• Published 24th Apr 2012
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My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic -- Off The Record - The King of Hearts

A new pony is introduced to Equestria just before the fight with Nightmare Moon in Episode 1. Changing the entire story.

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Back to School

Back to High School

The night had passed, after they watched Terminator 2, and played a few video games, which Dash quickly became hooked on. It was now somewhere around nine o’clock, and Alex had been woken up to find Dash gone from bed, so he decided to find her.

“I shot him!” Dash shouted, mashing the square button, having no interest in how she was killed.

Alex just laughed as he entered the room.

Dash had spent most of the night playing Call of Duty, and had had very mixed reactions as time passed. She would scream when she got killed, and she would dance when she GOT a kill, which led to her being shot, because she was too busy dancing. But who knows, maybe she had improved from last night.

“Don’t you think we should get ready to head back to my school?” Alex asked.

“Ehh…” She said, not looking away from the screen, “Maybe you should go without me.”

“Are you serious?” He asked, looking between her and the screen, “You’re not even doing that goo—Oh, you’re doing pretty good.”

“I know!” She smiled, “I have a system!”

“Is that support?” Alex asked, looking at her load out in the game, “And is this hardcore?”

“Sure is!” She grinned, mowing down enemy after enemy, before throwing protective vests down for her team, and taking one herself, “It’s way easier than the normal stuff.”

Watching her for a few minutes, he was utterly stunned as she took the entire team down again and again, narrowly escaping death multiple times. He couldn’t help but notice that the volume was off also.

“Why is the volume off?” He asked, noting the silence.

“This is why,” She said, grabbing the remote and quickly unmuting the TV.

Alex watched her character run up, and shoot an enemy in the back.

“Shit! He killed me aga—“

“I keep hearing them talk when I kill them!” She sighed, “It gets pretty annoying.”

Waiting for the next enemy to run by the wall she was hiding behind, she fired and killed him.

“That camping little Fuc—“

Alex laughed, as she continued to rack of the kills without dying.

“Oh look at this!” She said, killing one more enemy, as something popped up on the screen that read: M.O.A.B.

“How did you…?” Alex said, as she pressed the button to activate it, making a counter appear on the screen, that counted backward from ten, before he got an idea “Oh, turn up the volume!”

Complying, she ticked the volume up, as the number reached zero, killing every enemy on the map, allowing her to hear all of them screaming at once.

“Oh my god, I can’t believe—“

“How did nobody kill this kid—“

“I’m gonna rape this guy next gam—“

“What a little bitch! I’m done p—“

“Okay guys, I’m going tryhar—“

Alex and Dash both burst into laughter at the angry people on the other end of the game, just as the round she was playing came to an end.

“Dash, you really wanna piss them off?” He asked, smiling, and grabbing the microphone, and plugging it in, “Just talk into here. They’ll hear you.”

“Um…” She said, looking at the list of players ready for the next game, “Hey guys!”

“Is he a little kid?” One of the enemies said.

“No, I’m a grown-up!” She announced proudly.

The lobby was in silence, as they all realized that the player that just destroyed them was a girl.

“Get back in the kitchen!” One called eventually, as his team laughed with him, trying to preserve their masculinity.

“Psh,” Dash shot back, “I just beat your whole team, and you’re telling ME to get in the kitchen? Go get me some hay!”

Alex frowned, knowing this was going nowhere good.

“Guess what, you’re just a worthless girl!” The one with the highest voice argued, “I’d slap you if I could—“

“Sorry, I can’t hear you over your momma breast feeding you, beeeyyyitch,” She said in as deep a voice as she could, before quitting the game, not giving them a chance to reply, “Okay, let’s go to school!”

“Dash… We need to talk about that,” Alex said quickly, as Dash stood up, “You kinda sounded... OOC right there.”

“Sorry, it brings out my competitive side,” She shrugged, scratching her head and playing back the conversation she had just had, “I probably shouldn’t play this anymore.”

“I don’t think ANYONE should play it anymore,” Alex laughed, stepping around to her left side and leaning down.

“What are you doing?” She asked, as Alex tugged her pajama pants down to reveal her thigh.

“I’m just making sure you didn’t get a Cutie Mark in video games…” He said, pulling them back up, “Whew. Nothing.”

“Dang,” She said, “That would have looked so cool!”

“Calm down, pony,” He laughed, pointing to the stairs, “Go fix yourself up before we go.”

“How?” She asked, looking at herself.

“Go shower and get changed,” Alex explained quickly.

“Is it different than being a pony?” She asked, tilting her head.

“Not really,” Alex said, thinking about the differences, “Just strip the clothes off, step in the tub, turn the knob, and get wet. Sounds about—“

“Like this?” She asked, having removed her clothing, as Alex turned to her.

“N-not yet!” Alex blushed, looking away, “When you’re in the bathroom!”

“Why are you so shy about me being naked?” She asked, slapping her chest, “I’m almost always naked.”

“It’s different here!” He said quickly, fighting off the urge to stare at her for hours and hours and hours and hours, “Run along now, honey!”

Rolling her eyes, she picked up the clothing, and headed for the stairs, running up them, and closing the bathroom door.

“Geez,” Alex said, realizing that he wasn’t exactly clean himself, “Well, I guess I have to go use the scary shower downstairs…”


After a quick discussion, the two decided to walk to the school instead of driving. Alex hadn’t done it for a year, and still wasn’t totally used being a human anyway.

“It’s so nice out,” Dash smiled, looking up at the sun, as they passed down Main Street, “And look at all these stores!”

“Yup,” Alex nodded, as he looked in the windows of all the stores, “We might need to stop in this one later.”

Looking in the window, Dash saw all sorts of fancy clothing, obviously for special occasions, “For that thing tonight?”

“Mhmm,” He nodded, “Although I don’t know what we’ll do without Rarity to tell us what to put on.”

Dash suddenly had a sullen look.

“What is it?” Alex asked.

“How do you think everypony is doing?” Dash asked, biting her lip, “Do you think Discord hurt them?”

“No way!” Alex said instantly, “Our friends are the strongest ponies I know, they’re doing fine.”

“Just because, you know… We’ve been here for a day,” Dash said sighed, “That means it’s been three days for them.”

“Yeah,” Alex said quietly, “We’ll just have to wait and hope that they come for us.”

“But if they never do…” Dash whimpered, “We’re stuck here, and they were probably beaten.”

“Look, if they don’t show up by a few days from now, then I’ll figure out the spell, even if it kills me!” Alex said, hoping to make her feel better, however it seemed to have the opposite effect.

“Don’t you dare!” She shouted, getting looks from the people around them, “Don’t leave me here alone, please…”

“Of course,” He said, kissing her forehead, “Look, let’s keep moving, and try to clear our minds.”

“Yeah,” She nodded.

Walking in silence, they both worried about their friends back home.

Alex was having a hard time being so positive about everything, because he feared the worst himself. He figured that his friends would have dealt with Discord swiftly. But if it had taken them four days so far, then chances were that Discord was going to be a tough fight for them. He just wished he was there to help them.

“So,” Dash said quietly, “Are you excited to see any of your friends?”

“I guess,” Alex said, “There’s a few guys that’ll have missed me, I think.”

“Any girls…?” She asked slowly.

“I don’t think so,” Alex laughed, “Well… Maybe one.”

Dash shot him a look.

“Don’t worry about it,” Alex laughed, “She couldn’t beat you if she tried.”

Finally reaching the school grounds, Alex was a bit confused when he saw so many people hanging out in the main field.

“Is it lunch break or something?” Dash asked, thinking that it was too early for that.

“No,” Alex said, “I think it’s because the year is basically over, no one goes to the last classes.”

“That makes sense,” She nodded, as Alex started walking the perimeter of the field, instead of going right through it, “What are you doing?”

“I’m going to go in through the front doors,” Alex explained, “I’d rather not be bombarded by a million people that all apologize for my parent’s death.”

She nodded. Alex had surprised her by his sudden recovery over the demise of his mother and father. Of course, Equestria played a massive role in it. But every now and then, whenever his parents had been brought up, he would get a look. It was only for a second, but it was easy to spot. So, something told her that he wouldn’t want to put up with that reminder from hundreds of students.

“Yeah,” She nodded, “Let’s try to avoid that.”

Walking through the front doors, Alex looked to his left at the main office, and could see his Uncle’s girlfriend sitting at her desk, reading something over.

“Let’s pop in,” Alex said, taking her hand, and walking through the doors to her office.

“Hey Tammy!” Dash called, making her look up.

“Oh, Alex! Sarah!” She smiled, “Decided to stop by?”

“Sure did,” Alex nodded, “I decided to see what had changed around here.”

“Not much,” She said, looking back to her paper, and concentrating on it, “Still a mess of smokers outside the school.”

“There aren’t that many,” Alex laughed, knowing that she always strove for perfection.

“Well, maybe you’re right,” She smiled, “But enough of that, what are you gonna do here?”

“Probably just see some friends,” Alex shrugged, “I’m pretty worried about everyone treating me differently though.”

“Actually,” Tammy said, biting her pen, “Most students don’t know about the accident with your parents.”

“Really?” Alex asked, shocked that it hadn’t been huge news for them.

“Your uncle asked the newspaper to keep it under wraps,” She explained, “He didn’t want any attention drawn to the personal family matter.”

The town Alex lived in was small, but not so small that everyone knew each other. So, it was possible that the students here hadn’t heard anything of the news, had it been treated right.

“What about my friends?” Alex asked, “What did they hear?”

“They were told,” Tammy said, “But promised to keep it to themselves.”

Alex smiled. This was actually some good news.

“That’s a relief,” Alex said, smiling, “I guess that’ll make things a bit easier today. I’d hate to be the center of a pity party.”

“Well, now that you know, why don’t you go off and explore around?” She suggested, “I have some more work to do before my day ends.”

“Sure,” Alex smiled, as Dash waved to her, and left the office with him.

Heading into the hallway, Alex was immediately faced with one of his best friends, Nick.

“Alex!” Nick practically shouted, “Jesus Christ buddy, where’ve you been?”

“Transformed into a horse,” Alex shrugged, as his buddy laughed.

“Fine, don’t tell me!” He laughed, bumping his shoulder, “But what you need to tell me, is the name of this beautiful girl.”

“This is Sarah,” Alex said, as she smiled at him, staying silent.

“Hot damn!” Nick said, clearly checking her out, “How the hell did you score a girl like this?”

“She scored me,” Alex laughed, “Isn’t that right, honey?”

She didn’t answer; she just hit him in the back of the head.

“Looks like she’s the boss, big guy,” Nick laughed, “So, are you guys coming tonight?”

“Yeah,” Alex nodded, “I figure that we’ll have a bit of fun before I head out again.”

“You’re leaving again?” He asked, frowning.

“My parents left me a bunch of money,” Alex said, “I wanna spend some time away.”

“Yeah… I wasn’t really sure if I was supposed to bring that up,” Nick said, scratching the back of his head.

“It’s fine,” Alex said quickly, “I’m fine too.”

“Alright… Well, we need to get our drink on before you go!” Nick said quickly.

“You know I don’t do that,” Alex said, smelling the familiar scent of marijuana coming from his friend’s breath, “No pot either.”

“You’re no fun, Alex,” He laughed.

“Well, I’m just gonna head around and see some other people,” Alex said, “I’m sure we’ll run into each other later.”

“Sure man,” He nodded, “Nice meeting you too, Sarah.”

She nodded quietly, as he walked away.

“What was that?” Alex asked, turning to face her, “Since when are you Fluttershy?”

“It’s just a weird smell on him,” She said, frowning, “It was like a skunk.”

“That’s the drugs,” Alex laughed, “Don’t worry about him, he’s a nice guy, I promise.”

“Right,” She nodded, “I hope all your friends don’t smell that way.”

“I’m like seventy percent sure they don’t.”

One -or- Three days earlier

“Shall we begin?” Discord asked, looking at the ponies.

Immediately going into attack mode, Celestia fired a blast at him, that passed right though him.

“Princess, do you think I haven’t been readying for this moment?” He asked smirking, as Luna tried a similar attack, which had a similar effect.

The six ponies behind Discord all watched the Princesses fail at their attempts to hurt the beast, as he stood there, laughing to himself.

“Your magic has no use on me now,” Discord chuckled, “And I’ve gotten rid of your Elements of Harmony. I think that warrants your immediate surrender.”

“Never,” Celestia growled.

“We will die before that happens!” Luna shouted.

Looking to each other and nodding, the two Princesses cast a spell at the same time, as they both vanished.

“ My my… Did you abandon your followers?” Discord asked, sniffing the air, “No. You’re still here.”

“Discord!” Twilight called, “Please don’t make them hurt you!”

“Hurt me?” Discord laughed, “They couldn’t do it if they tried!”

Suddenly throwing his arms out in opposite directions, he grabbed the two invisible Princesses out of thin air by the neck, as they reappeared in a puff of smoke.

“Ugh…” Luna said, struggling to breathe.

“D-Discord,” Celestia managed, “J-just stop this.”

“You sealed me in stone for more than a thousand years,” Discord said darkly, “And I know that you intend to send me back.”

She didn’t answer, as she tried in vain to free herself.

“So, I’ve decided to show you all what it’s like to be stuck in stone for so long,” He smiled, as the two mares started petrifying, starting from their necks where he held them, up their face, and down their bodies.

“Princess!” Applejack called, running at Discord.

“No!” Luna shouted, throwing Applejack away from him, “You all n-need to get your Elements back!”

“We need you!” Twilight yelled, “How are we supposed to stop him?”

“F-friendship,” Celestia said simply, as she cast a spell using the last of her strength to send Twilight and all of her friends to safety.

A blast flew out of her horn, spreading in all directions, as Twilight, Spike, Pinkie, Applejack, Rarity, and Fluttershy all vanished from the room.

“Send them wherever you like,” Discord said cockily, “They will never find those Elements.”

Celestia laughed weakly, as her face started being covered in stone.

“What is so funny?” He demanded, frowning, “I’ve won!”

“Those ponies… Have something s-stronger than the Elements of Harmony,” Luna said quietly.

“What? Friendship?” He laughed, looking to her, “It will serve no purpose, when they’re all encased in stone, and decorating my courtyard!”

“That only gives them power,” Celestia said, having full confidence in her young friends, “Don’t take them from each other, if you care for yourself.”

Lifting them up to his mouth, Discord whispered something in both of their ears, making both their eyes go wide, just as the stone overtook them, locking them in a shocked expression.

“Well ladies,” Discord said, setting them down, with a quiet thud on the floor, “Let’s see how your ponies manage.”


Twilight groaned as she slowly opened her eyes. What had just happened?

Looking around, she was in some kind of planning room, filled with various maps, a few screens, and a large table in the center.

On the ground around her, were all of her friends: Spike, Rarity, Fluttershy, Pinkie, Applejack, Ramsley, Comet, Shining Armor, Sweetie Belle, Scootaloo, and Apple Bloom.

Celestia must have sent them all away to keep them safe, to this place so they could combat Discord from somewhere unknown to him.

“Thank you, Princess,” Twilight said quietly, as she passed back out from the disorientation.

The ponies that lay on the floor in this room were the last line of protection against Discord in Equestria.

If Luna and Celestia were defeated, then the rest of the castle would soon fall. Discord would then move on to taking the rest of the world.

The battle for Equestria had begun, and they were already three steps behind.

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