• Published 16th Feb 2014
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Trixie's Forest Retreat - crowscrowcrow

Following the events of Boast Busters, Trixie decides to hide from the town (and Rainbow Dash in particular) by taking cover in the Everfree Forest. Not every problem can be outrun, and sometimes facing them can have unexpected consequences.

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Chapter 47 - Retelling

Fluttershy had kept her word, not that Trixie ever thought otherwise, and brought out a tray with six brown clay cups and a rainbow colored teapot. Everyone was given a cup of tea and some very awkward socializing followed.

Nurse Redheart and Rainbow Dash had avoided looking at each other, and neither seemed particularly keen on saying anything while the other was there, but they still made token attempts at conversation to appease Fluttershy. Unlike Applejack and Nurse Manners, who seemed to have found a common interest in the topic of Big Mac’s treatment. Though Trixie got the sense that Nurse Manners was not grasping the true purpose behind Applejacks questions, and the clueless suitor even failed to notice the very forced smile plastered under the increasingly worried eyes.

Trixie had taken refuge near Fluttershy, the only one she thought would make for less awkward conversation. Of course at that moment Trixie had utterly forgotten how nearly useless Fluttershy was for conversing, even less so in the company of others. Trixie had just ended up making small compliments on the tea’s flavor and asked for a recipe, but half of it Trixie had already forgotten, and the other half she never even heard.

Fortunately, Trixie possessed the perfect excuse to escape awkward social situations, a concussion. While the uninteresting prattle went on, she found no reason to fight to stay awake anymore, and all the more reason to doze off as she drowsily slumped against Fluttershy. Trixie rested her head on Fluttershy’s shoulder while the sounds muffled around her.

By the time Trixie woke again, Nurse Redheart had downed her tea in what Trixie could only assume had to be a second degree burn inducing manner, or at least she judged so by how hot her own tea still was.

Nurse Redheart declared that they really had to get back to their shifts. Which prompted a small conversation regarding Nurse Redheart’s ‘restored faith’ in Fluttershy now that she’d proven she could stand up to Rainbow Dash in the case of another stupid idea. Trixie did not believe the excuse for a second, and she didn’t think anypony else did either. The odds of a blue moon event taking place twice were astronomical.

In either case, Trixie was happy to wave goodbye to the pair. It was not that she necessarily hated them, but as far as she was concerned they had done nothing but hinder her attempts to get back to the two ponies that actually mattered to her.

The cool night air roused Trixie enough to raise her gaze up at the stars, and gave a smile at their familiar twinkling. It had not really occurred to Trixie until just then, but she had truly missed the night sky. The past week had her sleeping so much she might have even given Princess Celestia a taste of what Luna had gone through. Maybe that is why she is playing with Trixie?

It took a moment for Trixie to realize, but Rainbow Dash stared at her and Fluttershy for a while now. Though Trixie was not quite sure what to make of her expression, but Trixie was convinced that at least meant Rainbow Dash did not appear to be angry with her.

“Oh, good morning there Trixie. Ya awake now?” Applejack had caught on, though whether she was the first, or if Fluttershy was too polite to comment, Trixie could not say.

Despite being found out Trixie made no attempt to get away from the warm, soft form of Fluttershy. Trixie yawned and grumbled softly. “You would think Trixie would wake up refreshed. Did Trixie miss anything?”

“Nah not really. But there is something Awesome I’ve been dying to tell you about all day!” Rainbow Dash had found her enthusiasm, and cranked it up to maximum. It amazed Trixie what a slight change in group composition could do.

“Oh? What is it? Do not keep Trixie in suspense.”

“Now hang on y’all maybe we should let Fluttershy tell this here story? Ah mean it kinda is her story ain’t it?“ Applejack motioned encouragingly towards Fluttershy. “Go ahead sugarcube.”

Fluttershy eeped quietly and hid behind Trixie. “Oh uhm, that’s okay Applejack. I-I don’t think that’s such a good idea. Rainbow Dash can you please?”

Trixie blinked surprised. She supposed it might have only been because she was right next to Fluttershy, but it still felt special to Trixie that she was apparently safe enough to hide behind. A warm feeling spread inside Trixie while she reached behind her to wrap a hoof around Fluttershy and gently pull her back besides her. “Don’t worry. If you do not wish to tell the tale, then Trixie will allow that. Though the idea of you telling the story does appeal to Trixie, Fluttershy.”

“Fluttershy is right. She will just slow down the story if she tells it. It’s just not her thing.” Rainbow Dash smiled at Fluttershy, then thumped her own chest. “No worries, Fluttershy, I got this! I’ll be sure to make it as cool as actually being there!”

Fluttershy nodded in agreement with Rainbow Dash and returned the smile. Strangely Trixie could swear she’d felt Fluttershy tense up briefly during Rainbow Dash’s defense of her. Trixie ran the comment through her mind again, then settled on the part she thought most likely coincided with it.

Rainbow Dash was already partway into the story. “So I was just ab—”

“Fluttershy will slow it down?” Trixie felt Fluttershy react beside her. There it is again…

“Huh? Well yeah? You know she’s not very good at this stuff. It’s kind of like in the story actually so just let me finish. You’re not supposed to interrupt till you can’t contain your excitement you know, or get scared, but this is not one of those stories.” Rainbow Dash waved the disruption away dismissively. “Now where was I? Eh the start is kinda boring anyway.”

Trixie looked from Fluttershy to Rainbow Dash, something seemed just a bit off. She was not sure what had happened today, but she would need to wait to find out.

“What are ya saying you can’t make the story exciting Rainbow? Ah mean we started with this huge cloud of black covering the sky ya know. How’s that not good enough?” Applejack interrupted.

“Huh well yeah okay I guess. Look do you wanna tell the story or something, Applejack?”

“Well I thought ya was gonna tell it proper. If ya can’t do that I’ll just have ta correct ya.” Applejack crossed her forelegs across her chest.

“Oh come on you’ll throw me off my game! That’s sabotage you know. Okay fine, actually I remember what was exciting about the start now. So it was morning, there was boring old smoke over Ponyville, and I was about to break the Equestrian Ball Bouncing Record! Pinkie Pie messed me up, but not before I got at least five bounces past the old record!” Rainbow Dash flew up in the air and did an impressive little loop in her excitement. “Course I did not realize at the time, I was distracted by Twilight telling us all about the dragon.”

Applejack visibly bit her tongue, though Rainbow Dash was telling what happened she was clearly not pleased with it.

Trixie was glad she already had her freak out moment earlier in the day. Now that she was holding hot tea it struck her as the absolute worst time to get the dragon news sprung on her. “Heh, so you were really taking that ball thing serious huh? Trixie was told about that.”

“Of course I was! I thought it was the best way to check on you. Turns out it was a waste of time I guess, but having documented proof that I am awesome in the record books is not a bad result either! I might decide to break so me more, like I saw the record for most cupcakes eaten is held by somepony right here in Ponyville, I bet I could challenge her to a—”

“Rainbow Dash, the story? Ya can brag plenty while yer keeping it going Ah bet.”

“Oh uh, Yeah I guess. Where was I? Oh yeah so I had the new reco—”

“Twilight told ya bout the dragon causing the smoke in the sky, then what?” Applejack took the risk to sip her tea, apparently fairly confident she could trust Rainbow Dash long enough to swallow a sip, it was an awfully short sip however.

“Oh uh. So we hear there’s this big dragon we got to defeat and we get some prep time, so I go right home for some war paint. I looked awesome! Or I’m pretty sure I did, there was a mirror on the mountain but I’d have to ask Rarity for it and she would totally never shut up about how she was right all along to bring all her stuff. So I couldn’t do that!”

“Ya ain’t gonna mention what the rest was doing?” Applejack raised a brow. “Besides, it was liquid rainbow on yer face, Rainbow, not paint. It was gone before we even left.”

“I said I would make the story awesome didn’t I? That means it must have the focus on the most awesome pony there. Besides what am I gonna tell her? That Rarity packed a scarf and Pinkie brought streamers or whatever? Come on AJ try to keep up.”

Trixie snickered a little, even if Rainbow Dash was atrocious it was at least amusing. Mirrors and streamers? Really? What did they think they were going to do? Seduce or throw a party for the dragon?! I wonder what Fluttershy brought, I’ll bet it’s an animal. The thought reminded Trixie that the story was supposed to be about Fluttershy, and that made her burn with curiosity for more detail. Perhaps it would also help her figure out why Fluttershy was reacting a bit strangely. “What about you Fluttershy? What did you do to prepare?”

“I-I tried to wear protective clothes. Rainbow Dash said it would just slow us down though… So I left it.”

“Yeah, not that it helped much though. Twilight insisted on taking Fluttershy along even though I told her not too. I couldn't believe you actually came. Or well, I guess we kinda dragged you along, literally. Mostly Applejack though, she had to drag Fluttershy up the mountain path cause she was too scared to fly or climb… or jump… or keep quiet in an avalanche zone. ” Frustration seeped from Rainbow Dash’s every word thick enough to smear on bread by Trixie’s estimation.

Trixie did not need to guess anymore at this point, she could feel Fluttershy practically turn into a wooden board besides her. She listened to the rest of the story though, and with the help of Applejack’s concentrated efforts to keep Rainbow Dash at least somewhat on track or fill in details she ended up with a fairly good understanding of the trip.

“And that’s when we got to the Dragon!”

Author's Note:

Thanks for reading, I hope you enjoyed.

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