• Published 16th Feb 2014
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Trixie's Forest Retreat - crowscrowcrow

Following the events of Boast Busters, Trixie decides to hide from the town (and Rainbow Dash in particular) by taking cover in the Everfree Forest. Not every problem can be outrun, and sometimes facing them can have unexpected consequences.

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Chapter 28 - Redirect

“Oh, I'm sorry. Uh, am I interrupting?” The soft voice pulled the attention of both ponies towards Fluttershy in an instant, who let of a quiet squeak and hid behind her mane. She was seated on the cloud just a bit away from the pair, staring uncomfortably at the hugging ponies and trying to avert her gaze with a blush.

When did she get up here? H-how much of all that did she hear? Trixie had been so wrapped up in the moment she never noticed Fluttershy land on the cloud, and by the looks of things neither had Rainbow Dash.

Rainbow Dash was first to find her voice. “Hey Fluttershy, T-Trixie was just a little upset over the whole thing with the timberwolf. Isn’t that right Trixie?” She gave the crying unicorn a squeeze, a friendly gesture to Fluttershy, and an unmistakable one to Trixie.

“T-that’s right. Timberwolf, yes. T-Trixie just had a nightmare that’s all. Don’t worry about it. How are you feeling, Fluttershy?” She gave her a quick once over, relieved to see Fluttershy relatively unharmed.

Fluttershy looked from Rainbow Dash to Trixie, then one of her eyebrows rose up. She was clearly not buying it. She knew far more than most about being upset, and this was not the fearful kind.“… Oh, okay then. I’m fine now, Trixie. I’m so sorry for scaring you both.” The duo of ponies breathed a sigh of relief, only for it to get cut off half way by that kind voice. “And don’t worry, I think I have some tea for ‘nightmares’. We’ll try some later, if that’s okay with you.”

Trixie glanced at Rainbow Dash, but went completely ignored as she just pressed Fluttershy a bit further on her health, and the events that took place. Trixie felt completely out of her element, and it was not merely the fact that she was on a cloud. She did her best to push it all out of her mind for the moment though. She was not sure if it was intentional, but Rainbow Dash was keeping the conversation going without a single lull while Trixie collected herself.

She was not sure if she was disappointed or grateful for Fluttershy's interruption. Her chest ached terribly from her confrontation with Rainbow Dash and it only seemed to get worse when she looked at Fluttershy. She did her best to force the dizzying feelings down as far a she could and drape her stage persona over them, fortunately she was pretty good at the later.

Once Trixie actually started to pay attention to what was said, the first thing she really noticed was not the things they were talking about. But how fluid Fluttershy was managing to speak. Her voice was still so soft, but almost none of the pauses or stuttering seemed to be there anymore while she spoke with Rainbow Dash.

“Okay fine I won’t go down there for your bags, Fluttershy. But then we can’t stay in the castle very long can we? We need something decent eat.”

Now that Trixie thought about it, how long had the two been speaking? She had not paid much attention to the time while she was recovering but it had to have been much longer than she had ever thought Fluttershy could handle engaging in conversation. Perhaps there was some kind of trick to it that she was unaware of.

“I know, Rainbow Dash, but it’s only a small flight. I’ll just fly back and get something to eat to bring back once we are there.”

Trixie looked from Fluttershy to Rainbow Dash. Really? They are arguing about food? I guess we did lose ours, maybe the timberwolf even ate it by now, along with my hat. A grimace spread across her face at the thought. She leaned over to the edge of the cloud to peer down at the canopy, trying to get her bearings on what area of the forest she would have to look for it if she ever decided to try.

“You want to fly all alone, all the way over the Everfree Forest and back, carrying supplies? How would we know if something happened? I’ll come with you.”

It looked like she was going to have some time alone to think over what happened. Maybe she could answer her own question. she was fairly sure Rainbow Dash did not have an answer for her, even if Fluttershy had not interrupted them before.

“We can’t leave Trixie alone all by herself, she was not well before and who knows what forcing so much magic did to her. Oh that’s right. How are you feeling Trixie?” Fluttershy’s attention was drawn back to the nearly forgotten Trixie. Her teal eyes finally settled upon her again.

Trixie startled out of her thoughts and looks from one to the other, both ponies stared at her awaiting her answer. She quickly smiled and reached a hoof up to flip her mane. “Oh, Trixie is just fine thank you, Fluttershy. The Great and Powerful Trixie could cast spells like that all day without breaking a sweat.” It was not lie, considering it felt like she was not The Great and Powerful Trixie in her current state.

“See? She’s fine.” Rainbow Dash turned her attention back to Fluttershy.

“I don’t know… She can’t fly, and what if the timberwolf finds her?”

“Trixie is right here, don’t talk about Trixie as if she is a small foal.” Trixie set her hooves against Rainbow Dash’s chest to prop herself up again.

“O-oh, I’m sorry Trixie… I was not thinking.” Fluttershy blushed with the reprimand. “B-but, well. You don’t want to be here all alone do you? Shouldn’t Rainbow Dash uhm… stay with you?”

Wait. What? She’s trying to get me and Rainbow Dash alone isn’t she? Ugh why does everythi—

“Actually, you have a good point Fluttershy.” Rainbow Dash said, drawing the attention of both ponies.

“She does?”

“I do?”

“Trixie should not be alone right now. So! You stay with her, I’m much faster and I’ll be fine on my own. I’ll have our lunches here in 10 seconds flat. Not counting the time it takes Pinkie to make them. I’m not cooking.”

“Huh, me and—But, I thought you would, uhm. I mean O-okay, If that’s what you want.” Fluttershy looked taken aback but did not argue the point any further. “Is that alright with you Trixie?”

Trixie blinked, looking from Rainbow Dash to Fluttershy. She was going to get some proper time alone with her at the castle after all? Thank you Celestia, Trixie takes back that thing she said about your sense of humor “Yes. Trixie approves of this plan. Now could we maybe get going? Trixie’s bed is lumpy and hard.”

“Hey! I am not lumpy! Next time it’s a tree branch for you, then tell me you don’t want this awesome bed back. And you won’t get it!” Rainbow Dash pulled Trixie against her chest and with a few wing beats they were airborne again, carrying Trixie towards the nearby castle.

“So you admit to being hard?” Trixie smirked.

“Don’t think I won’t drop you again, Trixie.” Rainbow Dash shot back.

“Drop her? Rainbow Dash?” Fluttershy flew next to them nearby to keep in range of the sound.

“Nothing! Don’t worry about it.” Rainbow Dash gave a few quick beats with her wings sending her ahead of Fluttershy and once out of earshot, she remarked. “You know. She is the Element of Kindness, not gullibility. She's not going to ask, but she’ll listen if you want to talk to her honestly, I won’t be mad.”

Trixie merely nodded quietly as they descended towards the castle of the two sisters.

Author's Note:

Thanks for reading, I hope you enjoyed. ^^

So just to try something new. I'm gonna ask a question here.
Don't worry there are no wrong answers.
Do you feel the story desc should have mentioned a little more? Or did it give you just enough to go on?
Obviously most people reading this, you are all awesome btw, are still reading this even if the desc was vague, but I thought I'd ask. xD

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