• Published 24th Apr 2012
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My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic -- Off The Record - The King of Hearts

A new pony is introduced to Equestria just before the fight with Nightmare Moon in Episode 1. Changing the entire story.

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“Mnmm…” Alex mumbled quietly, squeezing his eyes further shut than they had already been, “No…”

His voice echoed through the room, leading back to his own ears, disturbing the slumber he was currently in.

Sitting up with a start, Alex looked around the room he was in…

“What the buck?”

“Alex!” A hauntingly-familiar voice said, as she entered the room, “Are you awake yet?”

“What the hell?” Alex murmured, turning his head toward the now-open door to his room, “Mom?”

“Rise and shine!” She laughed, walking into the room and throwing the blinds open.

Alex shielded his eyes, definitely not appreciating the blinding light.

“Wha- What’s going on?” Alex asked, his mind buzzing in that usual after-dream fuzz, “What are you doing?”

“I’m waking you up!” She laughed, patting him on the shoulder, “Or are you gonna skip out today?”

“What, school?” Alex asked, his head now ringing, “I… I haven’t been to school in years!”

“Very funny, mister,” His mother said, stepping forward to remove the blanket, before stopping herself, “Maybe I won’t pull it off this time… I’ve seen enough wood in the morning.”

“Would you just get out of here?” He shooed, as she giggled her way out of his room, leaving him in silence.

What the hell is going on?

Alex couldn’t think straight. He distinctly remembered school yesterday, but it felt like he hadn’t been there in a massive amount of time. Like he had been in a five year long dream.

“Hey Alex!” His father’s voice called from the lower level of the house, “Mind if I take the truck in to town for groceries? You can drive the car to school.”


Something in his head was screaming at him to stop them. Don’t let them go. Bad things will happen.

“Uh…” Alex called back, scratching the back of his head, “Mind if you do it after school? I promised a few friends I’d help them move some… uh… stuff!”

“We’ll just head out tomorrow then,” He called back.

“Huh, that was easy,” Alex smiled, not really sure what he had just done.

Looking at the clothing on the floor, he idly wondered what he should wear to school, or if Dash… Courtney would mind how he was dressed.

“What’s a Dash?” Alex asked himself as he pulled on some semi-clean jeans and a shirt to match, as he smelled his armpits, “Maybe I should have a shower.”


Shaking the wetness out of his hair, Alex headed downstairs, dressed in some cleaner clothing.

“You heading out for the day, champ?” His dad asked, sipping his coffee and reading the comics in the newspaper.

“I guess,” Alex smiled, just happy to see his father here, in his usual place, in his usual routine, “Any big plans for the day?”

“The horses,” He shrugged, “Groceries tonight, probably some porn somewhere in the middle.”

“Excuse me, Alan?” Alex’s mother said from the kitchen.

“Careful there, Dax,” Alex laughed, before freezing and considering just what he said… Dax?

Luckily, the name went right over his father’s head.

“I’m gonna head out for the day,” Alex said, wanting nothing more than a bit of fresh air, “Don’t go anywhere, okay you guys?”

“Sure?” His dad laughed, placing the newspaper on the table and smiling at him, “Don’t go dying. Got it!”

Shaking his head, Alex walked out of the house. God damn he was happy. He had no idea why, but he didn’t really care.

Stepping into the car, Alex grabbed the phone out of his pocket and looked over his messages.




“Was she always this clingy?” Alex asked himself, flipping the phone closed and starting the car, “I’m really not feeling like seeing her right now.”

Driving off the property, he felt his heart sink.

“I just need to get this day over with,” Alex decided, stepping on the gas a little harder, “I’ve got a few spares in the afternoon… I think.”

Heading down the road, the haze didn’t lessen. It only intensified, as he started to feel as if he had forgotten something REALLY important.

“Na,” He laughed.


The day passed pretty quickly, nothing in particular was taught to him, and nothing exciting stood out. His interactions were minimal, almost nonexistent. It made him feel so… useless. Shouldn’t he have been doing something more worth-while with his time? This seemed like an extremely mundane day to him.

Even though he had been receiving nonstop text messages from his girlfriend, something had been bugging him about seeing her though. It just… seemed like he shouldn’t.

So, he wouldn’t.

Walking down the hallway, toward the exit of the school, Alex walked past a group of guys you might consider to be jocks, when one of them peeled out from the group and called out to him.

“Hey Alex!” He called, tossing a crumpled up piece of paper at him, “What happened to that piece you were with a few years ago?”

“Huh?” Alex asked, turning to look at the guy, “Years ago?”

“That rainbow chick!” He said, scratching his chin, “The one that was rubbing up on you at the dance?”

Alex shook his head. The ringing in his ears intensified, as he tried to recall just what the guy was talking about. Alex had almost no recollection of that kind of girl, but the more he thought about it, the more he remembered her.

“Do you remember her name?” Alex asked, tilting his head, still trying to remember himself.

His classmate didn’t say anything, he just started at him blankly.

“What?” Alex asked, a bit annoyed at his weird attitude, “Do you, or do you not?”

“What are you talking about?” He asked suddenly, apparently lost in the conversation now.

“You brought it up with me!” Alex said, throwing his hands up, “The rainbow girl! Rainbow… Something…”

“Look dude, you haven’t been here for way too long, go home.” The guy said, confusing Alex further.

Alex had been so involved in this conversation that he didn’t notice that everyone had disappeared from around him. It was just him, and the other student, standing in the empty school.

“What the—“ Alex said, turning around, looking for any sign of life besides the two of them, “What happened to every—“

Turning back, Alex saw the other student was gone, leaving him alone in the lobby.

“Alex!” A distant voice called from down the hallway.

“That voice…” He said quietly, “R-Rainbow?”

Before he got the chance to pursue her voice, a classroom door slammed closed, drawing his attention away from her voice. Then another door slammed, followed by another, and another, faster and faster, until the sound became almost deafening. It was as if a thousand doors were being closed at once, each one louder than the last.

Dropping to his knees, he covered his ears in vain, trying to block out that horrible, horrible noise.

Whoever’s voice had been calling to him, was drowned out, and all he could do now, was get the hell out of the school, and back to his car. He wanted to see his parents. The feeling was overwhelming… He just wanted to be safe.

So, standing up, he ran out the door as fast as he could, leaving the horror, and that mysterious voice behind.

Shoving the keys in the ignition, Alex took off from the parking lot, glancing backward only long enough to see every pane of glass explode outward, littering the ground with razor sharp glass. Regardless of what was happening, he was out of there.


The trip home seemed like it had taken forever. Just highway, and nothing more. No houses, no other cars, it was just him, alone in the world.

Pulling up to a red light, he pulled his iPod out of its usual place in his pocket, and tried to find some kind of music that would calm him down a bit, and maybe soothe his splitting headache.

Scrolling through the list, he frowned, nothing was right on this thing. None of his songs were here.

Winter Wrap Up?

At the Gala?

Can you Feel the Love Tonight?

Each of these songs rang something in his head, he almost felt like he could sing along to the first two, and of course to the third one… He was pretty sure Elton John was his real father.

Alex was pulled out of thought process as he noticed a large cloud of black smoke rising from the horizon… And he knew where it was coming from too.

“No!” Alex shouted, flooring the gas pedal and closing every inch of distance between him and what he was sure was his house.

But, like the rest of his trip, it felt like the distance was multiplied by a hundred. He kept driving and driving, but only got inches closer at a time. However, the inches turned to feet, and the feet turned to yards.

By the time the house was visible, the smoke had stopped rising from the house. All that remained was a black, shell of his house, somehow still standing.

Getting out of the car, he ran toward it, the lingering smoke stinging his lungs and eyes.

However, before he reached the house itself, he was stopped by two large stones jutting from the ground.

Grave Stones.

Upon closer inspection, Alex felt himself almost lose his composure over what was written on them.



It was like someone was playing some kind of twisted game with him… Making all of these horrible things happen to him, perhaps hoping he would buckle under the pressure, and break down, or go insane… he sure as hell felt like it.

He used his arm to brush the tears from his cheeks, as he tried to focus. Something was missing, and he needed to figure it out. This was all too surreal. There was an answer here somewhere, and he needed to keep composed to find it.

And as horrible as it made him feel, something was telling him that he didn’t need to be sad about his parents’ death. He was past it already.

“Alex!” The familiar voice called once again.

Looking over his shoulder, he felt his breath catch in his throat, seeing his high school just across the street from his house.

“What the hell?” He asked, righting himself, and turning to face the building, “I guess I shouldn’t be shocked anymore.”

“Over here!” The voice shouted.

Looking to the entrance of the school, he saw a blur of colors enter the front door.

Something about those colors put his mind at ease a little. And that meant one thing. He needed to follow them.

Running toward the school, he stepped over torrents of broken glass on his way back to the doors.

Throwing them open, he was greeted with a pitch black room. Not the lobby, not a class room, just pitch black.

“Hello?” Alex called into the darkness.

“Hello, Alex…” A deep voice said.

It was one that he recognized. And it made his heart race with panic.

“Have you enjoyed my little trip for you here?” He asked.

“Whoever you are, I’m not just gonna let this go!” Alex shouted, looking around in circles, trying to find the source of the voice.

“You have no power here, Alex, Dax, whoever you are. This realm belongs to the King.”

“Don’t listen to him!” The female voice said, “You have ALL the power here Alex!”

“What do you mean?” He asked, looking for that voice as well.

“This is a dream!” She explained, obviously in a rush, “You’re in control of it! You just need to take the reins! So hurry up and do it! Everypony is counting on you!”

Then it all came back to him. It was the one word that clicked it all back in to place.



Rainbow Dash.

The Crystal Kingdom.

King Sombra.

Suddenly losing his balance, Alex fell forward, landing on his two from legs. He was a pony again.

“Damn it…” The voice growled.

“What’s wrong?” Alex shouted, now very confident, “You sound a little scared!”

“You haven’t won anything yet. I will have my revenge for a thousand years ago,” Sombra said, as the room lit up, showing the King standing just a few steps in front of Alex.

“We’re going to find that crystal heart, and you’re going to pay for what you did to Bolt!” Alex shouted.

Pointing his horn at the King, Alex fired a chaotic beam at Sombra, carving across him, making his entire body explode in a red mess.

And just like that, Alex was standing in front of some kind of door, in a stone area… That was right! He was in the secret area under the throne room he and Dash had discovered! He went to investigate the door, and… well, all that happened.

“Christ,” Alex said, shaking his head, and rubbing his eyes with a hoof, “Son of a bitch.”

“Alex!” Dash shouted, running to him, and giving him a strong hug.

“How long was I out?” Alex asked, looking around for some kind of indicator of the time.

“Just a few minutes,” Dash said, shocking him completely.

“A few minutes?” Alex asked incredulously, “It felt like hours!”

“Dreams can do that to you,” Dash pointed out, remembering the many many times she felt like she was asleep for two minutes, only to wake up eight hours later. She hated it.

“How did you know I had control in there anyway?” Alex asked, not understanding how she could have known that he was in a dream, “You saved me with that one.”

“To be honest, I was just shooting in the dark,” She laughed nervously, “I figured you were strong enough to overpower him, you just needed to believe you could in the first place to be able to do it.”

“Well, regardless, thanks,” Alex smiled, giving her a quick peck on the lips, “Be sure to keep close, in case anything else happens to me, okay?”

“Sure thing, Alex,” She back to him, making his heart flutter.

As much as it appeared he was just fine, Alex wasn’t. He was still put off by the killing of his parents in that dream, and he really wished he had time to sit down and think about it. But, now wasn’t the time. So, instead, he was going to find Sombra, and make him experience some nightmares of his own.


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