• Published 24th Apr 2012
  • 42,498 Views, 4,897 Comments

My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic -- Off The Record - The King of Hearts

A new pony is introduced to Equestria just before the fight with Nightmare Moon in Episode 1. Changing the entire story.

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The Ritual - The Royal Perspective

The Ritual - The Royal Perspective
The sun was just setting, and Luna had shown the girls to Scootaloo’s room. She promised them that she would be right back, as she needed to let Celestia know what was happening before she went to bed for the night.
Luna walked into the Castle dining room, and was greeted with a smile from her sister.

“Is Scootaloo set up?” Celestia asked.

“You could… say that,” Luna giggled, confusing Celestia.

“What’s so funny, sister?” Celestia asked.

“Well, due to a small mix up with Scoot-Ah-Loo’s arrangements, I’ve offered for her friends to spend the night here,” Luna said, “I’ve decided to be a proactive princess!”

Celestia wasn’t sure what to say.

“Don’t worry yourself, sister,” Luna explained, “I’ll keep my eyes on them at all times! I swear!”

“Luna… you’re just as much a princess as I am,” Celestia explained, “You don’t need my permission to do something.”

“Perfect!” Luna beamed, acting like she had just gotten permission from her mother, “I promise that everything will go well!”

“I’m sure it will,” Celestia smiled softly, “Just don’t let them run too wild, alright? I need to be up early tomorrow to deal with
some delegates from overseas, and can’t be woken up during the night.”

“Quell your fears, Celestia,” Luna assured, “I can handle this.”

5 hours later


Celestia grumbled.


“I’ll… Just bring me the cake tomorrow,” Celestia murmured into her pillow.

“Wake up!” Luna bellowed, using the Royal Canterlot voice.

Celestia shot up.

“W-what’s going on Luna?” She asked, her heart racing, expecting something horrible to be happening.

“I’ve lost them…”

“Lost who?” Celestia asked, forgetting the conversation they shared a few hours earlier.

“Scoot-Ah-Loo and her friends…” Luna said quietly.

Celestia groaned, “Just get the guards to find them…”

“I couldn’t ask them to abandon their posts just to fix my mess!” Luna whined, “That would be selfish!”

“But waking me up… In the middle of the night… what’s that? Charity?” Celestia asked, pretty grumpy at this point.

“Well, from you!” Luna smiled, “Come please help me sister!”

Celestia frowned.

“Fine, but let’s hurry… I have those ponies to meet with tomorrow.”

“Thank you so much!” Luna beamed, “We’ll have the entire castle searched in no time!”

Celestia dragged herself out of bed. Normally, she had a very cheery demeanor. But when somepony robbed her of her
sleep… Well, let’s just say that they don’t deserve a happy princess.

“Where should we start looking?” Celestia asked.

“Well, I figured that we could just ask the guards where they went, and we’d end up at them in no time!” Luna explained.

“So… Why was I needed again?” Celestia asked, rubbing her eyes.

“To help me look!” Luna smiled, “And because you need to listen to your big sister!”

Hearing Luna refer to herself as the ‘big sister’ forced a smiled out of Celestia. It was their favorite joke a thousand years ago… And it was nice to hear it again. It reminded her of just how happy she was to have Luna back.

“Alright, big sister,” Celestia smiled, “Let’s go find those girls.”

Luna nodded as they headed out of her chambers, and down the hallway.

“So… How did you end up losing them anyway?” Celestia asked.

“Well… It was a few hours ago…”

A Few Hours Ago

“Alright girls!” Luna announced, entering Scootaloo’s room, “Celestia is okay with it!”

“Yay!” They all cheered together.

“So, what should we do first?” Sweetie asked.

“Can we have a tour Scoots?” Apple Bloom asked.

“Sure!” Scootaloo beamed, “I know this place like the back of my hoof!”

Luna looked at the back of her hoof. She didn’t get the reference.

“Let’s go then!” Sweetie shouted, “I want to go to the throne room!”

“Well, I could take you three there!” Luna offered, “I need to stop in there anyway!”

“Sure!” Apple Bloom and Sweetie said together.

“Well, let us go then!” Luna announced, walking out the door with the three girls behind her.


The three girls were given free rein to do whatever they felt like in the throne room, as Luna spoke with some guards regarding the way tonight was going to go.

“If you see these three,” Luna said to the captain of the guard, Shining Armor, “Please allow them free access to any part of the castle.”

“Of course Princess,” He nodded, “Should I still keep them out of places restricted to the public?”

“No.” Luna said frankly, “These girls may go wherever they please.”

Shining Armor nodded. It wasn’t the best idea for that... But it was her call not his.

“Thank you.” Luna smiled.

“I’ll spread the word,” He said, “The guards won’t interfere with their explorations.”


“You told him what?” Celestia asked, a bit upset, “There are parts of the castle they shouldn’t be in!”

“I now know that,” Luna said.

Celestia sighed, “I thought you intended to keep your eyes on them… Not let them roam free.”

“I planned on staying with them,” Luna explained, “The command to the captain was supposed to be a standing order, for when they explored during the day.”

Celestia face hooved.

“I now see where I went wrong.” Luna laughed nervously.

“So… What happened next?” Celestia asked, not allowing herself to become annoyed.


“Now girls,” Luna said, “What would you like to do first?”

“I know!” Apple Bloom shouted, “We need to see if we could be Cutie Mark Royal Guards!”

“Maybe in the morning,” Luna laughed, “Perhaps something more tame?”

“Oh!” Sweetie chirped, “How about Cutie Mark Princesses?”

“That sounds awesome!” Scootaloo smiled, “Can we try Luna?”

Hmm… Giving these girls the power of a Princess, and ability to rule Equestria… Was this a good idea?

“Sure!” Luna beamed, “You can give it a try!”

First, Apple Bloom jumped on the throne.

“You!” She shouted, pointing at Shining Armor, “Get yer’ princess some cake!”

Shining Armor laughed, “Sure thing, I’ll be back in a moment, your majesty.”

“Wow!” Sweetie Belle Squeaked, “Let me try!”

Jumping into the seat, she bumped Apple Bloom off.

“Guard!” She called, as another guard stepped forward, “Deliver one hundred spools of gold silk to The Carousel Boutique in Ponyville!”

“Uh… Yes, your majesty!” He said, running out of the room to complete the order.

“I wanna try!” Scootaloo said, bumping Sweetie out of the chair herself, “Guard!”

A third pony stepped forward.

“Go throw a pie at Diamond Tiara, and Silver Spoon in Ponyville!” She commanded, “They’re always mean to us at school!”

The guard looked to Luna questioningly.

Luna gave a solid nod to him.

Sighing, the guard walked out of the room, toward the kitchen to fetch two pies.


“You let them do that?” Celestia asked in disbelief.

“I told them they could be Princesses, sister,” Luna defended, “I had no intention of going back on that!”

“Y-You can’t just…!” Celestia tried, deciding that too much was wrong with this for her to just say one thing.

“So!” Luna said quickly, “As I was saying, once they finished their commands…”


“That was awesome!” Scootaloo cheered, “Did we get our Cutie Marks?”

The three girls each inspected their flanks, but saw nothing.

“Aww…” They said together.

“Well girls,” Luna giggled, “Why don’t we go somewhere else?”

“Oh!” Sweetie said, “Is there a torture chamber?!”

“Um… I’m afraid not,” Luna said, worrying a bit.

“Aww,” She said truly disappointed, further disturbing Luna.

“Where should we go then?” Apple Bloom asked.

“Let’s just explore!” Scootaloo offered.

“We’ll find something that way for sure!” Luna agreed.

So, the four set out to find something to do in the massive Castle.


Walking down one of the many corridors, Luna educated them on aspects of her past, and some things about the castle. However, as they passed one particular door, Luna stopped, and grimaced at it.

“What’s wrong?” Sweetie asked Luna.

“This room belongs to Prince Blue-blood,” Luna said, “He’s just not somepony I enjoy spending time with.”

“Really?” Apple Bloom asked, “Why?”

“He goes through mares like they’re candy.” Luna explained, not considering her audience.

“What does that mean?” Scootaloo asked.

Luna stopped quickly.

“It means that… He only talks to them once, then ignores them!” She pulled together.

“How rude!” Sweetie growled.

“We should teach him a lesson!” Apple Bloom agreed.

“I know!” Scootaloo said, before Luna stepped in.

“Perhaps we shouldn’t,” Luna said, “That would make us rude like him.”

The three girls were forced to agree with her, but didn’t sound convinced.

“So, where else is there to go then?” Luna said, as the girls whispered to each other.


“Ahhhhhh!” A voice shouted from down the hall.

“Uh-oh…” Luna said, as she ran down the hall, with a still drowsy Celestia staggering behind her.

“What is the meaning of this?” The stallion whined, “Who would dare treat me this way?”

Opening his door, Luna was face to face with a half blue Blue-blood.

“W-What happened?” Luna asked, snarling.

“Somepony put a bucket of blue paint on the top of my door!” He whined, “It spilled all down my face when I opened it!”

Luna held her hoof over her mouth.

Celestia finally got to the door, and started laughing, “Blue-blood, you’re blue!”

This set Luna off too.

“It scared off the mare I brought back from the club!” He shouted, “What do you intend to do?”

The Princesses ignored him, and laughed as they left his room. They had more important things to deal with.


“Alright girls,” Luna said, leading them back to Scootaloo’s room, “I think it’s time we settle in.”

“But we want to see more!” Sweetie complained.

“Yeah!” Apple Bloom added.

“We can spend all day tomorrow exploring,” Luna said, “For now, you three stay here, I’ll be back in a little bit.”

“Alright,” Scootaloo sighed. She couldn’t really argue with the Princess.

Walking out of the room, Luna headed back to the throne room, and was surprised to see a citizen in the throne room waiting for her.

“Princess!” The stallion said, “I was worried I’d missed you.”

“My apologies,” Luna said, taking her seat, “What can I help you with?”

“I’m here to discuss the demolition of the Canterlot recreation center, in place of a shopping mall!” He explained.

Luna groaned quietly. This would take a while…


“So, I debated with him for a few hours, before he insisted on going to the Library to research some municipal law topics,” Luna explained, “So, I finally got a chance to go check on them… but they were gone when I arrived.”

Celestia nodded.

Suddenly, a loud crashing was heard down the hallway.

“That must be them,” Celestia said, running faster than she had in a while, just so she could get back to her beautiful bed.

They rounded a corner just in time to see the three take off around another corner.

“What are they running for?” Luna asked.

Picking up the pace, the Princesses rounded the next corner, and were met with a stone wall, and no rooms where they could have possibly gone.

“Where did they go?” Celestia asked.

Walking forward together, they looked at the wall closely.

Luna raised a hoof, and started knocking on it, to hear if it was hollow.

However, instead, the wall flipped around, and the two suddenly found themselves in an entirely new room, with the three girls piled on top of the pony Luna had been speaking with a few minutes ago, and had sent to the library.

“Girls!” Luna said, ignoring the obvious fact that they had gone into some secret chamber, “What are you doing with him?”

“He was stealing magic from the library Princess!” Sweetie Belle explained, “But we stopped him!”

“He tried tuh take this!” Apple Bloom said, pulling a scroll out of the stallions saddle bag, and tossing it to Celestia.

Levitating it up, she opened the scroll, and was shocked to see that it was a powerful mind wiping spell.

“He tied us up, and tried to use it on us, when we found out what he was doing!” Scootaloo explained.

“He… what?!” Celestia asked, horrified.

“But we escaped and took care of his thugs!” Sweetie explained happily.

“Pardon…?” Luna asked.

“An’ then we chased him down and captured him!” Apple Bloom finished.

“How did you—“

“And I would have gotten away with it too…” He growled, “If it hadn’t been for you meddling fillies!”

The Princesses were awe struck.

Celestia leaned over to Luna and whispered.

“What the buck did we miss?”


Author's Note:

Don't worry, the other side of the story will be posted next.

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