• Published 16th Feb 2014
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Trixie's Forest Retreat - crowscrowcrow

Following the events of Boast Busters, Trixie decides to hide from the town (and Rainbow Dash in particular) by taking cover in the Everfree Forest. Not every problem can be outrun, and sometimes facing them can have unexpected consequences.

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Chapter 59 - Rigid

The wind howled through the small cottage, bringing with it the rain and rumbling from outside until Rainbow Dash kicked the door shut. She was completely drenched and dripping cold water on the wooden floorboards.

Looking over the shivering mare, Trixie put on a smirk. “You’re late. So much for being the fastest.”

“E-excuse me!? I’d like to see you fly through that!” Rainbow Dash grumbled, and made her way towards the fireplace.

Fluttershy gently nudged Trixie in the ribs, then slipped off the couch, snagging one of the towels. “I’m so glad you made it Rainbow. The weather is just awful. Are you okay?”

With a jolt, Trixie pulled away from Fluttershy’s hoof, more so because it was ticklish than painful. “Ow, no fair, Trixie is right.” Still, she followed suit and took the remaining towel, carrying it towards Rainbow Dash.

“Of course I am, Fluttershy. I’m awesome after all. Thanks though.” Rainbow Dash half spread her wings while she stood before the fire, trying to catch some more of its warmth, and looked into the crackling flames. “I’m not late, Trixie. Just hush, I’m tired and not in the m—” Rainbow Dash followed her own advice as everything suddenly went dark for her.

Fluttershy had thrown her towel over Rainbow Dash’s head. “It’s okay Rainbow, you’ve done enough for one day, don’t move. Uhm, if that’s okay with you…” Fluttershy pulled the towel down to Rainbow Dash's mane, allowing her to see again; she greeted her with a warm smile while drying her mane.

Meanwhile, Trixie stood frozen behind Rainbow’s right wing. She had a towel as well, but she had not actually really thought this through. And now that she was there, she was not quite sure how to proceed anymore. It felt like it would be wildly inappropriate to just start rubbing it on Rainbow Dash. But Fluttershy seemed to handle it just fine, though the exertion brought a pink haze to her face.

Rainbow Dash did not try to object, giving Fluttershy and Trixie ample opportunity to do whatever they wanted. She took the opportunity to relax and finally catch her breath. “Mhm that’s not a bad idea, Fluttershy. My legs are so stiff I doubt I could reach above my knees right now, thanks.”

C-come on it can’t be that hard, I’ve been closer for less legit reasons than this! B-but that was a week ago, and I’ve not had any alone time with her since... It felt different somehow to be using her hooves and muzzle to brush over Rainbow Dash, than merely holding onto her. Trixie could not help but have her mind wander. She could start somewhere safe like Rainbow’s back, but then what was she going to do when that was dry? She couldn’t really go higher as Fluttershy was there, and going lower she’d end up on Rainbow’s rear. Trixie’s face burned up at the mere thought, it was a perfect excuse, but she really shouldn’t.

Trixie glanced over towards Fluttershy, hoping for any help, but she was too busy to notice Trixie’s silent plea. Actually asking for help was too embarrassing though, and she couldn’t just stand there doing nothing for much longer without looking like a complete idiot. Her eyes traveled along Rainbow’s back, trying to make any sort of plan, when she took notice of something that should have been obvious all along.

Wings! Perfect! Trixie smiled pleased, she could just take her sweet time drying off both wings, and even if Fluttershy wasn’t done by then she could move on to Rainbows back and still be totally safe.

Rainbow’s wings were half folded to her sides, so Trixie just draped her towel over the right wing, then set to work. She was not really sure how to handle wings, but it seemed a safe bet that she should avoid stroking too much against the grain. With that in mind she rubbed the towel into the soaked wings, hearing Rainbow Dash give a yawn or something. Heh, bet she wasn’t allowed any naptime.

Trixie noticed Rainbow Dash give the strongest shiver she had since she came in. For a pony that was normally so warm to be shivering from the cold was worrisome. I guess it’s because she stopped moving, better hurry this up.

Fortunately, Rainbow Dash was making it easy for Trixie as she spread both her wings out. With more easy access, Trixie draped the towel further over the wing, then rubbed through it along the base and covert feathers covering her biceps, reasoning it was best to start low and work her way up. She paid special attention to follow edge of the muscle groups and get in between the feathers, or pressing on them to get rid of the water. Now and then she gave an accidental tug on the feathers, but they were resilient and no worse for wear.

It was going perfectly, but then again it was something The Great and Powerful Trixie was doing, so she was really not that surprised with her progress. She’d made it half way up the wing when she heard something unexpected.

“T-T-Trixie, ah, w-what a-a—” Rainbow Dash moaned out with a ragged breath.

This prompted to Fluttershy look up from her task of drying off Rainbow’s chest, and look towards Trixie. Her face turned scarlet as she let out a gasp. “Trixie! Stop!”

Trixie froze completely. Looking at Fluttershy shocked, then to Rainbow Dash who was quaking on her hooves. She quickly let go and stepped away. “Sorry! D-did Trixie hurt you? She didn’t mean to! Are you okay?” She looked at Rainbow Dash with genuine worry, her gut knotted up with a terrible feeling of guilt. She’d been messing with those delicate wings, what if she injured them? What if Rainbow Dash wouldn’t be able to fly as fast anymore? Tears came to her eyes as she noticed Rainbow Dash was refusing to look at her, staring straight ahead into the flames instead. “H-how do we fix it? I’m so sorry.”

The silence was maddening.

Fluttershy exchanged a look with Rainbow Dash, giving a small nod. She finally settled on Trixie again, her face a bright red as she walked around Rainbow Dash. Once Fluttershy was beside Trixie, she looked incredibly uncomfortable while she struggled for words. “U-uhm, ah… N-no… Rainbow isn’t harmed.”

Breathing a sigh of relief, Trixie fell onto her haunches. She felt a huge weight tumble off her shoulders. It took her a moment to realize though, that Fluttershy was still fidgeting with her hooves, and there was a question left unanswered. She looked over to Rainbow Dash, her wings had folded again, pressing hard against her sides.

“Y-you see, a-actually, that is uhm. Sometimes when a mare and a—no uhm.” Fluttershy retreated behind her own mane as she fumbled terribly with her words. “Pegasi wings… can be really sensitive.”

Trixie blinked, confusion and worry battling for control. “But, you just said that Trixie did not hurt Rainbow Dash.” She saw Fluttershy give a nod, somewhere in that pink curtain. “That makes no sense, are you saying Trixie just caused her pain, without harming her?”

“T-the… other… thing.” Fluttershy squeaked.

“The other thing? What does thaaaa-Oh Luna!” Trixie’s eyes opened wide, she felt as though she'd caught on fire. She looked back towards Rainbow Dash, who had so far made not a single attempt to turn around even a little. Panicking, Trixie rattled off apologies and excuses. “S-sorry! Trixie didn’t know! Y-you fly with those, how could Trixie know they’d have any more feeling than hooves!? Why wouldn’t you fold your wings if Trixie was doing something like that?!”

“W-wings just, uhm, k-kinda do that on their own when...” Fluttershy said so quietly that Trixie only barely caught it.

Staring at the ground, Trixie just went quiet, it was clear everypony understood it had just been an accident. By the sound of things she was not in trouble. But she still couldn’t believe what a stupid thing she’d done. Oh Luna I aroused Rainbow Dash! She thought panicked, but then froze for a moment as she ran through that notion again, and did her best to suppress a giggle. …Oh Luna… I aroused Rainbow Dash… She looked towards Rainbow Dash, feeling her cheeks burning up.

Trixie chuckled weakly. “Heh... well that was dumb huh? No hard feelings? Or well, no hard feelings that you didn’t enjoy?” Trixie got up on her hooves and scraped one along the floor embarrassed. The whole situation was so awkward she wanted to get past it as quickly as possible.

There was little change in either of the two pegasi. Rainbow Dash remained as if nailed to the ground, and Fluttershy just revealed a single eye to check on both of them.

Swallowing, Trixie tried to clear a lump from her throat, it wasn’t working. “H-hey, come on. You can’t be mad can you?” She made her way towards Rainbow Dash. She was used to Rainbow Dash yelling at her, even threatening her, or at worst trying to hurt her, but nothing was as unnerving as the silence.

“Rainbow Dash?” Trixie paused in her old position next to the right wing, though it was tightly folded this time. It confused her, she was sure the normally animated pegasus could hear her. Reaching out one hoof, she prodded her. “Are you mad?”

Fluttershy trotted up to Rainbow’s left side, giving Trixie a reassuring smile before she looked towards Rainbow Dash. “Dash? She really didn’t know any better.”

With no replies from Rainbow Dash, or even acknowledgement that she was there, Trixie felt her chest ache. She had to get a response somehow, the uncertainty was so much worse. She leaned against Rainbow Dash gently, the mares body felt cold from the rain, but she could definitely feel her breathing. “Please, say something.”

When Rainbow Dash did not respond again, Trixie looked over towards Fluttershy. Oddly, Trixie found the mare already staring at her. Fluttershy startled when she noticed Trixie looking back, and shot Trixie an uncertain look. “M-maybe just give her a minute, Trixie.” Fluttershy said, then leaned against Rainbow Dash’s left side. “Are you okay, Rainbow?”

Trixie trembled as the seconds ticked by. Had she messed up so badly that Rainbow Dash did not want to be her friend? As scary as Rainbow Dash was when she was mad, Trixie liked that better than this. Did she not even care enough to correct her anymore? Trixie’s ears pressed flat into her mane. “Get mad already! Please! D-don't ignore Trixie…” Her voice cracked. Anything was better than being ignored. She wrapped her hooves around Rainbow Dash, bracing to get thrown off immediately, but she did not encounter any resistance.

“Ah! T-that’s right! Rainbow Dash, Trixie uses one of her chances, okay?” Trixie noticed Fluttershy give a surprised look, which she had expected. But she was sure Rainbow Dash would know. She could only hope she would make good on her promise to accept them.

To Trixie’s delight, it actually did have an effect. Rainbow Dash finally moved and actually looked over her shoulder, but Trixie could not make out her face now that she was silhouetted against the crackling flames. “Chances?”

Nodding quickly, Trixie smiled relieved. “Yes! Trixie’s chances! In the hospital, you gave Trixie three chances for what you did to Trixie in the castle. So Trixie uses a chance now! T-that means you’ve got to forgive Trixie, and we’ll be friends again, right?” She looked up pleadingly at Rainbow Dash.

Author's Note:

Thanks for reading, I hope you enjoyed.

Clearly I have been too soft lately, so here's an evil cliffhanger.:trollestia:

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