• Published 24th Apr 2012
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My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic -- Off The Record - The King of Hearts

A new pony is introduced to Equestria just before the fight with Nightmare Moon in Episode 1. Changing the entire story.

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Just Hangin' Out

Just Hanging Out

Pinkie had indeed thrown a party none of them would forget.

It was the kind of party that you’d go home, and feel so sore afterward that you need to call in sick to work the next day.

At first, the dark side situation was completely explained by Rainbow Dash in detail to them all. But when she finished, the insanity began.

There was some extreme bobbing for apples. EXTREME. APPLE. BOBBING.

An insane punch drinking competition that was subsequently followed by a burping competition.

Not one, but two games of ‘pin the tail on the pony.’

And they even did a conga line for almost forty five minutes.

However, by the time the conga line stopped, Pinkie, along with all of her friends were collapsed on the floor panting, as if they had all just run a mile at top speed.

“I think it’s about time we take a break,” Rarity said, panting as she lazily rolled on to Spike’s lap from her place on the floor, “I haven’t danced that much in ages!”

“It’s nice to forget about the world for a little while, isn’t it?” Twilight asked, slumped in a chair whilst sipping a levitating cup in front of her face.

“Thanks for throwing this party, Pinkie,” Alex said from the corner of the room, his voice muffled by the lamp shade that was stuck on his head, “I didn’t know how much I needed it until it started!”

“You can say that again,” Dash hummed, lying on top of a shelf next to Alex.

“I’m glad everypony enjoyed it so much!” Pinkie beamed, tiding up a small bit of mess Applejack had made when she bumped in to the table next to the dance floor, “I figured you’d all have a great time!”

“Sorry ‘bout the mess Sugar Cube…” Applejack laughed nervously, too sore to stand up and help with the mess, “Ah’ll help ya’ when yer’ cleanin’ up.”

“Don’t worry about it!” Pinkie said happily, her mood better than anyone had ever seen it, “I could clean this place a million times I feel so good right now!”

“You’d probably get upset pretty quick,” Alpha laughed, walking in to the room, disguised in a brown body to keep ponies from freaking out when they saw him. Despite his now months in Ponyville, he still hadn’t revealed to the general population that he was a changeling. Public opinion of the changelings was rather low at this point in time, “Nopony likes cleaning that much.”

“Hey, buddy!” Alex called, not actually able to see Alpha from under the cover, “Everything worked out! Again!”

“I heard, it’s good to see you too, Rainbow Dash.” He said, joining Pinkie at the table as he levitated the entire mess off the ground, and placed it in a garbage pail next to Pinkie, “You guys really seem to have luck on your side in Equestria. The hive always loses in one way or another…”

“You sound a little upset about that,” Spike observed, not meaning to sound as accusatory as he did.

“Oh, well, don’t get me wrong,” Alpha shook his head, putting on an apologetic look for the green and purple pony, “I think they do terrible things to good ponies… But they’re also my brothers and sisters. And they’re suffering… I just wish we didn’t need to live off of love and happiness.”

“I didn’t mean to come across like a jerk,” Spike spoke up quickly, shaking his head a couple of times.

“Wait,” Alex said, not understanding Alpha’s final statement, as he removed his new helmet, “You live off of love? And happiness?”

“Sorry, I should clarify,” Alpha said, clearing his throat, “Love and adoration enhance our magical power. Years and years ago, we were able to thrive on what we felt for one another. To reach our peak in strength, we’d simply fall in love.”

Everypony, now out of party mode, listened intently to his story.

“But, the great grandmother of our current Queen, Chrysalis, came up with a way of sapping those feelings of love from others, and concentrating it to the point of tripling our magical abilities.” Alpha continued, surprised that this wasn’t widely known knowledge to these guys, “But, after years upon years of using this concentrated magic, we became… desensitized.”

“So now, you can no longer live properly on the love from one another, right?” Twilight finished for him, having heard of these kinds of things happening in different circumstances.

“Exactly,” Alpha nodded, “That was my mission at Haven Station. I was to take a group of ponies, who know love, and take them back to the hive, where they would be manipulated in to producing vast amounts of that energy.”

“You were gonna do that to us?!” Dash asked in shock, “W-what is life like for those ponies, once you start using them that way?”

“We, well… keep them in a state of bliss,” Alpha explained somewhat awkwardly, unsure if they’d be happy with this news, “As far as I’ve ever seen, they’re happy until the day they die…”

A silence lingered as that explanation finished, nopony sure if what he had said was horrible, or just really terrible.

“This party just nose-dived,” Spike said, looking to his somewhat melancholy friends.

“You seem fine though,” Fluttershy spoke up quietly, looking at the changeling, “I’ve never seen you have trouble using magic…”

“Well, since birth, I was more or less ‘bred’ to be a fighter,” Alpha answered her question in a much softer tone, “And to make sure I wouldn’t stop being a good soldier in the middle of a war, I’ve never been exposed to that concentrated love.”

“Well then…” Dash said awkwardly, flapping off of her place on the dresser and removing the lamp shade from Alex’s head and sitting down next to him, “I think that’s enough talk about… draining love from ponies.”

“Well then…” Twilight coughed, looking for a change in conversation. Luckily, Rainbow Dash was quick to take up the mantle.

“Hey! How did you guys like earth?” Dash asked suddenly, “Alex was telling me about how you all went there to find him!”

“It was awesome!” Pinkie beamed, “We watched movies, and ate pizza!”

“An’ we all shared in some meat,” Applejack added, shuddering at the memory.

“It was soooooooo good!” Pinkie whined, her mouth watering at the memory of all that bacon, “Until… those hash browns came along…”

“What’s wrong with hash browns?” Alex laughed, looking between the disgusted looks on their faces, before he remembered the special dish that particular diner served for lunch, “Oh! O-oh… you guys ate the horse meat, didn’t you?”

They all looked to Pinkie.

“I had a little…”

“You ate horse?!” Dash asked, her eyes wider than they had ever been, “Wow! How was it?”

“It was… really good…” Pinkie squeaked, her stomach lurching at the thought once again.

“Well, next time we go back there, I’ll make sure you eat right,” Alex smiled.

“How did you all do walking on your back legs?” Dash asked next, having several more questions lined up for them.

All the girls glanced back and forth to one another. Silently communicating.

“J-just fine,” Rarity answered quickly, as Dash smirked and raised an eyebrow, “I had a very pleasant time!”

“Did’ja now?” She asked, looking between her friends at the nervous looks on their faces at Rarity’s fib, “Because I had no trouble, that’s for sure.”

“We were tripping over ourselves!” Pinkie shouted out, “Alex had to carry us everywhere!”

“Pinkie!” They all shouted at once to her.

“What? I’m not gonna lie to Dash on her first day home!” She said, standing up and joining Dash and Alex.

“I knew it!” Dash exploded, laughing at she shot her arms in the air, and instinctively extended her wings, “It’s okay though, I’ll help you guys next time we go bac—“

Suddenly, another bolt of chaotic energy fired out of her left wing and impacted the wall, instantly scorching a large patch of the wallpaper.

“Frickin’ magic!” Dash whined, snapping her wings closed, “Why does it need to come from my wings?”

“You can cast magic from your wings?!” Twilight asked, standing up and making her way over to Dash, pulling her left wing away from her body, “That’s so… so fascinating!”

Dash frowned as she was poked and prodded by the purple unicorn, who was blissfully unaware of the sensitivity the Pegasus had in her wings.

Even Alex had a small smirk on his face, knowing how uncomfortable this was probably making her. He wasn’t allowed to mess with the wings outside of the bedroom. And even then he had to promise to preen them when they were finished.

“So… the magic channels through your wings?” Twilight asked, magically lifting one of her feathers off her wing, and pulling it to the point Dash started to blush due to the sensations that came with it, “That’s so cool! You have to let me study this!”

“C-can you stop?” Dash asked, looking to the ceiling uncomfortably.

Looking at Fluttershy, Alex couldn’t help but smirk at the deep red that was covering her face as well. How could Twilight be so smart, but have no idea that wings were erogenous zones in pegasi?

“But this is for science, Rainbow Dash!” Twilight said, only an inch away from her friends wing, “Let me do some preliminary tests here, before I take you back to the library.”

Dash bit her top lip as she looked pleadingly to Alex.

“Okay, okay Twilight,” Alex laughed, shaking his head in disbelief at the situation his fiancé was in, at the hoofs of her friend, “I’m pretty sure Alpha stopped by so you two could go get dinner. Maybe you shouldn’t keep him waiting?”

“Oh!” Twilight said, pulling back from Dash, “Sorry! Was that the plan?”

Giving Alex a puzzled look, Alpha slowly nodded, as he looked back to Twilight and forced his best smile.

“Well, I figured I’d cook for you back at the library… I guess,” Alpha said, having intended to make this a surprise for Twilight.

“Well, if that’s the case, I guess I could get out of here!” Twilight said, standing up and joining Alpha at the door, “You’d better stop by tomorrow, Rainbow Dash!”

“We’ll see about that one…” She huffed, her eyes closed, and her gaze pointed upward.

“I hope your date goes well!” Rarity added, snickering inwardly at the uncomfortable look that appeared on Twilight’s face.

“I-it’s not…!” Twilight stammered, before looking to Alpha and sighing, and giving up.

“Come back tomorrow at noon!” Pinkie said to her friend, “I’ve got another big bash planned!”

“Again, Pinkie?” Applejack asked, “Ah’m gunna be restin’ up all day tomorrow jus’ from this!”

“Who knows when the next shadow pony will jump out at us?” Pinkie asked, looking back and forth between Applejack and Fluttershy, “We need to live it up!”

The two girls looked to the floor nervously, both equally terrified at the vast unknown in front of them.

“You don’t seem very scared, Pinkie,” Twilight observed, tilting her head, “Aren’t you worried about your dark side?”

“Of course not!” Pinkie laughed, “I’m one hundred percent nice!”

Alex scratched the back of his head, as he remembered back about three years, just before their big fight with Discord the first time.

“What about that time you were talking to a bunch of turnips?” Alex asked, as he tried to recall the rest of the party guests, “And wasn’t there a pile of rocks?”

“A what now?” Applejack asked, not remembering ever meeting those friends of hers.

“Alex, those days are behind me now!” She giggled, shaking her head, “I was just upset about you all throwing a party without me!”

“Regardless,” Twilight cut in, firm to make her point, “You should be ready for when the time comes, Pinkie. Who knows what might happen when your dark side comes out.”

Once again, the mood had skydived, and they were once again left in silence. Nopony wanted to continue the ‘dark side’ conversation, but neither did they have anything else to really talk about.

Alex slumped back down next to Dash and placed his hoof over hers.

She responded by leaning her head on to his shoulder.

At least he had her right now. They were together… and they would be forever, now that he had asked her to…

Oh, right!

“Oh!” Alex said quickly, “I forgot to mention something!”

Spike, Alpha and the girls all looked at him, waiting expectantly for what it was that he had to tell them.

Dash squeezed his hoof slightly, and give him an ‘abort mission’ look. For some reason, she didn’t want him announcing their engagement yet.

“Uhhhh…” Alex said, with nothing to say any longer.

“What is it?” Spike asked.

“Uhhh…” He continued, obviously trying to find anything he could tell them, “Um, Oh! Right! Dax showed up again!”

“I haven’t seen him in a while,” Alpha smiled, remembering the fight between Alex and his dark side so many years ago.

“Yeah! He helped me save Dash!” Alex explained, “But, well… he’s gone now.”

Silence followed.

“Is… that it?” Rarity asked.

“Sure is!” Alex nodded, “Just wanted to share. Maybe he’ll be back again! You guys always talk about how cool he was!”

“He was a pig…” Fluttershy said, remembering the crass conversations they had shared in the past.

“Dash loves him,” Alex laughed, looking to his closed eyed companion, “What does that say about her?”

“I… am neutral.” Dash said simply, “He is a little more badass than you, though.”

“Excuse me?” Alex asked, a frustrated look covering his face, “How is that even possible? I’m way more badass than him!”

“He was pretty cool at Haven Station,” Twilight shrugged, remembering everything both versions of Alex had done, “But I guess that comes from you though, right?”

“Exactly!” Alex said proudly, puffing out his chest, “It all came from inside of me!”

“Oh! Remember when Dax saved Luna’s baby?” Dash asked, suddenly over her stimulation at the hooves of Twilight, “That was pretty cool!”

“Yeah, but—“

“And when Dax saved us at the Wonderbolt training facility?” Spike added.

“And when he saved Alex at Haven Station?” Pinkie said, throwing her arms in the air, “That was so brave of him!”

“Not to mention when Dax fought off my dark side yesterday!” Dash finished, as she looked to him with a smirk, “He was so much more useful than Alex!”

Alex only shook his head, as he telepathically plucked a feather from the backside of her wing, causing Dash to give loud, embarrassing gasp, which drew all the attention in the room toward her.

“Uh, you okay, darlin’?” Applejack asked, as the cyan mare looked away from her friends.

“Dax isn’t all that great.” Dash said quickly, “Alex is much better. Much much much better!”

“Wow! Somepony who agrees with me!” Alex smirked back to her, “I’m so surprised!”

Alpha laughed for a moment, before something cross his mind.

“Oh!” He said, getting the attention of the room once again, “A bumped in to a friend of yours on the way over, Twilight.”

“Oh, that’s nice! Who was it?” She asked, figuring that she had missed a magnitude of business while she had been on earth for as long as she was.

“I don’t remember...” Alpha answered, scratching his chin, “She’s a blue unicorn… and she was wearing a cape.”

“Uh, Trixie?” Alex asked, remembering a pony matching that description from his first couple of weeks in Ponyville.”

“That was it!” Alpha nodded, looking back to Twilight, “She told me about some kind of amulet she wanted to show you.”

Twilight grimaced at the thought of her return. She had been such a stuck up pony the last time they met… This would be fun. She was sure of it.

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