• Published 24th Apr 2012
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My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic -- Off The Record - The King of Hearts

A new pony is introduced to Equestria just before the fight with Nightmare Moon in Episode 1. Changing the entire story.

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A Sudden Turn for the Worse

A Sudden Turn for the Worse

Twilight and her friends, along with Princess Celestia, Luna, Ramsley, Comet, and the Cutie Mark Crusaders, stood together in the remains of the ballroom, all laughing about how the night had gone since just about everypony had been in some kind of wacky situation during the gala.

“You two danced the whole night?” Ramsley asked, trying not to laugh, “Was there nothing else to do?”

“There was plenty to do,” Alex shrugged, gesturing to Dash, “It was the boss’s choice.”

“Ahh,” He nodded, “I know that feeling.”

“What does that mean?” Comet asked, looking a tad offended.

“And what were you four doing with Prince Blueblood?” Celestia asked.

“We were seeing who the most attractive of us is!” Twilight said, sighing, “But I got that cupcake dropped on me.”

“And Twilight ruined my chances!” Pinkie said, frowning, “I can almost always control my burps!”

“He ran away from me,” Applejack said, “Ah’ don’t even know what ah’ did!”

Fluttershy said nothing.

“You girls are all wonderful, and would be a catch for any colt,” Celestia smiled, “Don’t forget that.”

“Thanks Princess,” They all said.

“Yeah!” Apple Bloom chimed in, “Yer’ all great!”

“But, who won?” Fluttershy asked, surprising them, “Which one of us would he have chosen?”

“I can get that information for you all!” Luna said, smiling as she cast a spell, making Blueblood suddenly appear in front of them all.

“Eep!” He squeaked, not wanting to see any of these ponies, “W-what have you done to bring me here?!”

“YOU MUST CHOOSE ONE OF THE FOUR MARES!” Luna bellowed as he desperately looked at them.

“None?” He squeaked.

“NOT ACCEPTABLE!” Luna said royally.

He bit his lip and looked at the lineup of Twilight, Applejack, Fluttershy, and Pinkie Pie.

“Not her!” He said, pointing at Pinkie, “Nothing deflates me more than a lady burping!”

“Awww,” She said, “I’ll keep them under wraps! …Wait, what do you mean by deflate?”

“And most certainly not her!” Blueblood said, pointing to Applejack, “I have no desire to get my ‘fruit’ bucked off.”

“Beg yer’ pardon?” She asked, cocking her head to the side.

With two choices left, he looked from Twilight to Fluttershy.

“Well, I guess I’d have to choose Twili—“

He suddenly made eye contact with Celestia, as she stared daggers at him. So, his choice was the wrath of the Princess, or the wrath of that small, yellow Pegasus.

“So?” Luna asked, having quieted down.

“The yellow mare?” He asked, hoping this wasn’t the wrong answer.

“Yes!” Fluttershy said, jumping in the air triumphantly, “I did it!”

Looking at her nervously, he spoke up, “So, are we going to my room?”

“What do you mean?” She asked.

“Well, wasn’t that the point of all this?” He asked, “Picking one of you to bed?”

“Oh my goodness, no!” She said, covering her mouth, “I’m not that kind of pony!”

“Is that why you asked me up there?!” Applejack shouted, “You were tryin’ to stick me?!”

Everypony laughed at her foul language, well, everypony but the three young girls.

“Stick?” Scootaloo said, having no idea what they were talking about.

“You think we would have done anything like that with you?” Twilight laughed, as Blueblood blushed furiously, “Yeah right!”

Pinkie would have had something to say, but was still giggling over what Applejack had said to him.

“You may leave now,” Luna said, casting a spell and sending him away.

“Did you all hear that?” Fluttershy asked giddily, “I was his first choice!”

“Great job!” Alex said, wondering if she had heard the same conversation he just had.

“Any guys would be lucky to have you, Fluttershy,” Dash said as she beamed to them all.

“Wait a minute!” Rarity said suddenly, “Which of you three girls threw that cupcake at poor Twilight?”

They all gave each other looks.

“I’m afraid that I have to take credit for that one,” Celestia spoke up, surprising them.

“Princess?” Twilight asked.

“I knew about Bluebloods agenda since the night started,” She explained, “And I knew that a few pushes here and there would have kept him away from you all.”

“What do you mean?” Spike asked.

“The cupcake, the burps, the apple tree, and… well, Fluttershy,” The Princess continued, “All it took was a little magic in a few different places.”

“So, we never had anythin’ to worry about?” Applejack asked.

“Of course not,” Celestia laughed, “I wouldn’t have had him ruining any of your nights.”

“So, we’re not getting in trouble?” Sweetie Belle asked.

“Well, if it was only done by royal instruction, then I suppose not,” Rarity shrugged, “But please don’t do it to anypony else.”

“Of course not!” Scootaloo cut in, “We’d never do that, it goes against our moral code.”

“You have a moral code?” Dash asked, “Is it written down somewhere?”

“It is,” Alex nodded, “One day we decided to see if our talents were being scribes.”

“Did it work out?” She giggled.

“I wrote a page full of scribbles,” Alex admitted.

“Better mouth writin’ than Scoots!” Apple Bloom and Sweetie Belle laughed together.

“Hey!” Scootaloo shouted, “I don’t need to write! I’m practically a princess!”

“Princesses can write, you know,” Luna said to her.

“Well… yeah! But, I can just have the royal tutor teach me in a few years!” She suggested.

“We have no tutor,” Celestia said, “Perhaps you should just pay attention in class.”

“Na,” She said, “I’ll just have Twilight teach me when I need it.”

Strangely… Nopony argued with her.

“So, what was your big news?” Alex asked Ramsley.

“Well, a big change is coming for the Wonderbolts management, and I’ve been asked to stay in Canterlot while everything is smoothed out,” Comet spoke up, knowing that they probably weren’t going to be too excited about her, “However, I asked them if I could stay in Ponyville.”

“Wait…” Spike said, “Does that mean--?”

“Yes,” Ramsley nodded, “The two of us are going to be staying in Ponyville for the remainder of the summer.”

“Yeah!” Alex shouted, jumping up, “Another guy to hang out with!”

“It’s normally just us!” Spike added, “It gets so boring with just this guy!”

“Don’t listen to him,” Alex argued, “I’m best pony!”

“You’re not even a pony!” Spike barked back.

“No more pony than you!” Alex shot back.

“Would you two quiet down?” Ramsley asked politely, and yet with a huge amount of power, “You’re making the women uncomfortable.”

“What is that supposed to mean?” Comet asked, raising an eyebrow.

“I’d also like to know,” Dash added.

“Me as well.” Luna said.

“Whoops,” He smiled nervously, “I mean, I’m sure you can take care of yourselves!”

“Mhmm.” They all said together.

“I can’t believe you’d say that…!” Spike said, running over to Rarity.

“Not cool, man.” Alex agreed, stepping next to Dash.

“I’ll be quiet now…” Ramsley sighed.

Later that night

Alex and Dash had been given a royal suite at the castle, and had really wasted no time getting down to business. All the energy they DIDN’T spend dancing got used up pretty quick behind closed doors.

Alex rolled over, panting as he smiled confidently at Dash, “Was I good?”

“Oh yes,” Dash said, out of breath herself, “I’m pretty sure I enjoy the sex more than you do.”

“I really, REALLY doubt that.” Alex said.

“Yeah, you’re probably right,” She nodded, “All those faces you made said enough.”

“Do I look weird when we’re doing it?” He asked.

“Well, one eye twitches, while you bite the right side of your bottom lip, and inflate your left cheek with air,” She explained, “It looks a bit off.”

His heart sunk. Because to be honest, he really wasn’t worrying about his face while he was… busy.

“I’m joking, don’t cry or anything,” She laughed, pulling the covers over herself, “We can start up again in the morning though, for now, let’s get some sleep.”

“Woo! Good!” Alex laughed, happy that he didn’t have to watch himself in the mirror next time.

Luckily, post-coital bliss has a way of knocking you out cold in only a few seconds.


Alex hadn’t been to his dreamscape in a while and had enjoyed that fact. But, today, someone had decided to pay him a visit.

Alex opened his eyes and rubbed his eyes with his hands.


He was in his human form.

His heart dropped as he looked up, and felt nothing but anger, for what he saw in front of him.

“Long time no see, Alex!” The massive beast said to him, “Did I interrupt something?”

“Discord,” Alex said, frowning, “What do you want?”

“Oh nothing,” He said, looking like he was about to burst out laughing, “Okay, who am I kidding? I’m coming back to Equestria!”

That escalated quickly.

“What?!” Alex shouted, “How? Why?”

“To take back control, silly!” Discord laughed, “And as for ‘the how,’ tonight was chalked full of chaos, wasn’t it?”

It truly had been, Alex couldn’t disagree.

“All I needed was for some good ol’ discord to give me the power I need to break free!” He chuckled.

“Then why are you telling me?” Alex asked, “I’m going to go get the Princesses, and they’re going to lock you back up.”

“Now, that’s where you’re wrong,” Discord explained, “Because I’m breaking out right now.”


Alex shot up in his bed and looked at Dash’s sleeping form.

“Wake up!” Alex said loudly, and flicking on the light.

“W-what?” Dash grumbled, sitting up groggily, “I just got to sleep…”

“Discord is out!” Alex said, running out the door, leaving her to process his statement, which it did pretty fast, considering she had just woken up.

Shaking her head, she got out of bed and ran after him. She would have woken her friends, but had no idea where their rooms were. Luckily, Princess Celestia’s room was right on the way. Alex had run past it, but Dash figured this was an appropriate time to say something.

Throwing the door open, Dash charged in to the room and shouted loudly, “Princess! Discord is escaping!”

“Rainbow Dash?” She asked, squinting at the light that had suddenly flooded her room, “What is it?”

“Discord told Alex he was escaping!” She explained manically, “Alex is going to check it out now!”

Instantly getting out of bed, Celestia nodded, and surrounded both herself, and Dash in a spell that teleported them outside, to the sculpture garden.

Appearing a few feet away from the statue, they both saw Alex standing in front of the draconequus statue, trembling.

“Alex!” Dash shouted, flying over to him, “Is he still here?”

The statue still stood, so this put both the mares’ hearts at ease.

“It looks like this may have been a joke,” Celestia said to Alex, “Discord has a twisted sense of humor.”

Alex stood up, not looking at either of them as he approached the statue, “It’s made of chocolate,”

Lifting a hoof to the statue, he gave it a solid hit as the entire thing crumbled, and collapsed on the ground in several pieces.

“And it’s hollow.”


The next hour was spent waking everypony from their slumbers, as news was spread around the Castle. Discord was back, and he needed to be stopped. It was incredibly sudden, considering the amazing night they had all just experienced. But, that was how things tended to go. Princess Celestia had called a meeting with Twilight and her friends, asking them to come to a room decorated with stain glass windows, so they could discuss what exactly was going to happen to combat the new threat of Discord.

Most of them kept silent as Twilight spoke for them, gathering any information she could.

“How did this happen so suddenly?” Twilight asked, still not entirely woken up from her half hour of sleep, “I thought we had a watch on Discord’s statue!”

“We studied it extensively,” Celestia said, “There was no sign of power changes within the statue, and I even reinforced it myself, with the very same spell Luna and I used to lock him away.”

“It couldn’t have been as powerful, sister,” Luna said, “We used the elements to force him into imprisonment.”

“I was sure that it was sufficient,” Celestia sighed, feeling like she could have averted this if she had tried a little harder, “There is little we could do now.”

“Indeed,” Luna agreed, “What is our plan of attack then, sister?”

“We need to attack Discord with the Elements of Harmony as soon as possible,” Celestia said, “We strike before he has a chance to plan anything, and we return him to stone.”

“You make it sound so easy,” Alex said, still upset that Discord had been able to rub his escape in his face.

“I assure you that it won’t be,” Celestia said seriously, “Discord won’t be defeated so easily this time, especially in the same manner as before.”

“Do we know where he is?” Twilight spoke up, “Has there been any irregular activity anywhere?”

“None has been reported,” Luna said, having just magically spoken with several ponies scattered across Equestria, “Discord will not remain silent for long, however.”

“How do you know that?” Spike asked.

“It’s not in his nature,” Luna said, “Equestria was a nightmare before he we took control from him. He’ll wish to see it back.”

“I can’t believe he once ruled Equestria,” Rarity said.

“I feel the same way sometimes,” Celestia agreed.

“How do we stop him though?” Alex asked, “If he goes half way around the world and starts terrorizing everyone there, how would we get there to stop him?”

“We can send you anywhere instantly,” Luna said, “It might not be pleasant, but it will get the job done.”

“So what then?” He asked, his anger rising once again, “We just wait until then? I won’t get any sleep!”

“Alex—“ Luna began.

“No!” He shouted, hitting his hoof on the table, “We go out, we find him. Who knows how much damage he could do before we find him!”

“Please listen—“ She tried again.

“He’s going to hurt somepony!” He yelled before Luna decided she had had enough.

“SILENCE!” She shouted, immediately silencing him, “WE ARE AWARE OF THE RISK POSED TO OUR PEOPLE!”

Alex didn’t say a word.

“YOU ARE NOT WELL, ALEX,” Luna continued, referencing his recent combination with Dax, “BUT YOU WILL SPEAK TO US WITH RESPECT.”

The war being waged in his head was terrible. One side of him wanted to tell her to buck off, and never to speak to him that way. But the rational side knew that he was the one being disrespectful, not her.

“Of course, Princess,” Alex said quietly, “My apologies.”

“I’m sorry I had to raise my voice, Alex,” She apologized, “But you need to learn control of yourself.”

He nodded, “I just don’t want to see anything happen to anypony innocent.”

“We don’t want that either,” Celestia sighed, “But we don’t have the resources to search any more than the immediate area around Canterlot.”

“And chances are best that he’s fled far beyond the city.” Luna added.

“And we have no magic that could help us locate him?” Twilight asked.

“Concealing magic is rather basic,” Luna explained, “He would have no trouble hiding.”

Alex suddenly felt something a little strange in the air.

“An’ there’s nuthin’ else?” Applejack asked, hoping for some kind of super spell they might know.

“I’m afraid not,” Luna said.

“So, are we supposed to just keep living our lives, as if nothing is wrong?” Dash asked, “I mean, it’s not like we want everypony panicking.”

“I’m afraid that will have to be the case,” Celestia sighed, “Your families and close friends will be kept here in safety, to ensure Discord won’t be able to hurt them.”

“What about their school or jobs?” Pinkie asked, thinking about what would happen to the cakes.

“They’ll simply miss out, I’m afraid,” Luna said, “Any compensation lost will be paid back by the castle.”

Alex looked around the room at the various stain glass windows, feeling a strange humming coming from one of them that nopony else seemed to be able to hear.

“What about our elements?” Twilight asked, “Where are they?”

Celestia gestured to a special door on the other side of the room as they all walked across the floor toward it.

“I have sealed your Elements of Harmony inside here,” Celestia explained as she lowered her head, and inserted her horn into a small hole in the center of the door, as she cast a spell, making it light up.

The door opened, revealing a jewel encrusted case, sitting on a pedestal.

“Never mind the Elements!” Rarity squawked, “Let me have that case!”

Everypony looked at her.

“Oh, never mind!” She giggled.

Levitating the case toward the eight ponies, Celestia began to open the case before Alex spoke up.

“He’s there!” Alex shouted, firing a blast of energy at a stain glass window, blowing up a huge section of the wall, and destroying the stain glass on either side of the one he had shot at.

A small glowing orb floated up from the rubble as manifested into a shape they were all familiar with.

“Hello everypony!” Discord announced as the bright color of his orb faded, leaving the draconequus there in all his glory, “It’s so nice to see you all in person!”

“Discord!” Celestia growled.

Guards could be heard pounding on the main door to the room, trying to get in.

“Why, if it isn’t the filly that defeated me so long ago!” He laughed, ignoring them, and looking to Celestia, “You’ve gotten bigger, my dear.”

She was not pleased.

“Discord, we’re going to offer you once chance to come quietly,” Luna said, “Return to your stone prison, and no harm will come to you.”

“Are you serious?” Discord laughed, slapping his knee, “So, my choices are… Turn to stone right now or be turned to stone by the Elements of Harmony later?”

“Yes.” She said, not wavering.

“I’ll take door number two!” He said, wiping a tear from his eyes, “Besides, how do you plan on using those elements against me anyway?”

“What do you mean?” Celestia asked, opening the container and gasping.

They all looked at the container, and were shocked to see that it was empty.

“I’ve got those,” He chuckled, “What’s your plan B then?”

The princesses looked to one another, speechless.

“Well that’s no fun!” Discord said, “You have no plan B!”

“They have me!” Alex said, trying to fire another shot at him.

“Oh calm down there, Lassie,” Discord laughed, absorbing the attack into his paw, “Your chaotic magic is nothing compared to mine.”

“What do you want?” Dash shouted, looking pretty pissed off herself.

“Why, I want Equestria back!” Discord said, “Would that be alright, Celestia? Luna?”

“Discord, what makes you so confident that you can beat us?” Alex asked suddenly.

“Because I’ve been listening,” He smiled cockily, “I know all about that Doctor, and his alternate world.”

“You do…?” Alex asked, knowing that was not good news.

“I get beaten by the Elements of Harmony, and am sealed away for another thousand years,” He said, “I will not have that.”

Everypony was shocked, and had no idea what to say to him.

“So, I formed a foolproof plan,” Discord smiled, “I remove the Elements of Harmony from the equation.”

“You did what?!” Twilight asked in shock.

“I’ve hid them all over the place,” He explained, “You’ll never find them.”

“The Elements are drawn to their owners,” Celestia countered, “They’ll come back.”

“Maybe,” Discord agreed, “But what if I send somepony to a place where they can’t be found?”

“What do you mean?” Alex asked.

Snapping his fingers, a blue portal appeared underneath Dash, instantly sucking her into it, making her disappear.

“What the--?” Twilight gasped.

“Dash!” Alex shouted, looking to his friends, before running to the portal himself.

Discord momentarily thought about stopping him, but two less ponies meant much less work for him.

“Have fun,” Discord chuckled, waving to him as Alex dove into the floor after Dash.

Immediately, the portal closed.

“Now,” Discord said seriously, “Shall we begin?”


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