• Published 24th Apr 2012
  • 42,500 Views, 4,897 Comments

My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic -- Off The Record - The King of Hearts

A new pony is introduced to Equestria just before the fight with Nightmare Moon in Episode 1. Changing the entire story.

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In the Long Run

In the Long Run

Dash stood in her room at the castle, home from their trip to the Crystal Kingdom, and finished with their debrief.

Celestia was happy with the report, and everypony headed off to their respective rooms to take a well-deserved break.

Dash, on the other hoof, decided to go to her room and pack, but was having a lot of trouble letting go…

Looking over at her small number of commendations for the few things she had done exceptionally well. They were proud moments in her short lived career… But, that was the choice mares had to make these days. Still, it was all toward an end. It was her drive to work hard, and earn these recognitions.

She hadn’t really mentioned it, but she was a bit sad to see it all go.

As bad as it sounded, she loved wearing the coat, and demanding the respect. Of course, she never abused the power, and she was always a captain of the ponies. On more that, she had even gotten a somewhat embarrassing number of requests for transfer to her unit. But, for Shining Armors sake, she had to deny several of them. Something that made her feel a little crappy.

But now that was over… She completed her mission, and it was time to move on.

She knew it wasn’t going to be easy letting go.

A few years ago, lounging around was her favorite thing to do! But, after so many hours of working and researching, and more working, she kinda got a rhythm… And now, whenever she tries to take a nap on a cloud, she feels like she’s wasting her time. It was something she hated, but loved. It was quite the conundrum.

Sighing, she walked over to her bed and flopped on to it.

It was so comfortable! She couldn’t believe that military personnel got something so high quality. But, that may have been just for the high ranking members. She wasn’t exactly sure. But, maybe she would be able to take this with her… It got her through many lonely nights.

So many memories…

“Hey, what’s up?” Alex asked from the door, seeing her unusual expression, flopped on her bed.

“Oh nothing…” She said, making very little effort to hide the fact that she was feeling to the contrary.

“Honestly, I haven’t been around enough to know what’s being going through your mind recently,” Alex admitted, feeling a little useless, “Are you just tired? Or… Is it something else?”

Dash wasn’t exactly sure if she should be honest with him. She had been so ready, and excited to leave all this behind for him, but after so much time to think, on the train ride, and the hours of lone searching for the Crystal Heart, she came to the realization that she’d have a lot of trouble just going back.

“I… I wanna keep working, Alex,” She said, sitting up and giving him an unsure look.

“Then do it!” He smiled, surprised that she would be so unsure about saying this to him, “If you want to be a Captain, then please don’t let me stop you.”

“But… There are some other things.” She sighed, hoping this wouldn’t change his mind, “I’d have to stay here in Canterlot.”

Alex was silent for a second, thinking about the repercussions of this, but quickly shook it out of his head.

“I can teleport us back and forth, you could have a job anywhere, and we could live in Ponyville,” Alex said, not fazed by this either, “Scootaloo does it too, right?”

“Yeah, I guess you’re right,” She said, her demeanor changing to a much happier one, “I just feel like I won’t have much free time once everything gets back into swing.”

“What was your job, as a captain again?” Alex asked, not really sure what she had left to do.

“Well, I oversaw the rescue efforts of… Uh, you.” She frowned, realizing that she may not even have a job left to do, with him out of stone like that.

“Well, I’m sure Celestia would have something you could work on now,” Alex offered, stepping next to the bed.

“I don’t know what kind of job I could even do,” She said, still looking up at the ceiling, suddenly feeling a little dumb for wanting to stay in the first place. It’s not like she could have kept doing what she used to.

“Maybe you could just… Be like Shining Armor?” Alex suggested, really not having anything better to suggest to her, “Yell at a bunch of ponies all the time? I mean… He is going to be staying in the Crystal Empire for a while, right?”

“He arranged for a replacement,” Dash shook her head, “So… I don’t know.”

“What if I make a suggestion?”

“Princess?!” Dash said quickly, flailing out of bed and standing at attention, “Uh, Sorry about the state of my room, and… Um, I—“

“Please, don’t worry yourself,” Celestia said with a warm smile, “However, I couldn’t help but overhear your problem.”

Alex stood to the side, and let the two mares have their conversation.

“I’m sorry, I don’t mean to sound like I’m complaining or something like that,” Dash said, avoiding eye contact and shaking her head rapidly, trying her best not to start stammering again.

“Think nothing of it,” Celestia said, waiting a moment to make sure Dash was done apologizing before continuing, “Now, I have a small proposal for you.”

Dash held her breath.

“Because of this business, involving the Elements, and Discord, we’re going to need to change some things around.” Celestia explained, hoping Dash would like this idea as much as she thought she might, “We have several Very-Important-Ponies living in Ponyville right now, but no official team to keep them safe in the place of an emergency.”

Dash lit up, still trying to maintain her respectful composure.

“So, I need to assign a high ranking pony, and a small team to Ponyville.” She said, smiling warmly to Dash, “Do you have any suggestions for who would lead that team?”

A Few Days Later

Dash looked at her room, now completely empty, and packed up, ready to go.

Her team had been chosen, Clash, Dancer, and Martinez. Her usual go-to guys would be with her in Ponyville… Pretty much doing nothing at all, all day, every day. Something they were all pumped up for.

Ponyville was a quaint town that had a small reputation for being a nice place to kick your hooves up and relax. So, it was a dream assignment for just about anypony.

“Can you guys help me get this stuff out of here?” Dash called, looking to the several packed bags around her.

“Sure thing!” Discord beamed, floating into the room, followed by Alpha and Alex, “I can’t even imagine how much fun it’s going to be living with you in Ponyville!”

“You’re not going to be living with me- Us,” Dash said cautiously, “You can make yourself a place out of cotton candy or something!”

“I can’t crash on the couch?” Discord whined.

“You’ll be up all night,” Alex warned, making a rather crass gesture toward Dash and wiggling his eyebrows.

“Maybe I’ll find another place,” Discord laughed nervously, showing a wrinkled frown.

“Where are you going to be staying, Alpha?” Dash asked, remembering him saying he was moving to Ponyville too.

“I was offered your old room, actually,” Alpha said to Alex.

Everypony gave each other a funny look.

“You two sure are moving fast…” Alex laughed, as Alpha quickly caught on to him joke.

“L-let’s just go!” He stammered, “I need to get moved in myself.”

“I’ll bet you do.” Discord chuckled.

“I guess its good Spike is moved out, isn’t it” Dash added.

“Maybe Alpha could move into Spike’s old cot at the end of Twilight’s bed.” Alex suggested.

Everyone burst into laughter, as Alpha blushed as much as a Changeling really could.

“I’m leaving!” Alpha said, levitating a few bags up and running out of the room.

“Let’s hurry up and go,” Dash laughed, “I’m excited to get home.”

“Me too!” Discord said, levitating the rest of the bags up into the air, and vanishing with all of them.

Alex and Dash were left in the empty room.

“Are they going to let you take the bed?” Alex asked, looking over to the mattress next to them.

“I got a fresh one waiting for me there,” She smiled, glad she would never have to be without it again, “It’s too bad though… This bed will never get used again…”

Alex gave it a quick look and raised an eyebrow.

“Are you thinking what I’m thinking?” Dash asked.

“You bet your rump I am.” Alex said, looking to the bed himself and smiling to her.

The two proceeded to jump on the bed and have an awesome pillow fight.

Nothing else.

That’s it.

Stop asking.


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