• Published 24th Apr 2012
  • 42,497 Views, 4,897 Comments

My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic -- Off The Record - The King of Hearts

A new pony is introduced to Equestria just before the fight with Nightmare Moon in Episode 1. Changing the entire story.

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What a Crappy Brother!

Might be a few errors, I was exausted when writing this.

What a Crappy Brother!

Twilight impatiently tapped her hoof against the bottom of the train car as they headed toward Canterlot. A day had passed since she received the letter inviting her to the wedding of her older brother. The official plan was for her and her friends to help set up the wedding, and then make sure nothing at the wedding went awry.

Oh. Something was going to go awry alright.

Twilight was going to yell at her brother until he collapsed in a fit of tears begging for her for forgiveness.

Well… maybe nothing that bad. But she was going to give him a piece of her mind alright!

Along for the trip was quite a lot of ponies. All of whom had been invited because of their service to Canterlot in the past.

On the train with Twilight, were: Alex, Alpha, Apple Bloom, Applejack, Fluttershy, Pinkie, Rainbow Dash, Rarity, Spike, Sweetie Belle, and Trixie. They were quite the bunch, considering two were children, one was a changeling, and one was a human.

“So…” Alex whispered to Trixie, carefully looked over his seat to Twilight, as she stared blankly out the window, “What exactly did you see in Twilight’s mind again?”

Trixie shuddered at the horrible memory. She had somewhat suppressed it over the last day, as she silently rejoiced that she was invited to her first ever wedding. But, now here Alex was, forcing it back in to her head.

“It was… horrible.” Trixie said, shaking her head to him, “It wasn’t natural.”

Alex squinted to her and tilted his head, “How is that? Twilight was so vague on the topic, that I couldn’t even compare it to my own experiences.”

“She filled me in on those experiences extensively.” Trixie said flatly, shaking her head seriously at him, “This is nothing like those.”

“You’ll need to be a little more specific.” Alex rolled his eyes, sick of running in circles with the mare, “What did she say? What did she do?!”

“You really want to know?” Trixie asked, her gaze unwavering as she blinked once.

Her look made Alex feel a bit of her fear over the topic. But, he nodded regardless.

“She tried to burn out my ability to use magic.” Trixie said, her calm tone causing his pulse to quicken, “And she twitched. She twitched so much, and so hard, that her skin tore apart.”

Alex recoiled. What kind of dark side did Twilight have?

“She was right about to seriously hurt me, before… well… I used a spell that purified Twilight.” Trixie lied, not ready to share what she had seen with these ponies just yet, “I hope she’ll be okay for a little while.”

“That doesn’t make sense,” Alex shook his head, “Our dark sides might act bad, but they’re still essentially us. So far everypony has had that same general experience.”

“Well, I don’t know about that, but Trix—I saw otherwise. That monster was nothing like Twilight.” Trixie said, looking over her chair to the purple mare who was still occupied with the outside world, “And I hope she can overcome it, just like the rest of you did.”

“She will.” Alex said confidently, “Not only does she have the strongest magic users in Equestria at her side, she has the best friends in Equestria with her too.”

“You consider yourself a strong magic user?” Trixie asked, unsure how modest he was on the subject, “I remember you using some spells the other night. But, the best?”

Alex laughed, he knew what she was getting at.

“To be honest, Trixie, I could be humble, and say that I’m just good, but it would be a lie.” Alex shrugged, as she raised an eyebrow.

“You’re better at magic than me?” She asked, feeling as if this were a matter of her own pride, “You do know who I am, right?”

Alex laughed, as his horn began to glow.

“You might know harmonious magic, and in a straight battle between us, I’m confident you’d beat me using that kind of magic.” Alex admitted, before his expression hardened and he smirked, “But when I combine chaos with harmony, I mean… my options are limitless. I could blow up Canterlot with a sneeze, if I cast it right.”

“That magic is indeed powerful. However, I’d prefer that we be on even ground if we were to duel one another.” She said, as he gave her a defeated look.

“Well, if we were just using normal magic, I’d lose ten times over.” Alex said, shrugging, “My power is in chaos.”

“I didn’t say that we should only use harmonious magic.” Trixie shook her head, “I’d like you to teach me how to use chaotic magic, so that we could truly duel.”

Alex scratched his chin as he considered her request. He had never really taught anypony anything, aside from telling Rarity how to channel the magic.

“I don’t know if I’m cut out to be a teacher,” Alex said, looking back to Twilight, “She’s a much better teacher.”

“She can’t use the same magic as you, Rarity, and Rainbow Dash.” Trixie said, biting her lip in frustration, “I need to learn from the best!”

Alex smiled at the complement she had paid him. Nopony had ever told him he was the best at this kind of thing. And the fact that it was coming from Trixie- well, made things feel about a billion times better.

“I’ll have to think about it.” Alex nodded suddenly, as she smiled in return, “At the very least, I can teach you how to channel the energy properly, so you can begin to cast the spells.”

“Thanks.” She said simply, as she relaxed back in her seat, “Trixie appreciates it.”

“Trixie?” Alex asked, trying not to chuckle at her slip-up, “You seriously need to work on that. You sound do rude when you reference yourself that way.”

“Well, you sound rude when you tell me I sound rude!” Trixie countered, huffing at the observation she had heard so many times, “It’s a miracle I don’t use it more, to be honest.”

”Next stop: Canterlot. Disembarkment will commence in five minutes.”

“Well, that’s my cue.” Alex said, standing up from his seat next to her, “Thanks for telling me about Twilight’s dark side. Whenever you’re ready to start training with chaotic magic, I’d be happy to help you out.”

“Thanks,” She nodded, as Alex turned around, and rejoined Rainbow Dash across the aisle.

“What were you two talking about?” Dash asked, her eyebrow raised, as she gave Trixie a quick glare, “Was she trying to seduce you?!”

“Don’t be that way, Dash.”

Alex shook his head to her, as he explained his and Trixie’s conversation back to her in great detail, scaring the cyan mare a great deal at the description of Twilight’s dark side.

“Ripped skin?” Dash asked, her face scrunched at the thought of her friend in such a state, “How is Trixie so calm about that?!”

“She was able to purify the dark side away for now,” Alex replied, filling in the blanks with his own head, “She probably feels safe with the ability to do that.”

The brakes on the train suddenly came to life, as the party arrived at their destination. The train rapidly decelerated, and within seconds had parked in front of the Canterlot terminal.

“I’ll grab our stuff,” Alex said, casting a spell and pulling their bags out of the overhead compartment, “Did we have anything else—“

Alex was cut off as Twilight briskly walked past him, bumping in to him slightly.

“Twilight?” Dash called, as the mare exited the train, “Geez, what’s up with her?”

Alex leaned past Dash and peered out the window at Twilight, as she stomped over to her older Brother Shining Armor. He laughed as it all made sense.

“He’s about to get yelled at.” Alex laughed, sitting down in Dash’s seat next to the window, “This’ll be fun to watch!”


“Well I—“ Shining Armor began, before Twilight cut him off immediately.

“And you thought you could just tell me the day before, huh?” Twilight continued, unaware that none of her friends had exited the train yet, and had instead opted to watch the scene from their windows, “You promised me that you’d keep in touch!”

“I know that! But—“

“Especially because you’re engaged to Cadance!” Twilight ranted, now pacing back and forth in front of the captain of the royal guard, “I was promised that I’d get to help with every aspect of the wedding!”

“You are! You and your friends are going to—“

“But here you are! Telling your little sister two days before the big day!” Twilight said, her volume almost loud enough to be considered yelling, “Thank you SO much!”

Of course Shining Armor had had legitimate reasons why he hadn’t gotten the chance to tell her. It was mostly because Canterlot was currently under some of kind of threat that they had yet to substantiate, and he had been working around the clock to ensure that the city was as safe as possible with his protection spell.

“I’m sorry, Twilight.” Shining Armor said frankly, “But Canterlot has been threatened by an unknown party, and I’ve been working around the clock for weeks keeping the city protected.”

“Unknown party?” Twilight asked, her sour mood completely removed by the grim news, “So… why are you getting married then? Shouldn’t you wait?”

“Everypony in Canterlot has been so worried about what might be happening over the next few weeks, that we decided the wedding was the very thing they needed to keep their spirits high.” Shining explained articulately, as his sister’s expression softened further, “I only knew about this wedding three days ago. I told you as soon as all the details were finalized.”

“Oh…” Twilight said, bowing her head in embarrassment, “I didn’t know you were doing it for everypony in Canterlot.”

He flashed a warm smile, and suddenly embraced her, taking her off guard a tad.

“It’s okay.” He said, before pulling back from their hug, “I promise that you can spend the next day with Cadence, getting everything ready with your friends. Sorry again for being so slow to let you know.”

Twilight looked at the ground, embarrassed that she had blown up over almost nothing.

“Hey, kiddo.” He said, reaching his hoof forward and messing up her mane, “Don’t look so sad! Your brother is getting married tomorrow! I need you here to keep me grounded!”

“Yeah, well—“

“No excuses!” Shining Armor said, as he started gesturing to the ponies in the windows of the train to come outside, “Give me a smile! That’s your first official job as the best mare!”

“Best mare?!” Twilight asked, her eyes suddenly lit up, “You want me to be your best mare?!”

“Of course I do, Twily!” He said as he turned and faced the line of guards behind him, “Come on! I’ll show you and your friends to your room, then you can get to work with Cadence!”

After their short exchange, Twilight’s mood had done a one-eighty. Not only was she happy to be in Canterlot with her family, but she was excited to get to work with her friends, so they could build the best wedding Canterlot had ever seen.

Was this how Pinkie felt before she planned a big party?

Author's Note:

So! Just in case any of you weren't aware, I'll be releasing a short oneshot clopfic between Alex and Dash tomorrow.

It'll be it's own story, and won't matter two shits to the main story, or canon whatsoever.

Make sure to follow me if you're interested in seeing it pop up when it gets approved.


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