• Published 16th Feb 2014
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Trixie's Forest Retreat - crowscrowcrow

Following the events of Boast Busters, Trixie decides to hide from the town (and Rainbow Dash in particular) by taking cover in the Everfree Forest. Not every problem can be outrun, and sometimes facing them can have unexpected consequences.

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Chapter 97 - Ruthless

The afternoon sun lazily drifted through the sky. Its warm rays shone through the windows of the small room in a way that would have been idyllic, if Trixie was not currently preoccupied with biting a pillow. Her eyes scrunched shut as she bit harder, doing her best not to scream.

From the moment Trixie had realized she was back in Ponyville, she had expected to be arrested, captured, or chased right back out. That was in the best case scenario. A much greater fear was to be faced with angry ponies eager to take their frustration out on her, which had turned out to be entirely justified when she nearly got beaten up after limping her way out of the hospital. However, even in her darkest moments had she never contemplated the possibility that she would be actually tortured!

“Graah! Trixie will tell you anything you want!” Trixie cried out in pain as her tormenter seemed intent to all but shatter her spine.

“P-please stop saying that, every single time, if that’s okay with you.” Her executioner mumbled while she shifted her hold on Trixie for whatever sinister purpose she had devised next.

Trixie could feel the rim of a hoof working to force itself in between her spinal disks, before a foreleg wrapped around her throat and pulled up from the couch while driving the hoof into her back harder. Trixie was completely sure no pony was ever meant to bend like that! It was molten agony that spread into every cell in her body. It was pure malicious cruelty! It was absolute complete and total—


Bliss~. Wonderful, magnificent nirvana flowed through her entire form while she melted under Fluttershy’s hooves, slumping back onto the couch with a long, appreciative moan.

“Oh… my…” Fluttershy all but whispered. Though Trixie couldn’t see Fluttershy, the blush was so obvious it even colored her voice. “Even miss Jane wasn’t as tense as you, Trixie.” Mercifully, Fluttershy didn’t ease up even while speaking, prolonging Trixie’s stay in paradise.

After their little owl talk, they’d spent a bit more time outdoors just appreciating the fine weather in their own corner of the woods. Since Trixie had taken care of most of the chores already, they found themselves with plenty of time on their hooves, and no great ideas on how to spend it. Fortunately, Trixie had an epiphany, and asked Fluttershy to give a demonstration of her massage technique.

By now, Trixie understood perfectly why all the animals were passed out when she came in the previous night. This was the best thing ever.

It was difficult to really think when everything in the world just seemed to become fuzzy and warm, but Trixie tried to at least pretend she was keeping up her part of the conversation. She was pretty sure she knew who Jane was anyway. “Mrm…The scrub jay’s stressed?” Being a bird did not sound anywhere near stressful.

“Oh, yes. See they do this thing called, uhm, ‘caching’. they like to plan ahead and hide food all over the forest for a rainy day. But, if somepony watches them when they make a cache they get nervous, because they think their food will get stolen, so they dig it up, and pretend to hide it somewhere else a bunch of times to throw off the ‘thief’.” Fluttershy rattled on enthusiastically while she described what she apparently found fascinating and endearing behavior, but to Trixie sounded like complete paranoia bred into an entire species. Trixie supposed she could relate a bit better to why the bird was so stressed, with so many animals around there was nearly no way not to be spotted while hiding something.

Smiling wearily, Trixie relaxed below Fluttershy while she just listened to the story that accompanied the, by now at least, lovely massage. If she had been told a few weeks ago that Fluttershy would ever try to talk her ears off, she’d have died laughing. Still, she couldn’t help but feel a little sorry for Jane. “Mnmmm… It must be hard to be constantly paranoid about some invisible danger,” she blinked briefly, then added, “that isn’t really there.”

Rubbing what felt like liquid joy along Trixie shoulder blades with her hooves, Fluttershy giggled softly. “She’s just a little nervous.”

If Fluttershy’s comments were any indication, the stress of being a crazy bird was nothing compared to the stress that came with being a traveling magician, among a few other things. Trixie wasn’t sure if she liked the implication that she might be too stressed, but on the other hoof it did lead to the best massage she’d ever had, not that she could currently remember another one, or recall much of anything really as the warm feeling through her body lulled her into an ever more drowsy state. Soon, she wasn’t even able to keep her eyes open anymore.

Drawing out a long yawn, Trixie stretched out her forelegs until she felt the satisfying crackle in her joints. “Mhmm… how long was Trixie out?” She couldn’t remember falling asleep, but she had not felt so refreshed in years.

“Oh, good, you’re awake.” Fluttershy smiled while she closed up her book. She sat beside Trixie on the couch. As the only clock in the house was located in the bedroom, Fluttershy took a quick look at the square of light cast across the floor by the nearest window, estimating the time. “Uhm, just an hour or two I think. A little longer than I expected but… I didn’t want to wake you up; you looked so peaceful.”

Trixie blinked slowly against the light. “Trixie appreciates that. Trixie had no idea you were so good at this, sorry she fell asleep.” She let out another yawn and turned to get more comfortable. It wasn’t as though they had any real plans for the day, so a nap was a valid a way to spend time as any. Although, something in the words Fluttershy chose felt off. “…Did you need Trixie for something?”

Fluttershy gave Trixie a look of surprise, but she nodded. “Well, yes. It could wait though, it’s just… Remember the spa?”

“The spa? Uh, yes? What about it?”

“Well, my friend Rarity and I—Oh, you know Rarity, right? You, uhm, dyed her hair once.”

“Trixie has a vague recollection of her vandalizing Trixie’s stage.” Trixie rolled her eyes. “Go on.”

Fluttershy shifted uncomfortably in place. “O-oh, right, erm… W-well… We usually go to the spa once a week. It’s lovely. I was just thinking. I haven’t had time to go since you arrived, but since you are feeling so well, I thought maybe you would like to come with us next time?”

“Go to the spa with the three of us? Uh, Trixie’s good. Thanks though, Fluttershy. You two can go by yourselves.” Trixie waved a hoof dismissively. It was bad enough to go back to Ponyville again, but to go there specifically to meet up with somepony that didn’t care for her and spend a day together was too much to ask.

Ears folding flat, Fluttershy looked down at her hooves. “Oh… that’s okay. I guess I can skip this week too.”

“Well, if you are sure.” Trixie shrugged while she peered out the window at the sky, hoping to catch sight of any rainbow-colored blurs. “…Wait a second.” Trixie sat up and looked at Fluttershy. “What do you mean skip this week too? Why are you skipping appointments with your friend? Are you mad at her?”

“Oh no, I would never be mad at her. It’s just, uhm, well… I’ve been, erm… busy.” Fluttershy consistently avoided any chance to look Trixie in the eye while she was trying to explain.

Trixie was about to protest, as she had practically been Fluttershy’s shadow this week, so she knew it was a lie that Fluttershy had been busy, but bit her tongue at the last moment. Oh… she’s talking about Trixie, isn’t she?

A clashing sense of heat and cold washed over Trixie. She’d never considered Fluttershy might be putting her own life on hold to take care of her. Although Fluttershy didn’t strike Trixie as a pony that was all that social to begin with, there were clearly some things she’d stopped doing for her wellbeing. It was at once a wonderful and a miserable thought to contemplate, and Trixie bit her lip as though to punish herself for enjoying the idea.

“Oh wait. Trixie remembers seeing they offered, errr, hooficures? Yes, Trixie believes a proper visit may be in order. Besides, Trixie would like to speak with the white pony.”

Fluttershy perked up visibly. “Oh! That’s great, I’m sure you will li—“ She hushed in surprise while she stared at Trixie. “Speak to Rarity? I, uhm, why? I-I mean, it’s good that you want to, but… why?”

Given how horrible the first, and last, meeting with Rarity went, Trixie had some idea of why Fluttershy was cautious of Trixie’s motives. “The Great and Perceptive Trixie is not blind to patterns. Rarity is another one your friends that interrupted Trixie’s show, yes? As are Dashie and Applejack; Trixie has come around to liking them. It is Trixie’s suspicion that she will get along with Rarity too.” She stated matter-of-factly, but added in a softer tone of voice, “After another fight anyway.”

For a moment, Fluttershy could only stare at her while she processed the words. Finally, Fluttershy beamed her biggest smile and wrapped Trixie in an unexpected, but cherished, hug. “You want to make up with Rarity? Oh! That’s a great idea. I, uhm, I should probably tell her first. That we’re coming I mean.” She glanced towards the door, then bit her lip and looked back to Trixie. “Oh, uh, I’ll go a little later.”

Trixie returned the embrace with glee. “If Trixie had known you’d react like that, she would have asked to speak with her sooner!” She smiled while her eyes lingered on Fluttershy’s lips for a long moment. Trixie felt her cheeks burn at the thought of getting another taste, but after what happened in the kitchen, she couldn’t bring herself to do it. Loathing herself for her spinelessness, Trixie averted her gaze, looking toward the door. ”It… It’s fine. You can go now, Trixie promises not to do anything crazy while you are gone.”


Releasing her hold, Fluttershy slipped away from Trixie. “Are you sure?” She sounded just as hesitant as Trixie felt, but Trixie still gave a simple nod. “Okay… I’ll be quick. If you like you could, uhh, take a nap?”

Reluctantly, Trixie let go, allowing Fluttershy to get off the couch. “Trixie just woke up.” She smirked and waved towards the door. “Just get going, Trixie is sure she can manage being alone for an hour without burning the house down, maybe even two hours on a good day.” Trixie chuckled, but upon noticing that Fluttershy didn’t, tried to disguise it as clearing her throat. “Ahum, Trixie means nothing will go wrong. Take your time. Trixie will not move from this couch, promise.”

Ugh, why did Trixie say that! She lamented her rash promise as she rolled over on the couch to stare at the ceiling. It had barely been a minute since Fluttershy left, and Trixie was already bored to tears.

In hindsight, that had probably been one of the reasons Fluttershy wanted to go later, presumably after Rainbow Dash got here in the evening.

Actually, Trixie isn’t even sure if Dash will come by today. She just does whatever she likes. Oh wait a moment, Her cheeks flushed as she felt her lips curl into a lecherous smile. She likes Trixie.

Once she was on that train of thought, it was difficult to get off it. Her mind wandered to Dash’s tightly toned body, how warm it felt up close, how much Trixie loved to look at it, and a few other things she was getting increasingly interested in as the couch beneath her began emitting a ridiculous amount of heat. At least, Trixie was quite sure it was the couch's fault for how smoldering she felt at the moment.

Trixie was not sure when, but at some point in her fantasy the coat color had changed to yellow, and the previous hard muscles below gave much easier, lending itself to a much softer touch. It was different, but it felt no less wonderful to Trixie. Her only thought was to show just how much she loved being together.

She imagined running her hooves up and down the soft coat, picturing pink locks framing the blushing face looking back at her. Fluttershy was so sweet, Trixie couldn’t go without getting a taste, licking her blushing cheek with a mischievous smile.

T-Trixie, please… S-stop.

With a jolt, Trixie sat up straight on the couch. Her eyes wide open as she looked around wildly.

Trixie raised a hoof to her head while she lowered back down on the couch with a sigh. “Curses…”

Despite all the time they spent together today, neither of them had spoken a single word about what happened in the kitchen. Trixie had been glad to avoid the subject for the most part, but now she found herself wishing they had cleared some things up. She wasn’t even really sure what her relationship with Fluttershy was now.

They’d kissed, or rather, Trixie had kissed Fluttershy, but there was nothing different from how they normally acted. If anything, Trixie felt even more compelled to be restrained now than she did when she was trying to hide her feelings in the first place.

Trixie rolled over and buried her head in the couch pillows, a faint scent of honey lingered. We’re… well… Fluttershy loves Trixie. Trixie loves her too… but she’s so strange. Maybe Rainbow Dash is strange? Trixie is pretty sure we went by the book, but Dash made fun of Trixie for that, so maybe it’s not how we’re supposed to anyway? She groaned in annoyance. Why does this have to be so hard?

One thing she knew for certain was that she’d gone too far, but she still had no clear idea of where the line was. After the incident, Trixie made sure not to initiate anything, hoping that Fluttershy would take the lead instead. They’d just ended up talking.

…Maybe the spa thing was her trying to start something? She never asked anything like that of Trixie before… so, is it her attempt at setting up a date? Trixie felt a smile creep up on her. That could be a thing. She’d pretend Rarity is coming, but Rarity ‘cancels’ and then it’s just the two of us? The warmth swiftly returned to Trixie’s chest as she pictured it. That’s right, she’s a jealous little cutie so of course she’d want to have a date too.

Feeling restless, Trixie slid off the couch and trotted small circles in the middle of the room. It did not really help with the feeling. Trixie should do something nice for Fluttershy. A rewa—uhm… just something nice, for her taking initiative like that. A brief glance out of the window revealed the was sun high in the sky. It should be about lunch time. What if Trixie has lunch ready when Fluttershy gets back? That’s an innocent reward right? Though it did technically mean she wasn’t on the couch, Trixie was sure she wasn’t really expected to stay there, merely to stay out of trouble.

As Trixie stepped into the kitchen, she paused with a heavy feeling in her stomach, staring at the spot she’d pinned Fluttershy.

Shaking her head, she got to work on preparing something to eat. Anything would do really, and with her magic back in action it was not even challenging. Which was a good thing too, as her head definitely wasn’t in the game, constantly battling with the lingering feelings of uncertainty.

Since Trixie said she wanted to talk to Rarity, Fluttershy might not have her cancel now; she clearly liked the idea of Trixie making up with her. So, does that mean Trixie sabotaged our first date? That’s no good. If it even was a date. Trixie winced at the thought while she broke some eggs above the frying pan.

Catching on that she was moping, Trixie stretched her magic to levitate over one of the mirrors she’d used the previous evening. Staring at herself, Trixie said aloud. “You are The Great and Powerful Trixie! You have half your magic back, and two of the most amazing mares ever! Quit being such a whiny loser and think of something!”

An orchid glow wrapped around the kitchen knife, dicing up vegetables while Trixie glowered at her reflection. “Easier said than done. What’s Trixie supposed to do? Set up a date herself? She doesn’t know any good restaurants, theatres or anything entertaining around here. Even if Trixie did, she can’t go into Ponyville. What? Is Trixie supposed to hope random entertainment will just come knocking on the door? As if she would get that lucky.” She fumed while scraping the shredded greens off the cutting board and into the waiting omelet.

*Knock knock*

Trixie perked up her ears, and slowly panned towards the direction of the front door, her eyes widening in disbelief. The timing was just too perfect. “No way!” With a swiftness she usually only reserved for escaping gigantic star bears aiming to eat her, Trixie dashed for the door to greet fortunate destiny.

Author's Note:

Thanks for reading, hope you enjoyed.

Considering how Fluttershy massages bears, Trixie should count herself lucky.
Could it be Cheesy Sandwich three seasons early? :trollestia:

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