• Published 24th Apr 2012
  • 42,498 Views, 4,897 Comments

My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic -- Off The Record - The King of Hearts

A new pony is introduced to Equestria just before the fight with Nightmare Moon in Episode 1. Changing the entire story.

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The Best Night Ever - Part 2

The Best Night Ever – Part 2

“Now, what’s the plan?” Dash asked as she and Alex flew over to The Carousel Boutique so he could pick up his new tuxedo.

“We’re going to have a normal night,” Alex said, for the fifth time in the last ten minutes.

“Why?” She asked again.

“Because we get into too much trouble,” Alex said, “We have no normal time together.”

“Right!” She said, nodding, “So, we’re going to dance, we’re going to look at the star-lit sky, and you’re going to kiss me romantically, got it?”

“Yes ma’am!” Alex said, saluting.

“Good!” She said, “Now, repeat that to me one more time!”

“Have a normal night, no craziness, we dance, star-gaze, kiss, and then bang.” Alex repeated.

“Sounds about right,” She said, “Wait… what was the last part?”

“Nothing,” Alex shrugged, “Nothing at all.”

Landing, they walked through the already open door of the Boutique, where Rarity was showing her dress off to some of the mares from around town. They all loved the look, and wished that it was them going instead of her.

“Oh, Alex!” Rarity said, stepping past them, “Your suit is ready!”

“Perfect,” Alex said, “What does it look like?”

“In the change room,” She pointed, “Tell me how it fits, I believe I had your measurements right however.”

Everypony watched Alex walk into the room, and heard him laugh a bit.

“That had better be an approving laugh!” Rarity called.

“It is, it is!” Alex said.

A few minutes passed before the door finally swing open, and Alex stepped out in a pretty colorful arrangement.

His blazer was red, his vest was yellow, the undershirt was white, and the bowtie was blue. Then, to top it off, his shoes were purple.

“Dang,” Dash smiled, “I didn’t think it was possible to match rainbow.”

“I had my doubts as well,” Rarity agreed, “But I realized that all I needed to do was make him the same colors, even if it made him look like a clown! Matching is the only valuable thing.”

“Thanks,” Alex laughed, “I’m glad nopony cares if I look like a clown.”

“It’s not that nopony cares,” Dash said, “It’s just that nopony cares that much.”

“Well, I think I look pretty good,” Alex said, brushing a piece of lint off the shoulder of the blazer.

“You do,” Rarity agreed, “All doubts I had are now gone.”

“When are we leaving, again?” Dash asked, “I have a couple of things to do at home.”

“In a few hours,” Rarity said, “But we all have an appointment at the spa, first.”

“Oh, no,” Alex shook his head, “I’ve had enough of spas.”

“Well, this isn’t that kind of spa,” Rarity said, “And I’m afraid it’s only for us girls.”

“Oh…” Alex said, not really wanting to have gone, but a bit sad he wasn’t invited at all.

“Next time you see Rainbow Dash, she’ll be simply radiant!” Rarity said giddily, “So stop moping around!”

“Right right,” Alex said, “I guess I’ll see you girls later!”

“Hey Alex!” Spike said, poking his head in the door, “Come check this out!”

“Sure,” He said, walking away, leaving the girls, “What’s up, Spike?”

“I actually don’t have anything to show you,” Spike said, gesturing for Alex to keep walking.

“Then why did you call me?” Alex asked.

“We should get a carriage for the trip up to Canterlot!” Spike said, eagerly, “Don’t you think the girls would love that?”

“Isn’t Twilight doing something with a pumpkin?” Alex asked, “What’s the point?”

“An Apple,” Spike corrected, “But the girls would love it if we got the transportation ready ourselves!”

“I don’t know, Spike,” Alex said, scratching his head, “I feel like the only pony that would really love it is… Rarity.”

“Well… Yeah,” Spike admitted, shrugging, “But Dash might be a bit impressed!”

“I guess so,” Alex said, giving Spike an odd look, “You know, I’ve noticed something a bit different with you and Rarity, recently.”

“Different?” Spike asked quickly, gulping, “W-what do you mean?”

“Just, I don’t know… Closer,” Alex said, oblivious to Spike’s discomfort.

“I don’t know what you’re talking about,” Spike said, turning away from Alex to hide his face, “So, are you coming to help me?”

“Sure,” Alex said, “Maybe I could impress Dash a bit.”

“Great!” Spike said walking off, “Come on!”

“Yes sir!” Alex said, catching up quickly, “Let’s get the fanciest one we can!”


The six girls had all gathered at the spa so they could be pampered, and readied for the Gala. They all busily chatted about what they would be doing there, whom they were excited to see, and what Dash and Rarity would be doing with their boyfriends.

“We’re going to have a normal night,” Dash said simply, “We always get into shenanigans. ALWAYS.”

“That’s true,” Rarity agreed, “I’d like for Spike and I to have a simple romantic evening, with no craziness whatsoever… I’m looking at you, Pinkie.”

“What could I possibly do?” Pinkie asked innocently.

Rarity just gave her a look, before Twilight jumped in.

“You know…” Twilight said, pointing to Dash and Rarity, “Neither of you have your original reasons for going to the gala.”

“Huh?” Dash asked.

“Well, you wanted to go show off to the Wonderbolts, right?” Twilight asked as she looked to Rarity, “And you wanted to impress Prince Blueblood. Neither of you need to do those things.”

“Well, I still want to see them,” Dash said shrugging, “Just not try to join.”

“And I wanted to impress the Canterlot elite, Twilight,” Rarity pointed out, “And as long as Spike is on his best behavior, that shouldn’t be a problem.”

“Right,” Twilight nodded, “I guess Blueblood will be alone tonight though.”

“Ah’ don’t think he’ll be havin’ any trouble gettin’ himself a date,” Applejack said, “That pony’s got himself a lot goin’ on.”

“Then why don’t you pursue him, Applejack?” Rarity inquired.

“Not mah’ type of colt,” She shrugged, “I like ‘em a bit more… Hard workin’.”

“Come now,” Rarity said, “If he asked you to dance, you’d turn him down?”

“Well, fer just a dance?” Applejack asked, “Ah’ guess I’d go fer that.”

“I’d let him dance with me,” Twilight agreed “What about you, Fluttershy?”

“Oh… I don’t know,” Fluttershy said, “I’m not really in the market—“

“Come now, Fluttershy,” Rarity said, levitating two cucumbers onto her eyes, “We all know that the right kind of colt could sweep you off your feet with no trouble at all. Couldn’t he?”

Fluttershy couldn’t really disagree. The truth was, she thought he was cute. But his actual attitude traits were unknown to her.

“Well, I guess—“

“I’d give him a try!” Pinkie announced, “He’d be lucky to bag me, though.”

“Oh my goodness!” Rarity said, sitting up as her cucumbers flew off her face, “That gives me an idea!”

“What kinda idea?” Applejack asked.

“You four should all try to court him yourselves!” Rarity said, a giant smile on her face, “Think of it as a friendly game!”

“Ah’ feel like it wouldn’t be too friendly in the end,” Applejack said, squinting.

“Nonsense!” Rarity said, “I’m sure all of you will act in the most polite manner.”

“I’d actually like to try!” Twilight said, surprising them all.

“Really?” Pinkie asked, “I didn’t think you’d be the first one to volunteer!”

“Well, I KNOW Blueblood,” She shrugged, “And I mean, to be honest… I’m not that good with colts. This could be good practice!”

“I don’t think any of you are,” Dash spoke up, looking to the rest of her friends.

“What are you talking about?!” Pinkie asked, a bit offended, “I’m great with boys!”

“Ah’ am too!” Applejack added.

Fluttershy had no argument.

“Come on!” Dash laughed, “Pinkie, last time you hit on a boy, you HIT on him!”

“I misunderstood the meaning!” Pinkie whined.

“An’ what about me?” Applejack asked.

“Oh, Applejack…” Rarity giggled, “Don’t you remember your date with that Manehattan gentlemen a few years ago?”

“T-that doesn’ count!” She stammered, blushing, “Ah’ was too young!”

“What happened?” Twilight asked.

“Why don’t you ask Fluttershy?” Pinkie giggled.

“Fluttershy?” Twilight said, cocking her head and looking to her.

“Well, it was so embarrassing…” Fluttershy said, trying to keep herself from laughing.

Applejack, just awkwardly looked away from them.

“Applejack thought that a good time would be to take a walk in the Everfree Forest,” Fluttershy giggled, “He didn’t agree with her on that.”

“We wound up gettin’ a bit lost,” Applejack said, deciding to explain this her own way, “And he ALMOST got eaten by a pack ‘a Timberwolves.”

“You were trying to buck one of their trees,” Fluttershy added, “They’re pretty protective of them.”

“Ah’ was just tryin’ to show him how good ah’ am at it!” Applejack defended.

“When I found them, one of the Timberwolves was trying to drag him away while Applejack shouted at him to pony up and stop crying!” Fluttershy laughed.

“Oh Applejack…” Twilight giggled.

“Ah’ saved him!” Applejack said, “He should’a been thankin’ me!”

“But what did he actually do, Applejack?” Fluttershy asked.

“He ran over to you, an’ cried till you took him home,” She grumbled.

“And what did you call him when I did?” Fluttershy asked.

“Uh… A baby?” She said, laughing nervously.

“Wow,” Twilight giggled, “Nice job, Applejack!”

She grumbled something in response, but nopony could make it out.

“So, are you all going to try to pick him up?” Dash asked, kinda excited to see how that would turn out.

“Yeah!” Twilight said, “I’m definitely gonna try!”

“Me too!” Pinkie smiled, “I won’t hit anypony this time, either!”

“Applejack?” Rarity asked, looking at her.

“Fine!” She said, rowing her arms up in the air, “Ah’ll show y’all how it’s done!”

“What you Fluttershy?” Dash asked.

“Oh, no… I don’t think—“

“She’s playing too,” Twilight said quickly, “She needs the most help in that department.”

“I can talk to boys as well as anypony else,” Fluttershy said, trying to defend herself.

“Well, you can barely talk to anypony at all,” Dash said, “So, that’s both boys AND girls. Just think of it as a social exercise!”

“But it’s such a big step up!” She said worriedly, “Can’t it be something easier?”

“Just jump in head first!” Pinkie encouraged, “When this is over with, normal conversations will be SUPER easy!”~`

“Oh… Well, okay… I guess.” Fluttershy said.

“Wonderful!” Rarity giggled, “I simply must watch this!”

“Me too,” Dash said, “Alex’ll love it too!”

“Is this all for your amusement?” Twilight asked them.

“Well…” Dash said slowly.

“If I had to be honest,” Rarity began.

“Yes,” They both said together.


Alex and Spike stood in a show room for the only store in town that rented carriages out. On the plus side, most of them were simply beautiful. On the down side, they were also insanely expensive.

“So, how much will this cost?” Alex asked, looking at the extravagant carriage in front of him.

“This one is five hundred bits for the night,” The stallion said, “I’d be willing to move a bit on that number.”

“Five hundred?” Alex asked in awe, “Don’t you have anything cheaper?”

“Nope,” He said, “Cheapest one we have.”

“That’s what we get for coming to the ‘Amazing House of Expensive Carriages,’” Alex sighed.

“Why does Ponyville have a place like this anyway?” Spike asked, “How can you possibly make money in a place like this? I’ll bet nopony ever rents them!”

“That’s why I charge so much,” He said, “One sale feeds the family for a week.”

“Ah.” Alex said, feeling a little bad, “Well, I don’t really have the money, so I guess we’re haggling!”

“Alright, what’s your start offer?” He asked.

“Uh…” Alex said, reaching into his saddlebag, and pulling a sack of coins out and opening it, “I can give you fourteen bits, and a half a cookie from yesterday.”

“I have six bits!” Spike added.

“So there it is,” Alex said seriously, “Twenty bits, and a half-eaten cookie.”

He squinted.

They squinted back.

“I need that money,” He said, “I’ve got mouths to feed.”

“You have a picture of them?” Alex asked suddenly as the stallion gave him an odd look.

“Right there,” He said, gesturing to a picture on his desk a short distance from them.

Looking at it, Alex could clearly see this stallion and his wife, along with three young girls. They were all gathered around a cake and smiling brightly. It was a happy picture.

“Cute kids,” Spike said passingly, still acting tough over their low offer.

“Alright,” Alex said, looking back in his bag, “You’ve convinced me.”

“Huh?” The stallion asked, having been prepared to take their offer.

Whipping a card out of his bag, the dealer looked at it and went wide eyed.

“I’ll take it for a week,” Alex said, dropping it on the table.

“That’s a card for unlimited funds!” He said in awe, “How did you get it?”

“We know some people,” Alex smiled, “So, I guess we should probably be buying the top-of-the-line one, shouldn’t we?”

“If you insist!” The dealer said quickly, “Let me show it to you!”
As they walked toward the upscale cart, Spike leaned over to Alex.

“Should you really still be using that card?” Spike asked, “We all gave them back…!”

“The way I see it, Spike,” Alex explained, “I use it like crazy until I get talked to ONCE. Then, I stop. Pretend I misinterpreted the rules.”

“That’s pretty evil,” Spike said.

“Blame Dax.” Alex shrugged, “I can’t be helped to be the nice guy ALL the time. Besides, this doesn’t hurt anypony, and it’ll score you points with Rarity.”

“Sounds good to me!” Spike laughed.

“And here we are!” The stallion said, “Our nicest carriage.”

“Oh my glob,” They both said at once.


The girls all stood outside the Carousel Boutique completely clothed, and waiting for Alex and Spike so Twilight could cast the spell, and make their carriage to the Gala.

“They didn’t stand us up, did they?” Rainbow Dash asked, looking down both sides of the road.

“Spike wouldn’t do that,” Rarity said simply.

“I don’t know…” Twilight said, recalling the few times Spike had been a bit flakey over the course of his life.

“He wouldn’t be that way with me, Twilight,” Rarity said, “I know it sounds somewhat vein, but it’s also the truth.”

Twilight really couldn’t disagree.

“Hey look!” Pinkie said, pointing to a huge carriage coming down the road, “It looks like somepony else is going to the gala tonight!”

“Ah’ll bet it’s that Filthy Rich,” Applejack said, “He’s loaded!”

“Being rich doesn’t necessarily get you into a prestigious event like the Grand Galloping Gala,” Rarity said, “But I can’t think of anypony else going off the top of my head.”

The group was surprised when the carriage got close enough, and saw that nopony was pulling it. It was a spell coming from the inside.

The carriage itself was massive. It was solid black, and stretched out for several feet behind itself, allowing room for at least twenty five ponies inside it.

When it stopped in front of the house, they all watched curiously as the large black door opened, and blaringly loud music exploded from the interior.

“Alex?” Dash asked, seeing him in a full suit and tie, “Where did you get this?”

“Magic,” He smiled, winking, “Are you ladies ready to head off?”

“Wow,” Twilight said, looking up and down the beautiful transportation they had gotten, “I guess that saves me a spell.”

“What about my mice, Twilight?” Fluttershy asked.

“Do you want them to pull it?” Twilight asked Alex, “Or can you keep the spell up?”

“I can do the spell no problem!” Alex said, “It’ll probably get us there faster anyway.”

“Why did you do this in the first place?” Rarity asked.

“Spike said he wanted us to be attending in style,” Alex said, wanting to build him up as much as possible to her.

“Really?” Rarity said, smiling, “He’s so thoughtful!”

“Yeah! Super thoughtful!” Pinkie said quickly, “I wanna see what’s in it!”

“Me too!” Applejack agreed as the two walked up the ramp attached to the side, and went inside.

“Can we drop the mice off on the way?” Fluttershy asked, “I don’t want them getting hurt on the way…”

“Of course!” Alex said, “Just bring them in, we’ll get them home.”

“Wonderful, thank you!” She smiled, walking past him.

“Oh!” Applejack called out the door, “Could we stop by mah place, so I could grab my bakin’ supplies?”

“Sure,” Alex said to her as she gave him a thankful smile, and went back inside.

“How did you afford this?” Twilight asked, “It must have been a fortune!”

“Saved up a few per diems,” Alex shrugged, lying, “And it’s only rented.”

“Oh!” She said, “That makes much more sense.”

“Exactly,” Alex nodded as she walked by him, “Nice suit, by the way.”

“Thanks,” He said, looking to Dash as she walked up the ramp, “You impressed? It’s black, and REALLY long. I feel like there’s a stereotype there.”

“I’m glad you said it before I did,” She laughed, “You’ve ruined me, Alex… Or Dax.”

“Whatever works,” He smiled, as the two walked inside together.

“Rarity!” Spike said, walking out the door, and down the ramp, “You coming?”

She smiled coyly at him, “You got this for me?”

“Yeah,” Spike smiled at her, “I figured you’d love—“

He was cut off as she kissed him softly, and pulled back.

“You’re a wonderful coltfriend, Spike.” Rarity smiled, “And I’ll be sure to repay the kindness, one way or another.”

“Oh, you don’t need to worry about it,” Spike said innocently, before picking up on the actual meaning, “Oh, you mean…?”

“Something along those lines.” She said quietly.

“Got it!” Spike said, his voice cracking.

“Good,” She said, walking past him, “Come now, let’s hurry to the gala.”

Walking inside, the door closed, and Alex began his spell that drove them toward Fluttershy’s house.

The night had just begun, and they were all excited to spend it their own ways.

Since Twilight had been seeing so much of Celestia, she wasn’t too worried about spending a ton of time with her. So, instead, she was going to get a little studying in on Blueblood, and see if she could beat out her friends for his attention.

Applejack still intended to sell her baked goods to the ponies there, but wasn’t in dire need of money at this point. She had asked the Princess if she could use the unlimited-funds card to fix up some stuff around the farm. And, of course, Celestia was just fine with it. So, she was going to spend more time focusing on that colt, instead of making money.

Pinkie was also determined to get her hooves on Blueblood. Of course, when she put her hooves on him, it would be in the gentlest, and non-hitting kind of way. She had a secret plan that she would use to get his attention as well. She had been formulating it for almost a half a day! So, it was fair to say that it was one of her better thought out ones.

Fluttershy on the other hoof could feel her heart beating out of her chest. She was horrible with men. She could barely speak around her friends! How was she supposed to win a competition with her friends, when she was so bad at being social? Maybe she would practice on some of the animals in the royal gardens first, and take him there with her! Maybe that would give her the confidence she needed.

Rarity had no real plans for the night. She would mingle with some ponies around her, perhaps make a few sales for her store… But it would be a night for her and Spike. She would take her old fantasy of herself and Blueblood, and simply insert Spike instead. It was going to be magical!

Dash only wanted one thing. A NORMAL night, with NOTHING crazy that would happen. It was going to happen no matter what. Even if the changelings showed up, or a dragon attacked the castle, she would KEEP dancing, and she would have that romantic night she could remember forever. She didn’t have many dreams of boys when she was a filly, but this was one. To spend a romantic evening with her emotionally unstable boyfriend. Oh yes. It was happening.

As for the boys, they had one thing on their minds.

If they did good, and followed the rules their marefriends set, they would be rewarded.

There was no significant explanation, or, paragraph required.

Be good, get tail.

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