• Published 24th Apr 2012
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My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic -- Off The Record - The King of Hearts

A new pony is introduced to Equestria just before the fight with Nightmare Moon in Episode 1. Changing the entire story.

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New Power

New Power

Finally, after some amount of coaxing, Spike was able to get Rarity to meet Twilight at the library with Alex, so they could all go over what had happened to her, and how her powers as a unicorn were changed.

Along for the discussion where Alpha, Rainbow Dash, and Spike. But oddly, not Discord. Each had their own reasons for observing the conversation, however.

Alpha wished to study the change in her attitude, and witness her altered magic, should she be able to cast it at this point.

Spike was there to comfort Rarity. She was still far off from ‘okay’ and he wanted nothing more than to keep her in as good a mood as possible. She had just been though something he could never imagine.

Dash was there for a much more selfish reason, however. She wanted to know everything she could about the transformation, and learn just what Rarity was faced with. The more she knew, the more she could prepare herself to deal with it.

The only problem at this moment, was the strange energy in the room, caused by the conflicting emotions they were all feeling, with Twilight and Alpha being curious, while Spike was concerned for Rarity’s ragged breathing. Dash was so anxious she felt like she was going to start shaking, and Alex, strangely, was chipper.

“So!” Alex smiled, looking between his friends, trying to spread the cheer though his energy, “Let’s break down what happened the other day, shall we?”

“Are you sure you’re okay?” Spike whispered in her ear, placing a hoof on her back, “We don’t have to do this if you’re not ready.”

Rarity shook her head instantly, she needed to talk about this. Get it all in to the open. Her friends would support her no matter what.

“I’m sorry I’ve been so scarce of late,” Rarity apologized, looking from Twilight to Alex, “I’ve been having a very difficult time with this.”

“Well, are you sure you want to do this now?” Twilight asked, having no desire to push her friend to an uncomfortable place, “Because we can—“

“No.” She answered, pushing all of her fears aside, “Where would you like me to start?”

“Well, we already know most of what went on in your head, from what you told us about Nightmare, and Avarice,” Twilight filled in, “But we need to cover your own attitude changes, and your magic.”

Rarity thought to herself. Her mind really hadn’t changed all that much. She had been incredibly sad recently, but that was a result of the horrible things she had witnessed. Not because of her acceptance of Avarice and Nightmare.

“I can’t say I feel any different,” Rarity muttered, “However, I haven’t had much time to explore my new attitude, as I’ve been so preoccupied.”

They were all satisfied with that answer. Time would tell how she changed in a mental aspect, but most of them were convinced they wouldn’t see too much change. Not on the outside at least.

“Moving on to magic,” Alex spoke up, knowing this was his department, even though it somewhat robbed Twilight of her specialty, “We need to test some chaotic magic!”

Rarity nodded, ready to receive any instruction.

“This magic is wildly different from your usual stuff,” Alex explained, wishing he had taken the time to think this speech through a little more, “It’s all about focusing on the right energies.”

Rarity frowned. This sounded complicated.

“But don’t worry,” Alex laughed, seeing her frustrated look, “It’s a million times easier to use than harmonious magic.”

This time, it was Twilight’s turn to frown. He made it sound so easy.

“So, close your eyes, and concentrate,” Alex said, doing the same himself, “And begin gathering your magic, as if you were about to cast a spell.”

Rarity did as he said, and prepared herself to shine a light from her horn. But, she suddenly gasped.

Alex smiled, “You just felt it.”

Rarity nodded, even though he couldn’t see her, “I could feel it mixing with the other magic.”

“Be careful with doing that,” Alex warned, “I call it harmonicmagic when both are used.”

“Doesn’t the word ‘harmonic’ simply refer to something that’s harmonious?” Twilight spoke up.

Alex both opened, and rolled his eyes.

“Could you please, Twilight? Just, okay? Twilight? Okay?” Alex whined, hoping repeating the words ‘okay,’ and ‘Twilight’ would make her stop bugging him on that point, “It’s a mixture of Harmonious, and Chaotic. Harmon-ic.”

Twilight sighed. This was easily the tenth time they had had this conversation. At this point she was just bugging him about it.

“Now!” Alex announced, turning back to the white mare, “Back to business! Close them eyes!”

Rarity nodded and complied.

“Do just what I told you before.” Alex said, “Get that spell ready.”

Following his instruction, she felt the foreign magic begin to pool at the base of her horn, with the rest of her usual power.

“Now, if you stop preparing to cast that spell, your normal magic will drain, but the chaotic energy will stay a little longer,” Alex continued, as Rarity nodded to him, “Once it’s the only energy left, you can just push it right out.”

Rarity did as he told her, and eventually felt only the presence of the chaos in her horn. So, she took the final step, and slowly let the energy free through her horn.

“Just remember,” Alex said instantly, “Don’t actually push it all out, you can do a lot of dam—“

Of course, at this point, Rarity was committed. The energy suddenly exploded out of her horn straight into the wall in between Alex and Dash, destroying three full bookshelves, and scorching over a hundred books, sending the burning paper and wood out into the field behind the library.

Twilight’s mouth hung open.

“Strong stuff, right?” Alex nodded, actually pleased with the result, “But next time, try to focus on levitating or something like that.”

“Well, I don’t know the spell to do that,” Rarity shook her head, “You’ll have to teach me.”

“Chaotic magic listens to you.” Alex explained, “It does what you want it to.”

“You make it sound too easy,” Rarity said cautiously.

“Well, sometimes it’s wonky, and you blow stuff up,” Alex shrugged, “Just experiment. You get the hang of it real quick.”

“Well, I’ll do that then.” She nodded, looking behind Alex to the damage she had just done. While she was embarrassed that she had lost so much control, she was still happy to have done it in the first place.

“Who’s going to fix that wall?” Twilight asked finally, looking from Alpha to Alex, to Dash, “And replace those books?!”

“That was the biography section,” Alpha whispered in her ear, “Who needs those anyway?”

“I- I need those…” She whimpered.

“I think I have some books about General Hurricane,” Dash offered, thinking about the stock she had in her office at the moment, “And one about Princess Celestia.”

“You have three books in your office?” Spike asked, “That’s three more than I would have thought.”

“Hey!” Dash said, recoiling at the insult he had just given her, “I’m no egghead, I haven’t read them or anything.”

Spike could only laugh at her response. Never show any weakness.

Dash, on the other hoof, was pushing her anxiety to the side for now. She was happy to have a normal conversation with her friends right now.

“Didn’t you comb through literally thousands of reports to find a lead in saving Alex?” Twilight asked, recalling just how massive some of them had been, “You’ve read more than I have in the past three years I’ll bet.”

Dash blushed, feeling exposed for some reason she couldn’t quite put her hoof on.

“You read for me?” Alex asked, feigning shock, “Now I know you love me.”

She just smiled and shook her head.

“It’s something called skimming,” She tried to explain, “I only read like, one out of every five or six words.”

“That’s why it took you so long to find him, isn’t?” Rarity joined in, feeling genuinely happy in the overwhelmingly normal situation of giving Dash shit.

“I could have found Alex— well, Alpha, in a week if I had really tried,” Dash lied, not even trying to cover up her untruth at this point, “I was just enjoying the peace and quiet.”

“You sure seemed sad when I broke up with you,” Alpha said, as she rolled her eyes in response.

“I was clearly pretending,” Dash giggled, before looking to Alex and shrugging, “I mean, you’re no Cuddly Bear.”

Everypony shuddered at the mention of that name.

“Don’t be so loud,” Alex scolded, “He might hear you through the window Rarity just made.”

“He’s in Manehattan,” Dash answered, not confident with her own explanation, “…Right?”

They all turned and looked out the massive hole in the wall, waiting for his head to pop so, so he could dry wash his hooves and lick his lips at them.

“Um…” Rarity said quietly, “May I try casting the spell again?”

Turning back to her, Alex realized just how off-topic they had been.

“Right!” Alex nodded quickly, “Do you wanna try casing a real, non-explosive spell?”

Nodding, Rarity closed her eyes just as she had before.

Then, just as before, she readied to cast her light spell, only to stop herself, draining away the harmonious energy, leaving only chaos.

Then, she pointed her horn at Alex, and thought ‘creepy middle-aged Pegasus.’

What happened next, could only be explained as a ‘poof’ as Alex was engulfed in a rapidly fading smoke.

When the smoke cleared, a short, fat, brown Pegasus sat in his place, with a large bald spot on the top of his head. It was still Alex, but he was in a new form now.

Alex immediately knew what she had done by the breeze he could feel on his scalp.

“Why?” Alex asked simply, “Why would you do such a thing?”

Alex never got his reply. Everypony was laughing at him too hard.

“Just because you use chaotic magic now, doesn’t mean you get to regress to being a child!” Alex complained, looking for sympathy from the ponies who were now avoiding him like the plague, “I’m supposed to be the child here!”


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