• Published 16th Feb 2014
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Trixie's Forest Retreat - crowscrowcrow

Following the events of Boast Busters, Trixie decides to hide from the town (and Rainbow Dash in particular) by taking cover in the Everfree Forest. Not every problem can be outrun, and sometimes facing them can have unexpected consequences.

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Chapter 127- Reply

Fresh air at last.

Trixie squinted against the sun while attempting to navigate her way through Ponyville’s streets. It was refreshing to feel the cool breeze caress her fur after spending so long cooped up in the spa. Like everything else in there, they seemed to import the atmosphere from some foreign land as well, a hot one in this case.

Admittedly, Trixie could not argue with their results. Especially while looking over her shoulder at the somehow even more radiant little cutie that followed her. Fluttershy’s fur had always looked soft, but after they left the humid building her fur had finally dried and gained the kind of slight puffiness to it that one could normally only find on the world’s cutest puppy. It was no small task for Trixie to restrain herself from hugging her in public.

After the spa treatment was over, Rarity had stayed behind for some reason, but helpfully encouraged the two of them to leave without her. A sentiment that Trixie greatly appreciated as she all but pushed Fluttershy out the door.

While Trixie was not in a particular hurry to return, she had to admit she really really enjoyed getting pampered the way she had been in the spa. Of course, Trixie would prefer to do so with just Fluttershy by her side, but she could tolerate Rarity’s presence if that’s what it took. It had taken some time, but they’d found some common ground in their mutual passion for fame and fortune through their trade.

Fluttershy had agreed to let Trixie try her hoof at getting them to their destination this time. Admittedly, this would have been a much bigger responsibility if Trixie could not see the gigantic building she wanted to go to as soon as she stepped out the door.

Ponyville Town Hall stood alone in the middle of the plaza. It was easily the tallest building around for miles, even when discounting the spire tacked on top of it, which Trixie felt was cheating anyway. Aside from its height, the building also had a distinctly different make than most of the others in that it was round as a tower rather than square like the surrounding shops.

Maybe this was a bad idea. She didn’t really have to go there right now. Maybe it would be better to just wait for a… Trixie wasn’t really sure what passed for law enforcement around these parts. Sheriff? Police? Royal Guard? Lynch Mob? Filly Guides? Trixie had no idea.

Anyway, she could probably wait for one of those to drag her in there. This was basically turning herself in. Innocent ponies didn’t turn themselves in, did they? No. Why was she doing this again? She should just go home.

“Uhm, Trixie? Should we be going? I mean, it’s okay if you don’t want to. We can stay here, that’s okay too.”

Realizing she’d been listlessly standing still in the middle of the road, Trixie took a couple of swift steps forward. “Oh, yes! No! No, Trixie was just… admiring the building, yes. Trixie was definitely not at all getting cold hooves about this whole thing. She just, well, thought it would be a longer trip.”

“But, uhm, you knew it was right there… You looked at it before we came in and you said—”

“That Trixie would go there as soon as we were done! Trixie knows!” Trixie turned around an threw up her hooves in frustration, causing Fluttershy to flinch back with her ears flat. A bucket of icewater couldn’t have been more sobering. Trixie carefully brushed Fluttershy’s mane out of her face. “Sorry, Trixie didn’t mean to shout at you.”

“It’s okay. I wasn’t scared, just, uhm, startled. Cause, the yelling.” Fluttershy offered a kind smile. “If you just want to prolong the trip to town hall a little bit… Maybe we could take a detour through the market? I think Applejack is working her stall today too. If you want to.”

“Yes, perfect.” This way she’d have some time to collect her thoughts and steel her nerves. Besides, there was nothing wrong with deciding to see a friend first. It was totally not running away if she planned to return later. A tactical retreat, yes. “It’ll be nice to talk with good old Applejack. Speaking with Rarity was exhausting.”

“I don’t know how you and Rarity do it. There was almost more yelling than talking. It’s confusing.” She pawed at the ground for a moment, then looked back to Trixie. “I can’t really tell if you are friends or enemies. I’m sorry.”

“Oh, well allow Trixie to enlighten you,” Trixie said while she nimbly slid up besides Fluttershy and slipped a hoof around her. She was every bit as soft and fluffy as Trixie imagined, but like a true professional it only distracted her for one or two forevers. “You see, it’s not the same between unicorns as it is for everypony else. We’re very intricate. Earth pony relations are simple, Pegasi ones are a little more flighty but still quite simple. However, between unicorns it is like a constant chess match, except you can’t see all of the pieces.”

Glancing briefly at Trixie’s hoof, Fluttershy looked around nervously as other ponies passed by. “C-chess? I, I don’t I think I understood your answer. I’m sorry.”

“It’s a board game that—”

“I know what chess is.” Fluttershy muttered under her breath.

“Never mind! Of course you do! It was a joke. Haha.” Trixie chuckled awkwardly, she hadn’t really expected Fluttershy to say anything, but perhaps she shared Trixie’s hatred of being condescended to? She’d have to try to keep that in mind. “What Trixie meant to say was, it’s complicated.”


The look of profound confusion on Fluttershy’s face left Trixie to reconsider her strategy. It probably wasn’t wise to try to explain it all to her. As a pegasi, she probably wouldn’t understand and even if she did it wasn’t the answer she wanted. No, Trixie already knew the answer she actually wanted to hear. “Yes, we are friends.”

“Oh, that’s good.” Fluttershy showed that lovely smile again, confirming that Trixie had made the right choice.

The trip to the market was short, and it did not take long to find Applejack’s stall. After all, the only thing one had to do was follow the sound of—

“Get your delicious nutritious apples here!”

Well, that.

“Well, well, if it isn’t the little hayseed hard at work.” Trixie said amiably while trotting up to the stall. Applejack wasn’t alone either, that little sister of hers was there as well, looking decidedly bored. “And the miniature edition too! What luck.” That earned her a glare from the little filly.

“Howdy-doo, strangers.” Applejack tipped her hat. “Well, don’t the two of ya look nice ‘n clean. Y’all still —whatchamacallit?— incognito?”

“No, Trixie is about to speak to the mayor anyway so allowing her cover to be blown five minutes early won’t matter.” Trixie didn’t mention the reverse was true. It served as a little bit of extra incentive not to chicken out and to actually go see the mayor. If everypony knew who she was anyway, she might as well turn herself in. Not that that was what she was doing, of course. She was innocent.

Fluttershy offered a quiet nod. She might have said something, but if so the clamor of the market drowned it out.

“Oh? Well, good luck with that, sugarcube. Can Ah interest ya in some apples? A good apple always calms mah nerves.”

“You know Trixie can’t afford any,” Trixie groaned. She wasn’t even really sure what she was doing here. Well, that wasn’t true, she was stalling… at a stall. “Unless you take payment in amazement and wonder.”

Applejack rubbed her chin as she considered the offer. “Well, Ah ain’t one to usually go fer this kinda thing, but Apple Bloom’s been grouchy all day.” She said while tussling her little sister’s fiery mane, who deftly ducked out of her reach. “So, Ah tell ya what, if ya make her smile, Ah’ll consider it payment. How ‘bout that?”

“Ah ain’t grouchy, Ah’m bored.” Apple Bloom yawned and leaned her head against the side of the stall. “Why’d Ah think this’d be fun anyway? All ya done is stand here yelling apples fer ages. Ain’t like a sideshow’s gonna help.”

Trixie had not expected Applejack to take her seriously, and she wasn’t all that interested in performing a trick on the spot. However, seeing as Apple Bloom was so dismissive of her it was practically a challenge to her talents. Besides, any chance to show off in front of Fluttershy was a good excuse.

“The Great and Powerful Trixie gracefully accepts your offer.” She winked at Fluttershy briefly and then turned her attention to the little bored filly. “Apple Bloom, yes? What if Trixie told you she can tell the future?”

“Ya’d be a liar,” the filly deadpanned.

“Apple Bloom!” Applejack scolded.

“What? It’s true.” Pointing a hoof at Trixie, Apple Bloom stared up at her big sister. “Y’all know it’s what she does. Fer a living no less. It’s a rotten thing ta do, ya said so yerself.”

“Ah, uh, look it ain’t as if… What Ah mean is...” Applejack turned back to Trixie and gave her an uncomfortable smile. Two apples were plucked from the baskets on either side of her and pushed across the counter. “H-here ya are. Ah reckon she’s more lively now, so, uh, ya earned it.”

Trixie raised an eyebrow as she witnessed the exchange. Applejack’s obvious discomfort stung as she hadn’t denied the accusation at all and was clearly trying to get rid of Trixie. Magically grasping the offered apples, Trixie inspected them idly. “Trixie’s not sure about these, they look rotten” she said coldly, locking eyes with Applejack.

“Land sakes, Trixie, ya really want ta get into this? Right here?” Applejack pushed herself away from the counter. “Yes, Ah said it. Ya happy now? T’was before Ah actually talked to ya, alright? If it’s all ta same to ya Ah’d rather not get into any arguments with ya.”

“Oh, That changes everything.” Trixie smiled smugly. “Trixie will forgive you for failing to recognize her greatness on first sight. At least you know better now.”

Apple Bloom rolled her eyes, the little brat.

“Ah sure do think more highly of ya now than Ah did then. That’s the truth.” Applejack said with a crooked smile. The poor mare must have been working harder than Trixie thought, given how much she was sweating.

Trixie passed one of the apples to Fluttershy. “That’s good enough for Trixie.” She bit into her apple while she looked down her muzzle at Apple Bloom. It wasn’t very nice of her to make her doubt Applejack. No tricks for you.

“But maybe...” Applejack looked and sounded as though the words had escaped from a grueling prison and were spreading the word of all her darkest secrets. “Ah mean, uh... ”

A treacherous piece of apple threatened to choke Trixie and it was only through valiant struggle that she managed to expel the fiend. Her attention swiftly turned from apple to Apple. Treachery in all! “What?”

Applejack scratched the back of her head while pointedly avoiding eye contact with Trixie. “Well, Ah mean… Ah get that yer passionate ‘bout yer job ‘n all. ‘N Ah reckon it’s true ya work hard, which is good, Ah respect that, Trixie… It’s just…” Applejack looked like she was bracing herself to light a powderkeg. “Them stories bout yerself that ain’t true? Ah still dun approve.”

Apple Bloom had the smuggest face Trixie had ever seen on a filly.

Trixie returned the half eaten apple to the counter. She’d never liked apples. They could look all nice and shiny on the outside, promising sweetness, but still taste bitter when you took a bite. “Trixie thought we’d talked this over already.”

“No,” Applejack shook her head. “Yer the only one that talked. Ah don’t want ya ta misunderstand, Trixie, ya said a lotta things Ah hadn’t thought about, but it weren’t no discussion. Ah weren’t comfortable saying what Ah thought at the time, on account of the fact that ya had a long day ‘n excitement was clearly bad fer ya. Frankly, Ah still ain’t sure Ah want to get into it.”

It was a strange sensation, Trixie thought she would have been more outraged to have somepony she trusted betray her like that. All this time, Applejack had fooled her into thinking they got along. That they were friends. Yet, she wasn’t burning with rage, no, she was calm. Cool. Cold. “Get into it.”

“Phew, well, since ya asked ‘n all... ” The tone of relief in Applejack’s voice indicated she’d all but left her fallout shelter. “Ah had a long time ta think bout what ya said that night. Like how boasting is part of tha show ‘n that it weren’t no different from me when Ah’m selling apples. Ah reckon that’s true to a point. But, there’s a difference between saying these apples are the finest in Equestria and saying these apples will cure whatever ails ya, right?”

“Of course.” Trixie said shortly, the tension in her body causing her to press the ridges of her hooves into the ground. She could scarcely believe she was standing here listening to Applejack compare her to a common snake oil salesmare. As if Trixie hasn’t suffered enough indignities for one day. Trixie thought she could count on others; what a mistake. She should have learned this by now, nopony is actually on Trixie’s side. Trixie was just fooling herse—

The sensation of the deep rigid cold in her body melting under a gentle warmth spreading from her back derailed Trixie’s train of thought. A quick glance revealed Fluttershy’s wing wrapped around her. Although Fluttershy didn’t say anything, Trixie didn’t need any words to know the sweet thing had sensed her distress. Offering up a smile, Trixie leaned into her carefully, seeking comfort beneath her wing.

“By tha same token, Ah just can’t abide the notion that yer going ‘round telling folks things ya know ain’t so. Yer a great magician. Ya made mah bathroom dissapear in mah own house fer Pete’s sake! Ah reckon yer show’s plenty amazing when yer just being truthful ‘bout yerself.” She tapped her hoof on the wooden counter. “Also, there’s the part where ya called us up on yer stage. Now Ah get how ya felt, we were jerks. Weren’t right of us to heckle ya like that when we coulda left, ‘n Ah’ll even say a slice a humble pie was just what we ordered.”

“That’s right.” Trixie nodded. “That was always a popular part of Trixie’s show, taking ponies down a peg when their talent gets compared to that of The Great and Powerful Trixie.”

“But ya were a tad too mean-spirited in the way ya went about that…” Applejack added. “In fact, it wouldn’t kill ya to be a little nicer in general. Ya never even apologized fer any of it, even though we did. In fact ya said once ya ain’t sorry fer anything.”

“So, in conclusion, Trixie is a lying jerk.” Trixie deadpanned.

“Consarnit, Ah didn’t say that!” Applejack looked exasperated. “Just cause Ah think ya have a few faults don’t mean Ah don’t like ya. We’ve all got some.”

“In that case,” Trixie turned away from the apple stall, unfortunately slipping out from under Fluttershy’s wing in the process. “Just because Trixie is leaving doesn’t mean she doesn’t like you.” With a whip of her tail, she walked away with her nose held high. She was better than this.

“Trixie, come on now.” Applejack called after her.

“It, uhm, I’m sorry. I-I’ll talk to her.” Fluttershy assured Applejack before she left as well.

Meanwhile, Trixie stomped off. The marketplace wasn’t that big but the sooner she got to the other side of it the better. If only ponies didn’t keep obstructing her progress. “Why is it so busy anyway, don’t these dirt ponies has somewhere better to be than in Trixie’s way?” she muttered to herself while pushing through the crowd.

Trying to keep up with Trixie’s rapid pace proved too difficult for Fluttershy; she lagged behind.

The constant sound of ponies all around her was driving Trixie up the wall. Peace and quiet, that’s what she needed to process this nonsense. As much as she enjoyed performing in front of a crowd, she’d always made sure her wagon was nearby. It’s walls were made of thick wood that dampened the outside world, creating a small bubble of solitude. She warned even her staunchest admirers she was not to be disturbed when she isolated herself in there.

But her wagon was gone, and the peaceful haven of the cottage was too far away.

Reaching the edge of the market place, Trixie’s eyes fell upon the buildings that now barred her way. A few main roads funneled noisy ponies in and out of the square, but there were less traveled paths, the alleyways between the buildings looked quiet and inviting.

Without pause, Trixie slipped into the shade of the nearest alleyway and turned a corner. From here she was out of sight and the noise of ponies shopping for carrots was slightly muffled as well. It wasn’t ideal, but short of breaking into somepony’s basement Trixie didn’t think it was going to get any better.

That would be wrong, right?

Actually, there was a better way. Trixie had been forbidden from casting spells for so long that she had nearly forgotten she could do that now.

Oh, wait. Duh.

Her horn lit up, spreading a faint orchid light that soon dissipated and took all the noise in the world with it.

Well, all the noise outside of her little soundproof bubble at least.

“That’s better.” Trixie smirked while inspecting her work. “A little trick that Trixie picked up from her old professor. Did you know he never actually taught Trixie how to do this, Fluttershy? Trixie copied it. That’s just how amazing she is. Anything you can do, I can do better, indeed… Fluttershy?”

Trixie looked around. Even with the shade, there were not a lot of places to hide in the alley, and Fluttershy wasn’t anywhere to be found.

“Fluttershy? Oh, come on! You were right behind Trixie!” Trixie stomped her hoof down impatiently as she trotted back a few steps towards the market place and tried to spot the familiar pink and yellow tones.

Obviously, it was no use. Yet one more problem she was going to have to add to the list of things she had to think about. Maybe the answer would present itself. Trixie trotted further down the alley again.

Now that she knew she was alone, the place seemed darker and colder than before. Even the silence of her spell felt eerie, and Trixie’s thoughts involuntarily wandered back to when she’d left the hospital. A trio of ponies had cornered her in an alley much like this one.

This was a bad idea.

From the corner of her eye, Trixie caught movement behind her.

“F-Fluttershy?” Trixie whispered with a tremor as she quickly turned around.

Of course, it wasn’t Fluttershy at all. Instead, Apple Bloom stood in the middle of the alley, flapping her gums. It was a silly sight, given that Trixie couldn’t hear anything she was saying while the spell was active.

Apple Bloom seemed to be getting pretty heated as she kept making more grand gestures and stomping her tiny hoof on the ground. It was actually kind of amusing, though Trixie’s smile seemed to agitate the little filly further.

After savoring the weirdly adorable display for a while, Trixie decided that Apple Bloom’s impression of an angry goldfish was starting to become rather one note. The filly wasn’t showing any signs of slowing down however.

This wasn’t quite what Trixie had in mind when she went looking for some peace and quiet, but having just one filly distracting her was much easier to tune out than a whole town. The chances of her finding a more secluded spot were slim anyway. She was actually kind of nice to look at, like an angry little lavalamp. Trixie watched the filly’s antics while allowing her thoughts to return to her original objective.

First things first. Trixie appears to have lost Fluttershy. It was definitely a problem, but if Apple Bloom apparently had no problem finding her then Trixie could assume Fluttershy would reach them eventually. Most likely she was just trapped in a near endless loop of apologizing and yielding the right-of-way to every pony she met.

Essentially, all Trixie had to do was wait. Much like how as a filly she was told to stay put in the event she ever got lost.

That just left the Apple family.

It was painfully clear that all the mares of that family just loved to give their honest opinions on things. As evidenced by Apple Bloom’s continued yapping. Trixie wasn’t sure what she was saying, but it probably was no less insulting than the things Applejack told her. Trixie didn’t understand where it came from. Trixie thought Applejack was her friend. Why were they trying to hurt her feelings with lies? If Applejack really felt that way, she should’ve said so from the start, not snake their way into Trixie’s good graces only to backstab her later.

What is with ponies fighting with Trixie today? First Rarity, now this. Is Trixie wearing a kick-me sign?

Actually, now that she thought about it, Applejack had mentioned something like that. Something about keeping her opinions to herself to spare Trixie any extra stress during her recovery. Trixie had dismissed it at the time as an obvious lie from that traitor, but maybe it did fit.

Trixie nodded slowly. She was better now, so Applejack felt she could talk to her about it? If doing so sooner would have affected Trixie’s health, then that could only mean Applejack cared about her, right? Otherwise she wouldn’t have waited.

Come to think of it… didn’t Trixie tell her to speak her mind?

Trixie bit her lip as she thought about the things she accused Applejack of afterwards. Sure, the simple farm pony had said some things Trixie disagreed with, but… maybe. Rarity had said similar things, and it couldn’t be a coincidence, could it?

It was an awfully convenient thing that two ponies both said the same thing to her on the same day in the same way. Oh, sure maybe they were right. Maybe they were just trying to help Trixie with some friendly advice, or maybe...

They are conspiring against Trixie!

She shook her head, attempting to dispel the dark thoughts.

No. Applejack wouldn’t have said anything if Trixie didn’t ask. Besides, there’s no way they’d know Trixie would even go to the market today.

That was, of course, unless Fluttershy was in on it too. After all, she suggested going to the market! What if this had all been some elaborate ruse!? All her supposed friends were actually playing some kind of trick on her. They didn’t care. They were just trying to manipulate Trixie! Trying to make her change her ways through petty deceit!

Trixie’s chest ached fiercely at the thought of such terrible betrayal. Maybe that was why Fluttershy wasn’t here; they realized Trixie had seen through their trickery! Tears welled up in her eyes as she clutched her chest. She couldn’t breathe!

No! Stop it! Stop thinking like this! This isn’t—This is different! Don’t panic! Wait, that’s it! Panic! That’s all this is! Calm down!

Easier said than done. Her mind raced in every which direction, piling on more and more ‘convincing evidence’ and spinning further out of control. Slight pauses in Fluttershy’s speech became incriminating proofs of disingenuous intentions. Seemingly innocuous teasing compliments from Rainbow Dash became backhanded.

The sudden sound of approaching hoofsteps startled Trixie, causing her to lose concentration on her silence spell. With a soap bubble pop, all the sounds of the world came rushing back to her. The whistling of the wind, the murmur of ponies, the squeaking of wheels, and the sobbing words of a small little filly that was burying her face in Trixie’s chest.

“T-thanks.” Apple Bloom choked out while Trixie stared down at her in complete befuddlement.

What? Why? Huh!?

The overwhelming sensation of confusion quickly overshadowed every other emotion previously swirling in that overboiled witches cauldron she called a brain.

Apple Bloom hated her, right? Why was she clinging to her and crying? Was it a trick? Did Trixie do something she wasn’t aware of? Did something happen?

Trixie looked past Apple Bloom into the market crowd in a silent, desperate plea. Someone save Trixie! What is she supposed to do about this!? No pony came to her rescue, or even appeared to notice her predicament. At a complete loss, Trixie sat back on her haunches and wrapped a hoof around the shaking filly and stroked her back awkwardly. “T-there there.”

Thankfully, the gesture seemed to have some kind of effect as the quakes that ran through Apple Bloom reduced to mere tremors. “Ah...Ah never told nopony this before.”

Oh, thank the lucky stars! Perking up her ears, Trixie kept stroking the filly’s back while she waited for Apple Bloom to tell her this thing. Whatever it was, maybe she could piece together what on earth was going on.

However, Apple Bloom didn’t say anything else for the longest time. Finally, she pushed herself away from Trixie and wiped her eyes, regaining some of her bolterous composure in the process. “Ya tell anyone else, and Ah’ll never forgive ya. Ya understand?” she said with a hint of threat in her voice. The surprise must have been clear on Trixie’s face, as Apple Bloom quickly followed up with a less presumptuous tone. “S-sorry. Ah guess ya wouldn’t.”

Nothing made any applebucking sense.

Trixie wanted to just grab the filly by the shoulders and shake her till she started acting normal again! But, whatever the heck was going on, whatever happened, it looked like it was some kind of good thing? Apple Bloom seemed… friendly?

Of course, Trixie could ask… But, it looked as though Apple Bloom thought Trixie knew what she’d done. Whatever that thing was, it was positive, and admitting she had no idea what the thing was felt like it would jeopardize whatever was causing this sudden amiability.

No, admitting Trixie was clueless was not an option!

“Trixie, uh, won’t tell… naturally.” She ventured, carefully. It seemed to please her as she showed a smile. It struck Trixie that this was the first time the filly had ever smiled at her. It was a melancholy feeling, as she had no idea what she’d done to earn it.

After another moment of this, it suddenly dawned on Trixie that she was currently in the back of a dark alley, holding a little filly whom she had no relation to. She most definitely didn’t need any additional misunderstandings adding to her already dismal reputation!

As soon as she realized it, she let go and took a quick step back. “W-well! How about we go find Applejack? Yes! That! Trixie is sure she must be worried sick.”

Fortunately, Apple Bloom nodded in agreement. “Yeah, Ah reckon yer right.” She allowed herself to be led out of the alley by Trixie. As she trotted after her she spoke up. “Ya really ain’t as bad as most ponies say… Sorry fer taking so long ta figure out.”

“That’s alright,” Trixie said while she navigated her way through the market with the filly in tow. “Most ponies don’t take the time to talk to Trixie.” By now, she’d worked out that whatever happened must have involved Apple Bloom having a weirdly one-sided conversation with her while she was outside the sound barrier. Somehow or another, the filly had failed to notice that Trixie wasn’t hearing a word she said.

“Yeah, yer right.” Apple Bloom said as though she’d just received some kind of golden wisdom. She had a thoughtful look on her face as she mused to herself. “Maybe… somepony should just talk to her too...”

“Her?” Trixie asked, then quickly bit her tongue. Stupid! What if she told Trixie about this pony!

“Zecora, the witch.”

Phew, close one. Trixie breathed a sigh of relief. “What is it with you ponies and witches? Oh!” Just as she was speaking of witches, Trixie spotted the most adorable ‘witch’ in all of Ponyville, trying in vain to get out of a crowd of ponies gathered before a busy stall.

“I-I’m sorry, could I just—Oh, that’s okay, I’ll go after, uhm, c-can I, maybe? Oh, dear.”

Trixie reached behind her to take Apple Bloom’s hoof in hers to ensure she wouldn’t lose the filly then turned her attention to the crowd. “Move!” With all the tact of a magically shielded minotaur, Trixie forcefully parted the sea of ponies as she marched straight at Fluttershy, grabbed her and plowed her way straight back out again. “There you are, Fluttershy. Trixie was worried that... well exactly this was happening. You realize you have wings, yes?”

Struggling to keep up with Trixie’s pace, Fluttershy babbled something only half coherent due to her voice consistently getting drowned out by the shouting merchants and haggling customers they passed, but Trixie surmised it was about Fluttershy preferring not to stand out too much by flying if she could help it.

Not much further away Trixie recognized the unmistakable apple stall and trotted right up. “Hey, Applejack! Is this yours?” She asked while magically lifting up a flailing Apple Bloom, depositing her behind the stall in her old spot.

“Hey!” Apple Bloom shouted while she ran around the stall back to Trixie, “Do that again!”

“Apple Bloom! Ya run off like that again ‘n ya can forget about getting yer own apron next time!” After determining to her satisfaction that her little sis was fine, Applejack turned back to Trixie with a smile. “Sorry fer tha trouble, Trixie. Mighty kind of ya to help her get back.”

“Ah could’ve found mah own way back.” Apple Bloom protested without even missing a beat while Trixie levitated her off the ground again and floated her over the stall a second time. “Ain’t like Ah need an escort ta go anywhere else.”

“Hush, you.” Applejack plucked her impudent sister out of the air and planted her firmly back down on the ground. “What possessed ya to go chasing after them anyways?”

Trixie decided to interject. “Applejack, Trixie has decided you may not be entirely wrong.”

Applejack raised a brow. “Uh, thanks?”

Ignoring the gesture, Trixie pressed on unabated. “So Trixie has decided to allow you to witness a once in a lifetime performance.”

“Right now?” Applejack asked incredulously.

“Yes! The Great and All-knowing Trixie has been working on a new act. Your participation is vital.” She could tell Applejack’s apprehension a mile away. A fair sentiment perhaps, considering the last role Trixie imparted onto her during a performance. “Fear not! All Trixie requires is your ear—Get your hooves away from there!” Trixie snapped as Applejack swiftly covered her ears.

Applejack didn’t relent. “Not till ya tell me what ya want with mah ears! Ah like ém tha way they are.”

Trixie rolled her eyes. “Just, ugh, forget it. Trixie was only going to say something nice about you, okay?” Even as she said so, it was clear Applejack stayed wary, but lowered her guard at least some as Trixie continued. “You… let’s see… You did some really nice rope tricks, for an earth pony. Not many could rival that… Maybe even including Trixie, which might be why she humilated you instead… That wasn’t right of her, and Trixie is sorry.”

After listening to Trixie’s entire spiel, Applejack immediately turned towards Apple Bloom. “Alright, spit it out. What’ve ya done with the real Trixie?”

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