• Published 24th Apr 2012
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My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic -- Off The Record - The King of Hearts

A new pony is introduced to Equestria just before the fight with Nightmare Moon in Episode 1. Changing the entire story.

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Lament: Epilogue

Lament: Epilogue

The buzzing coming from the surrounding area was almost too much for the mare to handle. She slowly opened her eyes to see the nothing but burning brightness, in anticipation of her eyes adjusting to the flames illuminating the room she was in.

“Rarity!” Spike called a little too loudly, as he was instantly ‘shushed’ by Twilight.

“Spike, she’s only just waking up!” Twilight chastised, treating him just as she always had, “Please speak in a calmer tone.”

Rarity couldn’t find any words in her mind yet. She was still a little put off by the series of events that had just passed.

Inspecting the room around her Rarity quickly recognized it as the Library, and home of Twilight. She idly wondered why she had been taken here, instead of the boutique, but brushed it off as an easier place to be looked after by those more intelligent than her.

“Are you alright, Rarity?” Twilight asked her quietly, trying not to overwhelm her, “We have a few things we’re trying to sort out here.”

Despite her shocked state, Rarity still recalled every minute of the past few days. She had all the answers her friends sought. But had no desire to speak them aloud.

“Rarity?” Spike asked softly, kneeling down next to the bed, “Are you okay?”

Turning her head to face him, she momentarily forgot about all of her past troubles, and smiled genuinely to him.

“I’m happy you’re alright, Spikey,” Rarity sighed, before remembering that her sister, Sweetie Belle, had been in just as much danger as him, “H-how is Sweetie?”

“She’s fine,” Twilight smiled, watching Rarity relax once again, “You sucked Nightmare right out of her.”

“What of her friends?” Rarity asked, remembering the other fillies being in just as much danger, “And Princess Luna?”

“Well, Princess Luna was in a bit of pain, but Discord fixed her up, good as new.” Spike chirped, always happy to deliver good news, “And the other girls are just fine, besides a few bruises on Scoots.”

Rarity felt like it was her place to apologize for what happened. Despite the truth being exactly the opposite.

“What happened to Nightmare?” Twilight finally asked, her burning curiosity taking hold of her, “How did you stop her?”

Rarity knew she was in for a long story.

“She wasn’t the monster everypony made her out to be.” Rarity led with, perhaps poorly, making it sound as if her mind was poisoned by Nightmare, “Well, once she was influenced by myself and Avarice.”

“Avarice?” Spike asked, tilting his head at the unfamiliar name, “Who’s that?”

“Well, that was the chaotic side Discord told me- well, all of us, we would meet.” Rarity continued, hoping her conversation made sense so far, “She told me… horrible things about myself. I have never been so exposed in my entire life.”

Twilight frowned at the obviously hard time Rarity had with this.

“However, back on to the topic at hoof.” Rarity continued, lying herself back in the bed as she spoke, “Nightmare wasn’t able to keep her usual state of mind, in the presence of Avarice and myself. Our dominating personalities influenced her greatly, leading her to regret many choices she had made in the past.”

Both Twilight and Spike found this information to be incredible, and almost unbelievable. It must have been pure luck that things turned out the way that they did.

“So, once she had absorbed a sufficient amount of my mental traits, she told us that she would leave us alone, and go someplace far away, to find a way to pay for her wrongdoings in the past,” Rarity explained slowly, and carefully, “But when she left our- my body, all of my influence left her, allowing her to once again hurt the ponies that are most dear to us.”

“Okay, so,” Spike began, piecing back together the last bits of the story, from what he had been around for, and what she had just told him “You absorbed Nightmare from your sister, just as Luna was able to.”

“Yes.” Rarity nodded.

“She was pulled back in to your mind, and then she was changed once again, right?” Spike asked, still missing the last piece of the puzzle, “What happened to her after that?”

Rarity frowned, and turned from the gaze of the two inquisitive ponies, as she quickly exhaled and closed her eyes.

“Are you okay?” Spike asked quickly, leaning in closer to her, and softly turning her head on the pillow to face him, “What happened?”

“She’s gone now,” Rarity finally answered, her face wreaked with pain at the admittance, “My mind simply… took over hers. She begged me to do it.”

Twilight finally understood.

Nightmare, with the help of Rarity’s conscience, realized the monster she really was. And, without the ability to leave, she had no choice but to stay, and allow her mind to become more and more clouded with Rarity, until there was nothing but.

It was truly a horrible fate.

“She apologized,” Rarity squeaked, looking back and forth between her lover and her friend, “She wished she could have taken it all back.”

Twilight nodded, as she mentally took down every note she needed to.

“I have to report these findings to Princess Celestia,” Twilight said, stepping backward from the two, “Spike, please make sure Rarity is comfortable. And make sure she gets everything she needs for the stay.”

Spike nodded, as Rarity gave the two a confused look.

“I truly appreciate the hospitality, Twilight.” Rarity said, mustering as much of a polite tone as she could, “But I think I’d be much more comfortable back at home.”

Twilight gave Spike a brief, panicked look, as both he and her realized that Rarity had no idea about the Carousel Boutiques explosion.

“I’ll leave you two alone,” Twilight said, running out the door at full speed.

“What is it?” Rarity tried to ask the fleeing mare, “Spike, what’s wrong with the boutique?”

Spike frowned for a moment, trying to consider the best way to break the news to her.

“It exploded.” Spike said frankly, hoping she would be happy with his honesty. But that was not so.

“I beg your pardon?” Rarity asked slowly, turning her head to the window, and climbing out of the bed.

Scanning the town, she knew that the Boutique towered over most buildings in the town, and that it would be completely visible from her view out this window. But, just as she had feared, there was no sign of it.

“Spike, what are we to do now?” Rarity asked eerily, her tone calm, “Please answer me that.”

“Well,” Spike said, knowing exactly what Twilight had offered the two of them, “Twilight said we could stay here, while the store is rebuilt!”

Rarity frowned. She was simply feeling too much right now. So, she decided to start resolving her unknown actions while she was under the influence of Nightmare, hoping that would give her some clarity in the fog.

“Spike, how did I act while Nightmare was controlling me?” Rarity asked, surprising Spike with her instant progression from her destroyed home, to what she had been forced to do as Nightmare.

“Well, she tried to tell us a bunch of lies actually,” Spike laughed, trying to recall just what Nightmare had told them when she first appeared in the library, “Like, that Pinkie was annoying, and that Rainbow Dash should have been a lesbian… you know, total lies.”

Rarity felt her heart sink. Those weren’t lies.

Reading the expression on her face, Spike realized that what they were told was the truth.

“You like it when I take charge?” Spike asked suddenly, remembering what Nightmare had whispered in his ear, “You want me to be the boss more often?”

“W-well, that’s just a little, um… fantasy!”

Spike just shook his head and laughed.

“Maybe if you’re a good girl.” He winked, smirking at the blush that was now quite present on her face.

Rarity felt comfort in herself, as Spike started to act as if none of these horrible things had happened. She was unsure when she first woke up, but now, she was confident that things would return to normal soon. She wasn’t going to be in this slump forever.

Now all she had to do, was wonder when she would be able to move back in to her house… probably when it got rebuilt. In, what was likely going to be the better part of a couple years.


“Spike, do you know what our long-term arrangements are going to be?” Rarity asked, wondering if perhaps Spike had given this some amount of thought.

“Oh,” Spike said, having just assumed that they would stay here, “We’re gonna live here until the house is rebuilt!”

“Hmm,” Rarity said instantly, not happy with the prospect, “And who will be sleeping where?”

Well, you and Twilight will be sharing a room, and I have to bunk with Alpha,” Spike explained, having no issue, considering the circumstance.

Rarity didn’t want to sound rude by turning down Twilights offer to stay at the library, but she had no interest in sharing a room with Twilight for however long. So, she needed to get Spike on her side.

“You know, Spike,” Rarity began, devilishly working together a plan, “Sharing a room with Alpha might not be the best plan.”

“Why not?” Spike asked, tilting his head to the side and frowning.

“What if he were to… change into a form of me?” Rarity pushed, knowing she could really convince Spike of anything, “Imagine what he would do to you.”

All the color drained from his face, as he considered what she was saying.

“Do you really think he’d do that?” Spike asked incredulously, darting his gaze around the room, as if somepony might hear him say that.

“Well, it’s better to be safe than sorry, my dear.” Rarity grinned inwardly, knowing she would have to apologize for this manipulation once they got settled into a place where they could sleep together.

It wasn’t that she would die without having a stallion to share a bed with… The truth in the back of her mind, was that she didn’t want to sleep alone. After all of this, sleeping in a room with Twilight simply wouldn’t do. She needed him so hold her, through the horrible dreams that were sure to be plaguing her nights.

However, one unintended effect she had, by having this lie ridden conversation, was the sad changeling out in the hall, standing next to Twilight, who was about to come back into the room, when she was interrupted by Rarity’s swaying of Spike.

“Well, there goes my bunk buddy,” Alpha said, feigning sadness to the purple mare next to him, “And there goes my plan to change into his girlfriend and have my way with him.”

Twilight giggled at the insane assumption made by Rarity, knowing she was just convincing Spike to find another place to live.

“I’m actually kinda glad,” Twilight whispered, speaking softly enough to only be heard by Alpha, “Doubling up in this place would be a pain in the rump.”

“And with Spike always downstairs, I’d have no time to practice my impersonation of your mother.” Alpha added with cough.

Twilight gave him a dark look.

“Never again.”


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