”

“Hah, as if! They’re just sore losers.” Rainbow Dash huffed, clearly still irritated from the previous piece of news.

“Trixie still intends to go. She feels great, but Fluttershy has explained to Trixie that may be deceptive. So getting a diagnosis will take the guess work out of this. Heh, with any luck Trixie will be casting spells by the time she gets home.” Trixie said with excitement. Sure it was possible that she would be told she couldn’t, but that just meant the status quo remained, so she had nothing to lose and everything to gain. Showing a soft grin while looking at Rainbow Dash, Trixie added. “Not that Trixie needs her magic to make you see fireworks, Dashie.”

Rolling her eyes, Rainbow Dash groaned. “Yeah, with any luck you’ll be better, so I can actually hit you when you say stuff like that.” She chuckled and gave Trixie a grin. “Enjoy it while you can, Thiefsie

Wrinkling her nose in disgust with the terrible name, Trixie glowered while she looked Rainbow Dash in the eye, an unspoken staring competition starting between them as they had their back and forth. “Careful, or Trixie will see what other firsts she can stea—”

Raising a hoof to draw attention, Fluttershy interjected. “E-excuse me, I, uhm, H-hospital? In Ponyville? I-I mean… I don’t think anything will happen, but, uhm, ponies might say things? About the rumors?” Fluttershy developed a fresh coat of crimson in her face while she listened to her friends.

Fluttershy’s objection had them both break away at the same time, depriving the contest of a winner. “Huh? Oh! Yes, thank you, Fluttershy. Trixie was getting to that.” She gave Fluttershy a thankful smile for getting them back on topic, though she was surprised Fluttershy had found the conviction to interrupt them, however gently.

Rainbow Dash, meanwhile, wore an expression that said she declared herself the winner of the match. A look of smug satisfaction was clear on her face as she leaned back on the couch and observed Trixie.

Trixie opened her mouth to call Dash out, but her eyes drifted back to Fluttershy. Sighing, Trixie continued down the right path. “Trixie wishes to go, but Ponyville ‘hospitality’ is not something Trixie wishes to experience twice. So, uhm, she would rather not go to the hospital alone. The appointment is set for tomorrow morning at ten, though Trixie is not sure how long it will take.”

“So, uhm, you would like it if we came with you, Trixie?” Fluttershy asked.

“Yes. Though, uhm, not you, Fluttershy…” Trixie tried to sound as tactful as she possibly could. “Not that Trixie does not love spending time with you, but rather... If ponies saw Fluttershy with Trixie… They would suspect Trixie is here, so they could find Trixie.”

“Oh… okay… I understand.” Fluttershy nodded slowly. “I, uhm, I am sure nopony would mind, but… if it makes you feel safer to keep it a secret for now, that’s fine.”

Trixie folded her ears flat against her scalp. It felt just awful to exclude Fluttershy with an excuse like that, but it was for the best.

Rainbow Dash wrapped a wing around Fluttershy and leaned over besides her. “Yeah, I’m real sure that’s the only thing, Trixie. It’s got nothing to do with you being worried about Fluttershy in case something happens, am I right?” The sarcasm dripping off her words was thick enough to clog a sink.

Fluttershy perked up, looking at Rainbow Dash a moment, then back at Trixie. “Is that true, Trixie? You’re worried somepony might hurt me if they see I’m with you?” She sounded equal parts incredulous and frightened.

Glaring at Rainbow Dash for a moment, Trixie nodded in defeat. “Fine, yes. Trixie already made you walk into one dangerous area, she is not keen on making you go into a second. If it’s the three of us, Trixie is sure nothing will happen. However, if we do, she is not sure what will happen the next time you walk through town alone, Fluttershy.”

Rainbow Dash folded her arms over her chest with a smirk. “But I can come? So you don’t care what happens to me?”

Trixie mirrored Dash’s infectious smirk. “Not one bit.” Staring back at Rainbow Dash, Trixie could not help but feel mischievous.

Fluttershy looked from Dash to Trixie, clearly aware they were going off on their own again. “Oh, uhm. I have an idea… if you want to hear it? I was just thinking… What if Trixie went alone, but me and Rainbow Dash follow from a distance?”

Snapping out of it, Trixie looked to Fluttershy, and considered it for a moment. “Oh… that could actually work much better. If something happens, then you two just happen to be there, like Big Mac was. Nopony would have any reason to think we’re together.”

“Oh, yeah. And if nothing happens, maybe you will stop being so paranoid.” Rainbow Dash quipped.

“Not likely,” Trixie muttered under her breath. She quickly perked up again though to avoid dampening the mood. “Good idea, Fluttershy. Once at the hospital we’ll see how much time it takes. If it’s over and done within a few minutes we can go home the same way. If it takes a long time, well, Trixie doubts anything bad will be happening in there, so you can both go to work and pick Trixie up later?”

Fluttershy nodded, smiling brightly with the acceptance of her suggestion. “Sure, Trixie.”

“Sounds good to me, I’ve got a shift tomorrow, but I should be able to squeeze in a quick escort mission. Hay, maybe I can pretend I’m working.”

“So business as usual then?” Trixie teased. Seriously, another shift? She’s done more work these past two days than the past two weeks. What’s up with that? She could only hope it was not going to be a regular thing.

“By Celestia, I hope it turns out you are fine.” Rainbow Dash said in a manner closer to a threat than a well-wishing. “Okay, so hospital visit resolved. Anything else you wanted to say? Or is it my turn?”

Trixie looked confused for a moment. “Uh, Trixie is done, yes. Your turn? What did you want to talk about?” No sooner had she said it, when the realization set in that she had yet to hear what Rainbow’s plan was for their date. “Ah! Trixie’s got it, yes, do tell.”

“Oh, yes, Rainbow Dash, how was your day?” Fluttershy smiled, getting comfortable under the wing that was still around her.

Thumping her chest, Rainbow Dash visibly swelled up with more pride than Trixie thought safe for any one pegasus. “I got promoted! You’re looking at the fulltime captain of the ‘Ponyville and surrounding areas’ weather team!”

Fluttershy gasped and wrapped her hooves around Rainbow Dash, tightly. “That’s great, Rainbow Dash! Oh, I’m so glad to hear that, I—oh, no! I didn’t even make something special to celebrate! I’m so sorry, but I didn’t know.”

Trixie couldn’t help but smile while she watched her friends together like that. It seemed to her like she should just let them have this moment to themselves. To that end, Trixie resisted the urge to join in and make it a group hug, promising herself that there'd be better times for those soon enough.

Trixie knew how much Rainbow Dash’s shoddy employment had been bothering Fluttershy ever since she left the Cloudsdale weather team on her account. Looks like she got that captain position after all, Fluttershy.

Chuckling at Fluttershy’s panic, Rainbow Dash returned the hug. “Hey now, it wouldn’t be a surprise if I told you in advance, would it? Nopony else knew either, well except the weather manager I guess.”

“Congratulations, Dash, Trixie is thinking you weren't very surprised about it?” Trixie finally chimed in.

“Thanks, Trixie. You’re right, it wasn’t a big shock, heh. I usually get to take charge whenever something big needs to be done, like the storm last night, or winter wrap up, that kind of thing. The only difference is that now it’s official. The last captain, Rainy Day, retired, and obviously recommended yours truly.” She brushed her hoof on her chest fur and looked at it idly while she spoke, as if it was the most natural thing in the world, but there was no hiding the light of excitement in her eyes as she told the story.

Fluttershy was all smiles as she listened. “You deserve it, Rainbow Dash. Oh, I know just the thing. Since we’re going to town tomorrow anyway I bet I could get something together.”

Trixie grinned while she gave Fluttershy a gentle nudge. “Fluttershy, surprise parties don’t work if you say you are preparing them.”

“Oh, I’m sorry. I’m not very good at this… Oh, I bet if I asked Pinkie Pie she would be happy to set it up.”

“Err, again, Fluttershy, if you say you have somepony prepare the party then it’s not a surprise party.”

Tensing up, Rainbow Dash looked around as if she expected something to explode. After a second she turned to Trixie. “Eh, I wouldn’t be so sure about that, Trixie. Pinkie Pie could tell you the time and place and still make it a surprise party.”

Trixie raised an eyebrow with the sudden displayed paranoia. Now that she thought about it, this ‘Pinkie Pie’ had come up in conversation before, and it was always something weird. “Again with the Pinkie Pie? Trixie is starting to think she is just another one of your old mares tales.”

“Oh yeah? I’m telling you Trixie, not a single birthday, sleepover, or celebration is about to take place in Ponyville, without Pinkie Pie somehow knowing about it. ”

Rolling her eyes, Trixie felt she was clearly being messed with by this point. “Yeah right, Trixie is not falling for it. Do you have any proof? Trixie has never even seen this mare.”

“You want proof? Alright fine, I happen to have the perfect thing!” Rainbow Dash grinned widely, but did not produce anything.


“I don’t have it on me, it’s at home.”

“Sure it is.”

“Hey, I’ll bring it tomorrow. You can have it I guess.”

Trixie looked at Rainbow Dash, trying to read her face, but she could not get anything from it. “Trixie will hold you to that.”

Fluttershy looked curious about what kind of proof Rainbow Dash might have as well.

“Mhm, I’m pretty sure there was something else I was supposed to sayyy…” Rainbow Dash drawled while she scratched her chin, mimicking a thinking pose.

Trixie involuntarily inched a bit closer across the couch. Dash had kept her waiting for so long, and she was apparently still intending to draw it out even more. Grinding her teeth as she watched Dash, Trixie finally snapped. “Just tell Trixie about the date already!”

The grin on Rainbow Dash’s face grew impossibly wide. “Eager much?” After receiving Trixie’s best death-glare, she continued. “Okay fine, fine. First of all, I am not going to tell you what we’re gonna do, that would ruin the surprise.” She blew a raspberry in response to Trixie’s scowl. “However, how does the day after tomorrow sound? I’ll come get you at noon.” Laughingly, she added, “unless you have other plans.”

“U-uhm, a-actually…” Fluttershy raised a hoof. “I already, uhm, have something for me and Trixie that day so, uhm, maybe try for next week instead? I’m sorry, Rainbow Dash.”

Both Trixie and Rainbow Dash gave Fluttershy a surprised look.

“Oh, you have? Uh, well I guess maybe the day after… no, that won’t work.” Rainbow Dash contemplated as she looked up at the ceiling, mentally going over her work schedule. “No… No… Maybe… Huh, I guess it would be next week.”

Fluttershy nodded slowly. “I’m sorry… I wasn’t thinking… There’s always so much more work after a storm, and there must be even more this time… but, uhm, you’d have lots of time to make plans?”

Trixie was speechless while she let it sink in for a moment. Not only had she just found out their date was delayed, and thus would have to wait even longer to find out what it was, but now she found out Dash was working all week? Would she even get to see her? She stared at Rainbow Dash, and felt her chest ache. Dash looked so far away all of a sudden, and Trixie wanted to just grab her to make sure she could.

“Yeah I guess, but… Mhm. I usually like to take the third day off, and it’s hard to get Captain Rainy Day to move free days around… Woah, wait a sec! I guess since I’m the captain now, I get to call the shots on who works when!” Rainbow Dash shot up straight. “Hah! Perfect! All I have to do is move the day around! I bet I could get Cloudchaser to trade.” She looked over at Trixie with a grin. “Got any plans for tomorrow afternoon?”

The hospital visit was scheduled for the morning, and Trixie was pretty confident that she would be done by the time lunch rolled around, there was no way it was going to take more than a few hours. “Trixie does now!”

Pulling away from an apparently catatonic Fluttershy, Rainbow Dash rolled off the couch and spread her wings. “Okay! This is more like it, I hate waiting around. I just have to hurry and talk to Cloudchaser before she goes to bed. See you girls tomorrow!” Without a moment’s warning, Rainbow Dash bolted out the door in pursuit of whichever poor pegasus she was about to rope into doing her job for her.

It happened so fast that Trixie did not even have time to say goodbye, much less try to sneak in a goodbye hug, or kiss if she could get away with it. Still, Trixie made no effort to contain her excitement as she watched Rainbow Dash fly off at top speeds. “Yes! That worked out perfectly! Don’t you think, Fluttershy? Fluttershy?”

There was no reply.

Author's Note:

Thanks for reading, I hope you enjoyed.

Gosh, chapter 80 already. Time flies.

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