• Published 24th Apr 2012
  • 42,471 Views, 4,897 Comments

My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic -- Off The Record - The King of Hearts

A new pony is introduced to Equestria just before the fight with Nightmare Moon in Episode 1. Changing the entire story.

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The Element of... Sorrow?

The Element of… Sorrow?

Pinkie tapped the ground of her white prison lightly, causing a bunch of colors to bounce out around her. It was a fantastic way to pass the time.





Tap Tap.

Rainbow! Rainbow!

“This is fun!” Pinkie giggled, slapping the ground more and more, making the colors rain down around her.

“I’m surprised you can do that,” Discord said, hovering into her line of view.

“Discord!” Pinkie said suddenly, bouncing up to her feet, as the rainbows bounced up around them, “Ooooh, you’re gonna get it mister!”

The area around Pinkie warped, as colors leaked out from around all parts of her body.

“You’re quite chaotic, aren’t you?” Discord smiled, not fazing her determined look, “Not just anypony can make those distortions, you know.”

“So what?” She asked, stomping the ground and making everything shake, “Let me go home!”

“Hmm,” Discord said, scratching his chin, maybe he should do exactly that. If he was going to break her, all he would need to do is show her what has happened to her home, and her friends there. “Alright, I’ll send you home. You’re far too dangerous to stay here anyway.”

“Good!” She huffed, as she was lifted into the air, her Element materializing on her chest.

“I hope you have fun,” Discord said.

The area around her distorted further, splitting the colors around her, as she was pushed out of the dreamscape.

Discord smiled, “See you soon.”


Pinkie popped out of the air and fell on the hard, checkerboard ground.

“Ow!” She said, rubbing her rump, “That big meanie!”

Standing up, Pinkie got her bearings. She was in Ponyville. And she was just outside of Sugarcube Corner. She needed to check on the Cakes!

Walking up the front stairs, she inhaled and smelt something… foul. It was coming from inside.

“What are they doing?” Pinkie asked herself, opening the door and looking around the dark storefront, “Hello?”

Creeping inside, she poked her head over the counter, looking for her friends.

Pinkie could almost hear the creepy music playing, as she walked down the hallway. She could hear her heart pounding through her chest.

“I’m a party pony…” She whimpered, “I shouldn’t be sneaking around this scary place!”

“This cake is delicious!” Mrs. Cake’s voice could be heard around the corner in the kitchen.

“The best you’ve ever make, honey bun!” Mr. Cake agreed, loudly chewing.

“What are you guys doing?” Pinkie asked, stepping into the room, seeing the two ponies eating cake, with their backs to her, “Should you be making cake at a time like this?”

“Pinkie!” Mr. Cake said, standing up and turning to her, revealing his crooked face, “You HAVE to try this new recipe!”

“I don’t think—“

“Now, Pinkie,” Mrs. Cake said, “Don’t be rude.”

“I don’t think I’m being—“

Being pushed into the table, Pinkie was quickly served a piece of green spongelike cake.

“Here you go, sweetheart,” Mrs. Cake smiled, giving her an expectant look.

Pinkie bit her lip, as she gave a quick sniff, almost gagging.

The two ponies gave her a twisted look, smiling, yet looking like they were deeply saddened.

“You guys should come with me!” Pinkie said, leaning back from the cake, “I have a place I can take you!”

“But why would we ever leave?” Mr. Cake asked, tilting his head slightly.


“Just eat, dear!” Mrs. Cake said, lifting a hefty amount of cake with her hoof, and placing it in front of her face.

Pinkie tried to lean back, but Mr. Cake held her in place, as the cake was smeared all over her face.

Inevitably, some of it got in her mouth, and the horrible, disgusting—Wait a minute.

“This is great!” Pinkie shouted, shocked at the contrast between taste and smell, “You should sell this!”

“We plan on it!” Mr. Cake said, “We just need to wait for everypony to be in a better mood!”

“Better mood?” Pinkie asked, “I can do that in no time!”


Rainbow Dash looked herself over on the large mirror, wondering just how good she looked compared to how the others would look.

Looking to her chest, she puffed it out.

Would Alex like it better if she carried herself like this?

“He has a strange obsession with these…” She frowned, lightly lifting one up, “I wonder why.”

“If you were a guy, you’d understand,” Alex laughed, leaning on the door, dressed in his tux, “And when we get back to Equestria, I’ll miss the hell out of them.”

“Hmm…” She said, continuing her examination of herself, “Maybe take pictures on your I-thingy?”

“I’m glad you gave me your blessing on that,” Alex smirked, “Because I took a whole bunch last night.”

“I know you did,” She laughed, “I just pretended to be asleep. That’s not all you took pictures of.”

Alex blushed, now he was REALLY caught.

“I would have a tough time looking at human parts,” Dash said, seeing his guilt, “So I’ll give you a free pass.”

“Aaaand you’re the best marefriend ever.” Alex smiled, stepping closer, and placing his hands on her hips.

“You keep saying that,” She laughed, “And I never get sick of hearing it.”

“Come on,” He said, gesturing to the door, “We have a dance to get to.”

“I just hope I remember how to do all that fancy foot-stuff.” Dash said, looking to her feet, “If I lose my balance, you fall, and make it look like YOU lost balance, okay honey?”

“Yeah yeah,” Alex nodded, “I know my job.”

“Good boy,” She said, turning around to face him, and pecking him on the lips, “Now, why don’t you start showing me off to your friends?”


Dash held on to Alex for dear life, as he drove the two of them toward the school in his car.

“H-how can you not be scared right now?!” Dash asked, terrified at being stuck in a moving metal cage.

“You get used to it,” Alex shrugged, never actually having known fear in a car, “I got over it when I was just a baby.”

“You remember that far back?” She asked.

“Well, no,” He said, shaking his head, “I just assume—I guess.”

The trip to school was only a few minutes. Dash was at least happy to have some speed back in her life.

Pulling into the parking lot, Alex decided to give himself a break on a regular parking job, and go to a less populated space. It’s what he was worst at, and wasn’t going to risk an accident, after being a pony for a year.

Picking a spot and parking, Alex jumped out of the car, and ran to the other side, so he could open the door for her.

“Wow,” She laughed, “You’re being quite the gentlemen, aren’t you?”

“Well, I might as well,” He shrugged, taking her hand and helping her out of the car, “We’ve been to two dances in two days. That’s my quota for the year.”

“Mine too,” She agreed, “I just want to get back to the antics.”

“A couldn’t agree with you more,” He laughed, missing the way Ponyville had always given them an adventure.

Holding her hand, the two walked through the front door of the school, where they were immediately greeted with a pretty girl sitting at a desk that held a clipboard.

“Hey!” She said, standing up and smiling, “I haven’t seen you in forever, Alex!”

“Hey, Layla,” Alex smiled back to her, “It’s good to see you again.”

“Well, you’re on the list, obviously,” She said, flipping a page on the clipboard, “So go in!”

“Thanks,” He nodded, as they walked past her, and toward the gymnasium.

Turning at the first stairwell, they passed the theater and walked down the hallway, and into the gym, where they had been playing dodge ball just a few hours before.

“Wow,” Dash said, looking around her, “They really did a number on this place.”

“You’d be surprised,” Alex said, as they both looked across the sea of students, most of them dancing, while others stood on the wall, “The girls that handle this stuff are super serious.”

“Like, Pinkie serious?” Dash asked.

“Well, maybe not that much.” He grinned, wishing that Pinkie was here right now, so she could... Well, be Pinkie.

“Hey everyone!” A voice bellowed from the speakers, “Alex just came in with his smoking hot date!”


Alex looked at the small stage where the DJ stood, and saw his uncle giving him a very obvious thumbs up and nodding.

The music was stopped.

Everyone was looking at them.

Alex sighed.

“I’m back, here’s my date, we met in New York,” Alex listed, “Is that good enough?”

Slowly, the music came back to life, as everyone resumed their dancing.

“I hope that’s the end of the attention,” Alex groaned, knowing that it wouldn’t be.

“I hope it’s just a start!” Dash laughed, “Everypony—EveryONE will be checking us out tonight, Alex.”

“I guess,” Alex agreed, knowing that having a hot date always made you look better to other women, “I’ve never been the guy that makes everyone jealous… Maybe I’ll enjoy it while I can.”

“Good thinking,” She said, grabbing his hand and leading him to the dance floor, “Let’s have some fun now.”


Discord looked at the watch on his wrist, decorated with tiny version of himself, each arm pointing at the hour, and minute.

“She’s been home for long enough,” Discord mumbled, opening an exit from the dreamscape.

Stepping out into Ponyville, Discord frowned. Something smelt… Wrong.

He was used to the putrid stink of the Cakes’ concoction. It was a smell that went to perfectly with his chaos capital of the world! But now, the area was filled with a sweet, delicious smell. Something he would expect in a normal place. And that would do no good!

Looking around, he frowned when his eyes went upon the Sugarcube Corner. It was bright. It was lit up. And worst of all, there was grass around the building! Somepony had ruined his entire checkerboard pattern!

Stepping into the building, Discord was shocked to see several of the ponies from around town, inside, eating sweets, no longer under the influence of his chaos.

“What is going on in here?!” Discord shouted, abhorred at the happy, harmonious scene in front of him, “How did you manage this?”

“Discord!” Pinkie shouted, “Get out of here!”

The ponies around her were still somewhat under his chaotic influence, but it was fading fast. He needed to fix that.

“Pinkie, you’re not following the plan,” Discord said seriously, “You need to—“

“No!” She shouted, as a burst of energy emitted from her, pushing Discord away, “You’re not taking Ponyville away anymore!”

Discord grunted at the power Pinkie was exhibiting. He should have thought about this a bit more.

Pinkie was a chaotic pony. More so than any he had ever met.

But, she was pure-hearted, and she wore an Element of Harmony.

When those two things come together, one of two things can happen.

One, in the case of Alex, you become exceedingly powerful in the chaotic department, with harmony taking the backseat, so it can be used to amplify the chaos.

Two, the chaos is harmonized, and its unique powers are given a different form. It’s exceedingly less powerful than what happened to Alex, but it was dangerous to beings of chaos such as him, as it could purify them, and render them harmless. You just need to trigger the transformation of that power. And he had done just that.

Taking a step back, Discord couldn’t help but be proud of the pony.

“You’re stronger than I had anticipated,” Discord nodded to her, “And you’ve put me in a difficult position.”

“I hope so!” Pinkie said, puffing her cheeks out, “Because I’m not going to stop being me, until I save Equestria!”

“Before you do that, there is something I need to tell you, Pinkie,” Discord said, stepping back toward her, feeling his strength drain, “May I?”

Pinkie frowned, as Discord took another step, clearly weakening, “What? Tell me right from where you are!”

“It’s a secret, dear,” Discord said, stepping yet closer.

Stepping toward him, Pinkie leaned into him, as he spoke something near-silently into her ear.

Pinkie listened silently, as he said all he needed.

Discord continued whispering, and whispering, until it finally clicked in Pinkie's brain, and she caught up with him.

“What…?” Pinkie asked, as he continued.

Slowly, the color in her usually pink coat faded, turning darker, and greyer.

Pinkie felt her heart sink, as Discord finished what he had to say, pulling away from her.

The silence in the room was deafening. The loud Party Discord had interrupted was now nothing as it had just been.

Pinkie felt the sorrow pour through her body, as a tear came to her eye. Everything Discord had just told her sounded sickening. It was horrible. She wanted nothing more than to tell him to buck right off. But…

“Okay, Discord.” She frowned, her heart breaking, “Take me back.”

The cracking sound of her Element was fast, and surprised nopony, as it blackened the gem balloon.

“I’m glad you see the way of chaos, Pinkie,” Discord smirked, as the floor vanished as it had before, dropping her into the blackness, sending her back to the dreamscape, “You’ve learned your lesson.”

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