• Published 16th Feb 2014
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Trixie's Forest Retreat - crowscrowcrow

Following the events of Boast Busters, Trixie decides to hide from the town (and Rainbow Dash in particular) by taking cover in the Everfree Forest. Not every problem can be outrun, and sometimes facing them can have unexpected consequences.

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Chapter 60 - Release

The storm had taken up most of Rainbow Dash’s day. It had been an exciting thing to hear that a missed rainy day the last week and prompted the management to order an actual storm. Rainbow Dash had immediately volunteered to lead the preparations, and as nopony else had any interest she got the position unopposed.

It had been a big surprise to discover that almost none of the pegasi on the Ponyville weather team had made a real storm before. Which had delayed the work in the first place, but not as badly as one of the weather ponies, Hail Wing, getting an injury when a gust of wind brought down a weak branch. Rainbow Dash was not sure what she was more angry about, that somepony had neglected to take the branch down, or that Hail Wing had decided to take an unauthorized break below a tree.

After Hail Wing was injured, and yelled at, Rainbow Dash had pulled a double shift in an attempt to make everything work. It was annoying, because she was supposed to swing by the Carousel Boutique. The delay made her arrive late, and Rarity was not even there. Which meant she had flown through the storm for absolutely nothing, and still had to get to Fluttershy’s while the storm was already in full swing.

It was disappointing that she was unable to get Trixie’s hat and cloak, but upon arriving she got over that very quickly, as the first thing Trixie did was mock her. Rainbow Dash stood on the doorstep completely drenched and cold to bone, and Trixie simply mocked her. At least Fluttershy had a nice welcome for her.

Grumbling annoyed while she made her way to the fire to warm up, she could hear Fluttershy’s voice very close by all of a sudden. Suddenly she was blinded by a towel.

“It’s okay Rainbow, you’ve done enough for one day, don’t move. Uhm, if that’s okay with you…”

For a couple of seconds, everything was black for Rainbow Dash. The world hidden away from her by the towel. Before she had time to complain however, the world came back into view, and the most wonderful sight greeted her: a smiling, and lightly blushing, Fluttershy.

Rainbow Dash smiled back approvingly at Fluttershy. As soon as she had done so, Fluttershy set to work on drying off her soaked mane. “Mhm that’s not a bad idea, Fluttershy. My legs are so stiff I doubt I could reach above my knees right now, thanks.”

It was a complete lie, but nopony else needed to know that. For the past two weeks Trixie often had a monopoly on Fluttershy’s care and attention, and Rainbow Dash couldn’t help but feel more than a little bit envious.

While Fluttershy dried Rainbow Dash’s mane, the two of them kept eye contact for a lingering few moments. Rainbow Dash could not even feel the storms cold anymore, or at the very least it seemed completely unimportant while she stared into the magnificent approval-seeking eyes.

After a moment they each broke away. Rainbow Dash looked towards the flames, but she could feel her cheeks burning hotter than the fireplace, and stole another glance from the corner of her eye. She watched as Fluttershy redoubled her efforts on drying, with the cutest blush easily shining through her fur, it was much too light colored to hide the rosy glow.

Rainbow Dash had nearly forgotten that Trixie was in the room as well, but she got a reminder when she felt her right wing get weighed down by another towel. At first Rainbow Dash paid no real attention to it, until she felt Trixie start to rub her wings through the towel. The diligent hooves forced an involuntary gasp out of Rainbow Dash.

Biting her lip, Rainbow Dash tried not to make another sound, but she was unable to stop a shudder when Trixie’s hooves touched a particularly sensitive spot. To make matters worse it seemed to encourage Trixie, as she worked on the wings faster and harder.

Gaah, w-what is she doing!? Did she get impatient? F-Fluttershy is right here!

Rainbow Dash gave a quick glance down to Fluttershy, and fortunately found her completely focused on drying off the fur on her shoulders and down to her chest. The gentle strokes across her chest did absolutely nothing to help her calm down however, it only made her feel even better.

Nopony had tried to do anything like this to her before. Rainbow Dash closed her eyes tightly, fighting hard to keep her wings under control, but she was in a losing battle; her wings spread out fully. Trixie did not miss a beat and switched her attention the rest of the wing, now taking advantage of the fact she could more easily reach all those good spots.

There was no doubt in Rainbow Dash’s mind, Trixie had to be doing this on purpose. For the whole past week Rainbow Dash had avoided being alone with Trixie, always ensuring it was the three of them. Trixie had not tried to make more advances since then, but clearly she was sick of waiting if she was doing this right in plain sight while Fluttershy was just a bit occupied. If she tried to stop Trixie it would alert Fluttershy immediately, the thought alone was already enough to triple her heart rate.

Rainbow Dash was not sure how Trixie had figured out what to do exactly to drive her this crazy, the way she dug into her muscles just enough to make her want more before she stopped, then moved just a little bit and repeated the process. Even so, Trixie seemed to be at least a bit inexperienced, as the occasional tug on her feathers sent a small jolt through her wings. It was still more than enough to make her head swim. The longer it went all the more Rainbow Dash started to think strange thoughts, it may actually be a team effort, as Fluttershy’s gentle strokes complimented Trixie’s rougher approach, it also explained how Trixie knew to work a wing.

With a quickened breath, Rainbow Dash did her best to stay calm, but her every thought was starting to get dominated by the feelings emanating from her wings and chest. She felt as though she was burning up, kept right on the edge between sanity and the rising desire to just give the two teases what they wanted.

Rainbow Dash’s whole body quivered as a result of their ministrations. She just could not take it anymore, they won. Taking in a ragged unsteady breath, Rainbow Dash tried to speak up, she could not keep the pleasure out of her voice, nor did she even care to anymore, but it was so difficult to make her addled mind form words. “T-T-Trixie, ah, w-what a-a—”

“Trixie! Stop!”

Stop?! What the hay?! Trixie immediately stopped everything and by the sound of it even jumped away. Rainbow Dash felt her temper flare, were they really that cruel? To drive her insane like that, then stop all of a sudden? It felt so unfair. No no get back here you! I’m not fini—

Trixie spoke up, but to Rainbow Dash’s surprise there was no hint of teasing, instead it sounded more like complete panic. “Sorry! D-did Trixie hurt you? She didn’t mean to! Are you okay?” Freezing, Rainbow Dash blinked confused and looked towards Fluttershy, noticing her face was bright red. Meanwhile Trixie continued, sounding increasingly distressed. “H-how do we fix it? I’m so sorry.”

Y-you can’t be serious, this has to be a joke! The disbelief must have been written across her face as she saw Fluttershy staring at her, actual genuine concern and confusion clear as day. She looked back at Fluttershy, then gave a small affirming nod to indicate that she was alright, after which Fluttershy got up and walked around her towards Trixie.

Rainbow Dash could hear Fluttershy awkwardly trying to explain to Trixie the effects careless touches could have on a pegasi wing behind her. In nearly any other situation, she would have laughed at how clueless Trixie sounded during the exchange, and how stilted Fluttershy went about in trying to explain it without having to actually say anything. But now, Rainbow Dash could nearly feel her heart stop as the realization set in, none of it had been intentional. She would have given nearly anything to have the ground swallow her right then.

To make her humiliation complete, she still burned with the desire and thoughts of the pair, engraved in her mind after she had conjured them up a few moments prior. With a herculean effort she managed to fold her wings again, but she had to keep them pressed with all her might to stop them from springing back up again. Oh Celestia, how the hay did I get here…?

She tried to force her thoughts onto something else, anything else.

Anything, anything at all! Uh Uhm. Hail Wing! You stupid mule how dare you make me work two jobs! I even got late to Rarity’s because of that, and the weather was terrible! All for nothing!

Rainbow Dash was vaguely aware that something prodded her side, but she ignored it while she followed her train of thought, it seemed to be working as she felt more anger than need now.

I fly all the way through the biggest storm in Ponyville history, that I am responsible for making! Only to get teased by Trixie, and then teased by them both! Their stupid lovely touching and plotting It makes me so, so! Wait no, darn it! I’m back here again!

A warmth pressed against her right side, and before long, her left was also warmed up. Rainbow Dash snapped out of her thoughts as she tried to make sense of this. By the voices she could tell who were responsible, but it was not clear to her why they were pressing up against her.

A part of her tried to tell her they had only been acting to be clueless before and were back to teasing her now. The little voice and the two mares against her were quickly destroyed what little self-control she had regained during her distraction.

A set of hooves wrapped tightly around her neck, pulling her back down to earth. Once she actually was back to reality she could hear Trixie’s urgent pleading, “Ah! T-that’s right! Rainbow Dash, Trixie uses one of her chances, okay?”

Looking over her shoulder, she found Trixie was wrapped around her neck, staring up at her with tears in her eyes and a cautiously hopeful look on her face. “Chances?”

“Yes! Trixie’s chances! In the hospital, you gave Trixie three chances for what you did to Trixie in the castle. So Trixie uses a chance now! T-that means you’ve got to forgive Trixie, and we’ll be friends again, right?”

It was somewhat difficult to comprehend what was going on, not aided in the least by how close Trixie was right now, and how badly Rainbow Dash had to fight to keep from getting herself even closer. She looked towards Fluttershy, who was pressed up against her left side and looked less worried than Trixie, but much more embarrassed once they made eye contact.

Rainbow Dash found her eyes trail down before she snapped them back up to Fluttershy’s eyes. I-I have to get out of here! She racked her mind for options. She could run out into the storm, the cold rain should help, but then she would just get wet again and risk repeating this whole thing.

She looked towards Trixie, catching sight of the increasing fear creeping across her face. Feeling a familiar stab in her gut, Rainbow Dash quickly smiled at her. Fortunately Trixie had offered up the perfect out. “Chances! Hospital! Right! Don’t worry Trixie, everything’s fine now. Let go though, this is weird.”

Fluttershy spoke up, “oh thank goodness. See Trixie, she just needed a minute.” She gave a warm smile at them both. Fluttershy focused her eyes on Rainbow Dash, blushing as she made her next offer. “U-uhm… Rainbow, how about… If I take care of your wings?”

This prompted another hard fought squeeze of her wings by Rainbow Dash. “No! I-I mean, no. Thanks Fluttershy. Actually, I think I could really use a bath. Yes that’s it! A bath!” She wormed her way out from between the two as she quickly trotted backwards, catching a very disappointed look on Fluttershy’s face that she could not quite account for. “You two, uh, I dunno, something. I’ll be back soon after I’m warmed up.” She waved at the pair.

“But—” They each began.

“No time, too cold, bye!” Rainbow Dash spread her wings and flew at top speed along the ceiling and smacked into the bathroom door with a yelp. She groaned annoyed and embarrassed to discover the door opened in the other direction, but quickly got inside and shut the door.

The next couple of minutes were spent mixing and matching with hot and cold water to get the tub to fill up without either freezing or burning her, and dismissively answering any questions that came from the other side of the door. Offers ranging from having her chocolate brought in to helping to wash her back, all of which sounded pretty good, but that was also part of the reason why they were refused.

The questions had ceased a while ago.

Once the water was good Rainbow Dash quickly climbed in, resting back in the hot water with a long sigh as she sunk through the foam that floated on top, her forehooves rested on the wooden edge of the tub. Rainbow Dash gave a long lingering look towards the door, and once she was sure she was not getting bothered again, she let her hooves slip into the water as well.

Author's Note:

Thanks for reading, I hope you enjoyed.

So it turns out I somehow, unwittingly unpublished the last chapter for a unknown amount of time. My apologies to the folks that were effected by that.
Now for some good news: since this is apparently a long weekend, I will be aiming to get an extra chapter out.
With any luck we just might get this little sleepover resolved this very weekend.:trixieshiftleft:

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