• Published 24th Apr 2012
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My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic -- Off The Record - The King of Hearts

A new pony is introduced to Equestria just before the fight with Nightmare Moon in Episode 1. Changing the entire story.

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Shadows to Ashes

Shadows to Ashes

Sombra inhaled and smiled.

This cold, dark smell. One that he had become so enamored with, such a long time ago. It made him nostalgic for a simpler time… When he could usurp a kingdom without any interference.

But now, he was just a few short steps away from his castle, where he would cast out his enemies, showing them the power that had been stirring for the past thousand years. None of them would be able to match him. He was confident. And, without the crystal heart, they had absolutely no chance to stop him.

Taking his first step on to the castle staircase, he turned the crystal panels black with each step he took, slowly poisoning the color of his new home, to a deep black.

Powering up a spell, he blasted a hole in the large closed gate, making himself a large hole to enter through.

“It’s good to be home.”


“Over here Scootaloo!” Sweetie shouted, as her and Apple Bloom hugged a bright crystal in an intersection in the town, “It’s safe over here!”

Getting to her friends, Scootaloo panted loudly as the black smoke stopped dead, as if it couldn’t get close to their piece of cover.

“How is it doing this?” Scootaloo asked, no looking directly at the bright crystal they were hugging.

“Ah’ think it’s the brightness!” Apple Bloom suggested, also avoiding the now blinding light being shone from the crystal.

“Why did it get so bright?” Sweetie asked, wincing as she looked at the increasingly bright stone.

“It must be some kind of defense mechanism,” Scootaloo suggested, losing the two of her friends in the obvious complexity of the words she had just used, as they gave each other puzzled looks, “Ugh, It’s to keep it safe from danger!”

“Ooooh.” Apple Bloom nodded, now understanding.

“Well, that’s good and all, but where are we supposed to go now?” Sweetie Belle asked, looking around them at the black smoke completely surrounding them, only being held back by the light.

“Can you cast a spell to make a REALLY bright light shine out of your horn?” Scootaloo asked, not really sure about the extent of her magic abilities.

“I could… But I can’t carry this broken heart around if I do!” She explained, giving them all pause, since there was no way for any of them to carry it themselves.

“What should we do?” Apple Bloom asked, looking to Scootaloo, hoping she would have some kind of answer to this problem as well.

Survival, or protect the heart?

“We need to leave the Crystal Heart here,” She sighed, feeling terrible about saying it.

“But it MUST be important!” Sweetie Belle said, knowing it wouldn’t have been hidden the way it was if it were nothing.

“We need to keep it safe!” Apple Bloom agreed, looking back to the third member of the group, seeing the troubled look on her face.

“I know,” Scootaloo agreed, biting her lip, “But we need to look out for ourselves! I’d hate for any of us to get hurt…”

As if it had responded to her worry, the shards of the heart started to glow.

“What’s going on?” Sweetie yelped, almost dropping the heart from the spell in surprise, “It’s glowing now!”

“It was what Scoot’s said!” Apple Bloom shouted, looking to their flightless friend, “You need to care about us more!”

“I… I don’t think I could care about you guys more!” Scootaloo frowned, as Apple Bloom and Sweetie gave her an offended look.

“How could you say that?” Sweetie frowned, her eyes now twice the size they had been previously.

“Ah’ll bet that Princess Luna is all the friends she needs!” Apple Bloom scoffed, hoping her plan would work.

“Don’t say that!” Scootaloo shouted, catching them both off guard, “I love you guys like my sisters! How could I care about you more?!”

Suddenly, the heart exploded in light, forcing the shadow surrounding them to back away at least a block of the city.

“Aww! Thanks Scoot!” Sweetie giggled, winking to Apple Bloom.

Scootaloo quickly understood why they had been that way to her… She was a little insulted.

“Was that the plan the whole time?!” Scootaloo asked, offended that they would trick her like that.

“Sure was!” Apple Bloom laughed, turning toward the castle, “Come on! Let’s go!”

Rolling her eyes, Scootaloo followed behind her friends.



Sombra blasted his way through the castle entrance, making his way toward the throne room, where his adversaries waited.

On his way, he could sense fear coming from high above him. He knew it was coming from the ponies of this kingdom. They must have been hidden somewhere in the castle, but, they were off the hook for now. He had something else to tend to.


Twilight was blasted away from the door to the throne room, as Sombra broke through her protective spell instantly.

Luna instantly caught her in a levitation spell, placing her down softly along with the rest of them on the other side of the room.

“Princess Luna…” A deep voice came through the smoke, “’It’s so nice to see you again.”

Luna had no words for him. Every bad memory and feeling suddenly washed over her, feeling as terrible as they had the day he killed Bolt.

“You should run away,” Alex warned, shaking his head, “Don’t you remember how things ended between us last time?”

The smoke finally cleared, giving everypony a view of their new enemy, and vice versa.

Sombra growled. He did remember. That white pony had beaten the living hell out of him. His knowledge of chaotic magic was truly impressive at that time. But, over these past thousand years, Sombra was much stronger. He was confident.

But how they were still alive was a mystery to him. But, if Luna was immortal, then anything was possible to him.

“So, who wishes to face me first?” Sombra asked, pacing in front of the ponies facing him, “Luna? Hmm… No. You no longer harness the Element. You’d stand no chance.”

“I will if I must.” Luna spoke up, stepping forward, as her friends gathered around to stop her.

“Are you still hurt about that little thing, with your husband and daughter?” He laughed, proud of his horrible deeds, “Come now, hasn’t enough time passed that we can laugh about it?”

“Never!” Luna shouted, firing some dark magic from her horn, that passed right through Sombra, blowing yet another hole in the wall of the throne room.

“We’re going to have some fun coming up, once you’re my slave,” He laughed, looking away from Luna, back towards the other ponies, “Now, who wants to—“

“How about me?” Dash cut in, getting herself into the attack position Luna had taught her.

“You don’t even know magic!” He laughed, “I’m not about to fight in hoof-to-hoof combat with a woman anyway.”

“Hey!” She yelled, jumping at him suddenly, only to be frozen in place by his spell, an inch from his face.

Dang… Why didn’t she have her gauntlet?

Levitating Dash toward him, Sombra inhaled, just as he did the last time they met. Dash was nothing but creeped-the-buck out.

“Hey Alex! A little help here?” Dash asked, wondering why he hadn’t sprung into action yet.

“What, am I on now?” Alex asked, looking back and forth between his friends, and shrugging, “Alpha? You want a go?”

“Sure don’t!” He said, shaking his head, wondering if he could change into anypony to help somehow…

Thrusting his hoof forward, a grey blast shot out of his arm and encompassed the King inside a bubble, lifting him off the ground.

“This magic,” Sombra said, feeling both chaos and harmony surround him, “It’s something new.”

“Something more powerful than you could imagine,” Alex said confidently, easily floating Sombra around in the air, “Have any last requests?”

“Just one,” Sombra laughed, as everypony gave him a weird look for being so positive at a moment like this, “Take a deep breath.”

Before anypony could react, a mass of black smoke rushed into the throne room from the balcony and enveloped them, forcing Alex to break the spell on Sombra.

“I hope none of you needed magic!” He shouted over the howling winds from the cold northern air, “Because none of you are going to be using it ever again!”

The smoke had the same effect on everypony’s horns, that it had on Shining Armor’s.

They were all now unable to cast any kind of spell.


“We’re almost there!” Scootaloo shouted, the wind having recently picked up as it blew toward the castle.

“Ah’ hope nuthin’ happened tuh our sisters!” Apple Bloom said, her heart pounding in her chest.

“Luna and Alex can take care of them,” Sweetie Belle said, not having lost an ounce of optimism, “Let’s just get this heart up there!”

Reaching the staircase, they quickly scaled it, keeping the smoke from entering the castle this way.

“Which way do we go now?” Scootaloo asked, seeing a large hole blasted in the wall, and a staircase on the opposite side of the room.

“I’m going to tell you all a story…” Sombra’s deep voice said from the left.

“I don’t think anypony cares about a stupid story,” Spike said, out of breath for some reason none of them could fathom.

“He’s in there! We need tuh hurr—“

Apple Bloom was cut off by a feint cry coming from somewhere in the castle.

“Shh! Listen!” She ordered.

The harder they all listened, the more it started to sound like a BUNCH of voices.

“Who is that?” Scootaloo said, looking toward the staircase worriedly.

“It must be the townsponies!” Sweetie suggested, remembering the lack of life they encountered on the way toward the castle.

“They sound like they’re in trouble!” Apple Bloom squeaked, now faced with a dilemma, “Who should we go help?”

Scootaloo thought to herself for a second, weighing the possibilities, before coming up with a plan.

“We’ll go help the ponies upstairs, and then come back and help our friends!” Scootaloo explained, hoping they wouldn’t think she was a jerk for this, “That King guy is telling some kind of story to them right now, so we have a few minutes we can spare!”

Sweetie and Apple Bloom looked at each other, both obviously unsure.

“Look, who knows what’ll happen to those ponies if we just skip over them?” Scootaloo continued, slowly reaching her friends, “Nopony gets left behind ever!”

“She’s right!” Sweetie agreed, as Apple Bloom finally nodded.

“We need to hurry though!”

The three girls ran up the stairs, following the cries for help, and clearing the smoke away from the castle with the crystal heart. But, just as they thought they were reaching the place these ponies were, they found nothing but a brick wall, as if they were hidden in some kind of secret chamber.

The girls looked to one another, as the ponies inside the room continued crying in fear.

“How do we get in there?” Sweetie asked, tilting her head.

“I’ll break it down!” Scootaloo offered, as her friends gave her questioning looks.

“What?!” Scootaloo said, offended that they didn’t trust her to run it down.

“Are you sure about that?” Apple Bloom asked, trying not to laugh.

Scootaloo huffed and looked toward the door, backing up. She had already been made fun of once by them today… But that wasn’t happening again!

Once she felt she was at a good distance, she looked at the floor, closer her eyes, and ran forward at top speed.

“Cutie Mark Wrecking Ball!”

The end result was one none of them had anticipated.

Instead of hitting the wall, or smashing it, or anything any of them expected, she instead ran right through it.

It had only been an illusion.

“Woah!” Scootaloo yelled, trying to stop herself before she crashed into a mare that was being influenced by the black smoke.

“Sweetie! Get that heart in here!” Scootaloo called, not at all concerned with her own aching head as she stood up, “We need to get rid of all this nasty smoke!”

Not wasting a second, the other two girls ran through the wall and used the effects of the heart to clear the room for the crystal ponies.

After a minute passed, they managed to remove all traces of the smoke, allowing the confused ponies to regain some of their composure.

The first one to regain her composure walked toward the three girls, a confused look on her face.

“Did you three save us?” She asked, shaking those dark eyes from her mind, “H-how did you get rid of that horrid smoke?”

“Uh… With this!” Apple Bloom smiled, pointing to the smashed pieces of the heart.

“What is it?” She asked, not recognizing it by the smashed shape it was in.

“Uh… a light that protects us from the smoke!” Sweetie thought up quickly, not wanting to get yelled at for breaking something obviously so important.

“Here!” Scootaloo said, hopping up and snatching a shard in her mouth, and dropping it on the floor in the middle of the hidden room, “That should keep you all safe from that black guy!”

“Don’t you think you should rephrase that…?” Apple Bloom suggested.

“Oh that sounded super racist,” She understood quickly, “Sorry everypony! I didn’t mean it THAT way!”

The nopony responded, they all just looked at the crystal, as if they were being drawn to it.

“Anyway…” Apple Bloom said, glancing back to the entrance, “We need tuh get outta’ here.”

The other two girls nodded to each other and looked back to the one mare, “We’ll come get you when it’s safe!”

Again, the mare gazed at the crystal, not even trying acknowledge them.

“Okay, good to hear!” Scootaloo said, giving up on speaking to them and turning around, “Let’s go guys!”


“So, your mother, or, Miss Sombra, forced you to be in a dance class for girls… and it fostered such horrible feelings that you decided to enslave an entire kingdom?” Alex asked, suspended in the air by his arms, his legs not quite reaching the ground, along with everypony else, “That’s the gist of it?”

“That’s nothing like what I just said!” Sombra shouted.

“Okay, to be fair, I WAS dozing off… It was kinda a boring story.” Alex frowned, looking away from Sombra, a sly smile on his face.

“Alex, I don’t think this is the time…” Shining Armor sighed, knowing he as only pissing off the guy that was about to kill them all.

“I found the story quite charming,” Rarity chimed in, surprisingly happy, considering she was being held in the air, “Well, Alex’s version at least. I always had a thing for the one boy in the dance class.”

“Hey!” Spike pouted, “If you want me to take dance, just tell me!”

“Don’t let him try,” Twilight whispered pretty loudly, “He’s terrible at moving like that in pony-form!”

“Heh, darn tootin’!” Applejack laughed, “He throws his rump ‘round like he’s tryin’ tuh applebuck!”

Fluttershy giggled along with Pinkie remembering the many times Spike had tried his hoof at dancing.

Alpha was sad, because he didn’t get the joke.

“That is enough!” Sombra shouted, shocked that they were able to laugh in a situation like this, “You all have nothing to be happy about! You’re about to die!”

“Okay, Debbie downer.” Dash scoffed.

“Why you little—“ Sombra began, raising a hoof to strike Dash, before a voice came in from the entrance.

“Hey you guys! We got the Crystal Heart!” Sweetie Belle shouted, surprisingly expertly moving several shards around the room, melting a significant amount of smoke.

But, it didn’t break the seal on their horns, or the spell that held them tightly in place.

“Sweetie!” Rarity shouted, as everypony started yelling at the girls to run away, suddenly feeling much less positive about the situation.

“Silence!” Sombra shouted, covering their mouths with a dark spell.

“W-what have you don’t to the heart?” He demanded, looking at the pieces as they reassembled in Sweetie’s spell, “Did you smash it?”

“Uh… We found it like this!” Apple Bloom lied quickly.

Sombra wasn’t sure whether to be angry, or very happy.

“Well, if you girls were coming to save the day with that, I’m afraid I have some bad news for you.”

The three girls looked to each other and gulped.

“With it broken like that, it has no hope of stopping me!” He laughed, “Besides, you would need the crystal ponies to activate it.”

Giving each other a quick look, they all nodded, as Sweetie took the two largest pieces of heart, and put them in her friend’s mouths, keeping the smaller pieces in her own spell.

They all took off in different directions, hoping one or two of them could escape.

“Get back here!” Sombra shouted, instantly reaching out and slapping Sweetie with a spell in her back, sending her up in the air, and then down on to her face, knocking her out, and sending the small pieces of the heart all over the room.

“Now, you--!” Sombra said, turning to Apple Bloom and smiling, this was almost too easy!

Magically lifting her up by her back leg, he whipped her around, sending her top half flailing around, trying to shake the crystal out of her clenched jaws.

Finally, she lost it her grip, as the shard flew over toward Sombra, and she was released, tumbling on the floor next to the unconscious Sweetie.

Scootaloo, in the heat of the moment, had found a place to hide, cleverly behind a plant on a windowsill. He had no way of catching her before she could jump down to a balcony below her.

“Hiding are we?” He asked the room, turning in circles, looking for where she could possibly be, “Hmm, how can I scare you out?”


The crystal ponies still hid in the room, none of them able to muster the courage to leave, finding their only solace in the small piece of crystal those filly’s had left them.

“Why does this feel so… safe?” One of the stallions asked.

“I never want to leave its side,” A mare sighed, smiling contently.

“It almost makes me feel as good at the—“ One of them said, as the entire room clicked at once on what she way saying, and why she had frozen.

“That’s the crystal heart!” One said, suddenly very panicked, “Why is it broken?”

“It must have been… S-Sombra!” He replied, losing all hope for their safety, since their only salvation was sitting in front of them, broken into so many pieces.

“No… It should still work!” The librarian said stepping through the crowd, “It may not be as strong, but it might give our friends the upper hoof!”

Everypony looked to one another nervously.

“Just do it!” She demanded, “Be happy! Let love run through your veins! Don’t let Sombra get us down again! We can do it!”

They each gave their heart and soul to try and brighten the shard, hoping to spark the other fragments. But, before they were able to have it reach its full power, the shard suddenly skipped out of the room, through the magic wall, and into the hallway.

“What the—We need to go after it!” The librarian called, charging out the door, unsure of how many ponies had the courage to follower her. Luckily, they all did.


“How about this,” Sombra suggested, walking over to the unconscious girls on the floor and drawing the sword from his scabbard with a spell, “Either you bring me the heart, or I hurt your friends. Badly.”

Scootaloo bit her lip, looking over the plant carefully.

“You have three seconds… One!”

She sucked in air, knowing that she had no choice.


She needed to pony up, and do this!


“Okay okay!” She said, popping up into view, lugging the crystal out from her hiding spot.

“I’m glad to see you finally came to your senses,” Sombra said, lifting the sword into the air, away from the other two girls, “But, I’m still going to hurt them.”

“What? But you said—“

“Never trust what anypony tells you,” He laughed darkly, ready to drop the sword, “It’s a hard lesson to learn.”

However, before he dropped the sword on Apple Bloom, the large chunk of heart in front of Scootaloo started to glow.

“What are you doing…?” He asked, slowing coming to the realization of what was happening, “Stop that right now!”

“I-I’m not doing anything!” She said, as the heart began to glow brighter.

Everypony else hated being strung up like this, unable to help her, or figure out what was happening. They simply got to spectate, and hope.

Sombra suddenly dashed at her, determined to get that heart back before it could power up, and destroy him.

“Give that to me!” Sombra snarled, throwing Scootaloo into a wall, stunning her as she slid to the ground, dropping the final large piece of the Crystal Heart, as the glowing faded a bit, reassuring the king, as he gave the young girl a quick look-over, feeling something wrong with her.

“You…” He said, squinting at the girl on the ground, and visibly sniffing toward her, “You stink like… That foal I slaughtered.”

Luna gasped loudly, despite the spell keeping her mouth closed, how could he possibly know that?

Grinning, he looked back to Luna. She had just told him everything he needed to know.

“That child… How did she survive?” He asked, knowing the wound he inflicted on the foal was lethal.

Alex moved his head around, signaling to Sombra that it had been him that saved he child.

“Of course,” He scowled, “The all-powerful alicorn, how predictable.”

Thinking to himself, he looked to Scootaloo, then to Luna, and back again.

“I have a plan,” Sombra said, giving the unconscious foal on the ground a dark look, “How about I finish the job I started a thousand years ago?”

Nopony knew exactly what he meant, until he pulled the sword back from his scabbard, and levitated it to point at Scootaloo.

“No!” Luna screamed suddenly, somehow breaking the spell Sombra had placed on her lips, but unfortunately, not the one on her body, “Leave her be!”

“I’m going to enjoy breaking you, Luna,” He laughed.

Closing his eyes, Sombra gave the sword a single, powerful thrust, pointed right at Scootaloo. There was no way anypony could save her this time. All he had to do was wait for the crying to stop, and the job would be done.




Sombra scowled. Where was the satisfying scream? The sound of blood spilling on to the ground? This was all wrong!

“Not even I’m THAT dark.”

Sombra opened his eyes, to confront whoever it was that stopped him.

What he saw stopped his heart for a moment.

“Discord?” Sombra managed, his voice lacking any kind of power.

“You remember me?” He chucked, dropping the sword and thrusting his arm forward, grabbing Sombra’s horn, and lifting him off the ground, “Good. That means you know you’re helpless.”

“N-No!” Sombra screamed, as the color was sapped away from his eyes, and pulled into Discord’s arm, as he absorbed the magic inside the King.

“Trying to kill a foal?” Discord asked, lifting Sombra so their gazes met, “No even I can make a joke about that.”

Looking over to the largest chunk of the Crystal Heart, Discord levitated it off the ground, and started to spin it rapidly, as all the other pieces started flying toward it, as if they were magnetized.

One by one, they all flew to their proper spot, slowly reassembling the lost treasure, and binding to it once again.

Finally, most of the heart was complete, save a single chunk that was missing on the outside.

It was almost done.

“Wait for it…” Discord said, hearing a high pitched noise come from outside the room, as the final piece, that had been protecting the Crystal Ponies flew in, and completed the Heart.

“Bad news,” Discord chuckled, as the crystal ponies stormed into the room, each of them overjoyed at the now completed heart, “Looks like your time is up… So short too.”

“N-no!” Sombra shouted, as everypony instinctively closed their eyes, and felt their energy flow into the heart, “Not again!”

Nopony gave him any mind, as the Crystal Heart became almost too bright to look at, and exploded into an expanding ball of energy that, as soon as it touched Sombra, cracked his very skin, exploding his entire body into shards of dissolving darkness.

The ball grew outward until it covered the entire Crystal Kingdom, removing any trace Sombra had left, changing the entire Kingdom, and the surrounding area, back to its original, beautiful state, free of corruption.

“I’m pretty sure we won’t be seeing him any time soon.” Discord said, smiling at his done job, now holding only the grey, lifeless horn of Sombra.

Releasing the final piece of the king, the horn hit the ground and dissolved into a pile of dust.

“I’m feeling hungry,” Discord said, suddenly smiling and rubbing his stomach, “What’re you all thinking? Italian? Chinese?”

Everypony suddenly found themselves dropped on the floor, as each of the sisters to the CMC ran to their respective member. Applejack to Apple Bloom, Rarity to Sweetie Belle, and Luna to Scootaloo.

“Uh… What’s Italian?” Dash asked finally, glancing back to the girls rousing their sisters’ consciousness.

“Alex gets it!” Discord said, winking at him very obviously and suppressing his laughter, something that none of them were in the mood to do right now.

“Good to see you too, Discord,” Alex sighed, flashing a light smile, closing his eyes and shaking his head, “Holy buck… I just… I need a minute.”


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