• Published 24th Apr 2012
  • 42,471 Views, 4,897 Comments

My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic -- Off The Record - The King of Hearts

A new pony is introduced to Equestria just before the fight with Nightmare Moon in Episode 1. Changing the entire story.

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'Horse' Training

‘Horse’ Training

Alex sat outside the castle infirmary, patiently tapping away at his iPod as he waited for Chet to finally get up after his fainting spell back when they arrived. He had been cleared by a doctor, so he didn’t have too much to worry about.

“I can’t believe how many of these things there are now,” Alex said out loud as he looked his device over, “This thing was so cool at the time…”

“Hey, Alex!” Dash called, as she popped her head around the corner of the hallway.

“Hey, sweet cheeks.” Alex mocked, as she rolled her eyes, “Did you find Shining Armor?”

“Nopony seems to know where he is!” She said, walking over to the bench he sat on and plopping herself down and dropping her reports next to him, “This has been driving me nuts!”

“Why are you so excited to hand in your homework?” Alex asked, having trouble grasping the importance of the situation for her, “I mean, since when do you care about this stuff?”

“…Are you serious?” She asked, looking truly surprised at his ignorance, “The two years you were gone were like, the most eye opening time of my life! I’m an egghead, and I love it!”

“Well, I knew that,” Alex said, shrugging as he leaned back in his seat, “I just keep expecting you to snap back to the way you… used to be.”

Upon hearing his pause, Dash wasn’t able to respond to his statement. She wasn’t sure if it was something she should be worried about, or even pissed off about. Did he not like her like this? He hadn’t said anything yet… She was scared to even ask.

“Um… Do you not like me when I’m—“

“Alex!” Chet called, as he carefully trotted out the door next to the two, “I can’t believe I passed out! How much of a pansy does that make me?”

“It’s okay,” Alex laughed, standing up and leaving Dash’s side, “I did it too.”

“Well, let’s get back on our tour!” Chet said, hitting his hoof against his chest, as flapping his new wings “And you need to teach me how to fly with these!”

“I’m not much help there,” Alex laughed, looking to Dash, “That’s more her territory.”

“That’s so crazy!” He said, looking to the cyan mare, “Are you coming with us, Sarah?”

“Oh… no.” She shook her head, having not been paying too much attention to the conversation between the two, “I still need to find the Captain.”

“Oh, right.” Alex said, looking to her quickly, “Maybe check the Crystal Empire. I could have sworn I heard him talk about sneaking off there with Cadence the day before the wedding.”

She only nodded, still preoccupied with his pervious conversation with her.

“Well… I’ll see you later then?” Alex asked.

“Sure thing.” She said quickly, grabbing her report and quickly trotting off toward her old office, leaving the two puzzled at her haste.

“Is she okay?” Chet asked, clearly seeing the odd attitude she was displaying.

“I don’t know,” Alex shook his head, “I’ll figure it out later. Let’s get you pony trained here!”

“I thought we were doing a tour of this castle!” Chet whined.

“If you can’t walk without falling over, you’re not ready to climb up and down stairs.” Alex said flatly, “I’ll show you the horse-ropes, then we’ll talk about exploring.”

Chet didn’t like this role reversal one bit. Usually he was the one that got to lay shitty conditions like that, “You’re loving being the boss, aren’t you?”

“More than you could ever know.” Alex laughed, “Now let’s get out to the courtyard. It’ll be the perfect place to get you moving with some confidence, maybe even get you up to running speed.”

“Can’t we just jump right to the fun stuff?” Chet whined.

“If ya’ don’t eat yer meat, yeh’ can’t have any pooding!” Alex said in his best accent.

Chet sighed. The reference was too good to argue, “You got it, Floyd.”

Alex had to restrain his own cheering. Finally someone who got all the obscure shit he said.


Dash sat at her desk, just as she had left it when she moved back to Ponyville with Alex, tapping her hoof slowly on its face. Did Alex really not like her this way? …Did he want her to go back to how she used to be?

She had become such a nerd over the past couple years that it was strange to her how she never even read any real books before Twilight came around. Hell, it wasn’t until Alex was turned to stone that she found the drive to even pick up a book. But, thanks to all that, she was able to free him- well, Alpha, from stone, and get her life back on track.

But even after all that, she found herself hungry to learn more about the things that truly fascinated her. She was considered a head in the specialized field of petrification magic, thanks to her years of intense study. But, beyond that, she craved to know more about magic itself. She found it to be so fascinating… From its malleability, its raw power, even its variety in its existence. There were so many unanswered questions in this world, and she could be the one to work them out!

At that thought, she paused.

Turning over her shoulder, she looked to the mirror that was placed in between two filing cabinets across the room, and simply stared at her reflection.

“What the hell happened to you?” She muttered, blinking to herself a couple of times.

If somepony told her she was going to end up like this five years ago, she would have laughed them out of town… But now, well, she found herself being a bigger nerd than Twilight in a lot of situations. How the heck did that ever come about?

Alex obviously didn’t hate her like this. He never voiced a serious word of complaint to her over it.

But, it seemed like the kind of thing he would just sit on, and not say anything about until it exploded out of him during an argument.

What would she do if he did hate it? Quit?

Huffing, she looked at the bed in the corner and decided that a quick nap would clear her head. After that, she could go find Shining Armor, talk to Alex, and hopefully head home back to her job as Captain of the Royal Guard.


“As soon are you can ‘horse’ properly, I’ll show you around the city,” Alex said, marching back and forth in front of his annoyed uncle, “I have a reputation around here, and I can’t have you embarrassing me by falling all over yourself! And, well, I don’t want you to hurt yourself either.”

“Are you kidding me?” Chet asked, his eyebrow raised, “I can ‘horse’ just fine!”

“Well, just do a lap around the courtyard.” Alex said, gesturing around him to the walls surrounding them, “Full speed, no stopping!”

Chet cleared his throat quickly, looking down at his feet and frowning, “Maybe I need a little more practice.”

The truth was, he was having trouble standing in place. How was he supposed to run a lap around anything, if he was going to biff in the first three seconds?

“I figured out the trick to it pretty quick,” Alex said, tapping his right leg with his left, “Don’t think about it! It’s all programmed in your head already. As soon as it clicks, it clicks.”

Chet took an uneasy step forward. It was true what Alex was saying. The nurse in the infirmary had pushed him out the door so quickly that he didn’t really have time to think about falling on his ass.

“Chet! You’re being uncharacteristically quiet!” Alex laughed, stopping his back and forth dead center in front of his uncle, “You’re making me feel like a dick for pushing this on you! Would you just figure it out already?”

“Just stop thinking about it?” Chet asked.

“Yes!” Alex nodded, “I ran and jumped across a broken bridge in my first couple hours here!”

“You were alone!” Chet countered, “Necessity is the mother of invention, Alex.”

“Someone’s been reading big boy books,” Alex mocked, knowing that kind of stuff was usually out of Chet’s range of intelligence.

“I’m getting married to a teacher.” Chet shook his head, “But, anyway, you’re just going to have to wait for me to get this whole ‘walking’ thing down. I don’t have the same urgency you had.”

Then Alex got a great idea.

“Just wait here!” Alex said suddenly, running through the door next to Chet, before suddenly stopping, turning around, and locking it.

“Hey! Chet said, taking an unsteady step toward the door, “What are you doing?”

“You said it yourself, Chet!” Alex laughed, casting a teleportation spell, “Necessity is the mother of invention!”

Chet was startled as a loud ‘thump’ sounded opposite to where he was looking.

Turning his gaze, he made eye contact with the single largest brown bear he had ever seen in his life.

“A-Alex!” Chet shouted over his shoulder, not daring to take his gaze off of the beast, “This isn’t funny!”

“As soon as you run that lap, the bear’ll be gone!” Alex laughed through the glass, “Better get running!”

The beast, narrowed its gaze as it looked at Chet, and waited only a second before it began closing the small distance Alex had put between it and his uncle.

“This isn’t funny!” Chet shouted, backing away skillfully from the beast, “Just because it’s a cartoon doesn’t mean it won’t rip me to pieces!”

“Ponies can outrun bears all day!” Alex said through the glass, “So you should be fine!”

With no further warning, the bear ran at Chet.

And, just as Alex had anticipated, his uncle took off like a bat out of hell, running at top speed around the parameter of the enclosed area.

“See?” Alex shouted, opening the door slightly to make sure he was heard, “It’s easy!”

“Hey, Alex!” A soft voice said from beside him.

“Oh, hey Luna,” He said, only looking at her for a moment before turning back to the show going on outside, “What’s up?”

“I came to ask you the same question!” She said, her eyes widening as she realized just what was happening outside, “W-what is going on here?”

“I’m teaching my uncle to walk like a pony,” Alex explained calmly, “See how good he’s doing? The bear is barely keeping up with him.”

“Are you quite serious?” She asked, “He could die! You need to help him!”

Alex only laughed as he shook his head his head, “That’s Fluttershy’s bear. The sweetest creature in Equestria! She told me to teleport him to me if I ever needed a big hug.”

Luna had planned on cutting him off half way through that sentence, but his explanation had indeed been adequate enough to quell her fears. Now, her mouth only hung open.

“Trial by fire, right?” Alex asked with a smirk.

No more words were exchanged as they simply opted to watch the white pony run in circles repeatedly, as he shouted nonsense in their direction.

“Well, I suppose you can call this an accomplished mission,” Luna noted, “He seems to be running with no issue.”

“I’d better let him practice a little more,” Alex said, plopping down on his butt, “He’ll thank me for letting him master it like this.”

“If his heart gives out, I’ll blame you for it.” Luna said simply, continuing on her trip down the hall.

“Oh, it’s okay,” Alex shook his head, “I know a great spell for raising the dead.”

Luna looked over her shoulder to him one last time, and was unable to tell if he was joking or not. Still, she didn’t worry too much. This just seemed to be the way Alex gave his uncle a hard time. She was a pain in the butt to Celestia all the time, and this wasn’t too different. It was just a little more… extreme.

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