• Published 24th Apr 2012
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My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic -- Off The Record - The King of Hearts

A new pony is introduced to Equestria just before the fight with Nightmare Moon in Episode 1. Changing the entire story.

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Ignorance was Bliss

Ignorance was Bliss

Pinkie had bounced herself all over Ponyville looking for the god of chaos himself- Discord. But, the problem with finding a powerful being such as him, was that he could literally be anywhere in the world. He could be in Ponyville, Canterlot, Manehattan, on the moon, or hiding inside of one of her many party balloons. It was almost frustrating.

“Hey Twilight!” Pinkie called, as she decided to seek help in tracking down the god of chaos, “Have you seen Discord anywhere?”

“Discord?” Twilight called from upstairs, her tone incredibly confused, “Why would you need to talk to him?”

“I need to ask him some private questions!” She answered simply, furthering Twilights confusion.

“Well… Can’t you tell anypony else?” Twilight asked, poking her head out of her upstairs room, “I’m always happy to help you if you need an ear!”

“No… I think I’d like to talk to him about this.” She replied simply.

“Well… as far as I can remember, Discord has been staying in Canterlot,” Twilight explained, “Princess Celestia has been bugging me to take him off her hooves… but I don’t want him annoying us down here!”

“Twilight! I’m hurt!” Discords voice echoed, before he appeared in front of them, “I thought you and I had something Special going on!”

“In your dreams, Discord.” Twilight rolled her eyes, “Well, Pinkie, here he is.”

“Great!” She smiled, hopping up and down, “Can I talk to you about a secret?”

“Of course you can, my dear.” Discord nodded, hovering over to her and gesturing for her to place her hoof in his claw, “I’ll take us somewhere safe from prying ears.”

“Thank you!” Pinkie exclaimed, “Twilight has been prying like crazy!”

“I didn’t—“

They were gone before she could defend herself.

Growling, Twilight went back to work, just in time for the door to the library to open once again.

“Where’s my favorite purple mare?” Alpha called in to the house, trotting his way upstairs, “Hey beautif— Uh… You’re mad.”

Twilight only grunted.

“Well, you do still look beautiful,” He winked, walking in to the room.

Twilight may have pretended to dislike the constant compliments, but some small part of her appreciated somepony trying so hard to compliment her.

“Are you going to just stand there and hit on me all day? Or are you going to help me sort these notes?” Twilight asked, giving him an opening to spend a little time with her.

Alpha only smiled. While he was past trying to straight up romance her, there was something to be said for chipping away at somepony until they crumble underneath you. It would surely make it much more rewarding.


“So,” Discord asked, sitting back on a stump in the forest he had taken them to, “What was it you wanted to tell me?”

“Well, I have some suspicions about Rainbow Dash, and Alex!” Pinkie covered quickly, “And since I know you and Alex spent so long trapped in stone together, you would know him pretty well!”

“Well, it wasn’t really that long,” Discord said, trying to estimate how long it had felt like to be trapped in there, “But I did learn a thing or two about him. What is it you’re confused about?”

“Well, Rainbow Dash exploded at me earlier today for asking about the pony she had spent that night with a year ago, while she was still looking for Alex!” Pinkie explained, “There’s something going on there, that Alex doesn’t know about!”

“While I can see how it’s relevant to Alex, why did you ask me this question?” Discord asked, scratching the back of his head, “I feel like any of your other friends would be able to help you! I mean, I know Alex! Not Rainbow Dash!”

Pinkie stopped. That was right. Why had she asked him? “Oh! You can take me to see what she did with your magic!”

“Hmm… I’m no expert on friendship, but isn’t that spying?” Discord asked.

“Well, it’s not spying if it’s to help a friend! …I think!” Pinkie said, before her attitude resolved, and she nodded one last time, “Well? Can you do it?”

“Of course I can do it,” Discord nodded, a little curious about this adventure himself, “Do you want to go now?”

“There’s no time like the present!” Pinkie smiled, “Except for yesterday!”

Discord considered himself to be a very chaotic, and unpredictable creature. But, he wanted nothing to do with trying to decipher what Pinkie had to say.

“Well! Here we go!” Discord said, snapping his fingers, as the two were surrounded by a black bubble, blocking out all but a small amount of light, “When was the transgression between Rainbow Dash and her lover?”

“Eleven months, two weeks, and four days ago!” Pinkie smiled, again, mystifying Discord.

Snapping his claw again, they appeared in a brand new place.

They were now in what looked like a destroyed town in the middle of a swamp. Most of the buildings were wrecked, and the wet streets of the town were filled with water.

“This is quite the level of damage,” Discord observed, looking toward a massive destroyed dam, “It was Alex that did this?”

“Yeah!” She nodded, “Back when he was under control of the changelings!”

The two watched in silence beyond that point, as Discord manipulated the flow of time accordingly, allowing them to skip past any boring conversation. And, because they were invisible to the ponies around them, they weren’t about to cause some kind of time paradox.

“There he is!” Pinkie pointed to the white Pegasus helping move a large pile of wood toward a construction site with his head, “That’s the guy she did it with!”

Discord tilted his head and studied the pony. He was similar to Alex in many ways, but had a harder face than him, with more defined cheek bones, and a slightly longer face. Also, his eyes were brown, instead of blue. And, to top it all off, he had a cutie mark. A picture of a blurred pony, that was, well, obviously going fast, as his name denoted.

“Let’s follow him!” Pinkie announced, as Discord sped up time once again, with their sphere of magic following him automatically.

After a few hours passed, and the day turned to night, the two of them watched the fated encounter between Dash and this stallion, as she tried in vain to stop his advances, while obviously very drunk. It was only a matter of time until she caved under him, and he took her to one of the temporary houses Canterlot had provided for them.

Of course, Discord and Pinkie kept out of the room the two of them were using, but were still treated to a very loud exchange, filled with moaning, cursing, and even a little screaming.

Pinkie herself had a heavy blush the entire time, feeling only a little jealous that Rainbow Dash had experienced something that felt so obviously good.

After a sufficient amount of time passed, and the room fell in to silence, Discord and Pinkie finally poked their heads inside, and were happy to see that Dash was passed out on the bed.

“Looks like he did the job,” Discord chuckled as the while stallion slowly got out of the bed, and walked in to the bathroom, “Now where are you going, you mare stealer?”

Pinkie herself walked over to Dash, and was happy to see that she was asleep with such a big smile on her face. But, it also hurt her chest a bit, seeing another stallion do these things with her… but! This had been the great folly of Rainbow Dash. Her massive lapse in judgment, and loyalty. She had since begged for forgiveness, and had received it from the man she loved. But, if that were the simple case, why had she been so upset?

The two were then pulled from their attention on Rainbow Dash, when they heard him start talking to himself in the bathroom.

“Is he a bad guy?” Pinkie asked softly, knowing that Rainbow Dash had filled him in on the fact that she had a boyfriend, “I mean… it doesn’t even seem like he had anything to drink. He took advantage of Dashie while she was drunk!”

Discord could only agree with her, as they both stood in silence.

Hearing the toilet flush, Speed stepped out of the bathroom, his face riddled with remorse, as he obviously had trouble getting back in to the bed with her.

“Feeling bad now?” Pinkie spat, her attitude souring, “I guess Rainbow Dash only did this with him. Take me to him now.”

“Pardon me?” Discord asked, tilting his head.

“Take us back to the present, and take us to this town!” Pinkie demanded, “I’m gonna give this guy a piece of my mind!”

Again, Discord knew that she shouldn’t be doing that… but he wanted a show!

“You wish is my command, Pinkie,”

Discord bowed, before snapping his fingers from his lowered position, instantly snapping them back to the present, but still in the same town.

Quickly taking in her surroundings, Pinkie was happy to see the town back in beautiful shape, with the dam repaired, and ponies going about their usual business happily. She was genuinely happy to see the town be restored to a state that ponies could be so happy in it. Magic was an amazing thing sometimes.

Discord winked, disappearing from sight, “I don’t want to be scaring anypony, now do I?”

Pinkie nodded. She felt a little bad for Discord for having to hide. But that wasn’t important! She wasn’t about to forget about her anger! She was on the warpath!

Stomping down the road, Pinkie looked for the house of this guy, but had no such luck pointing it out, as she had no idea where he lived.

“Excuse me!” Pinkie called to a couple of mares carding groceries in their saddle bags, “Do either of you know a stallion named Speed? I’m looking for his house!”

The two gave each other a puzzled look, before returning to Pinkie.

“No.” One shook her head.

“Never heard of him!” The other answered, “But it is a big town! Just keep asking around.”

“Thanks!” Pinkie beamed, before snapping back to anger, and she stormed down the street.

The two girls only laughed at what they assumed was a scorned girlfriend.

Pinkie spent the next half hour interviewing ponies from any side of town Discord teleported her to. But, they all responded the same way. They had no clue who speed was. Her search had hit a dead end so hard, she considered throwing in the towel and heading home for the night.

“Excuse me…” Pinkie sighed, out of breath from all her running around, “Do you know somepony named speed?”

The older stallion scratched his chin, “Is he that white Pegasus that helped out rebuild the town?”

“Yeah!” Pinkie lit up, nodding rapidly, “You know him?”

“Well, I’ve only seen him a couple of times since the flood,” The stallion explained, “He always stopped by my restaurant with that girlfriend of his.”

“He has a girlfriend?” Pinkie asked, happy to hear that he was moved on.

“Yeah!” He nodded happily, “That rainbow mare from Canterlot!”

Pinkie froze.

“I only ever really see them together…” He mumbled, “Maybe you ought to try the post office. They’ll have his address.”

“How many times did you see them…?” Pinkie asked, her heart stopped.

“Five or six times I believe… or was it ten? I don’t know anymore.” He laughed, not catching on to Pinkie’s fear, “But they stopped coming around a couple of months ago.”

“When Alex came back…” Pinkie whispered.

“I’ll be seein’ ya again,” He said politely, as he walked away from Pinkie.

Pinkie stood in silence for long enough to give Discord something to worry about.

“Are you alright, Pinkie?” He asked solemnly.

“L-lets go to the post office…” She said quietly, not losing a moment as she headed in the opposite direction.

Discord had nothing to say, as he followed behind her invisibly.

The time passed agonizingly slowly for the two of them, upon the realization that Rainbow Dash had been in a relationship with this stallion longer than she had told her friends. In fact, it sounded like she had been with this guy almost as long as she had been with Alex.

Was all of this a booty call for her? That would have been the best case scenario.

Worst case, she got involved with him romantically, and dumped him when Alex arrived home.

Either way, Pinkie wished she hadn’t done this. She wanted nothing more than to go back, and stop herself from investigating.

The bell jingled to the post office as Pinkie walked inside.

“Evenin’” A tall yellow stallion said, “Lookin’ to send something? Or pick up?”

“Um… Do you have an address for a pony named… Speed?” Pinkie asked quietly.

“You know Speed?!” The stallion asked excitedly, “I’ve been waiting for you forever!”

Pinkie frowned and tilted her head, “I’m sorry?”

“A letter arrived for him a month or so ago!” He said, levitating a sealed envelope on to the counter, “Take this to him!”

“So… you don’t have an address?” She asked, no longer concerned with it anyway.

“’fraid not.” He shook his head, “But give him this when you find him, okay?”

Pinkie didn’t get a chance to answer, before the letter was slipped in to her bag.

“Have a good night darlin’!” He said, walking out of the main room.

“Let’s go…” Pinkie exhaled, as the room instantly melted from around them, and was replaced with the same forest they had been in originally.

Grabbing the letter with her mouth, Pinkie dropped it on the ground.

“Why did you let him give you the mail?” Discord asked, lifting the litter off the ground and inspecting it.

“That’s Rainbow Dash’s mouth-writing,” Pinkie said sadly, “She sent him a letter. When Alex got back… Open it.”

“Are we allowed?” Discord asked, still lost to the concept of friendship, when she was ready to invade her friend’s privacy like this.

“Do it.” Pinkie repeated, her voice devoid of all joy.

Gulping, Discord ripped the top of the letter, and read through the text on the parchment.

Dear Speed,

The time we discussed has arrived, and I’m afraid I have to end the relationship we have shared. We have spoken at length on this topic, and we both agreed that when this time arrived, we would go our separate ways.

I also need to articulate my feelings to you, in regards to the time we spent together.

While you were an amazing pony, being so supportive of me in this time, and dropping everything in your life, just so could entertain me for a night out of each month, I’m afraid my feelings for you never progressed further than friendship, despite the physical contact we shared.

I’m not ignorant of your feelings toward me either. On more than one occasion I heard you tell me you loved me while I slept, and I’m truly sorry that those feelings will never be returned.

So many parts of me wish that I had been strong enough to stay away from you, but I had almost lost hope. Had I never been able to save him, maybe things would have worked out differently.

You will find a mare who loves you soon, Speed. Just as long as you keep being yourself.

Regards, Rainbow Dash.

Pinkie was slightly relieved to hear this. Rainbow Dash never truly cared for this guy. But, at the same time, the two had secret rendezvous for more than half a year. Was she so uncontrollably horny, that she would throw herself on him?

And then she turned around told all her friends that it only happened once.

“Are we in the Everfree Forest?” Pinkie asked, looking at Discord.

“Just outside of town,” Discord said softly.

“Okay. I think I’ll get myself home,” Pinkie said quietly.

“Do you want to talk about this a little more?” Discord asked, feeling terrible for Pinkie and the weight this revelation held for her, “We can get your other friends and—“

“No!” Pinkie shouted, her eyes filling with tears, “W-we need to keep this to ourselves!”

Discord frowned slowly.

“I’ll talk to Dashie about this,” Pinkie sighed, grabbing the envelope and placing it in her bag, “But I need some time to figure it out.”

Walking past Discord, Pinkie headed in to the Everfree in the direction of Ponyville.

“Thank you for helping me, Discord,” She said politely, “And… If I ever need someone to talk to about anything again… I’ll come to you.”

Discord didn’t respond. He was overjoyed to hear her say that… but it was no time to be happy. Because he had no idea how things were going to end between Alex and Rainbow Dash at this point.

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