• Published 24th Apr 2012
  • 42,497 Views, 4,897 Comments

My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic -- Off The Record - The King of Hearts

A new pony is introduced to Equestria just before the fight with Nightmare Moon in Episode 1. Changing the entire story.

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A Sudden Journey

A Sudden Journey

This chapter may feel a tiny bit rushed in terms of what happens, but i really want to write the next chapter. So... sorry if you're upset by this!


Everything was so… Empty. All the work he had put in to stopping the future from happening… From stopping Discord… It was gone. What was left to do?

The Doctor sighed, looking up to the ceiling of his ship, from his spot where he lay on the floor.

He had put months of time into trying to stop Alex, but in the end, he simply let him go. Of course… If that alter ego of his hadn’t manifested to save him, who knows what would have happened.

“Who am I kidding…” The Doctor said to himself, “I never could have killed him.”

He had heard her voice the whole time. He’d never be able to face her again if he had done something like that to an innocent bystander. Derpy was the angel on his shoulder.

But… what was there to do now?

Maybe he should go apologize to Alex…

No, he couldn’t. Alex would probably kill him on sight.

All of his work over the past two years had been undone. The ponies he had saved, across time and space were now un-saved. Being pulled into a new universe had a nasty way of doing that. So, it looked like he had work to do.

Standing up, The Doctor looked at the control panel for his ship, and thought about where he should go first. He could destroy some Cyberponies, maybe rescue a stranded waste disposal ship, or even go stop a malevolent beast that claimed to be the devil himself.

However, as he considered these things, something quickly came to mind. He didn’t have his companion.

The first time, they had run into each other during one of his many adventures saving Equestria… An adventure that simply hadn’t happened in this time line.

Now, Derpy lived a quiet life delivering packages, and occasionally leading birds in the wrong direction, during the winter wrap up. She was adorable. He had always wanted to approach her again, and try to explain things to her, but he couldn’t imagine it going well.

“Hey, Derpy!” The Doctor practiced, “Would you like to travel with me in my box?”


He had awaited some kind of emergency to come up, so he could ‘accidentally’ rope her into it… After all, she always talked about how much better life was, after doing all they did.

‘Hero’ definitely sound better than ‘delivery-pony’.

That was all in the past now… Or future… He didn’t even know anymore.

Maybe it was time for him to find a somepony new. Go off, find a crisis, find the prettiest mare, and ‘reluctantly’ accepts her help with the situation, when they get separated and she gets put in danger, he comes to the rescue and saves her. Then, she insists she comes along, and he finally caves and lets her.

But… He didn’t want anypony else.

Nopony had been as good as she had been.

Looking to the door, The Doctor decided to take a walk. Maybe he could clear his mind some.

Walking to the door, he looked back at the center of the TARDIS. He had never liked the quiet that came along with being alone… he was going to have to change that, one way or another.


The Doctor simply walked down the road just outside of town. His mind had wandered to many places, but it had stopped on Alex for a few minutes.

Alex had apparently gone to Manehattan after Rainbow Dash, and fought tooth and nail to get her back, as he had accidentally moved them a few months into the future… something he had a habit of doing.

He remembered hearing the story second-hoof, when a few ponies were discussing it loudly.

It made him happy to know that something positive had come out of Alex’s presence.

Rainbow Dash seemed much happier with him around, than she was in the old timeline. He wondered where they’d end up in a few years. Well, that WAS if they could stop the return of Discord.

Normally, The Doctor would have been confidant in the girls ability to stop Discord, but with Alex here, the future had completely changed.

And it was something that the Doctor worried about.

Celestia had just assumed that Alex’s element ‘selflessness’ had been created for him, by the Elements of Harmony. However, she was wrong.

The Elements of Harmony were still a bit of a mystery to her. Only the Doctor knew the whole truth of them.

Alex represented something else. A different kind of element. One of chaos.

How had he gotten the element of selflessness in the first place? The Doctor couldn’t figure that out. Alex was new to Equestria. He hadn’t had any kind of interaction with this world before a few months ago. So, how had an Element of Chaos chosen him?

Selflessness had never been considered an Element of Harmony in his version of Equestria. So, the most he could gather, was that something had happened in the past, to convince Celestia that Selflessness was an Element of Harmony.

He just had zero idea what that could have possibly been.

“I wonder if maybe—“ The Doctor said, before somepony fell out of the sky, and landed on his back.

“Whoops!” The voice said, in a nasally tone, “I’m sorry! I didn’t see you!”

The Doctor immediately knew that voice.

Turning his head, The Doctor saw the grey pony that was currently lying across his back hanging off of him on either side.

“Derpy!” The Doctor said happily, before realizing that she had no idea who he was.

“Oh… Uh…” Derpy said, trying to remember just who this pony was, “You fixed my wagon… Right?”

“No no!” The Doctor said quickly, “I just… You’re just so famous!”

“I am?!” Derpy asked happily, unaware of her fame until this moment.

“Well… To some ponies…” The Doctor added.

Derpy simply lay on his back, and hummed to herself absent mindedly.

“So… What are you up to, right now?” The Doctor asked, trying to make this conversation last as long as possible.

“Oh right!” Derpy said, “I’m delivering this!”

Reaching into her bag, while still balanced on his back, Derpy pulled out a letter.

“Who is it for?” The Doctor asked.

“Aaaalex.” Derpy read, “That’s all it says!”

“Like, the Alex in this town?” The Doctor asked, shocked at the coincidence.

“Yup!” Derpy chirped, “I’m on my way to him right now!”

“But… The Library is on the other side of town.” The Doctor said, “Why are you all the way out here?”

“The other side of town?” Derpy asked, “Wow!”

The Doctor laughed to himself. She was clueless sometimes, but he loved that. And it always seemed to work to their advantage in one way or another.

“Would you like me to take you over there?” The Doctor asked.

“Yeah!” Derpy smiled, “Thanks a whole lot! Do you mind if I just lie here? My wings are sore.”

Derpy had just fallen on him… While delivering a letter to Alex…

This was a sign… It looked like he was going to have his conversation with Alex, even if he was going to get killed over it.

“Sure.” The Doctor laughed, “I need to have a few words with Alex myself.”

Not wanted an awkward silence to fill the air, the Doctor immediately spoke up.

“Why did you fall, anyway?” The Doctor asked realizing that he didn’t even know what led to her landing on him.

“Something hit me, and I fell!” Derpy explained somewhat, poorly.

“Well,” The Doctor laughed deciding that silence might be better, “Just relax! I’ll take us to the library.”

“Thanks!” Derpy smiled, not even questioning her trust in him. Something just seemed right about his presence. So, she was going to enjoy it while she could. And maybe get a nap in on the way to the Library.


Two weeks had passed since Alex and Spike had saved Rarity from the horrible dress incident, and they were still riding the wave of appreciation from their marefriends.

Rarity had been extra affectionate with Spike, often complementing him, and cuddling him in front of their friends.

Rainbow Dash had taken a slightly less obvious path, and simply tried her best to take care of Alex, since he seemed shaken up over something. It was almost like he had been hit on by a stallion or something. Of course, that’s just silly.

And since Twilight had gone out for a few hours today, Dash had taken the opportunity to head over to the library, and hang out with Alex.

They were currently sitting on the floor, resting their backs on a bookshelf.

“You know, we should head to my place one of these days,” Dash said, “I really want to show you around.”

“I know I said that I wanted to be carried up, last time we discussed this,” Alex began, scratching his chin, “But I was mostly joking.”

“Does it make you feel like less of a stallion, to have a mare lift you?” Dash teased.

“You’re WAY manlier than me to begin with,” Alex shot back, “I don’t really have masculinity left to lose.”

“Hey!” Dash said, angrily, her voice creaking, “Just what are you saying?”

Alex put his hoofs over his mouth; he sometimes lacked that filter that most people/ponies had.

“I meant it in a super POSITIVE way,” Alex said, trying to think of a way to make it positive.

“Oh yeah?” Dash asked, still frowning, “Explain that to me.”

“Well… You’re just so—“

*Knock knock*

The two looked at the door.

‘Saved by the bell!’ Alex thought, jumping to his feet and running to the door.

Dash simply watched from where she sat, wanting to resume this conversation as quickly as possible.

Opening the door, Alex did not like what he saw.

“You…” Alex said, recognizing the brown pony on the opposite side of the door.

“Ah!” The Doctor said quickly, “I see you remember me!”

Alex growled, “What do you want?”

At this point, Dash had gotten up, and gone to the door to check on things.

“Who’s there, Alex?” Dash asked, seeing the brown pony, with the grey pony on his back.

“Pardon me—“ The Doctor began, before being cut off by Dash.

“Derpy!” Dash shouted, “What are you doing on this stallions back?”

“He told me he’d carry me, thoooough!” Derpy whined, knowing that Dash was going to yell at her for being lazy again.

“Colors, get back.” Alex said seriously, taking a defensive stance in front of her, “This guy is bad news.”

“Look--“ The Doctor tried to begin again.

“What are you talking about?” Dash asked, “I’m completely lost.”

“He’s the one who took me away from Ponyville four months ago.” Alex explained, watching Dash’s expression harden.

“I’m sorr—“

“You did that?!” Dash shouted, pushing forward, past Alex, in an attempt to smack The Doctor upside the head.

“I’m sorry!” The Doctor shouted, stopping the commotion he had created, “I wanted to talk to you! And… Mmmmaybe set things straight.”

Alex remained silent.

“There’s a lot that you NEED to know.” The Doctor said. “Please.”

Alex was fighting with himself. A part of him wanted to talk to this pony, but another part of him, wanted to let out all of his pent up chaotic magic, and disintegrate him.

Realizing that this was probably Dax making him want to do that, Alex forced himself to calm down. He was nothing like this other pony inside him, and he needed to prove it.

“…Fine.” Alex finally said, breaking the massive tension, “Let’s talk.”

“Thank you.” The Doctor said, “I want to make things right.”


Suddenly, all attention was on Derpy.

Noticing this, she shifted uncomfortably, “I’d better go now!”

“Wait,” The Doctor said, “I think you need to hear some of this too.”

This was confusing to the group of them.

“She’s involved.” The Doctor said simply.

“Alright,” Alex sighed, hoping this was the right move, “Come in.”


The four sat down around a circular table, each waiting for the other to speak first. Except for Derpy. She was completely confused, and was trying to find her place in all of this.

“Alex,” The Doctor finally said, “I Might… owe you an explanation.”

“You bet your rump you do.” Alex said.

“You need to understand, that when I tried to erase you from existence, it was for a good cause!” The Doctor said without really thinking.

Alex cocked an eyebrow.

“Not the best wording,” The Doctor said, “I was trying to save lives. And a lot of them at that”

“That’s a bit better,” Alex said, “Now, please explain this to me.”

“Where do I start?” The Doctor said to himself out loud, “I guess, about a year and a half from now…”

Dash gave Alex a ‘this guy is crazy’ look. One that Alex didn’t return.

“I’m from a point in time, where Discord was defeated by you and your friends.” The Doctor explained, “And everything was… great!”

Alex was silent.

“What are you talking about?” Dash asked, “Are you insane?”

“I know how it sounds,” The Doctor explained, “But I’m from a time and place, that you and your friends are happy, and living peacefully!”

“Okay,” Dash answered, “Then why are you here trying to ruin that by killing Alex?”

“Because Alex wasn’t there!” The Doctor blurted out, “Alex shouldn’t be here!”

“That makes no sense!” Dash shot back, “He’s here, isn’t he?”

“And his being here, destroyed the future!” The Doctor began, “I was there at a wedding, when suddenly everything around me disappeared, and it was replaced by a world ruled by Discord.”

Alex simply listened.

“Discord is going to win, and he is most likely going to conquer Equestria.” The Doctor said frankly.

“Let’s say that you’re NOT crazy,” Dash said, “Where were us?”

The Doctor sighed sadly, “You were there.”

“I… I don’t like your tone…” Dash said, seeing his mood change.

“Everypony was… Turned to stone.” The Doctor said reluctantly.

“Yeah right!” Dash laughed, “I knew you were full of it! Right, Alex?”

“I believe him.” Alex said.


“He almost threw me into space,” Alex said, “Then he put me three months into the future… Anything could be possible.”

“Thank you!” The Doctor said.

“So… What are you here for then, besides telling us that we’re all doomed?” Alex asked.

“I’d like for us to try to stop him… Together.” The Doctor proposed.

“What good would that do?” Alex asked, “You saw the future. Doesn’t it mean that is HAS to be that way?”

“Well, I wasn’t affected by the change you caused,” The Doctor explained, “I should have been erased like everypony else. But, because I was in my ship, I was protected.”

“What does that mean?” Dash asked.

“It means that he’s a wild card,” Alex said, surprising The Doctor, “He could help change the future.”

“You understand!” The Doctor smiled, “Not many ponies do.”

“My Dad got me into Star Trek.” Alex laughed, showing happiness for the first time in their conversation.

“There are some other things I’d like to talk to you about.” The Doctor said, “Something I was hoping you could help me with.”

“What’s that?” Alex asked.

“Well, I wanted to know about your... Element of Harmony.” The Doctor asked.

“My Element?” Alex asked, “Selflessness?”

Suddenly, Derpy stood up.

“I remember why I’m here!” Derpy announced, silencing the table, “I have a letter for you!”

“A… Letter?” Alex asked, levitating the paper out of Derpy’s mouth, “…Thanks?”

“Can I go now?” Derpy asked, “That’s why I needed to be here, right?”

The Doctor laughed, “Not quite… I’ll try to get to you fast.”

“Okay.” Derpy said sleepily, leaning her head against the table, “I’ll wait like this.”

“Uh… Your Element!” The Doctor said, moving the conversation back on track, “Right! Now… How did you come to have it?”

“It just… appeared.” Alex said, scratching his head, “Twilight said that it was just one of the Elements of Harmony, and I fit the profile... Apparently.”

The Doctor thought to himself for a moment before speaking up again, “And Twilight learned about the Elements of Harmony from a book that Celestia herself had been the main source of information on.”

“Yes…” Alex said, not understanding his point.

“My world never had a Selfless element,” The Doctor explained, “Which means, that something happened years, and years ago… Back when that book was written, that made Celestia think that Selflessness was an Element of Harmony.”

“And that something has to do with me?” Alex asked.

“Correctamundo!” The Doctor said, immediately regretting his use of that word, “Because way back then, there were only six Elements that Celestia represented. And yours wasn’t one of them.”

“Then… What exactly IS my Element?” Alex asked, “If it’s not Harmony, then what is it?”

“Chaos.” The Doctor said simply.

“Of course it is…” Alex sighed, “I seem to be just swimming in chaos.”

“It’s a long story, Alex,” The Doctor said, “I wish there was an easier way to show…”

“What?” Dash asked, seeing his sudden silence.

“Maybe I COULD show you…” The Doctor said quietly, “I want answers too… and the only place to get them, is in the past.”

“So…?” Dash asked again.

“How would you all like to take a trip with me?” The Doctor asked, “There would be lots to see!”

“What would we be seeing, exactly?” Alex asked.

“Well, the last time the Elements of Harmony were used, besides a few months ago, were when Night Mare Moon was defeated by Princess Celestia,” The Doctor explained, “So… That’s where we’d go.”

“We’d go to the fall of Princess Luna?” Alex asked.

“I don’t know…” Dash said, “I’m all for an adventure, but would the princesses like us watching that?”

The Doctor understood where she was coming from, “I understand that it was a difficult time for them, but it’s the only way for us to know for sure.”

Dash looked at Alex, “What do you think?”

“I think… That we need to know.” Alex said, “Besides, maybe it’ll give us some insight into the Princesses a thousand years ago.”

“I still think this guy is crazy!” Dash said, clearly nervous, “We can’t really travel in time… Can we?”

“It’s already happened once…” Alex said.

“It’s a pretty easy trip to make too!” The Doctor said, “Well… Except for the thrashing, and those odd explosions… But it’s fine! I do these kind of trips all the time!”

“That makes me feel soooo much better.” Dash sighed, “This is all happening so fast!”

“Well… We could wait, if you wanted to,” The Doctor suggested.

“No,” Alex said flatly, “If this is going to help us fight Discord, then we need to do it as fast as possible.”

“But…” Dash said, shifting nervously.

Taking a step toward Dash, Alex whispered in her ear, “Do you want to stay here?”

“No way!” Dash shouted, cracking her voice, “If this is happening, then I’m in!”

“Good,” Alex smiled, “I’d like you to be there.”

“Somepony needs to keep an eye on you!” Dash said, sincerely wanting to keep him out of harm’s way.

“What about you, Derpy?” Alex asked, “Are you coming along?”

“Huuuh?” Derpy yawned, lifting her head from the table, “They gave me two letters to deliver today, and I’m already five hours into my shift!”

“I can have us back in 2 minutes flat.” The Doctor said to her confidently. “Besides, I think it’ll be easier for me to show you what I wanted to tell you.”

“Well… Okay.” Derpy said, after some thought, “But you have to help me deliver this letter!”

The Doctor nodded, just happy that Derpy was going to be traveling with him again.

“Well, it’s all so sudden, but I’m pumped for this!” Dash said standing up, “I’ve never traveled in TIME before, but I’ll bet that I’m already better than all of you at it!”

“I don’t think you can be GOOD at time travel.” Alex pointed out.

“Psh, Watch me!” Dash winked.

“Great!” The Doctor smiled, “Let’s go!”


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