• Published 24th Apr 2012
  • 42,498 Views, 4,897 Comments

My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic -- Off The Record - The King of Hearts

A new pony is introduced to Equestria just before the fight with Nightmare Moon in Episode 1. Changing the entire story.

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His New Chapter

His New Chapter

Twilight walked toward the Carousel Boutique, and knocked on the door.

She had received an urgent message from Rainbow Dash, saying that Rarity needed her back in town immediately. So, she teleported from the Everfree Forest, back to Ponyville, so no time would be wasted.

After a few moments, Rarity slowly opened the door, with a very conflicted look on her face.

“Why did I need to come back into town so badly?” Twilight asked, taking note of Rarity’s expression.

“Um…” Rarity began, obviously lost. “It’s a rather long story… But perhaps I should cut to the chase.”

Rarity opened the front door to her house all the way, and exposed the unconscious pony on the floor of her shop.

“Oh my goodness!” Twilight said, rushing in. “Who is this? What happened to them?”

“Oh, don’t worry, darling.” Rarity said, still avoiding the inevitable. “He’s just fainted. But… That isn’t the real problem at hoof.”

“Then, what is it?” Twilight asked, not sure what was worse than an unconscious pony on your floor.

“Well…” Rarity said slowly, “It’s Spike…”

“Huh?” Twilight asked, not understanding, “What about Spike?”

Rarity remained silent, as she glanced back and forth between the unconscious Spike, and Twilight.

At first, Twilight was completely lost. But, as the moments passed, she slowly started to understand.

The serious look on Rarity’s face, combined with the purple coated pony, and the green mane, started to make the wheels in her head turn.

“No…” Twilight said quietly. “Please tell me this is some kind of practical joke!”

“I wish I could,” Rarity said, “But… That’s Spike.”

“B-But… he’s bigger than me!” Twilight shouted, “Spike was only a baby!”

“I noticed that myself, yes…” Rarity said. "He's certainly not the same age that he was as a dragon... Perhaps he's aged."

“He's older?! H-How did this happen?!” Twilight stammered. “Dragons don’t just turn into ponies!”

Rarity remained silent. It was clear that Twilight was losing her cool over this.

“What even went on?” Twilight questioned, “You were there, right?”

“Um… Well, you see…” Rarity said, trying her best to fabricate a story that didn’t involve her kissing him into a pony.

Twilight’s eye twitched as she waited for Rarity to explain the circumstances of Spike’s transformation.

Spike started to stir. Twilight’s voice had always been the thing he woke up too. So, it was working like a charm right now.

Opening his eyes, Spike noticed that he wasn’t in his bed. He was in… Rarity’s house?

“So, you’re telling me that he just transformed into a pony, for no reason whatsoever?” Twilight asked, “One moment a dragon, and a pony the next?”

“Well, you see…” Rarity tried to say.

“What were you doing when it happened?” Twilight continued.

Spike’s eyes widened, as he shot up, into a sitting position.

“I-I-I’m… A pony!” Spike shouted, putting his hoofs to his face, and eventually bumping into a horn. “I’m a unicorn!”

“Spike!” Twilight said, relieved to hear him talking. “Are you okay?”

“I... I think so…” Spike said, completely baffled at the change.

“What happened?” Twilight asked, having quieted down a bit. “Do you remember?”

Spike thought for a moment. Everything was a blur right now. His mind raced a million miles a minute trying to figure out what had happened.

Noticing how dry his lips were, Spike licked them lightly, and noticed something odd.

Now, having a pony mouth was obviously new to him. But there was something on his lips. Something… Waxy. Something like… Lipstick?

Then it all came rushing back to him. Giving Rarity the flower, her kissing him, his realization that he was a pony… Then him fainting. It must have been the Heart’s Desire…

Looking toward Rarity, Spike could see that she was nervous. She obviously didn’t want him explaining exactly what had happened.

“I… I went to check on Rarity, since nopony had seen her in a few days.” Spike said, “When I got there, I told her that I hoped she’d be feeling better soon. Then, while I was walking away, it just happened!”

Rarity sighed happily. Spike had her back.

Twilight was miffed. Stuff like this just didn’t happen… There must have been some kind of explanation. But, it didn’t look like she would be getting one at the moment.

“Alright, I’m sure we’ll figure this out eventually…” Twilight said, “But for now, we have to work on reversing this!”

“Reversing this?” Spike asked. “I don’t think that--”

“Don’t worry Spike,” Twilight said, “We’ll get this figured out. Are you able to walk?”

Spike slowly leaned forward, and placed his hoofs on the floor in front of him. Then, he lifted his backside up with his hind legs.

Standing upright on his new four legs, Spike could feel himself wobbling. Taking a step forward, Spike found himself unsure of which leg to move next.

“Okay, Spike.” Twilight said, seeing the trouble he was having. “You stay here! I’m going to go find every book I can on this, and come right back!”

“Well… Okay,” Spike said, still focusing on his steps. “I’ll work on this.”

“I’ll be right back!” Twilight said.

With that, Twilight vanished in a bright light, leaving Rarity and Spike alone in the shop.

Spike looked over to Rarity, and noticed that she was just… Staring at him.

“Hey Rarity…” Spike said smiling. “Um… About earlier…”

Rarity took a few steps backward, happy to have him in a talking state.

“Would you like to see what you look like?” Rarity asked, rolling a mirror over to him with her magic.

Watching as the mirror rolled in front of him, Spike inspected himself in the reflection. “I have all the same colors… But I’d have to say that I’m at least twice as handsome!”

Rarity giggled. She was happy to see him in a good mood.

“Spike, do you have any idea what actually happened?” Rarity asked, realizing that they had better figure it out.

“I- I think I have an idea.” Spike admitted.

“How?” Rarity asked.

“Well, that flower I gave you was a bit… Magical…” Spike explained.

“How so?” Rarity asked, intrigued.

“It’s called ‘Heart’s Desire,” Spike continued, “And, as I’m sure you can guess, it grants wishes.”

“How did you get such a thing?” Rarity asked.

“Well, back when we first met Zecora, I was looking around her hut, and I came across it…” Spike remembered. “I had heard of it before, so I figured it couldn’t hurt to take it…”

“Spike.” Rarity said with a serious expression. “You don’t take things that don’t belong to you.”

“I know…” Spike said, feeling a bit put out. “I just… wanted one so badly…”

“For what?” Rarity asked, “What wish did you want to come true?”

“Well… This!” Spike said. “I wanted to become a pony!”

“Why…?” Rarity said, completely baffled.

“There are so many reasons,” Spike explained, “But, mostly so I would stop being treated like a baby… And so I could spend more time with everypony.”

“If you wanted your wish to come true so badly, why would you give the flower to me?” Rarity questioned.

“Well, I found out that a wish had to be extremely powerful for it to come true…” Spike continued, “I just didn’t think that I wanted it enough…”

“So… You’re telling me, that you were transformed because of a wish for you to become a pony?” Rarity asked, suddenly realizing what had happened.

“But… The thing is, that I don’t remember it being that way!” Spike said honestly, “I still wanted it, but no more than I had before… something else MUST have happened to trigger it… Do you have any idea what that could have been?”

Rarity remained silent, clearly knowing something that Spike didn’t.

Twilight teleported back to just outside Rarity’s house. Shoe couldn’t believe she hadn’t thought of it right away. She knew a spell that was capable of transforming things back to their previous form. She actually used it quite often, to fix toast that she had a tendency to burn.

Walking up to the slightly ajar door, she was about to enter, but stopped when she heard the conversation going on inside.

“What is it?” Spike asked.

“Well…” Rarity said, losing her usual lady-like inflections, “I don’t think you were the only one wishing for it…”

Twilight was lost. Wishing?

Spike cocked an eyebrow. “What do you mean?”

“I wished for It, okay?” Rarity confessed loudly. “I wished for you to be transformed into a pony…”

Twilight was shocked.

Spike was confused at first, but after a few moments, he quickly started to understand. “It must have been our combined wish that activated the Heart’s Desire…”

Rarity nodded, avoiding eye contact with Spike.

It made sense that she would have wished that. If she truly did have feelings for him, it would have been difficult for her back when he was a dragon. “It’s easier to have feelings for me this way, right?”

“Of course not!” Rarity said, scolded. “I kissed you, didn’t I?”

Rarity kissed Spike?

“It’s okay, Rarity.” Spike said smiling, taking a few slow steps toward her, “You made this dream come true for me.”

“Are you certain that this is what you want?” Rarity asked, sadly. “Because I don’t want to have been the one who pushed this on-”

Rarity was cut off as Spike kissed her.

Immediately, Rarity felt all of her worries melt away.

Twilight couldn’t believe what she was seeing. She always knew of Spike’s crush on Rarity, but never in a million years did she think that Rarity would return those feelings. But, here she was, kissing Spike happily.

Nothing was right here. Spike was a baby. But at the same time, he wasn’t anymore. Somehow, she had transformed him into a pony with a wish. A completely mature pony. But, not only that, they had also lied to her, and feigned ignorance over his transformation. This only succeeded in making Twilight angry.

After a moment, Spike pulled away, leaving a very happy Rarity.

“I’m happy his way.” Spike said, smiling brightly at Rarity.

“I-I’m glad!” Rarity said, still a little flustered. “But… What are you going to do about Twilight?”

“I don’t know…” Spike said with a very worried tone in his voice. “By now, I’m sure she’s figured out that the burned toast spell will fix this whole problem.”

Rarity was confused by that line, but then decided not to ask.

“So… I’ll just have to ask her if I can stay this way…” Spike said, “I can’t see any advantages to being a dragon.”

Deciding to make her entrance, Twilight opened the door, and looked at Spike.

“So, you do know how this happened?” Twilight asked, angrily.

Spike felt his heart jump in surprise, before turning to face Twilight, and admit the truth. “Yes... “

“And why do you think that you should be able to stay this way?” Twilight asked.

“Twilight, Darling--” Rarity tried to begin.

Twilight shot Rarity a look that instantly silenced her. “You’re half the reason Spike got into this mess!”

“Hey!” Spike shouted, surprised at his sudden courage, as he put himself between Rarity and Twilight, being careful not to trip on his own legs. “Don’t blame anything on her!”

Twilight looked at Spike, still clearly displeased.

“Do you know how long I’ve hated the idea of being a dragon?” Spike asked, seeing Twilight’s face soften slightly. “A really long time!”

“B-but… What’s so wrong with being a dragon?” Twilight asked, knowing full well what he was going to say.

“Well, maybe it’s because of the way you treat me!” Spike said.

Twilight remained silent.

“You know just as well as I do, that I’m going to be a baby for a long time.” Spike said. “Far too long, if you ask me. I want to be treated like an adult!”

“But… When you grow up, you’ll be old for a really long time!” Twilight countered, “Way longer than any of us! It’s just how you naturally mature!”

“Do you really think that’s a perk?” Spike asked, baffled. “In what world, do I want to be an adult, just in time for all of my friends to die of old age?”

Twilight was shocked that he would bring up something so grim.

“I want to live alongside everypony… Not live to be 500 years old.” Spike said softly.

Twilight hated to admit it, but that made sense. She always knew he would outlive her… And from his standpoint, she saw how it seemed more like a curse than a blessing.

“And on top of that, I’m basically a pony already!” Spike explained, “I live with them, I act like them… The only difference is that I’m a dragon! And when I grow up, I know that ponies are going to be a lot more afraid of a mature dragon, than they are of a baby one.”

Twilight could feel herself starting to tear up. It was all true. Spike was right.

“This… This is my dream Twilight…” Spike said, finishing up. “Please… Let me have this…”

“B-But…” Twilight said, staring to feel the tears run down her cheek, as she sat down on the ground. “I don’t want you to change…”

Spike instantly felt bad. He had been so involved in what he wanted, that he hadn’t considered Twilight’s feelings.

“You’re like a little brother to me…” Twilight admitted, now fully crying, “I-I don’t want to see like this!”

“Twilight…” Spike said slowly.

“It’s like I’m losing your childhood to this! It’s not fair!” Twilight cried.

Spike carefully walked over to Twilight, then sat down, and wrapped his arms around her.

“You’re not losing anything…” Spike reassured. “Maybe I’m bigger, but I’m still the same dragon I was before!”

Twilight didn’t answer.

“Nothing’s going to change…” Spike said, “I just look different… That’s all!”

“How do you know?” Twilight asked, looking up at him.

As if on cue, Spike suddenly lurched backward, holding his stomach. This was followed by a loud burp, and a burst of green flame, which produced a scroll.

“Hey!” Spike said excitedly, “I can still do that!”

Twilight couldn’t help but let out a small giggle. He sure acted the same way… Maybe he really was the same dragon.

“Look, Twilight…” Spike said, gesturing to the scroll, “Not that much is going to change… Okay?”

“Well… Okay.” Twilight said finally, even though she was still conflicted. “But, this is all so crazy…”

“I know.” Spike agreed.

“I’m sorry Rarity…” Twilight said turning to her, “I didn’t mean to yell at you like that.”

“You had good reason to be upset, Twilight.” Rarity said. “I’m sorry for keeping you in the dark as we did.”

“Yeah,” Spike agreed, “We were just a bit confused about the whole ordeal…”

“Now… Um, about me and Spike,” Rarity said, bring back the awkward topic.

“Well, I’m happy for you two…” Twilight said, “But… I never expected it, to be honest…”

“Neither did I…” Rarity agreed. “But, he’s proven himself to be quite the gentlecolt over the past few weeks…”

“I didn’t think you were capable of that Spike!” Twilight laughed.

“Well… I guess I am!” Spike said, happy to be hearing praise from Rarity.

“But, please Twilight… If you’d keep our affection for one another a secret for the moment, it would be greatly appreciated.” Rarity asked.

“Of course!” Twilight agreed, before realizing that she had forgotten the scroll he had produced. “Oh, by the way, Spike, what was on that scroll?”

Looking at the floor, Spike realized that he didn’t know how to open it, as he no longer had hands. So, he leaned forward, and used his hoofs to fiddle with the paper.

However, after a few minutes, and some laughter from the girls, he gave up, as he was unable to get it to open.

“Here, Spike.” Twilight said. “Let me help you with that.”

Twilight cast a quick spell, giving Spike a pair of glowing purple hands that levitated just above his hoofs.

“Awesome!” Spike said, moving the fingers around, happy to have them back. “I’m surprised Alex hasn’t used these!”

Lifting up the scroll, Spike stood up on his hind legs, and read the scroll aloud.

“Oh my goodness…” Spike said, intriguing the girls in front of him. “It says: Dear my faithful student, Twilight Sparkle. You should go buy Spike some ice-cream! Sincerely, Princess Celestia!”

Twilight cocked an eyebrow, before bursting into a fit of laughter. Spike, on the other hoof, lost his balance, from standing up on two legs for too long.

Twilight knew that she wasn’t 100% with this, but she decided to play along for now. She was sure that she would get used to it. So, there was no harm in acting this way right now. Now… all she had to do was explain to everypony what had happened. It was going to be a long day.

Still, Twilight couldn’t help but smile. At the very least, she was confident that it was still Spike in there. No matter what he looked like.


I know it seems like Twilight is getting over this a bit quick, but she'll have several problems with it coming up.

Anyway! Remember to thumbs up if you're enjoying it!

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