• Published 16th Feb 2014
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Trixie's Forest Retreat - crowscrowcrow

Following the events of Boast Busters, Trixie decides to hide from the town (and Rainbow Dash in particular) by taking cover in the Everfree Forest. Not every problem can be outrun, and sometimes facing them can have unexpected consequences.

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Chapter 7 - Retched

...Why is Trixie on the ground? Was the first thought that went through Trixie’s mind as she found herself staring at a rock jutting up out of the mud. The second was not so much a thought, rather the realization that an entire herd of stampeding buffalo had somehow found their way into her head some time ago.

Curling up on the ground, Trixie brought her hooves to her head, as every beat of her pulse seemed to threaten to make her head explode if she did not hold it in place. She heard some kind of long note from the world’s most annoying instrument the entire time.

A buzzing noise, as though she were at a restaurant ignoring other ponies voices in the background. She could tell it was speech, but the words blurred together incomprehensibly. A set of fuzzy blue hooves entered her vision, and the buzzing began again, louder this time. Why don't they just go away? Can't that pony see Trixie is tired? She just wanted to sleep.

Strangely, she could hear herself respond in that same buzzing. She was unsure what she'd said, just unthinkingly responding with something. It seemed to accomplish her goal, as the buzzing stopped. Trixie could see the blue hooves moved to the right, or up, she supposed, out of sight. Good...

She let her eyes close again, leaving her alone with the pounding in her head, and the unrelenting solo performance of whatever the heck that was. Her stomach turned, tearing Trixie from that much desired sleep, as she retched up the meager meal she had scavenged.

Pushing out a hoof to the ground, she tried to get up and away from the scene. She was only a few steps from her bed. She could rest there, but white fireworks flashed before her eyes as she did. It made her slump back down and cradle her head again, resolving not to move after all. With a push, she rolled onto her other flank.

It was not clear to her when it happened, but the buzzing was back, and twice as annoying. Something was touching her neck. Giving a slow swat at her neck, Trixie opened her eyes again. This time it was some fuzzy pink and yellow pony. Doesn't anypony have the decency to leave Trixie be? She spotted a fast moving rainbow-colored thing in the background.

To her relief, the yellow pony turned away from her and buzzed at the other one for a change, letting Trixie rest again through the throbbing. It seemed like they could not get enough of tormenting her however, as each time she had finally fallen asleep. it felt as though she barely got a few minutes in before the buzzing and prodding started again. And she had to listen to herself saying something or other back, or follow a hoof with her eyes.

It was a strange feeling, as if she was not really there, but just watching some mimicry of herself perform actions and commands that she could not make out. The only things that seemed to feel real were the pain and fatigue she had to struggle through just to earn a little more rest from her jailers.

This seemed to just go on and on much to the dazed unicorn's irritation, but she could not focus long enough to cast any magic to scare the pair off. Sometimes she woke with a horrible taste in her mouth. Usually it was the yellow pony that bothered her, with the blue one missing a few times, then she saw a snow white pony with a pink mane and what looked a bit like a red cross on her flank. The other two were behind her.

Trixie did not really pay much attention to the ponies, but there was always that far-too-bright blue sky right above them each time they woke her up. She could have sworn before that the canopy blocked out almost all light when she was trying to find her way, but now she was certain the sun had to be growing on the branches.

Opening her eyes once again at the prod of a hoof, she stared up at yet more trees, but they were different somehow. The wood did not stop; it was to her sides, above her, and seemingly all around. The bright sun was hidden somewhere behind it, or maybe it had set already; Trixie could not be sure.

“H-hello... Welcome back... Uhm if you don't mind... What day is it?” Blinking slowly, Trixie panned her gaze away from the wooden ceiling, settling on the fuzzy pony that spoke to her, or at least she thought it was speech, though she had never heard anyone speak so quietly.

...Day? Somehow the question felt incredibly familiar, but she could not place her hoof on it. “Sunday.” She remembered this well enough. Her show had been Saturday after all. Most exciting things in Equestria always seemed to happen on Saturdays, for some reason.

It seemed this pleased the pegasus, as she received a small smile before the next question followed. “What is your name?”

“...Trixie.” Again that strange feeling of familiarity “The Great and Powerful Trixie.” Raising up a hoof, she tried to soothe her aching head, but was puzzled to find she could not reach it. Something was in the way, and it did not feel like her hat. Trixie touched the cool wet thing, looking at the other pony.

Fluttershy beamed almost from ear to ear at the sight, a smile even Trixie could detect no acting in. “Oh! That’s great. I don't have to poke you now if you noticed that all on your own.”

The words were perplexing, but this was apparently a good sign, if it got the other pony that excited. What she was getting so thrilled over, Trixie did not understand. What kind of pony wouldn't know their own name? Let alone a pony that uses theirs as much as Trixie does?

Trixie wondered why that pony just sat there staring at her. Did she expect something else? Attempting to remember who it was, or even trying to raise her own questions, felt like such a bother. Each attempt at doing so got drilled out by the pounding in her head.

All she really wanted anymore was to just flee back into unconsciousness and hide from it all. Fortunately, it seemed her body agreed completely, and the other pony did not seem to mind or move when Trixie closed her eyes again.

Author's Note:

Thanks for reading I hope you enjoyed!

Special thanks to India and Wen for sharing their experiences with me for this chapter.
Could not have done this chapter without them because Google really was not helpful for this for once.

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