• Published 24th Apr 2012
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My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic -- Off The Record - The King of Hearts

A new pony is introduced to Equestria just before the fight with Nightmare Moon in Episode 1. Changing the entire story.

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Explosive Sibling

Explosive Sibling

“So… How is it working as a royal guard?” Alpha asked Shining Armor awkwardly, as he tried to make eye contact with the obviously upset stallion.

“It’s fine.” Shining answered flatly, not wanting to give the guy an inch.

“It’s more than fine!” Dash said, jumping in to the conversation in an attempt to help Alpha and Shining start some kind of dialogue, “It’s a blast! Bossing ponies around, getting saluted, we also get lots of cool trinkets like the bracer that I used to reflect magic! In fact, Shining has an artefact that’s just as cool as mine!”

“Really?” Alpha asked, tilting his head, “I don’t remember hearing any reports on—“

“Your spies didn’t catch that, huh?” Shining finally spoke to him, glaring angrily, “And it’s going to stay that way. No changeling is going to know about it—“

“Hey!” Dash shot a horrifying glare to him, “Would you grow up already? This guy built peace between Equestria and the Hive! Show him a little respect!”

“Sorry, but I have trouble respecting ponies that ruined my wedding!” He shouted, his voice echoing on their side of the wall, “Especially when they’ve got eyes for my sister!”

Hiding in the corner, Alex Chet and Spike shook in silence, daring not get involved in the fight.

“You’re not being rational!” Dash argued, “This guy saved Equestria!”

“Why on earth are you defending him so much?” Shining asked, having no response for the previous statement, “The guy brainwashed you back at Haven Station, and almost got all of you killed!”

“He saved my life!” Dash shouted loud enough to cause Shining Armor to shrink back a noticeable amount, “He disobeyed orders and pushed me out of the teleporter! If I had been dealing with any other changeling in that instance, I’d probably be dead right now!”

Shining’s grimace faded somewhat.

“And then, as punishment, he was petrified by changeling technology and put in Alex’s place!” Dash continued her rant, now pacing in the shallow-most section of the pool, “And again, at that point, he didn’t follow through with his plans!”

“Yeah, but—“

“And when Chrysalis finally tried to invade Canterlot, he used his power as an Omega to pull the army out of Canterlot, allowing us to capture Chrysalis!” Dash huffed, finally finished with her speech, “So why the hell are you being so difficult?!”

“Is everything okay over here?” Twilight’s voice came from over the wall where she had levitated herself up to the ledge on her side, “We’re hearing a lot of fighting… is this about the best mare?”

“No,” Dash shook her head, suddenly feeling awkward at the subject matter.

“Then what’s wrong?” She asked, looking to Alpha.

The changeling had nothing to say. The last thing he wanted was to look like he was tattling on Shining Armor.

“Shiny, what’s going on?” Twilight asked, her voice a little harder at the lack of responses that she was receiving.

“It’s about him, okay?” Shining Armor said, pointing to Alpha and sighing loudly.

“Okay… one second.” Twilight said, closing her eyes as she teleported herself down in to their pool, “Now, tell me exactly what’s wrong.”

“Look- I just don’t like the idea of you dating a changeling!” Shining said, his tone nowhere near as angry, “The guy tried to hurt all of us more than once!”

Again, Alpha had nothing to say, knowing that what he was saying had been more or less true in the past.

“So that’s what Rainbow Dash was saying,” Twilight nodded as everything she had heard Dash say made sense.

“He’s not giving him a chance.” Dash said, flashing one more glare to her comrade.

“I’ll never give him a chance!” Shining said louder than any of them expected, “I’ve been fooled by the Hive before, and I sure won’t let myself be fooled again!”

The silence that followed his statement was thick. It was painful for everypony in that pool.

Everypony except Twilight, who somehow held a calm, collected look on her face.

“Shining, may I speak with you in the hallway?” She asked, her tone lending more toward: ‘do it or die,’ rather than a question.

Instantly, Twilight walked over to the hole in the stone wall, and disappeared around the corner.

“…You’d better follow her…” Alex said from his hiding spot in the corner.

Shining looked around at the several displeased faces around him, before he gulped loudly, and stood himself up.

Not even Dash had room for a smug victory speech, or a smirk. What Shining had coming for him in that hallway was worse than what her and her friends had just gone through at the hive.

Walking out of the pool, Shining’s head hung low as he entered the hallway, and turned the same corner that Twilight just had.

A few seconds of silence followed… but then the eruption came.

“How dare you treat him like some kind of villain!”

“Yeah, but—“

”That man has done more good for me in the last year than you have in the last three!”


“And I am telling you right now, that you and your shitty attitude won’t stop me from seeing him!”


“So you’re going to go back in to that room and apologize to him for making things so difficult between you! You’re going to tell him that you give him your blessing to date your little sister!”

“But I don’t—“

”And if it’s not done in the next two minutes, you’re going to be making up to me for it for a long time!”


“Good! Now run back in there and make friends!”

To say that the room was awkward when Shining came back in would be an understatement. Although he had started as the villain when they first entered the hot springs, he was now the biggest victim.

Slinking down in to his old seat, Shining closed his eyes and sighed, while Dash and everypony save Alpha moved well away from earshot.

“Listen…” Alpha began quickly, while Shining was still shaken up, “I know you don’t like me, and I know that your sister shouting at you isn’t going to change that.”

Shining looked to him with a plain expression.

“So, instead of trying to look like some kind of hero to you, I’m just going to say this,” Alpha said calmly as to not , “I will prove myself to you. I’m not looking to be made friends with just because your sister… er- likes me.”

The plain expression hardened somewhat.

“I’ll tell everyone that we made up, and we act civil around each other.” Alpha continued, “If in six months- or however long, you still hate me, then whatever. We can simply live with hating one another.”

“Fine.” He replied a little faster than Alpha had expected, “Now go sit with my sister on the other side of the wall. I’m not in the mood to keep talking to you.”

“Got it.” Alpha said simply, standing up and briskly walking in to the hallway that would lead him to the other pool.”

Shining sighed and leaned back in the water.

He knew he was being stubborn. But it wasn’t just that Twilight was dating a changeling. His problem was that his little sister was actually dating somepony. It was a big brothers job to look after their little sister… The whole changeling thing just added insult to injury.

“You okay there… champ?” Dash asked, feeling a little guilty for his current situation.

“Yeah… just reeling is all.” He nodded, “But I think I’m gonna take off here, and let you guys enjoy the rest of your time down here.”

“Are you sure?” She asked.

“Yeah, I’m just getting in the way of you guys having a good time.” He sighed, nodding.

“Well, alright.” Dash said, “I’ll see you when you get back from your honeymoon then?”

“My honeymoon…. Oh shit.” He said, his eyes wide as he instantly teleported himself out of the water, presumably to find Cadence before he was reamed out by her as well for being late.

“I’m gonna be honest,” Spike coughed awkwardly, “This hot spring hasn’t really been all that relaxing.”

“You can say that again.” Chet agreed.

“To be honest, I’d have been more than happy to stay in bed,” Dash said.

“I can teleport us out of here if you want,” Alex offered, looking figuring that without Shining Armor around they could get away with it.

“Na,” Dash shook her head, sitting down in the spot Shining had just vacated, “Now that he’s gone, I can nap here.”

“I heard it’s bad to fall asleep in hot springs,” Spike said, “Your legs can go pretty numb.”

“It’s fine, I’ll just fly out of here if only half my legs are working.” Dash laughed.

With that, everyone in the pool found a comfortable place to sit and finally began to relax.

The problem was, none of them knew just how soon trouble would find them again.

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