• Published 16th Feb 2014
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Trixie's Forest Retreat - crowscrowcrow

Following the events of Boast Busters, Trixie decides to hide from the town (and Rainbow Dash in particular) by taking cover in the Everfree Forest. Not every problem can be outrun, and sometimes facing them can have unexpected consequences.

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Chapter 85 - Reexamine

One moment, Trixie was having a nice time playing with Dinky, keeping the foal entertained while she waited her turn in the waiting room. The next found Derpy and Trixie exchanging a few innocent words, only for Derpy to panickingly grab the filly and take off. In her haste, Derpy had nearly knocked Trixie off of her hooves.

She tried to go over what she’d said to Derpy to upset her so much, but it didn’t make sense. All she spoke about to Derpy was the muffin, and she had left that behind. Though it was possible she left it behind because Derpy thought Trixie wanted it. Derpy couldn't have thought Trixie was trying to rob her, could she?

Looking down at the muffin in her hooves, Trixie felt her chest ache. She had just tried to be nice to Dinky and Derpy, but it somehow backfired again. Why is it so difficult? Trixie didn’t even do anything wrong this time.

“Trixie?” Nurse Red called out, drawing Trixie out of her thoughts.

She had almost forgotten the nurse was there. “Huh, yes?” Trixie blinked slowly, then raised her gaze up from the muffin to Nurse Redheart. To Trixie’s surpise, there was a very dark look on the nurse’s face, sending a chill down her spine.

“What is wrong with you? Picking on Derpy, of all ponies? She gets enough of that without you helping out!” Nurse Redheart snapped, the anger clear in her voice. “She told me such awful things about you, that I was sure you had a doppelganger, but here you are! I have half a mind to kick you out right now.”

Trixie’s eyes widened as Nurse Redheart yelled at her, and pushed herself as far back in her chair as possible. This was supposed to be a great day, but everything just kept going wrong. It was just too much for Trixie. She broke down. The image of the mare’s angry face started to blur. “T-Trixie didn’t do a-anything!” She choked out, feeling the tears run down her cheeks.

Freezing mid rant, Nurse Redheart quickly took two steps back. From the look on her face, she had been prepared for an argument, not this. She still shot back, but much of the venom had dropped from her voice. “W-what do you mean, you didn’t? I saw you, didn’t I?”

“S-saw Trixie do what?” She tried to wipe her eyes with her wrist as she spoke, but failed to make much headway in keeping her vision clear. “T-Trixie was just doing tricks for Dinky! Why does everypony keep thinking the worst of Trixie? Or saying Trixie’s done things she hasn’t?!”

It wasn’t fair at all. The list of supposed crimes Trixie had committed against ponykind just kept growing, but she knew she’d not done anything wrong. It was nearly enough to make her doubt her own sanity. At least if she was a psychopath this whole thing would make sense.

Nurse Redheart hesitated for a moment, but finally spoke. “I saw how worried Dinky was, why did you say you were going to make her disappear?”

“B-but Trixie never said that.” Trixie hiccupped, and held up the muffin for Nurse Redheart to see. “Trixie said muffin, not Dinky. This one, see? They don’t even sound the same.”

For a moment, Nurse Redheart was silent, but her expression ran through a gambit of emotions, first was shock, then came barely suppressed mirth, and finally, it settled on concern. “Oh Celestia. I-I guess that’s plausible… Well, If that’s true, than this was all a misunderstanding…” Though it sounded good, something in the mare’s voice betrayed she was not entirely convinced. Still, she offered a hoof to Trixie, and smiled kindly. “You look like you’re in need of a refill. How about we get you some water, would you like that?”

Though on some level, Trixie knew Nurse Redheart was trying to help, she loathed being condescended to. “Trixie is not a small foal,” she growled, and rubbed her eyes again. This was probably not her most intimidating moment, as proven by the very unimpressed look Nurse Redheart gave her. “…water sounds good.”

As it turned out, some water really did do Trixie a lot of good. It calmed her down, and gave her some time to compose herself, before Nurse Redheart led her into the examination room. There was no further talk of the misunderstanding, as neither of them were comfortable bringing it up again. It suited Trixie just fine, Redheart was not the one she wanted to talk to about it anyway.

The physical examination was not much more interesting to Trixie than the magical one had been. However, she had to admit it was a lot more complicated.

It started off with a few simple questions about her age and weight, and, after a skeptical look from Nurse Redheart, an actual weighing. The results were subject to a hefty protest, and swearing Redheart to secrecy on penalty of death.

Shockingly, not getting much exercise for a couple of weeks, coupled with eating better than Trixie was used to, had left her just a bit greater than she would have liked.

The first actual tests involved Nurse Redheart shining a little light in her eyes, ears, and mouth. Once Redheart was apparently satisfied, she moved on to testing reflexes with a small hammer, followed by asking Trixie to cough while she listened to her chest.

Though Trixie would never say so out loud, she kind of enjoyed the attention. It gave a nice feeling, to be touched. Even if it was completely mundane, it left a tingling feeling that made her want to swing by that spa again after this and get an actual massage.

That sounds pretty good actually.

Once the thought had entered Trixie’s mind, there was no getting rid of it. She barely took notice of the rest of the exam, and merely imagined herself laying down while those two spa ponies worked on her back. Though at some point during the fantasy, that Trixie could not remember, they had morphed into Dash and Fluttershy.

All too soon, Nurse Redheart’s voice ruined it. “Trixie? Hello? I said: We’re done.”

“Oh, right. Trixie knew that.” Feeling her face flush, Trixie quickly trotted to the door. “Well, goodbye!”

“Errr… Don’t you want to know the results?” Nurse Redheart called after her.

Trixie froze in her tracks. Of course, how could she have forgotten about that? “Oh, uhm, Trixie assumed it would be like the magic exam. You know, analyze date, err data! Results pending, all that.” She turned around sheepishly to trot back to Redheart.

Nurse Redheart shook her head. “You really were out of it. I already told you Doctor Shot would bring his results in any moment. He actually came in, greeted you, gave me the report and walked out!”

“Err, T-Trixie was, erm, preoccupied.”

Sighing, Redheart laid a file down on the table, flicking through the pages. “Clearly you were. Well, I can already tell you that, physically, you are in good health. Especially when considering you have pretty much just been lying in bed the past couple of weeks. Most earth ponies I examine would be jealous.”

Grinning, Trixie puffed up her chest with pride. “Well, Trixie is pretty amazing. She used to travel all around Equestria, you know, pulling a whole stage-cart no less.” It was a little strange to be boasting about doing physical labor that she hated, but any port in a storm.

Nurse Redheart rolled her eyes, but kept smiling. “Yes, well good news then, you are healing well. So well in fact, that you are now officially cleared for using basic level magic. You keep this up and you’ll be back on the road in a few weeks!”

“Hah!” Trixie cheered. “Trixie knew it! Magic at last!” Her first thought was to levitate the nearest object and swing it around in celebration, but the prognosis stopped her in her tracks. “…back on the road in a few weeks?”

“Well, yes. I know, you are in a hurry to leave, but I’m sorry I really cannot in good conscious clear you to take a trip like that as you are. But don’t worry, it won’t be long now. You will get to leave all this nasty business behind you soon.”

Trixie folded her ears back. “H-heh… yeah… Trixie can’t wait to get out of this one-horse town...”

“Now, I just want to stress that while you are recovering well, you are still especially vulnerable to blows to the head. Everypony is of course, but it is especially dangerous if you’re still recovering from a concussion. If you need a visualization, an easy rule of hoof is to just assume anything will hit you twice as hard.”

Trixie no longer had her full attention on the conversation, instead she couldn’t help lingering on those words. A few weeks….

Fortunately, the important stuff that Redheart tried to tell Trixie were all things that she already knew, thanks to Fluttershy. Even better, her trip here had proven that she was not in danger from minor impacts anymore, and the lack of a headache following the Derpy incidents indicated that stress was no longer going to bring about migraines either. “Trixie knows. Is there anything else?”

Nurse Redheart shook her head. “Nothing worth mentioning right now, just keep eating healthy, and try to get a little more exercise in. You can tell Fluttershy it’s ‘doctors orders’ if she tries to stop you, but don’t overdo it.”

“Trixie just wants to make sure, everything we discussed, you are not allowed to say a word about it, right?”

“Yes, everything we talk about, and your medical information, all of it is confidential.”

This was good, the less ponies had any real idea of what kind of shape she was in the better. Though there was not really a guarantee. Redheart could let something slip unintentionally, but more importantly than that, someone with sufficient authority could simply look into her file. “That is acceptable. That’s all then. Do you think Trixie could use a shower?”

Redheart looked caught by surprise, her eyes briefly ran over Trixie then she shook her head slowly. “Uhm, no? You look clean, and you smelled fine. N-not that it’s something I pay attention to! Just some patients have a, uhm, ‘musk’.”

Trixie blinked. It took a moment for the bit to drop, but once it did she drug a hoof down her face. “Ugh, not like that! Trixie is asking permission to use a shower!”

Redhearts snow-white fur did absolutely nothing to hide her embarrassment, the red in her face shone through like a beacon. “Oh. Oh! Yes, of course. Go right ahead!” She made a vague gesture with her hoof towards the door leading back to the waiting room. “Just keep going and take the second door on the right.” She seemed very eager to get rid of Trixie.

“Thank you.” Sniggering, Trixie made her way towards the door. Pausing at the threshold, she looked over her shoulder. As casual as she could, she asked her question, “Oh, uh, one more thing… Why did the letter refer to Trixie as ‘Lulamoon’?” This was it, she was going to find out just who was behind this, pulling unknown strings.

“Oh, well...” Nurse Redheart paged through the file and held out one of the pages.

Trixie recognized it as her patient chart, though it was marred with hoofprints and creases from the tough time it had when it was used to chase Rainbow Dash out of her room.

Trixie Doe.‘The Great and Powerful’ Lulamoon
Suspected Trauma, Stress and Magic induced Brain Damage.
Coma, keep under observation.
In case of change alert Nurse Redheart.

It was mostly the same as Trixie remembered it, and a small grin played on her lips as she read the command to keep Dash at bay. It had not done much good. What drew her attention the most though was the fresh addition to her name, the most edited part of the chart by far.

“It was Nurse Manners’ idea. She felt just awful about what happened, and she was telling me about the argument you had with her. You know, before you left. She remembered you were upset that she called you ‘Doe’, and said it was the least she could do for you.”

Trixie looked down at the chart, then up at Redheart, then finally back down at the chart, staring at her corrected name, just as she had demanded. At last she had discovered who the mastermind was that knew her real name.

It was official, she was an idiot.

Author's Note:

Thanks for reading, I hope you enjoyed.

Sometimes a cigar is just a cigar.

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