• Published 24th Apr 2012
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My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic -- Off The Record - The King of Hearts

A new pony is introduced to Equestria just before the fight with Nightmare Moon in Episode 1. Changing the entire story.

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The Stage is Set

The Stage is Set

Chrysalis stood at the end of the throne room, her mind racing just as it had been since Alpha dropped the bomb on her. Now, he was speaking with the Equestrian royalty on her behalf to have her released back to the Hive. Something that she dearly wanted.

“Are you sure we can trust her?” Luna asked slowly, as she looked to the Changeling queen with a small measure of contempt, “It was just a week ago that she was trying to take over Equestria. How she have changed so much?”

“You don’t understand how important he was to her,” Alpha said to the Princess, almost convincing her with just his saddened expression, “It hurt me to watch her die on the inside that day. And it killed me to see the all that sadness be replaced by rage. You… were still on the moon when it happened. But the war effort was kicked in to overdrive the very next day, and it has only sped up since then.”

“You need to trust her, Luna.” Celestia said, making brief eye contact with the Queen, before Chrysalis looked away, “Just look at Discord. He’s come along splendidly.”

“Oh, has he?” She asked, turning to her sister with a raised eyebrow, “How far has he gone, sister?”

Celestia narrowed her gaze toward her sister, “Don’t make those jokes.”

Luna broke her serious attitude for a moment as she giggled to herself, “Fine. I suppose I can trust the Queen to do the right thing, if Alpha is so confident.”

“I am.” He said confidently, “She’ll have this war ended by tomorrow night.”

Chrysalis looked over her shoulder to the three conversing across the room and sighed. She wasn’t ever the one to be timid, or worried about the opinion of others. But in this situation, she couldn’t help but feel butterflies in her stomach.

Suddenly, the main door to the throne room opened, and Alex walked inside, only to stop suddenly next to the queen, and stand in complete silence.

“Do you need something?” Celestia asked, taking a break from her conversation as she looked to him.

“Oh… I uh—“ Alex looked over to Chrysalis and gulped, “Never mind.”

“Oh, Alex.” Alpha spoke up, “Would you mind taking Chrysalis to the mess hall? She hasn’t eaten in hours.”

“Uhh… Well I’m kind doing something with Chet—“

“Please?” Celestia said, giving him an odd look at his timidity toward the situation, “I’m sure you can handle her if things get out of control.”

“I can assure you they won’t.” Chrysalis spoke up for the first time, “I mean to speak with him anyway.”

“Thank you.” Alpha said to her, as she nodded back to him.

With that, the three returned to their conversation.

“Shall we?” She asked, winking at him.

Alex exhaled. How could they throw him under the bus like this?

Luna gave the other two a strange look as the door closed behind Chrysalis and Alex, “Why would you insist that those two spend time together?”

Alpha blinked a couple of times before bug-eyeing.

Celestia instantly followed suit.

“Oh… It didn’t even click.” Alpha said, looking back to the door.

“Well, it’s a good thing we had Rainbow Dash and Shining Armor set on copying that report for us,” Celestia said, now feeling terrible for the stallion, “We wouldn’t want her catching those two together.”

“Knowing Chrysalis, she’s likely reminiscing about their… ‘time’ together as we speak.”


Alex and Chrysalis walked out of the throne room, in to the empty halls of Canterlot Castle.

“Good,” She said, looking up and down the massive hall, “We can have some alone time.”

“Stop,” Alex said, refusing to look her in the eye, “I’m just getting you something to eat, that doesn’t mean we’re going to talk.”

“Aww,” She said, giving him a pouty lip, and tilting her head to the side, “Don’t you want to talk about all the time we spent… together?”

Alex didn’t respond, he only took a few steps ahead of her to avoid conversation.

“Oh!” Chrysalis said, as an idea popped in to her head, “Will you talk to me like this?”

Alex looked over his shoulder just in time to see her body be engulfed in green flame. When it extinguished, it was replaced with a perfect replica of his fiancé, Dash. The only difference was the green coloring of her eyes.

“How about now?” She asked, walking toward the frozen stallion, “You used to love it when I dressed up like her.”

“It was the closest I could get to home,” Alex said, his tense body relaxing as he turned away from the queen and felt yet another pang of guilt, “Please stop this.”

Hearing the mixture of seriousness and sadness in his tone, Chrysalis decided to stop playing around with him, as she quickly turned herself back to her original form.

So, they resumed their trip in silence. Both completely occupied with their thoughts.

For Alex, it was nothing but confusing memories of what he had done with this mare. Every time he admitted to himself that it felt great, he felt a stab through his heart. He should have hated what they did.

For Chrysalis, on the other hoof, her interior was much more serious than her exterior. This entire flirtation she had just put on with Alex was nothing more than a distraction from the burning pain in her chest, regarding the execution of Stag. She could have admitted that, but it would have made her look too weak.

This awkward silence filled the air as they finished their trip to the cafeteria, grabbed something eat, and sat down.

Both of them had a salad, and both of them were forced to listen to the other chew it in silence.


More silence…

Alex sighed, this was killing him. He was literally sitting with the only other girl he had had sex with, and he was too scared to bring it up.

“Alpha told me everything…” Alex said, as she suddenly looked up from her bowl, “About Stag, and why you did what you did with me.”

Chrysalis opened her mouth to respond, but didn’t any words ready to say, so her mouth simply hung open.

“And I don’t blame you.” He continued, looking away and sighing, “Not anymore.”

“Well, I don’t know what Marick told you, but I wasn’t trying to—“

“You don’t need to defend yourself,” Alex shook his head softly, “You wanted a taste of a life you never had… Because as much as I’d hate to admit it, you did take good care of me, well, despite the orders to hurt my friends.”

Chrysalis felt her breath catch in her throat, “You- you really think that?”

“I do,” Alex nodded slowly, remembering all the times she had fed and groomed him, “It was all really weird for me, but after I got hurt during my training, or when I came back to the hive absolutely covered in filth, I knew I’d at least be looked after.”

Chrysalis was truly surprised at this act of kindness he was showing her. She had assumed that his feelings toward her were nothing more than pure hatred. But then again, there was one other option.

“Is all of this you… pitying me?” She asked carefully, “You Equestrians always seem protective to a fault.”

Alex sniffed and shook his head, “I’ve had a lot of time to think about it since Alpha told me why you kept this war going, after Stag died. I don’t even know what I’d do if I love Rainbow Dash to somepony… I’d probably kill them myself… though I can’t really imagine kidnapping and brainwashing some helpless mare and having my way with her.”

“You were anything but a helpless mare.” Chrysalis corrected, “I saw a champion of the hive without companionship. While it may have seemed perverted or evil of me to do what I did, I was simply following tradition, and taking care of you.”

“I know.” Alex said, giving her a single nod.

Chrysalis was happy that he understood.

“So, I’ll say this.” He said, clearing his throat, “If you go home, back to the hive, and truly end this war… there’s no way I could dwell on our past.”

“You think your forgiveness is so important to me?” She asked, raising an eyebrow.

“Maybe, maybe not,” Alex shrugged, drinking the last of his apple juice from his cup, “I’d like to think it is. It would tell me a whole lot about you.”

“You know me better than anypony, really.” Chrysalis sighed, sad at how true that fact was, “What do you think I’ll do?”

Alex thought about her question for a moment. He had spent the better part of two years at her side, seeing both her nurturing side, and her ruthless side. It was a strange combination to be sure, especially when the both of them were directed toward him. But one thing stuck with him. When she was caring, and sweet, she truly was just that.

All of her rage had come from her loss of Stag. It was why this bombshell being dropped on her had such a drastic effect on her attitude. Alex could tell. She was feeling sadness, guilt, anger, and confusion all at the same time. Those emotions wouldn’t be there if she didn’t have some good in her.

Alex gave her a small smile, “I trust that you’re going to make Stag proud.”

Half an Hour Later

Chrysalis stood at the front of the throne room once again, having just finished her small, and somewhat encouraging meal with Alex. She had been summoned back to hear the decision the Princesses had reached.

“Well, I think it’s of everypony’s opinion that you should be allowed to return to the hive.” Luna said, glancing to her sister and Alpha, “Alpha has convinced us that you can be trusted to end this conflict once and for all.”

“You can trust me,” Chrysalis said, her conversation with Alex still weighing heavily on her mind, “I’ve spent too much time hating this world… And I think it’s time I made Stag proud.”

“I’m very happy to her that… but that being said,” Celestia spoke up, stepping past her sister, “I’d like to send you with an escort from Canterlot, should you decide to betray us.”

Both Alpha and Chrysalis spoke up at the same time.


“Now, I realize that—“

“You can’t send her with a party!” Alpha said, shaking his head, “It’ll look like we’re coercing her!”

“You need to trust me,” Chrysalis said, “If you push your guard on me, I’ll never be trusted within the hive again.”

“I’ll go with her,” Alpha said, approaching the Princess, “That’ll be all the protection she needs.”

“That simply won’t due.” Luna shook her head, “You could easily be held captive if Chrysalis were to betray us.”

“I have no intention of doing that!” Chrysalis shouted, insulted that she was being spoken about as if she weren’t in the room, “The only stallion I’ve ever loved was killed by my own advisors! Just to fill their own pockets!”

Celestia stood silent.

“I will return to the hive, and I will personally see to their execution,” She spat, her anger toward the council finally boiling over, “And then I will end every conflict we’re taking part in because of my own hate. I am blind no longer.”

“You can trust her.” Alpha said once again, “There’s no need to send her with anypony from Canterlot.”

Celestia cleared her throat.

“And what if this council bites back, hmm?” Celestia asked, “By both of your admissions, they hold almost as much power as you, Chrysalis.”

“And more power than you, as an Omega.” Luna added.

“What I’ve planned, is for you two to take the Elements of Harmony with you,” Celestia began, holding up a hoof to prematurely silence them both, “I will see that they’re all transformed to look like Changelings. As far as anypony will know, they’re soldiers returning from duty.”

“The Elements of Harmony no longer work,” Chrysalis said, having read the intelligence reports many times, “They were rendered useless by Discord shortly after his return from his stone imprisonment.”

“That may be true, but three of them hold an abundance of power within them.” She continued, “First, is Alex. He’s had access to chaotic energy for years now, and is capable of destroying Canterlot with a single spell, should he have reason to do so.”

Chrysalis knew this as well.

“The second, is the Element of Generosity, Rarity.” Luna said, as the Queen looked to her with an intrigued expression, “Both Alex and Discord has shown her how to control chaotic magic, and she’s only a very short distance behind Alex himself in skill.”

“And finally, Rainbow Dash, the captain of my royal guard,” Celestia said, “She’s only just awoken to her chaotic power, but has little problem controlling it, despite her lack of horn.”

“She can cast spells?” Chrysalis asked, very surprised at this news.

“With her wings, yes.” Celestia nodded, “She has far less control than the other two I’ve just mentioned, making her arguably deadlier.”

“How is that?” Chrysalis asked, titling her head.

“She tried to use her magic in a training exercise this morning, and ended up destroying an entire gymnasium because she sneezed while trying to cast a spell.” Luna continued for her sister, “Those three alone could bring the hive to its knees.”

“And should I be attacked by those loyal to the council, they would intervene.” Chrysalis said, as Luna and Celestia nodded to her.

“Not only would they protect you, but by accepting their help, you are further proving to us which side you now belong to.” Luna said, looked between Alpha and Chrysalis one last time, “So, tell us. What do you think?”

“If… you can guarantee that the girls won’t be ousted as Equestrians, then I would be more than happy to have the backup on hoof,” Chrysalis nodded, as she looked to Alpha, “How much of the hive is loyal to you?”

“About half,” Alpha said, sighing as he shook his head, “But that’s largely non-military support. The ponies that think the war should be over are my biggest fans.”

Chrysalis nodded. That was what she expected. National pride was heavily linked to ones worth within the hive. If somepony said the war was a waste of time, it was easy for them to be shunned by others as ‘unpatriotic.’

“But there’s still one thing worth more to them than the war, and that’s you.” Alpha said, nodding to her, “Half of the hive is loyal to me, half is loyal to the Council. But all of them are loyal to you.”

“How many do you think will favor the council when I end the war?” Chrysalis asked.

“Stag was popular, Chrysalis.” Alpha said, recalling how many ponies envied the commoner that held the Queen in his arms, “You tell the hive how he died, and any support the council might have had will be gone instantly.”

She knew that would be the case, but it felt good to hear it from him as well.

“Well then.” Chrysalis said, “I’d like to get going sooner rather than later.”

“Of course,” Luna nodded, “Please go and gather your belongings from your cell, while we summon your guard.”

She gave a single nod, turned around, and left the room, followed by two guards.

“I’ll write Spike,” Celestia said, as a paper and quill appeared in front of her, “He can gather his friends within Ponyville, and I can teleport them.”

“Then I shall find those that are here.” Luna nodded, as she stepped off of the podium, “I believe Rainbow Dash and Alex are together.”

“Twilight’s in her room,” Alpha coughed, as both the princesses laughed under their breath, “I’ll- uh, go get her.”

“Please do.” Luna said, gesturing for the changeling to walk out of the room as she held the door.

“You two have about half an hour to get ready,” Celestia called after him as he headed for the door, “Stress that, before my student jumps you again.”

Alpha still said nothing as he ran out the door.

Most guys will talk about their girlfriend’s dad, and how terrifying he can be. But those stallions don’t know fear. They never dated the personal student of Princess Celestia, or the sister of a Captain of the Royal Guard.

Half an hour later
The friends had all gathered, save Alex and Dash, at the train platform that would lead them to the badlands, where they would transfer to the end of a Changeling line, that would take them right in to the hive.

“Come on!” Spike pleaded, as Rarity shook her head firmly, “I have to come with you guys!”

“Now dear, I appreciate your concern for me, I truly do. But I need you to trust my friends to keep me safe,” Rarity said soothingly to her stressed out boyfriend, “And besides, Princess Celestia that only the Elements of Harmony would be going on this trip.”

“But what about her?” Spike asked, pointing to Trixie, “She’s not an Element!”

“No, but she is very gifted magically,” Rarity said, looking to Trixie and smiling, “It was worth an exception, it seems.”

“Maybe I should have studied my magic a little more…” Spike grumbled, falling back on his butt.

“Maybe you should have,” Rarity agreed, laughing at his self-awareness.

As if on cue, Alex and Dash walked through the doors leading to the rest of their friends, with Chet just in tow.

“You can’t just leave me here!” Chet said somewhat desperately, as he looked to the group in front of him, “Can’t you just run me home first?”

“We’re going to be gone for a night,” Alex said, shaking his head, “Just spend time with Princess Luna. She’s always been curious about human culture.”

“I can barely walk…” Chet mumbled, sighing as Alex walked away from him toward the crowd.

Chet looked at the girls in front of him, and found that some of them were very familiar. There must have been the rest of the girls that came to earth a couple weeks ago. He would have to introduce himself properly when they all got back from their weird mission.

“You getting left behind too?” Spike asked, joining the older stallion by the wall.

“Sure am,” Chet nodded, “Do I know you?”

“I don’t think so,” Spike shook his head, “I’m Rarity’s boyfriend, Spike.”

“That’s the one with the purple hair, right?” Chet asked, looking toward her and nodding to himself, “Nice catch man.”

“Heh, thanks.” Spike laughed.

“I’m Chet, by the way. Alex’s uncle.” Chet said, reaching out his hoof unsteadily.

“It’s very nice to meet you,” Spike smiled, taking the hoof and shaking it firmly.

Finally, Alpha and Chrysalis came through the doors, followed by Celestia.

“Alright everypony,” Celestia said, looking over the fairly large party, “As I told you all, I’ll be casting a form spell on you all, effectively changing you all in to Changelings.”

“Then, from there, you’ll simply follow Chrysalis and myself in to the castle.” Alpha said, looking across them all, “It’s standard practice for returning soldiers to spend time within the walls, so nopony will pay you any mind, especially with all of us in your company, Chrysalis.”

“I’ll ask you all to wait outside of the council chambers, while I confront them.” Chrysalis continued, “And if you hear things start to… go downhill, you will intervene.”

The group nodded, before looking back to Celestia as she cleared her throat.

“Now, please close your eyes, and relax.” Celestia said to them all, as her horn began to glow brilliantly, “Hopefully by this time tomorrow, I’ll be reversing this form spell…”

“Um, Princess, are you sure it’s necessary for all of us to be going?” Fluttershy asked meekly, “Because If you need somepony to stay behind and look after the—“

“Please, Fluttershy.” Celestia asked sweetly, “You’re an important part of this team, and far too valuable to simply leave here.”

“Oh… Okay.”

“Don’t worry, sugar cube!” Applejack said happily, approaching her friend, “Ah’ll take good care of ya’.”

“Oh, thank you, Applejack.” Fluttershy said, exhaling in defeat,

“I’ll look out for you too!” Pinkie beamed, “In fact, we all will! Nopony’s gonna be laying a hoof on you, Flutters!”

“I’ll use some of my new magic on them if they try, dear.” Rarity reassured.

“Thanks,” Fluttershy said, flashing them all a tiny smile, as she looked back to Princess Celestia.

“Are there any questions?” Celestia asked them, as she continued to prepare her spell.

“Yes,” Trixie said from the back, “Will we need to worry about any anti-magic barriers?”

“No.” Alpha shook his head, “Magic is used extensively within the castle, and blocking it would only prove to be a hindrance to everypony.”

“Thank goodness,” Trixie said, wiping her brow.

“What if things go bad?” Twilight asked, having been dwelling on that question since she got the news.

“Good question,” Alpha said, stepping forward, “If we’re attacked for any reason, Twilight, you will assess the threat, and if it’s deemed too dangerous to contain and continue the mission, teleport the party back to the train platform, where we’ll hijack ourselves a ride to the Equestrian line.”

“And if it’s not too dangerous?” Dash asked.

“You’ll knock them out, and continue the mission.” Alpha said simply, “But I don’t see any kind of retaliation coming from this.”

Finally, silence filled the room, before Celestia spoke up again.

“Alright, the spell is ready.” She said, gesturing for the ponies to come a little closer to her, “Please close your eyes and send your mind far away.”

Then, instantly, a white light filled the room…


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