• Published 24th Apr 2012
  • 42,471 Views, 4,897 Comments

My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic -- Off The Record - The King of Hearts

A new pony is introduced to Equestria just before the fight with Nightmare Moon in Episode 1. Changing the entire story.

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The Best Night Ever Part - 5

The Best Night Ever – Part 5

Blueblood looked behind himself nervously, as he walked down the hallway toward the bathroom. He didn’t see her…

Some time back, he had spotted a pony following him. She tried talking to him, but he had managed to slip past her, and keep moving. After that, she continued to just jump around behind him, doing nothing else, but bouncing, and staring at him with her piercing blue eyes.

Sitting down, against his bedroom door, he sighed and wiped his brow off.

“Heya!” A voice said from behind him.

Turning his head to the side, he was shocked to see the pink, poofy-haired pony sitting next to him.

Recoiling, and sliding away from her, he tried to think of some kind of escape plan.

“Hey!” She frowned, “Where’ya going?”

“I just have something to do!” He laughed nervously, scratching the back of his head.

“But I wanna spend the night with you!” Pinkie smiled, referencing the gala as the ‘night.’

“You want to spend the night with me?” He asked, suddenly liking this pony a lot more.

“Yeah! We can have so much fun!” She said, giving him the wrong impression.

“I’m sure we could…” Blueblood said, inspecting her as she stood up.

A cute face, much like Twilight’s.

A slightly larger plot… Perhaps she ate a little more food than other ponies. Nothing to complain about.

And lastly, if she was so forward, that would have to mean that she was experienced. Something he always appreciated.

“Well, I suppose we could have some fun tonight,” Blueblood said, suddenly remembering Twilight and her desire to spend time with him, “But somepony might be joining us.”

“Wow!” She said, jumping once again, “The more the merrier!”

Oh yes. This was shaping up to be an incredible gala.

“I’m sorry, I didn’t get your name,” He said, extending a hoof.

“Oh, right!” She said, shaking it rapidly, “I’m Pinkie Pie!”

“Pinkie, I think we’re going to have some fun tonight.”


“What’s Twilight doing?” Alex asked, seeing her hiding behind a pillar, watching Pinkie and Prince Blueblood enter the ballroom, “And why is she smiling like that? It scares me.”

“I don’t know…” Dash said, interested herself, “But, that’s shenanigans!”

“Can’t we just ask?” Alex asked, “We don’t need to involve ourselves!”

“We always get involved!” She said, pulling away from him, and giving her best pouty face, “Can’t it just be us?”

Alex gave a long and drawn out sigh, not wanting to be a whiny baby.

“You’re right. I promised.” He nodded, kissing her on the forehead, “Why don’t we go somewhere where they won’t be distracting us?”

“I like the sound of that,” She smiled, as he led her over to the balcony, so they could overlook the sprawling landscape.

Opening the door for her, she thanked him politely as they both walked out into the brisk night air.

Looking up, Alex still had his breath taken away by the amount of stars that could be seen in the sky. He lived in a more rural area back in his world, so light pollution wasn’t a problem for him. Still, compared to this world, his sky was nothing. They were almost bright enough to illuminate the ground themselves.

“It’s so nice out…” Dash said quietly, seeing that Alex was a bit taken by the stars above them.

“Yeah,” He answered, seeing his breath in the cold air, “Chilly though.”

“We’re pretty high up,” Dash explained, “You should feel how cold Cloudsdale is at night.”

“I’d like to go there sometime,” Alex said, thinking about what it would look like there, besides a lot of clouds.

“Well, next time I visit my mom and dad, you could come with me,” She offered, hoping he would be excited by that idea.

“Well, I’d love to,” Alex smiled, “But your mom made me pretty uncomfortable with all her compliments.”

“She’s always like that,” Dash laughed, thinking back to how flirty her mother had been in the past, “I’ll just let her know who you belong to.”

“Who I belong to?” Alex asked, smiling, “I belong to you now?”

“Well, duh!” She laughed, “Don’t let any mare hit on you while I’m around, okay?”

“What’ll happen?” He asked, his interest piqued, “Will you fly into fight mode, and kick her ass?”

“More or less…” She said, thinking, “I’m pretty overprotective.”

“I didn’t know,” He said sarcastically, “But I guess I’m the same, right?”

“Last time somepony tried to steal me away, you fired laser beams out of your frickin’ eyes!” She laughed, thinking back to Haven Station.

“Yeah yeah,” He nodded, “I’m crazy, I get it.”

“In a few years, we’ll see who’s worse, okay?” She said, smiling to him.

“Deal,” He responded, leaning in and kissing her softly on the lips.

Biting her lip, she gave him a look he was all too familiar with.

“Fine,” He laughed, leaning in and kissing her again, much more passionately, as she melted, pressing into him harder.


“They sure have moved along, haven’t they?” Ramsley said from inside the ballroom.

“That’s young love,” Comet smiled, “Just think, six months ago; I was having him thrown out of my office.”

“At least they made it back to each other,” Ramsley said, as she nodded in agreement.

“I can’t believe I had been so selfish,” Comet said, shaking her head.

“I’d console you, but you were monstrous to those two,” Ramsley agreed, hoping this wasn’t leading to an argument.

But nothing came; Comet just watched the two of them.

“Isn’t this getting a bit weird?” Ramsley asked, realizing they were just standing around watching two ponies kiss.

“Uh, yeah. It’s getting there,” Comet laughed, stepping back from the door, “Come on, let’s dance a bit.”

“Of course,” Ramsley nodded, glancing back to the door, “I’ll catch up with them later.”


“So!” Pinkie began, as they walked through the ballroom toward the lobby, “Do you wanna dance?”

“I’m not much for dancing,” Blueblood said, clearly looking at another mare’s rump, which went unnoticed by Pinkie, “Perhaps we should head right back to my—“

“Oh look!” She said quickly, cutting him off, “Cake!”

“Well, I don’t think—“

Before he could finish, Pinkie lifted a whole cake off the table with her hoof, unhinged her jaw, and swallowed the entire thing in one bite.

Blueblood was shocked.

“Wow!” Pinkie said, looking to him, “That was great!”

“I- How did you eat that entire thing?” Blueblood asked quietly, not sure if he was disgusted or impressed.

“I put it in my mouth, silly!” She laughed.

“Hey!” Pinkie said quickly, “What should we—“

Pinkie then let out the most unladylike burp that she had ever done.

Blueblood gasped in horror as everypony around them look toward them, completely disgusted.

“I’m sorry everypony!” Pinkie apologized, “I don’t normally—“

She belched loudly once again.

“I say!” Blueblood shouted, stepping back from her, as she tried to follow him, “How rude!”

“B-but I don’t know why I’m—“

Once again, she let out a noise comparable to the roar of a dragon.

“Stay away from me, you vile thing!” Blueblood said, turning his head and walking directly away from her.

“Oh… Okay,” Pinkie said, sitting down, as she tried to fight back any kind of tears from this embarrassment, but, because she was trying so hard, she forgot to focus on stopping the burps.

And out another one came, as she covered her face, and ran out of the room.

Twilight smiled madly as she watched her enemy run away from her target, “I did it!”

“Twilight!” Fluttershy said from behind her, “You did that to Pinkie?”

“Of course!” Twilight defended, “She threw a cupcake on me!”

“No, she did not!” Fluttershy said angrily, “Rarity’s sister threw it! We all watched it happen!”

“Pinkie didn’t spoil my chances with him?” Twilight asked, instantly feeling regret for her friend, “Oh Celestia…”

“Go apologize right now, and try to make it up to her!” Fluttershy demanded.

“Of course,” Twilight said, lowering her head in shame, and approaching the pony she had just hurt, “I’m sorry I lost my cool, Fluttershy.”

“We all make mistakes, Twilight,” Fluttershy said comfortingly, “But we need to apologize to the ponies we hurt when we do it.”

Nodding, Twilight didn’t say another word as she walked over to Pinkie to apologize.

Looking around quickly, Fluttershy saw Blueblood just leaving the room, and decided to take her chance with him right now. Twilight and Pinkie were already out of the running, so her chances of winning this game were pretty good! She would only need to beat out Applejack, a pony Fluttershy considered to be her toughest challenge out of the group.

But she would do it! If she could talk to a cute stallion, she could talk to anypony!


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