• Published 16th Feb 2014
  • 7,893 Views, 2,739 Comments

Trixie's Forest Retreat - crowscrowcrow

Following the events of Boast Busters, Trixie decides to hide from the town (and Rainbow Dash in particular) by taking cover in the Everfree Forest. Not every problem can be outrun, and sometimes facing them can have unexpected consequences.

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Chapter 42 - Rumble

Trixie’s attempt to escape the irate Ponyvillians had failed miserably, and even the most basic spell she knew had backfired. After blindly crashing into the fourth pony, Trixie’s knees gave out and she crumbled to the ground. Trembling while she heard the hooves drawing nearer.

H-how bad could it really be?

Hyperventilating, Trixie brought her hooves up over her head fearfully. T-Trixie just has to suffer through just one more beating and she will probably be allowed to continue on her way to find Fluttershy. All Trixie felt she had to worry about was surviving it. She swallowed, contemplating if begging them not to hit her in the head would be make it more or less likely to get hit there.

The other three so far had each insulted her when they blocked her path. The fourth was oddly quiet. “W-what? No witty remarks?” Trixie did her best to be brave, even if she was cowering on the ground and bracing for impact. Cowards, if only Trixie had her magic.


Her ears perked up. Trixie definitely recognized that phrase. What is he doing here? What was his name again? Wasn’t he getting a checkup? Was it that quick? Was Trixie that slow? Did he follow Trixie? Was this his plan all along? Then why did he ca—argh! Trixie’s head felt as though it was being used for a pincushion.

Lifting up one hoof from her face, Trixie peeked up at the last pony. Between the white stars that dotted her vision, Trixie could recognize the huge red coated stallion from the hospital, carrying a big sack of apples over his back. There was something different though, his kind expression was completely gone. Replaced by a scowl that send chills down Trixie’s spine.

The green mare, standing on Trixie’s left, spoke up. “Wait. Your one of them apple kin aren’t you? Big Macintosh. Trixie here sure did a number on your sister if I recall right. So do you want in on this do you?”

Oh no… of course it is that little hayseed’s brother. Trixie felt her last sliver of hope sink.


“Oh you don’t like this do you? What are you gonna do about it, Big Mac? Stop us all on your own?” The Yellow Stallion on Trixie’s right stepped closer to Big Mac.


It was only then that Trixie realized. While it was terrifying to a see dark scowl like that on a stallion that large. Big Mac was not looking at her, but at the trio that surrounded Trixie.

Big Mac took a couple steps forward, standing over Trixie and in between the trio. “This ‘ere ain’t right, y’all know it.”

“The hay it isn’t, you know what she did! If you’re siding with her, you’re siding against Ponyville!” The closer stallion reared up and kicked his forelegs out and struck Big Mac against his neck, electing a grunt.

Trixie crawled out from underneath Big Mac and away from the trio. She found herself at the exit of the alley while Big Mac kept the others blocked from reaching her. “Don’t just stand there, get them!”


Trixie original plan had been to crawl into the street and call for help, but she was not even sure which side of the fight they would join. However any thought of doing so was forgotten when she saw what happened next.

She already had a preview of just how strong the stallion was back at the hospital. Still, she was shocked to see the closest yellow pony slam into the dead-end wall of the alley from just a single hooved buck.

Unfortunately the other two were not scared off, and instantly learned not to stand behind Big Mac. Avoiding any further bucking by the massive but slow stallion.

The rest of the fight was almost painful to watch, though Big Mac was strong and sturdy he was definitely not build to dodge.

The war of attrition eventually produced a winner.

After a final head-butt, Big Mac turned around to face the prone unicorn. His face and neck were covered in welts and bruises. He was panting heavily while he looked her over, then Big Mac shrugged the sack of apples off his back, letting it drop to the ground.

“H-hey are you okay?”


Despite her best efforts, Trixie was simply too exhausted to get back onto her hooves. Her legs shook with exertion as she gave it a final try, lifting her chest off the ground for a couple seconds before she crashed back down panting. Trixie looked up at Big Mac as he stopped in front of her, noticing the sack of apples had been left behind.

“…Your thinking of carrying Trixie, aren’t you?”


Trixie weighed her options while she looked up at the stallion. On the one hoof he had saved her from harm twice already, and Trixie was not thrilled about the prospect of crawling the rest of the day and night through Ponyville. On the other hoof, she did not really know him, other than that he was apparently the brother of the earth pony that had tried to ruin her show with her friends.

“Wait that’s right. Your sister, she is friends with Rainbow Dash and Fluttershy isn’t she?”

Big Mac looked surprised but he nodded. “Eeyup. Her name’s Applejack.”

“Does that mean you know where they live?” Trixie looked up at Big Mac, hope starting to resurface. “Can you take Trixie there?”

Big Mac pondered on this for a moment. His hoof scratched his chin while his eyes traveled to Trixie’s hospital gown then back to Trixie’s eyes, staring at into them calmly before speaking up. “Eeyup, but they ain’t home right now. Got to do with that there smoke.” He nodded up at the smothered sky. “Sweet Apple Acres ain’t too far from Fluttershy’s meadow, yer welcome to rest up there till they get back.”

It took Trixie a moment to get over her shock, but then she showed a careful grin. “Oh so you can talk now? Trixie almost thought she imagined it the first time. Sweet Apple Acres is your farm Trixie presumes?” She recognized opportunity when she saw it, and this was most definitely a good one. This is perfect! Way to go Trixie!


Trixie stretched out a hoof towards Big Mac. “Trixie accepts your offer, but you must tell Trixie what you know on our way there.” Big Mac nodded and took Trixie’s hoof, helping the mare onto his back. Once Trixie was stable, he trotted out the alley, ignoring the stares it got them from the other ponies on the street.

“So uhm, you are not secretly taking Trixie back to the hospital?” Trixie asked a bit anxious, she was not really capable of resisting anymore now that she was being carried.


Once again Big Mac was back to giving just one word answers, but Trixie felt no need to complain. It was comforting in a way, as so far it had proven true that everything the concise stallion said was condensed sincerity.

“You said they were taking care of the smoke? Do you think they will be okay?”


“Are they safe?”


Trixie rested her head against Big Mac’s shoulders, the rhythmic sway of his trot seemed rocking her back and forth. She felt so warm against his back. Fluttershy is safe. Trixie is safe. It’s, it’s all okay now... Her eyelids felt so heavy now that the constant anxiety had left her. She had been forcing herself to stay awake, to keep going, by sheer force of will most of the day, and now finally that will was no longer needed.

It was not quite clear to Trixie how long of a walk it had been. She was fairly sure she must have dozed off at various points during the trip as the scenery seemed to change every time she thought she’d blinked.

The first time, they were still in the streets of Ponyville. Trixie caught some of the stares curious stares, one pegasi that caught Trixie’s attention stared at her with one eye while the other stared at a cloud. How is she doing that? It did not truly matter, as the pony and streets were gone the next time she blinked.

A dusty path on the outskirts of Ponyville. Trixie could see farming fields and ponies hard at work in them, planting, harvesting, and plowing. They did not seem to take much notice except to give a friendly wave towards Big Mac from a distance then carry on working. Trixie closed her eyes again, for what she was sure was just a second.

The sound of creaking floorboards was the first thing Trixie became aware off. They were inside a rustic looking house, some pictures on the wall passed by Trixie’s vision. None were ponies that she recognized. Though when they passed through what Trixie assumed was the living room, her eye caught on a portrait hung in a prominent location. A mare with a purple coat and pink hair, standing beside a stallion with blue hair and a gray coat, it looked very well taken care off compared with the other artworks.

Finally, Trixie found herself staring up at something she had gotten somewhat used to seeing by now. An unfamiliar ceiling yet again. She also became aware that she was no longer on Big Mac’s back, but tucked into a comfortable bed with an apple motive pillow. Trixie’s woken up to worse places. This must be Sweet Apple Acres then.

Trixie yawned and turned onto her right side, noticing she had a clear view of the window. Outside Trixie could see apple trees as far as the eye could see. The sun was still high in the sky, indicating it was slightly past noon, and judging by the smoke trail it seemed like whatever Fluttershy, Rainbow Dash, and their friends were doing had not been finished yet.

I guess that means it’s okay to rest up for a while here. I wonder whe—”what the!”

One of the apple tree’s suddenly shook violently, the apples knocked loose and dropped down out of her sight. She pushed herself up a bit to get better vantage point, below the tree she could see Big Mac gathering up baskets with fallen apples. By the looks of things he had at least broken out the first aid kit before getting to work.

Trixie settled back down with a sigh. Don’t scare Trixie like that. Well at least Trixie knows where he is now. It was clear to Trixie that work still had to be done, much like at Fluttershy’s.

With all her most pressing concerns taken care of Trixie drifted off to sleep again, both from exhaustion and her body’s need to pour all its energy into healing. The hours passed quickly.

“What in tarnation are YOU doing in MAH bed?!”

Author's Note:

Thanks for reading, I hope you enjoyed.

Good ol' Big Macintosh isn't a fighter, but you don't need fighting experience when you can drag a house on a leash.:eeyup:
Though somebody should really teach him how to keep his guard up.

In other news, This story just hit 50 fav's! :yay:
To say I am motivated would be an understatement.
To celebrate, I'll try to use this week to bring more updates, like this one.

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