• Published 16th Feb 2014
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Trixie's Forest Retreat - crowscrowcrow

Following the events of Boast Busters, Trixie decides to hide from the town (and Rainbow Dash in particular) by taking cover in the Everfree Forest. Not every problem can be outrun, and sometimes facing them can have unexpected consequences.

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Chapter 52 - Room-service

Today had been a surprisingly interesting day for Rainbow Dash.

As soon as she’d left Fluttershy’s place with Applejack, the two of them had a conversation about what Trixie had been up to that day. The most surprising to hear was how Trixie had reacted when she got to the house, and neither of them were home. Rainbow Dash later spoke to Fluttershy about it, leading to the decision to make certain one of them would be around when Trixie woke up.

Another meeting with Rarity got her to agree to fix the torn-up cloak, but also a great deal of questions about Trixie. Though Rainbow Dash had not actually told the truth the last time either, she was fairly sure Rarity was on to her, but for some reason Rarity just flashed this disturbing, knowing smile as if she’d thought she figured out something especially juicy.

With Trixie out of commission, Rainbow Dash had watched the house while Fluttershy brought the animals back from the library. After which she got to spend what felt like a rare type of day, since Trixie demanded as much attention, a day alone with Fluttershy. Rainbow Dash had been sorely aware of how much she missed them. Though during the day she had caught herself on occasion looking towards the wooden staircase, or nearby empty chair, expecting, or maybe wanting, Trixie to be there.

It was also rare to have a good excuse to actually sleep during the day, and she happily abused it. Though it had meant cutting her day with Fluttershy short early. The same thing would have happened if Fluttershy was the one to take the nightshift anyway.

Once night fell, Rainbow Dash bid Fluttershy goodnight, leaving the cute mare to snooze on the couch, and made her way up to the bed room. Pulling up a chair, she tried to get herself comfortable at Fluttershy’s writing desk.

Why does she have that anyway? Did she expect to do a lot of writing?

Sitting still in a stuffy room was not one of Rainbow Dash’s strong points. There was no reason to think Trixie would actually wake up, so most likely she had just bought herself a very boring night. It had never occurred to her that she was going to be doing nothing.

In a sense it was similar to waiting for Trixie to wake up from her coma, but back then she had so many fears and worries plague her mind. This was much more peaceful.

Failing to get comfy in the chair, Rainbow Dash opened the window, then she flew out to retrieve a cloud instead. She set the cloud right outside the window, and climbed on, laying down with a satisfied sigh. That’s more like it. I’ll replace the curtains in the morning.

Rainbow Dash could see Trixie through the window, the moonlight providing enough illumination to make her out. She seemed to have dreamless sleep all day, judging by how little she actually moved. I guess that’s cause she was so exhausted. It’s probably for the best, all she ever seems to get are nightmares. It’s not fair on her… Heck some of those probably have me torturing her, and she’d be right. Her stomach twisted at the thought, and looked away.

I wish I could do something real for her. Yesterday was good like that. She seemed to really like it when she was hugged. It was kind of embarrassing, but if it makes her feel better… I think I’d do anything.

Sighing, Rainbow Dash let her gaze return to Trixie. The more she thought about it, the more it seemed strange. Trixie had not tried to get physical with either of them before, one misunderstood kiss notwithstanding, but yesterday she seemed so eager to be near them, and then there was what AJ had told her.

Was she always that unstable? Or did she get scared by those three, when she couldn’t defend herself? I-it’s my fault isn’t it? She couldn’t, because her magic didn’t work anymore. She swallowed, suddenly recalling the time when Trixie had asked her not to fly. If she was grounded she’d probably not deal with it well either, losing her pegasus features. Just the very thought made her sick.

But it’s different for me, flying is my special talent! Her special talent… is magic… Oh, right. Rainbow Dash decided she was terrible at making herself feel better about any of this.

Movement inside drew her attention, she could see Trixie was struggling under the blanket. Another nightmare? Rainbow Dash scowled. Leave her alone already! Within a second she’d flown back into the room and stood at Trixie’s bedside. She felt like she had to do something.

Her first attempts were unsuccessful, getting herself onto the bed did not stop Trixie’s squirming. And neither did touching her, if anything it seemed to make it worse. Woah, she’s hot. Rainbow withdrew her hoof from Trixie’s head. There was only one thing left to do that she could think of.

Okay, gently now, if I just wake her up a little she can go right back to sleep. She set her hooves on Trixie’s shoulders, and carefully shook her. “Trixie…” It was not good enough, so she tried again. “Trixie…” And again. “Trixie…”

Her every attempt seemed to be making things worse, she could hear Trixie mumbling in her sleep now while she squirmed. “Trixie.” Rainbow Dash tried a bit louder, starting to get desperate. She briefly looked towards the door, she couldn’t really yell without risking she’d wake up Fluttershy.

With Trixie still in an unrestful sleep, Rainbow Dash leaned in closer, reasoning she would sound louder without actually needing to yell. She shook Trixie’s shoulder again while she called out. “Trixie!”

Trixie stirred, her eyes opened half way while she stared back at Rainbow Dash. Yes! Mission successful. Okay now just stay quiet and she’ll fall ri— Her brain shut down as she felt a familiar sensation against her lips.

Trixie was kissing her.

Rainbow Dash widened her eyes in shock. Oh my gosh! J-just hold still! she’ll fall back asleep any second now, and think she was dreaming. Bear with it! Rainbow Dash did her best to stand completely still while Trixie’s lips pressed against her own, she felt so warm. How long are you planning to hold this kiss for!? Just fall back asleep come on!

However, Trixie seemed to grow more alert, and alarmed, by the second. She looked from Rainbow Dash to the bed and back, then rapidly pushed herself away from her.

“D-don’t be mad.” Trixie practically begged.

Rainbow Dash's chest ached at the tone in the scared mares voice. She felt miserable while she watched Trixie crawl backwards away from her, but then noticed she was getting awfully close towards the edge of the bed. It did not take a genius to figure out what would happen if she did not stop her right away.

“Trixie, no!” Rainbow Dash called out and made a lunge forward to grab her and prevent the fall, but she was too late. Trixie made the final push and toppled over. No! She spread her wings and with a single beat brought herself within range of the falling Trixie. She pulled Trixie tightly against her, and folded one wing against her back, letting the drag on the spread wing spin them, putting herself on the bottom first right before collision.

Rainbow Dash could see stars, and her head hurt like heck. She gasped for breath as Trixie had knocked the wind out of her when she broke her fall with her chest. Still, she had crashed worse before.

“Ugh, that hurt. What part of ‘no’ did you not understand?”

Even as grouchy as the pain made her, she could not help but smile anyway. I did it. She’s okay. I saved her… from something that only happened because of me… Good job Rainbow… Her smile faltered.

Understandably, Trixie had some questions about why she was there and how long she’d been out. All of which Rainbow Dash had to provide some answers too, while trying her hardest not to think about the kiss. She tried to offer her food, but Trixie just stared at her as if she was expecting something. Is it about the kiss? What if she thinks I’m mad about it? I should say something, anything. Make a joke, yeah!

“What?” Rainbow Dash stared up at Trixie in complete confusion. “You must have been pretty grateful for it, if you kissed me as soon as you woke up. Though I thought you’d have learned your lesson last time, Trixie.”

“That is not why!” Trixie blurted out before she could stop herself, “Trixie was dreaming and did not realize you were real that time!”

Rainbow Dash looked up at Trixie unsure of what to think. At first she had been ready to call Trixie out on making such a lame excuse, but she decided against it after seeing Trixie clamp her hooves over her mouth with such a miserable look on her face.

She dreams about me? Like that? It was a far cry from how Rainbow Dash had thought she features in Trixie’s nightmares. She tried not to think about it, but she had to admit she felt much better in the knowledge that she was not purely nightmare fuel. Though knowing she featured prominently in romantic dreams was not something she was comfortable with either.

The last time Trixie had somewhat accidently confessed something so personal, Rainbow Dash had been kind of a colossal jerk about it. Though she certainly felt she had good reason to at the time, in hindsight she really wished she hadn’t blown up at her for making a mistake.

“That… well that was something.” Rainbow Dash tried to sound casual.

“S-shut up. Trixie can’t help what she dreams about,” Trixie snapped at her.

Rainbow Dash shook her head. ”No, you can’t. I understand.” Though Trixie only thought she were dreaming that time, and if she actually has dreams like that… maybe she wasn’t confused after all?

They both stayed quiet for a while after that. As mad as Trixie had sounded about it, she still made no attempt or request to get off Rainbow Dash. I know she’s awake, she’s looking at me. Maybe she is waiting for me to say something?

The silence was broken by Trixie. “Rainbow Dash?”

Blinking, Rainbow Dash looked up at her. “Yes, Trixie?” Poor Trixie. I gotta keep calm. It’s not her fault. It’s kind of sad she still feels that way after everything though…

“Take Trixie outside.” She motioned towards the window.

Rainbow Dash blinked, then looked at the window, then back to Trixie. I don’t get it, but it’s not like she can go anywhere on her own. “Uh. Sure, hold on.” Though she said that, there was really not much need. She grabbed Trixie tightly, and after a rocky start flew out the window, Dropping Trixie off in the grass near the creek by the house. “Anything else?”

“Yes, Trixie is hungry. Bring her something to eat.” She sounded stiff, none of her usual flare in her voice, but it also was not shaky.

Raising a brow at the rude request, Rainbow Dash opted to indulge her. “Okay. You stay right here. I’ll get you something.” She spread her wings and prepared for lift off.

“Like Trixie has anywhere else to go.” Trixie sighed, then turned her head up, staring into the night sky while Rainbow Dash flew towards the house.

Author's Note:

Thanks for reading, I hope you enjoyed.

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