• Published 24th Apr 2012
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My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic -- Off The Record - The King of Hearts

A new pony is introduced to Equestria just before the fight with Nightmare Moon in Episode 1. Changing the entire story.

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Party of One

Party of One

The next few days had passed by uneventfully. As it turned out, the Grand Galloping Gala was coming up, something that Alex had totally forgotten. There had also been something else coming up, but he had forgotten that too. Under different circumstances, he may have been a bit more concerned, but he was currently enjoying cuddling with his marefriend.

“What’s the weather looking like today?” Alex whispered in her ear, not sure if she was awake.

“Mmmm, clear and sunny!” She said softly, “No work to be done.”

“Perfect,” Alex said, wrapping his arms around her torso, and pulling her closer to him, “Let’s just stay like this for a few hours.”

Dash didn’t respond, she just sighed happily.

Alex enjoyed every minute of this, and hoped that nothing would happen to ruin their perfect moment.

Of course, somepony started knocking on the door.

“Balls,” Alex said, rolling over, “Can we ignore them?”

“Nope,” Dash said, rolling out of bed, and landing on the soft cloud-floor below her, “Might be important.”

“It’s probably not though,” Alex groaned, “Just stay in- Dash?”

She was gone.

Trotting after her, he walked beside her as she opened the door.

Pinkie stood in the hot air balloon, with her pet alligator, Gummi. She then broke into song.

No need to bring a gift
Being there will be enough
Birthdays mean having fun with friends
Not getting lots of stuff!

With that, she threw them a letter, pulled a string above her, and floated downward, away from the cloud-house.



“This is a pretty big party for an alligator,” Alex said to Twilight as he watched Pinkie bounce around the room, tending to her guests.

“Hey!” She smiled to the two, “How do you like the party?

“It’s good,” Alex said, “The punch is great!”

“How old is Gummy again?” Twilight asked.

“One! Today!” She beamed, “He’s so excited!”

Looking around, Alex noticed that he couldn’t see Gummy anywhere, “Where is the birthday boy?”

“Over there!” She pointed, as he and Twilight looked at the bobbing for apples station, where Applejack and Dash stood, competing for best… bobber?

“Nice!” Dash said, as Applejack pulled one out of the bucket, “Now let me show you how it’s really done!”

Going in, she instantly pulled an apple out of the bucket and beamed triumphantly.

“Keep going!” Pinkie shouted across the room, as Dash ate the apple in one bite, “There are a bunch of surprises in there!”

“What kind of surprises?!” Dash asked, her wings flaring in excitement.

“I can’t tell you that, silly!” She giggled, “Then it wouldn’t be a surprise!”

Taking the hint, Dash went back in, looking around for anything else that would be in the water. But, when she pulled out, all she had was Gummy, suctioned to her face.

“Nice find!” Alex laughed, as Dash pulled Gummy off, and rubbed the sore spot on her nose, where he had just been.

Applejack laughed as she walked away from Dash, so Alex took the opportunity to slip in.

“Does that hurt?” He asked, seeing that she wasn’t exactly laughing about the situation.

“He was on there pretty tight,” Dash said, “It might turn into a hickey.”

“Here,” Alex said, touching his horn to her nose, and pressing some energy into it, “That should fix it up.”

“You can heal now?” She asked, feeling the pain disappear, “I guess since Dax was able to.”

Alex nodded, “I can’t do a lot of it, actually… There’s something I’m missing, that unlocks the power.”

“Well, if you want, we can go try to find out what unlocks it,” Dash suggested, “But, you know, after the party.”

“Well, duh!” Alex said, “I haven’t had any cake yet.”


The party, unsurprisingly, went late into the night, and finally, a few hours after midnight, they decided to call it a night, and head home.

“Great party!” Alex called, walking out with Dash.

“I’m excited for the next one!” Dash said, waving to her.

“Me too!” Pinkie called from her window above the bakery.

“Ah don’t think ah’ve danced this much since… well, since yer last party!” Applejack said, “Thanks again for the invite!”

“Bravo on yet another fabulous soiree!” Rarity said, as her and Spike walked out together.

“It’s been lovely,” Fluttershy said quietly, smiling happily.

“You sure you don’t wanna stay?” Pinkie asked quickly, “There’s still some cake!”

“I’ll pass,” Twilight responded, “But we should do this again soon!”

Pinkie gasped, as she ducked into her window, “We SHOULD do this again soon!”

She quickly began to formulate a new plan, for a new party, and would spend all day tomorrow having a great time!


Pinkie ran up to the Library and quickly knocked on the door.

On her head, she wore a basket that she had tied a string around, and was using as a hat, to hold her invitations. At first, she was just going to carry them all in her mouth, but when she started heading for the library, she would start thinking about all the cake she was going to eat that night, and she’d start drooling! And, that ruined the whole batch of invitations. So, after six failed attempts of not drooling, she tossed them in her new hat. Now, she was able to think about cake as much as she wanted.

Twilight opened the door, and smiled at seeing her, “Hey Pink—“

“It’s soon!” Pinkie beamed.

“Huh?” Twilight asked.

“You said we should do it again soon!” Pinkie explained, as Twilight levitated an envelope out of the basket, “And, it’s soon!”

“You’re invited to Gummy’s ‘after-birthday’ party, at three o’clock,” Twilight read off the letter, “As in… This afternoon this afternoon?”

“Yes, indeedy!” Pinkie smiled.

“Oh, gosh. I wish I could make it, but I’ve gotten a bit behind in my studies.” Twilight said, trying not to give away anything, “I’ve really gotta hit the books!”

“I understand,” Pinkie nodded, “Your studies come first! But don’t worry! We’ll be sure to save you some cake!”

“Please do,” Twilight said, her head tilted a bit as Pinkie bounced off.

“Oh!” Pinkie called, stopping and turning for a second, “You shouldn’t hit the books, you should really just read them.”

“I’ll keep that in mind,” Twilight smirked, as Pinkie turned away once again, and bounced away.

Twilight was shocked that Pinkie would want to throw a party for Gummy, when today was her own birthday! Is she just being selfless and giving the spotlight to Gummy? No… Pinkie was a sweet pony, but she’d never pass up the opportunity to be the birthday girl for a day.

Either way, the girls would remind her later, when Pinkie showed up to their surprise party.


Alex trotted down the road on his way to the library, going to ask Twilight what it was that she was planning today. Dash had been explaining it to him this morning while he still slept, and he hadn’t really been paying attention. So, he decided to ask Twilight, since he distinctly remembered Dash saying Twilight had something to do with it.

“Hey, Alex!” Pinkie called, heading away from the library, “You wanna come to Gummy’s ‘after-birthday’ party today at three?”

“Uh, let me think,” Alex said, as Pinkie looked a disappointed already, “Only, OF COURSE!”

“Yay!” She said, smiling, “I’m on my way to ask everypony else to come!”

“Cool!” Alex said, “I’ll see you there!”

“Great!” Pinkie said, heading off once again, “See you in a bit!”

Alex smiled to himself as he continued to journey to the library. He loved Pinkie’s parties WAY more than the parties back on earth. There was too much beer and pot at those parties, and he had never been partial to either. Although, he isn’t exactly partial for pin the tail on the pony either, but it was the thing here, and the food was good too.

“Hey Twilight!” Alex called, walking inside, “What’s the big plan for today?”

“Didn’t Rainbow Dash tell you?” Twilight asked, “It’s Pinkie’s birthday today, and we’re throwing her a surprise party!”

“Are you sure?” Alex asked, narrowing his eyes, “Because I just got invited to another party… By Pinkie.”

“Me too!” Twilight said in disbelief, “She doesn’t know it’s her birthday! How could she forget?”

“I don’t know,” Alex shrugged.

“Well, just as long as you turned her down, everything should still work,” Twilight said, as Alex gave her a guilty look.

“…What?” She asked, somewhat worriedly.

“I may have told her I would go to that party,” Alex said, biting his lip.

“Well, go tell her that you can’t make it!” Twilight said quickly, “We need your help for today to work!”


“No but’s!” Twilight said sternly, “Go!”

“Okay…” Alex said, dropping his head and walking out the door.

Now he had to find out where she went!


Alex grumbled as he finished his stop at Rarity’s house. He had shown up, only to find out that she had just left. So, at least, that meant the last place she would be, is Fluttershy’s cottage.

Heading down the road, he was overjoyed to see Pinkie walking, instead of bouncing, over to him.

However, she didn’t look very good. She looked very… sad.

“What’s wrong, Pinks?” Alex asked, seeing that she was on the verge of tears.

“I think everypony is avoiding me!” She burst out, surprising him, “They all told me they were busy!”

“Oh… did they?” Alex asked, seeing how sad she was, “I’m sure it was just a—“

“We need to investigate!” Pinkie said, grabbing Alex, “Let’s go!”

“Uh, but… You see--!”

“Wait…” She said, turning to him with huge eyes, “Are you busy tonight too?”

Alex frowned, she was too sad. He couldn’t do it.

“Nope!” Alex said, “Just… Wondering where we should go first!”

“Oh, we need to disguise ourselves!” Pinkie said, “Leave that to me!”


Alex shifted uncomfortably, as he sat outside the library in a block of hay. His horn, and one leg stuck out. Looking over at Pinkie, he had no clue how she fit so perfectly into a block half the size of the one he was in.

“Are you sure this is gonna work?” Alex asked, as she watched on quietly.

“For sure I am!” Pinkie said, “Oh! Don’t forget your disguise!”

“Disguise?” Alex asked, “I already have my hay on, what else do I nee—“

A joke pair of glasses and mustache were forced on his face, through the hay, “There you go!”

He was a block of hay, with a horn, one leg, and glasses. VERY inconspicuous.

“There she is!” Pinkie said, as Twilight opened the door to the library, and snuck out, as stealthily as she could, “That doesn’t look like studying!”

“Sure doesn’t,” Alex sighed, not sure if running the surprise was worth it at this point.

“Let’s follow her!” Pinkie said, bouncing behind Twilight at a safe distance.

Alex tried to bounce, but found it largely impossible, so, instead, he lamely pushed himself along with his exposed leg.

They followed her to the bakery, where she went in, and them came out with a box of something. Pinkie had wanted to go in, but Alex kept her back, saying it wouldn’t look good to be caught snooping. Really though, he didn’t want her to hear the plans by accident.

“What is that?” Pinkie said, watching Twilight trot away, “Let’s follow her!”

“Uh, Pinkie,” Alex said quickly, starting to feel his entire body go numb in the enclosed space he was in, “I have some errands I need to run before I come to your party, do you mind scouting alone for now?”

“Oh, for sure!” She said, “Just make sure to be there by two forty five! That’s when the pre-party tea-party starts!”

“Yeah,” Alex nodded, “Got it!”

Breaking out of his block, he trotted off until he was out of her sight, and then ran for his life toward Rarity’s house. She was the only one he knew for sure would be there.


“Rarity!” Alex called, seeing her walking away from her house, “Pinkie is on to you guys! You need to stay hidden from her!”

“How could she possibly be suspecting anything?” Rarity asked, “We’ve been so careful!”

“Just make sure you don’t mention the party when you’re in public,” Alex said, “And she’s in the block of hay with the mustache, if you see one.”

“Okay…?” She said, still completely confused.

“Great!” Alex said, “Where’s Spike?”

“He’s back at the library, darling, we didn’t want him knowing anything, in case he decided to tell Pinkie about it,” Rarity explained.

“Good plan,” Alex said, trying to think of what else he could even do at this point, “Anyway, good luck! I need to go and warn whoever else I can.”

“Of course,” Rarity nodded, “Good luck!”

“Thanks!” Alex said, as he headed away, into the town.


It had largely been a bust. Alex had looked for everypony, but had no idea where they had gone. It probably would have been a good idea if he had asked Rarity where they were all meeting, so he could at least head there.

So, running out of options, he went back to the library.

Opening the door, Alex saw Spike at a table, gnawing on a ruby.

“Spike, what’s going on?” Alex asked, “Where did you get all those gems?”

“Pinkie gave them to me!” Spike smiled.

“Really?” Alex asked, “What for?”

“It was so weird!” Spike laughed, “She was losing her mind, and made me tell her that nopony wanted to be her friends anymore!”

“You said that?!” Alex asked in shock.

“Hey man,” Spike said, putting his ruby down, “She told me to say it, I’m sure she doesn’t believe me.”

“Do you know where she in now?” Alex asked.

“She went home,” Spike shrugged, “Said her party guests would be arriving soon.”

“Guests?” Alex asked, “As in… more than one?”


Swallowing, Alex knocked on the door to the bakery, and heard Pinkie say, “One second everyone! That must be Alex!”

She opened the door, smiling just as brightly as she had before, but something was wrong… Her hair was totally straight, and her pupils were hardly dilated.

“You’re just in time Alex!” Pinkie beamed, opening the door all the way, “Take a seat wherever!”

Walking inside, he didn’t see anypony else in the room, just a few objects sitting on stools around her main table, all of them wearing party hats.

Alex frowned as he walked past a bucket of turnips, and a pile of rocks, to sit at the end of the table.

“Now we can get this party started!” Pinkie shouted, running to her place in between a piece of fluff, and a bag of flour.

“Thank you all so much for coming!” Pinkie smiled, “It means so much to Gummy!”

Running over to the bucket of turnips, Pinkie knocked her hoof against it, so it moved, as she changed her voice to a deeper one, “Could I have some more punch?”

Quickly taking a few steps back, she smiled and nodded, “Of course you can, Mr. Turnip!”

Out of nowhere, she dropped a cup of juice in front of the bucket.

Suddenly, her eye’s shot out in opposite directions, as she bared her teeth. Instantly though, she returned to normal.

Alex watched on with wide eyes.

She walked over to the pile of rocks, and moved the middle and top pieces with her hoofs, “This is one great party! You really outdone yourself!”

“Why thank you, Rocky!” She said politely.

Then, leaning backward over the table toward the pile of fluff, she took on a voice very similar to Rarity’s, but a bit more masculine.

“I’m having a delightful time as well!” She said, with wide, unblinking eyes.

Snapping back to herself, she smiled at the fluff, “Why thank you, Sir Lintsalot!”

She twitched again, as she looked right at Alex, before snapping back to normal, and running behind the bag of flour.

“Could I trouble you for another piece of cake?” Pinkie said in a high-pitched French accent.

“Of course Madame le Flour!” Pinkie said, pushing a plate with cake over to the bag.

Running over to Alex, she waved his arms around, and imitated his voice as best she could, “This sure is a hoppin’ time, Pinkie Pie!”

Alex wasn’t sure what to say at this point. He was petrified.

“I’m glad none of those ponies showed up!” Pinkie said as the rock.

“Oh, they’re not so bad…” Pinkie said, as her eyes drifted apart, as she held a smile on her face.

Alex watched on in horror, she continued the conversation, using him as a character every now and them. He wanted to run. He wanted to hide. Pinkie was insane.

“Despicable!” She said as the flour, clopping her hooves.

“Such losers!” She said, changing to the fluff.

“Well done!” Mr. Turnip said.

“Yeah!” Lintsalot agreed.

Suddenly a knock came at the door.

Alex looked over desperately.

“Who could that be?” Pinkie asked, snapping out of her insanity.

“Hey there, Pinkie!” Rainbow Dash said, looking around the room, “Sorry I was in such a rush earlier. Had some place to be, and couldn’t slow down to say, ‘hello.’ You know how it goes.”

“I know how it goes alright,” Pinkie growled.

Looking over to Alex, Dash gave him an odd look, seeing the panic on his face.

‘Help. Me.’ Alex mouthed desperately.

“Hey, why don’t you come with us to Sweet Apple Acres?” Dash asked, not looking away from Alex.

“No thanks,” Pinkie said, walking over to Alex, and raising his arms, “I’m spending time with my real friends!”

“Yeah!” Pinkie imitated Alex, “Get out of here, butt face!”

Alex sniffled.

“Uh, what do you say we get on out of Creepy town, and head on over to Applejack’s…” Dash tried again.

“She’s not going anywhere!” The bucket of turnips said.

“I most certainly am not!” Pinkie agreed, “I’m having a wonderful time right here!”

“You two should really just come with me,” Dash said, a bit nervous herself.

“You heard the lady!” Pinkie imitated, pushing the rocks into Dash’s face, “She ain’t goin’ nowhere chump!”

“Who are you calling a chump, chump!?” Dash shouted at Rocky, knocking the pile of rocks over with her nose, realizing how stupid she must look, “Ugh… That’s it! Party’s over! Come on, Pinkie!”

“No!” She said, looking away from Dash.

“Pinkie Pie, Let’s go!” Dash asked nicely, trying to maintain herself.

“I said NO!” Pinkie said again.

Pushing her head up against her rump, she started trying to push her along, “You… Have to… Come with… me!” Dash said, as she struggled to try to get the pink pony to move with her.

“No… I…” Pinkie said, lifting up her hind legs, as Dash’s head went under them, “Don’t!”

Slamming down on her head, Pinkie sat on Dash, keeping her held in place.

As bad as it made Alex feel, he liked the look of Dash under another mares rump like that. That was Dax… And it made him upset that she was able to get away with so much, when he had to deal with so much more, while keeping himself sane.

“No!” He shouted out loud, as Dash pulled her head out from under Pinkie, looking over to him, “You don’t get to be insane!”

Pinkie stepped back.

“I’ve got two personalities in my head!” Alex shouted, “I kinda want a three-way right now, and I’m pissed at myself for saying it out loud!”

The two girls were pretty nervous now.

“I’m the bat-shit insane one here, and even I’m not talking to inanimate objects!” Alex continued, as his eyes started to glow a bright green, and various objects started floating around the room, “You are going with us to Sweet Apple Acres! Now! And I’ll kick Rocky’s ass if he has anything to say about it! Does he?!”

Pinkie shook her head.

“Are you coming then?!”

Pinkie nodded quickly.

“Good!” He shouted, “One more thing!”

Firing a laser at the bucket of turnips, he turned it to a pile of ash.

“I hated that guy!” He said, walking out the door, not looking at either of them, “Let’s go!”


Sitting outside the barn, Alex rubbed his temples. What the hell was that? He just flew off the handles, with almost no warning. He truly was half way between Dax and Alex for a few moments, and it unlocked that power he had used on the Changelings.

But now, here he was, outside the barn, while everypony celebrated. And, of course, he was crying, that made sense.

This was stupid and needlessly complex.

“Hey Alex!” Pinkie said, surprising him, making him jump, as she came out of the barn where her party was currently held, with poofy hair one again.

“Oh, Pinkie!” Alex said, wiping his eyes, “Uh, how’s the party?”

“Good!” She smiled, Sitting down next to him she put an arm around his shoulder, “You know, Alex, you taught me something today!”

“I did?” Alex asked, intrigued.

“When I was a filly, I lived on a rock farm, and to be honest, disappointment was a pretty big part of my life!” She said happily, recalling the hard parts of her life with a surprising amount of cheer, “And whenever things got bad, I’d play with my dolls! They all lived in a perfect house, with lots of fun, and cake too!”

Alex nodded, understanding.

“When I moved away, I forgot to pack them!” Pinkie continued, “So whenever I get down here, I overreact, find the nearest objects, and I play dolls again! But, maybe that’s not the most grown up way to be, you know?”

“Yeah,” Alex nodded, “It’s probably not too adult for me to lose my mind either, right?”

“Right!” Pinkie smiled, “But, you’re new to it, so you get a free pass!”

“Thanks, Pinkie,” Alex said, as she handed him a slip of paper that read ‘free pass.’

“And as for the whole three-way thing,” She began, as Alex lit up, blushing, “Just make sure it’s okay with Dashie, okay?”

Alex actually laughed at that, “Could you imagine?”

“She’d probably slap you silly!” Pinkie giggled, “Wanna come inside for some cake?”

“Yeah,” Alex nodded, smiling, “Sure.”

“Great!” She said, jumping up, “I’m starving!”

“Oh, Pinkie,” Alex said, as she looked at him, “Thanks for this.”

“No problem!” She smiled, “Let’s go!”

So, they went in and enjoyed the rest of the party. Dash didn’t seem to hold the explosion against him, and spent the rest of the evening closely with him.

This party didn’t go as long as the last one did, because they all needed to rest up for the Grand Galloping Gala in a few days. Not only that, however. There was something big on the horizon.

The end was coming.


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