• Published 24th Apr 2012
  • 42,497 Views, 4,897 Comments

My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic -- Off The Record - The King of Hearts

A new pony is introduced to Equestria just before the fight with Nightmare Moon in Episode 1. Changing the entire story.

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Dog and Pony Show - Part 2

A Dog and Pony Show – Part 2

Same as before, grammar errors, just post a comment.


“It was over here,” Twilight said, sticking her head into a bush, finding one of the holes that had been used by these dogs.

“It’s a far drop,” Alex said levitating Twilight off the ground, much to her surprise, “I’ll levitate you down.”

After the initial shock wore off, Twilight finally got what it felt like to be suddenly lifted into the air. Something she had done to her friends on many occasions. Maybe she needed to be more considerate…

Leading her down first, Alex carefully flew down behind her, not wanting to drop himself, or her due to lack of concentration.

Landing, the two took a good look around the area, and were surprised at the sheer number of tunnels there were around them. They were pretty happy that they knew the direction they were going.

“We’ve gotta be careful not to get lost in here,” Alex said.

Twilight nodded, and pointed to her left, “The Lake is that way.”

“Alright, let’s go then!” Alex said, “We need to hurry and save them!”


“W-who are you?” Sweetie asked, as a large dog loomed over her, “And what do you want with me and my sister?!”

“Fido!” The dog growled, “And you know that annoying pony?!”

“That’s my sister!” She said, “And I agree with you on her being annoying sometimes.”

“Doesn’t matter!” He said, “A guard told me, that you knew the spell to find gems!”

Sweetie nodded happily, proud that she knew that. However, she realized that this is why they captured her. So, she quickly changed her eager nods, to nervous shakes of the head.

“You don’t help, you never go free!” Fido threatened, “So find the gems, and dig them up!”

“But… I’m not a worker!” Sweetie insisted, REALLY not liking the idea of digging up anything, “I can show you where the jewels are though!”

“You’re like the other pony,” He growled, “Fine. Guards!”

A group of dogs showed up, and stood at attention.

“Where are the gems?” He asked again.

Closing her eyes and concentrating, Sweetie cast the spell as accurately as possible. And, after a minute, she started to get something from right under her.

Drawing an ‘x’ in the ground, the group of dogs got to work digging the hole. One that they quickly finished.

“What’s in there?” The Fido asked impatiently.

“Uh…” A guard said nervously, “It’s a bone I buried a few weeks ago.”

“What!?” Fido growled, “Is this a joke, pony?”

“No!” Sweetie said quickly, “I don’t know the spell that well yet!”

Fido narrowed his eyes, this small girl would be easy to control, he just needed to turn up the heat a bit, “Until you learn, you will dig!”

Sweetie didn’t like the sound of that.

“One more try!” She begged, “Please! I can find you gems!”

“One more try!” He repeated.

Concentrating hard, she scanned the ground for anything else. Quickly sensing a pile of something to her left, she trotted over to it, and drew an ‘x’ with her hoof.

“Go!” Fido ordered.

The dogs leapt on the marked spot, and dug up as quickly as possible.

Sweetie was confident that she had found a pile of gems this time. It was a cluster of small things in a pile. What else could it possibly be? It had to be gems! She was sure of it… Unless…

“What is it?” Fido shouted.

“Uh…” A guard said, unsure of himself, “Its poo.”


“Are you sure we’re still going the right way?” Alex asked, rubbing his eyes, “It feels like we’ve been going in circles…”

“Well,” Twilight said, inspecting the ground, and seeing their hoof tracks, “I guess we have been.”

“Which way is the lake again?” Alex asked, pointing behind them, “That way? Or maybe… this way?”

“Over there,” Twilight said, pointing to a connected group of tunnels, “There’s a hole in the roof there, fly up and get our bearings.”

Alex nodded as they walked to the intersection, then took off up the hole.

Reaching the surface, he flew above the trees, but couldn’t see the lake in any direction around him. So, he flew higher, until he finally was able to see it. And, unfortunately, it was VERY far away… In the wrong direction.

Sighing, Alex flew himself back down the hole and delivered the bad news.

“Does this mean we have to navigate all the way back?” Alex whined.

“No,” Twilight shrugged, quickly grabbing him in a levitation spell, “We’ll walk back on the surface.”

“Deal.” Alex said happily, not having considered that option, as Twilight raised them both up the hole.

“Let’s find a hole a bit closer to the lake,” Alex suggested, “It’ll make them easier to find.”

Twilight nodded, “We should have done that in the first place.”

Moving quickly, they both started running in the direction of the lake, not wanting to waste any time in saving their friends.


“Ugh,” Sweetie groaned as she dug up the next pile underground, “Can I take a break?”

“No!” Fido said, “You just started!”

Scraping her hoof lightly against the dirt, Sweetie made no real progress at getting to the treasure.

“Faster!” Fido ordered.

“I already know that I’m not a Cutie Mark Crusader Construction Worker!” Sweetie explained, “So I’m not going to worry about doing well!”

Fido growled. This pony was getting to be more trouble than she was worth. But still, she was just a little girl… So all her had to do was scare her.

“Do you know what happens to useless ponies?” The dog said, feigning a smile.

“…What?” Sweetie asked, not really wanting to hear the answer.

“Well…” He said, leaning in close, “Sometimes we get—“

“What IS that smell?” Sweetie asked, pulling away from the dog.

“Smell?” The Dog asked, blowing his breath right in her face.

“Oh!” She giggled, “Mystery solved, it’s your breath!”

“Arg!” Fido Growled, turning away from Sweetie and smelling his breath for the second time today, “That’s what the other pony said!”

Giggling, Sweetie Belle noticed something in the ground below them… It gave her an idea!

Really digging her hoof into the ground, she started digging up as fast as she could. It was pretty deep… But she would make it fast enough.

“Uh…” Fido said, confused at her sudden inspiration to work, “Good…! Keep going!”

Digging to the source of the pile, she was upset to see that it was a pile of rocks.

“Dang,” She huffed, knocking her hoof into the ground again, feeling the dirt cave beneath her hit, “Hey! It’s hollow here!”

“No, stop! Don’t do that!” Fido said, as Sweetie went to work digging up.

His warning fell on deaf ears, as she dug through to the tunnel below them, and made that tunnel cave in, sending everyone above it, tumbling below.

“I told you to stop!” Fido growled, as he picked himself up from the fall.

“Oops…” Sweetie said sadly, looking up to the dog with big eyes, “I’m sorry…”

“It’s… It’s fine!” He said, now feeling bad for her, “Let’s try again.”

“Thanks…” She said, still looking sad.

“What is wrong with you, pony?” He demanded.

“Oh, nothing…” She sighed, “I’m just thirsty.”

“Oh,” He said, looking to one of the guards, “Fetch her some watcher!”

The guard nodded and ran off into the other room, before quickly returning with a rather dirty cup of water.

“Oh,” Sweetie said, “It’s fine I guess…”

“What’s wrong now?!” He asked.

“I was just kinda feeling like some sparkling water,” She shrugged.

“Ugh, fine,” The dog sighed, “Get her the bubbly water!”

Sweetie grinned inwardly.


It was all coming together.

Two Hours Later

“Look,” Alex said, looking around the new tunnel they had come into, “We’re RIGHT under the lake, and I don’t see anything.”

“Maybe it’s further in?” Twilight suggested, “Or maybe on another level?”

Suddenly, a loud crash from directly in front of them was heard.

Not saying a word, the two ran for the source of the noise. Luckily, the noise continued as they closed the distance. They might have gotten lost on the way if it hadn’t.

“There’s a door,” Alex pointed, throwing it open with a spell, the two ran in, and were somewhat surprised at what they came across.

“Uh… Rarity?” Twilight asked, “What’s going on?”

The dogs around her were all running off as fast as they could.

“What did you guys do?” Alex asked them, as Spike walked up next to Rarity.

“She got them all to leave!” Spike laughed, “Just by whining, and pretending to cry!”

“That’s good to hear…” Twilight said, happy to see her friends, but still visibly troubled.

“What’s wrong dear?” Rarity asked, “We’re safe now! Once the bosses of the operation left, it was a cake walk making out escape.”

“I think I know where they went,” Alex sighed.

“What do you mean?” Rarity asked, not happy at the face Twilight and him shared.

“They got Sweetie Belle…” Twilight finally said.

Rarity gasped, “They have my sister?!”

They both nodded.

“I’ll yell at you two later!” Rarity said angrily, “But for now, I have a sister to save. Those DOGS have no idea what’s coming for them!”


Throwing open the door to the main section of the cavern, Rarity was ready to raise hell, save her sister, and teach the Diamond Dogs something they wouldn’t soon forget.

However, what she saw instead… Was confusing.

At least fifty dogs all surrounded the podium at the center of the room, and were all jumping up, and all over going insane. They had no idea what was going on. There was so much yelling, that nopony could understand a thing.

“Let’s get closer,” Alex said, “See what all this commotion is.”

Carefully moving forward, they tried to get a view through the dogs. But, when that didn’t happen, Alex decided to fly up a few feet, and see what was happening at the center of the crowd.

Flapping up, he locked on to the center of attention, and it was… Exactly what he expected it to be.

“Settle down, settle down!” Sweetie Belle called, silencing the room, “You will all have your turn to see me.”

“I love you Sweetie Belle!” A miscellaneous dog shouted from the crowd.

“W…What?” Rarity asked, slack jawed.

“Now… I’d be really happy if someone brought me some candy…” She said, with a pinch of sadness.

Hearing that tone in her voice, the Diamond Dogs all started throwing her any candy they could fine. Whether it was in their pockets, or in a place they had hidden it.

“What did she do?” Twilight asked in awe.

“What’s going on here!?” Alex shouted, silencing the crowd, “Sweetie, what’ve you done?”

The three leaders of the pack walked out from the center of the crowd.

“We’re making her happy!” Fido said, “She was SO sad…”

“But… But when we helped her out, she was happy!” The large dog, Rover, explained.

“And making her happy, makes us happy!” A much smaller one, Spot, finished.

Twilight and Alex were both at a loss for words. But, Rarity seemed completely composed over the whole issue.

“May I speak with my sister, please?” Rarity asked calmly.

“Hey, Sweetie Belle!” A dog called, “Do you want to talk to these ponies?”

“Oh, sure!” She beamed.

The crowd went wild at her genuine happiness at this moment.

Walking through the dogs, she reached her friends.

“I think it’s time for us to leave,” Rarity said, “Isn’t that right, Sweetie Belle?”

“Yeah,” She said, “I guess.”

“Awww!” The crowd said together.

“But we love her!” Another dog called.

“She’s so cute!” A massive, manly dog in the middle shouted, blushing as he said it.

“Uh…” Alex said, getting a bit creeped out, “Yeah, we need to get home.”

“Sorry you guys!” Sweetie shouted to them, “But going home makes me really happy!”

“Yeah!” The crowd shouted.

“I’m okay with that!” The manly dog called.

“Me too!” Fido agreed.

“Come back and visit!” Another called.

“We should… go now,” Twilight whispered.

Smiling nervously, the five backed out of the room, and away from the crowd. They neared the door, as Alex opened it for them, and gestured to them to go through.

The crowd just watched them silently.

“Oh, hey!” Sweetie called, as a few happy gasps were heard, “Could we have some of those gems, since you have so many?”

“Of course!” Rover said, “Take as many as you want!”

“Thanks!” She giggled, making many of the dogs’ hearts melt.

“We’ll take them up for you!” Fido said eagerly, as all the dogs started grabbing what they could for her.

The other four kept silent, and followed the crowd up to the surface, where the dogs placed five of their largest carts filled with gems.

“Here you go,” Fido said, “I hope you enjoy them!”

“I will!” Sweetie smiled, “Would it be okay to come get more if I ever need them?”

“Yes!” Several dogs shouted.

“Just if you promise to visit…” The manly dog blushed, giggling.

“Sure!” Sweetie said, “But my friends will come too, okay?”

“Fine…” Spot said, not wanting to lose an opportunity to see her again.

“See you guys later!” Sweetie called, as Alex and Twilight levitated the gems out of the carts, and floated them high above their heads.

“Bye Sweetie Belle!” Several dogs called.

“Queen Sweetie Belle!” One called randomly.

They then continued to chant ‘Queen Sweetie Belle,’ until the five of them were out of earshot.

The walked in silence, nopony really sure what to say, but, Alex finally got the nerve to speak up.

“What just happened?” He asked, “Like… What the fudge?”

“Allow me to explain,” Rarity said, “Sweetie Belle may not look it… But she is a rather manipulative pony.”

They all gasped at that.

“How could you say that?” Twilight asked, looking down to the innocently smiling Sweetie.

“She’s doing it, be careful, Twilight.” Rarity laughed, “When she shows her sadness to somepony, they want nothing more than for her to be happy. More than once I have caved underneath the look she’ll give when she wants something.”

“But it doesn’t always work on you…” Sweetie Belle mumbled.

“I’ve had your whole life to adjust, dear,” Rarity explained, “And I’m much smarter than your average dog.”

“So... Because Sweetie is so good at acting sad,” Alex summarized, “She’s able to become the Queen of the Diamond Dogs.”

“Yes.” Rarity answered simply.

“Well…” Alex said, as a light bulb went off, “Maybe that’s your Cutie Mark!”

“A manipulation cutie mark?!” Sweetie said, shocked, “Of course!”

“Eh…” Twilight said nervously, “I don’t think that—“

“You could try to get us like… free ice cream if you act sad!” Alex suggested.

“Or cry if we’re about to get in trouble!” Spike suggested.

“Don’t give her any ideas, Spike!”


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