• Published 16th Feb 2014
  • 7,894 Views, 2,739 Comments

Trixie's Forest Retreat - crowscrowcrow

Following the events of Boast Busters, Trixie decides to hide from the town (and Rainbow Dash in particular) by taking cover in the Everfree Forest. Not every problem can be outrun, and sometimes facing them can have unexpected consequences.

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Chapter 45 - Reunite

Trixie felt as though she had somehow stepped into another dimension. A dimension where Fluttershy’s cozy house was dark and empty, where annoying cowmares were actually alright, and most importantly a dimension where Rainbow Dash was hugging her. A real hug, not a so-you-don’t-fall-of-cloud hug. Trixie had never felt so warm.

This is wonderful!

“Don’t be scared, Trixie. I-it’s just that I was worried. I’ve been looking all over for you!”

It took a few moments for Trixie to get over the shock, but once she did Trixie quickly slid her hooves around Rainbow Dash in return, holding on for dear life. As scared as she had been a few seconds ago, Trixie could not remember ever feeling safer than right then.

“You mule, we were so worried!” Rainbow Dash scolded while she squeezed Trixie tighter.

By the words Trixie could tell Rainbow Dash had not come alone, but heavy breathing and rapid thumping she could feel with their chests pressed together told her any others were not likely to arrive for a while. “Y-you were? I’m sorry.”

This is Wonderful!

“And just what in the hay was that about?” Applejack spoke up, her eyes firmly fixed on Rainbow Dash.

Rainbow Dash’s ears perked up and her gaze snapped towards Applejack, becoming acutely aware she was being watched quickly tried to pry herself away from Trixie. “Gah, Applejack! Right, you were here. Err, hi? Come on, Trixie, let go.” Trixie was not about to simply let it end just because Rainbow Dash was embarrassed however, not when she had finally gotten what she wanted.

A few vain struggles later, Rainbow Dash resigned herself to her fate, bringing her hooves back around Trixie and looking sharply towards Applejack. “Not. A. Word.”

This is Wonderful!

“What are ya gonna do about it? Looks like yer stuck worse than a—”

“Applejack! Do us both a favor and don’t finish that. So uh, I guess I should answer your question. Trixie explained it to Fluttershy before. It’s some tradition back where she’s from, it’s for friends but not for uhh lovers. So uh yeah, don’t get the wrong idea.”

Applejack shook her head. “Ah know that. That ain’t what Ah was asking about.” She pointed a hoof towards the comfortably snuggled up Trixie. “Just why was she… ya know, Ah guess it don’t matter right now, but Ah need ta talk ta ya later.”

“What’s wrong with right now? Come on don’t leave me hanging, AJ, that’s not cool. Trixie won’t mind. Right, Trixie?” Rainbow Dash glanced down at Trixie and poked her with a hoof, trying to snap her out of her little trance.

“This is wonderful!” Trixie cried out only to realize she had actually said it out loud and blushed furiously. “T-Trixie means U-uhm ahh… Trixie’s got nothing.” To her delight Rainbow Dash made no attempt to let her go again, even though she was a bit more susceptible to reason now.

Applejack looked at Trixie with a puzzled expression for a moment, then lifted her gaze to meet Rainbow Dash’s. “Don’t y’all mind me. Ah reckon Ah can show mahself out. Looks like Ah ain’t needed no more.”

“Woah, hold your horses, Applejack. What do you mean?” Rainbow Dash said concerned.

“Oh, don’t worry, Rainbow. Ah only mean Ah was just here ta keep Trixie company till y’all came back. And ya did.”

“Trixie doesn’t think that means you have to leave, won’t you stay for a bit?”

“Yeah, at least stay till Fluttershy gets here. I’m sure she’d like to thank you for playing host. Besides we’re gonna need a witness or else Trixie will never believe us!” Rainbow Dash grinned mischievously.

Trixie blinked. “Wait what?”

“Well when ya put it like that, Ah guess I can stay fer a little longer. Oh, long as yer here, Rainbow Dash, you got any idea how to get the lights on in this place?”

It only just then seemed to dawn on Rainbow Dash that the entire group on the couch all had to share in the vague light of just a single candle on the opposite end of the room. She looked around for a moment then shrugged her shoulders. “Not a clue.”

Trixie and Applejack groaned.

“Really Rainbow? Ya don’t know something that basic?” Applejack complained.

“Yeah, how can you not know that?” Trixie chimed in.

Flustered, Rainbow Dash gestured dismissively with her wing. “Hey what is all this? As if you guys know!”

“At least the ingenuity of the Great and Resourceful Trixie, and Applejacks voodoo, created what light we have now.” Trixie grinned widely as she spoke and give a wink at Applejack.

“Yup, Ah reckon it only took us half an hour tops in the dark.”

“Oh great, so now you are both boasting? Figures she would rub off on you, AJ.”

“Rub off on me? From where Ah sit yer ta one she’s rubbing off on, or onto.” Applejack laughed and pointed to Rainbow’s hooves that had been around Trixie again since the failed attempt to dislodge her. “Ain’t it a mite curious that ya been holding on ta her all this time?”

Trixie observed as Rainbow Dash blinked and looked down at to her for a moment, looking back with a nervous smile. Trixie’s still enjoyed the warm embrace more than anything. Oh why did she have to remind her? Accursed Applejack. Please don’t pull away, or well... Trixie guesses it was nice while it lasted.

“Hey, Trixie, do you like this?”

The question Rainbow Dash posed caught Trixie off-guard. W-what kind of question is that? She knows the answer right? Is she testing me? Do I tell her or not. Is she going to make fun of me? Despite her doubts, Trixie nodded. “The Great and Powerful Trixie approves of this.”

Rainbow Dash squeezed Trixie a little tighter. “Then you can stay like this for a while. Anything I can do to make you feel better is cool.” She returned her attention to Applejack. “Trixie’s had a rough week. But if you want to make fun of me for this I can’t stop you can I?”

“Oh, Ah don’t aim ta make fun of y’all. Ah understand perfectly. Is why Ah am here after all. Helping somepony recover is a noble thing Ah reckon.” Her eyes lingered on Trixie for a while, then mumbled. “Ah just hope y’all know what yer doing…”

“Course I do, I’m awesome! And noble!” Rainbow Dash grinned. With her image problems taken care of for the moment, Rainbow Dash concentrated on the next most pressing thing. “So, Trixie, what brought you here anyway? Did AJ pick you up from the hospital or what? I’m just saying, you’re supposedly to be too weak to travel you known.”

Trixie huffed. “Is there no end to the underestimating of Trixie? What part of The Great and Powerful Trixie are ponies struggling to understand? Trixie goes where Trixie pleases.” As though to illustrate her point, she hugged Rainbow Dash a bit tighter.

“What she is neglecting ta mention there, Rainbow, is that she broke outta her room then nearly killed herself on some stairs, and nearly got herself killed in a dark alley. If Big Mac hadn’t stepped in when he did, Ah hate to think what woulda happened. Ya should see his face right now, he was pretty shook up by the whole deal.”

“Big Mac was shook up? He didn’t look shook up to Trixie.”

“Well, he’s a stoic sort, but Ah can tell. It ain't every day he gets in a fight ya know? Mah brother’s the peaceful kind.”

“Hah! Big Mac got in a fight? Now that I’d love to see!” Rainbow Dash laughed at the thought, but quickly faltered under Applejack’s stare. “Eh, I mean, yeah, uh, fighting smiting. Boo!”

“Smiting is still a word, Rainbow. But Ah appreciate the sentiment. Ain't ya forgetting something though?” Applejack nudged the easily excitable pegasus.

Rainbow Dash blinked, and went over the conversation again briefly. “Oh yeah! Trixie, are you okay?”

“Trixie is fine. Thanks to Big Mac. He gave Trixie a lift to uhm… Sweet Apple Acres?” She looked towards Applejack, and after a reaffirming nod she carried on. “Right. He said Trixie could rest there till you all were back from dealing with the smoke, then took Trixie to Fluttershy’s home. Applejack came too of course; she was worried that Trixie was trying to seduce her brother.”

“Hey! Ah was no such thing!” Applejack colored scarlet and crossed her forelegs over her chest. “Ah just had sum apples ta deliver and y’all were headed that way so I came with. Ain't no more to it than that.”

“Suuure Applejack.” Rainbow Dash grinned. “That’s why you came right over today, even though you said you were going straight to bed after dragging Fluttershy up that mountain.”

“Quiet you. One more word and this here is war.” Applejack smirked.

“Oh please. I could take you anytime anywhere, heck I’ve beaten you so many times I don’t think I can keep track!”

“Oh is that so? Well since Ah can see yer busy fer a while than how bout we set a date fer next time then? How bout last day of autumn, before the Running of the Leafs?”

“You’re on!”

Trixie witnessed the exchange quietly, looking from one to the other before she settled on Applejack. “So uhm. Do you do this a lot, Applejack?” Trixie was not sure if she should try to approach this topic, but she had them both here now.

“What do ya mean, Sugarcube?” Applejack looked puzzled.

Trixie felt uncomfortable, but she had to know. “…Beat each other?”

“Oh sure, sometimes Rainbow Dash gets a tad bit uppity and she needs a reminder she ain't the best at everything. It’s all in good fun though it’s just between friends. There ain't no hard feelings afterward. Why I reckon it makes us better friends each time. Well unless it’s too close, sometimes we go on fer a week straight bout that.” Applejack smiled at Trixie than gave a look at Rainbow Dash as she piped up.

It relieved Trixie a great deal, though she still did not fully understand their phrasing. She had been worried a little previously but this confirmed it was perfectly normal. “Okay, Trixie understands.” Trixie had not heard of it before as something that happened between friends like that, but then it was not uncommon not to know about other local customs.

“Pfff, only sometimes? I feel like you’re saying I’m slacking off, AJ. Just 'cause I’ve been busy this week. You can see why right? I leave Trixie alone for a day and she nearly dies twice. Heck three times if you count their attempt at starving her.”

Applejack raised a brow. “Ah been meaning ta ask. Yer taking this awfully well, Rainbow. A tad bit too well Ah reckon. Yer not planning on doing anything crazy are ya? I somewhat expected ya to fly right out of here and yell at the hospital staff.”

Rainbow Dash looked at Applejack with a surprisingly serious look. “Oh I don’t need to do that, AJ.”

“Ya don’t? Why?”

“Cause they will be coming through that door in a few minutes and try to take Trixie back to the hospital. I’m conserving energy.”

Trixie froze. She had completely forgotten about that. She had slipped out the hospital to get here; of course they were going to try to get her back, and probably make sure she stayed there. Trixie wonders if their straitjackets are any less comfortable than this gown.

She broke out of her thoughts when she felt Rainbow Dash nudge her gently, looking up into her eyes.

“So, Trixie, before they get here. There’s something I want to ask you.”

Applejack looked nervous, no good could come of this. “Rainbow…”

“Do you want to go back to the hospital, or stay here?”

Author's Note:

Thanks for reading, I hope you enjoyed.

Turns out I really should not put off writing, or I end up doing so at 4AM to get a chapter done for the day.
Course it's not like it's the first time. Either way, yay new chapter.
Having 3 active characters speaking in a scene is kinda new to me. It's certainly a lot of fun to write.
I feel like I've been saying that a lot. I guess these 3 characters are just like that.

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