• Published 24th Apr 2012
  • 42,498 Views, 4,897 Comments

My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic -- Off The Record - The King of Hearts

A new pony is introduced to Equestria just before the fight with Nightmare Moon in Episode 1. Changing the entire story.

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A Dog and Pony Show - Part 1

A Dog and Pony Show – Part 1

Again, might be missing a few things editing wise.


“Hey, Twilight!” Alex called, walking out of his room at the library, “Have you seen Spike?”

Walking in from the kitchen, Twilight gave him a frustrated look, “I haven’t seen him all day!”

“Really?” Alex asked, “Wasn’t just going out with Rarity to help her gather gems or something?”

“Yeah,” Twilight nodded, “But he promised he’s be back by noon.”

“Noon?” Alex asked in surprise, “It’s already eight!”

Twilight nodded, “I figured he was just spending some extra time with Rarity… But that is a pretty long time.”

“You don’t think he’s… Sleeping over, do you?” Alex asked awkwardly.

“No!” Twilight immediately cut in, “I mean, I hope not…!”

The awkward silence was a bit unpleasant, as nether of them wanted to imagine such a thing happening with the little guy.

“Uh…” Alex began, “Why don’t we go check The Carousel Boutique?”

Twilight nodded quickly, “I’m sure they just got caught up on something.”

“Exactly,” Alex nodded, “It’ll be just fine.”


*Knock Knock*

“Geez, still no answer?” Alex asked Twilight, as she continued pounding.

“I wonder what’s up…” Twilight sighed, “It’s not like Spike to keep me out of the loop.”

“Maybe they’re out or something?” Alex asked, “But… nothing would be open on a Sunday this late.”

Twilight scratched her head, before somepony finally turned the light on in the main section of Rarity’s store.

“Finally,” Alex laughed as the door creaked open.

However, they were both somewhat disappointed when it was Sweetie Belle that answered the door, and not Rarity or Spike. And what was worse, she looked quite sad.

“Sweetie?” Twilight asked, kneeling down, “What’s wrong?”

“I… I think something happened to Rarity,” She squeaked.

“What do you mean?” Twilight asked, “Haven’t you seen her?”

Sweetie shook her head, “Rarity went out at nine, and told me to wait for her before I could go out with Scootaloo and Apple Bloom… But she didn’t come back!”

“What about Spike?” Alex asked.

Sweetie shrugged, “He was with her, but I haven’t seen him either…”

Alex and Twilight exchanged a look.

“Do you know where they were going?” Twilight asked.

Sweetie nodded.

“Can you take us there?”


“Rarity sure goes out of her way to look for gems,” Alex said to the girls as they walked down the forest path toward wherever it was that they had been searching for jewels.

“You’re sure this is where they were going?” Twilight asked Sweetie, as they finally came to a clearing with a few holes dug in it.

“I helped Rarity find this place,” Sweetie Belle explained, “She showed me how to do her gem finding spell!”

Nopony responded as Alex and Twilight scanned the now moonlit field. However, they couldn’t spot anything out of the ordinary. It was clear where Rarity and Spike HAD been. There were a half a dozen holes dug up, and one half dug hole.

“I guess this is where they stopped,” Alex said, looking at the surrounding trees, and into the sky for any kind of sign of them, or what could have led them away, “Do you see anything, Twilight?”

She shook her head, “Nothing…”

“Is there any kind of magic that could help us?” Alex asked her, “Like, for scanning… or something like that?”

Twilight thought for a moment, before suddenly remembering a spell she had used a few months ago.

“There is one thing I could try!” Twilight said to them, “It’s a spell I used back when you disappeared for three months!”

“What spell was that?” Alex asked, cocking his head.

“A spell that’ll let us SEE what happened in the past,” Twilight explained, “We can’t interact, or change anything… But it’ll tell us what happened to them!”

“Alright,” Alex shrugged, “Use it up!”

“Okay,” She nodded, “Get close to me, so the spell will work on you too.”

Sweetie and Alex stepped next to her, as she closed her eyes, and started focusing.

Just as it had the last time, a small purple bubble appeared on her horn, and started expanding, until it had enveloped the three of them.

“Are you guys ready?” Twilight asked as soon as the three were inside of the spell.

Alex nodded.

“Sure am!” Sweetie said, excited that she was being included in this grown-up adventure.

Twilight opened her eyes, and completed the spell, as the world around them started to rewind, showing all that had happened to this place in the past few hours.

The day was completely static as they went backward a few hours, and continued to be so, until they reached about ten hours earlier in the day, where they saw Rarity and Spike digging up the sixth hole together, something that surprised them to see her doing.

Once they found their treasure, Rarity levitated the gems into her saddlebag, gave Spike a kiss on the cheek, and moved on to the next hole. The last one they had been working on before whatever happened to them happened.

They all watched silently as Rarity showed the spot to Spike, and then joined him in the digging process.

However, Rarity noticed something shuffling in the bushes.

Spike looked up from his job as three upright dogs exited the bushes, and walked toward them silently.

“Who are you?” Spike asked, taking a defensive stance in front of Rarity, “What do you want?”

They didn’t answer; they just kept walking toward them.

Spike took a step back, as a bunch more of these dogs come out of the other bushes around them.

“Rarity, let’s get out of here,” Spike said, seeing the imminent danger coming toward them.

“Please,” She said as they backed out, keeping her eyes on the approaching animals.

“On three, we run,” Spike said under his breath, “Okay?”

She nodded, gulping.


The dogs stopped.


They crouched down, taking an aggressive stance.

“Three!” Spike shouted, as the two turned tail, and ran toward the forest behind them.

“Get them!” One dog shouted.

Rarity and Spike were fast, but these dogs were faster, and it didn’t take them long to close the distance.

Seeing that being caught up to was inevitable, Spike gulped, and waited for them to be nipping at his hoofs. And, as soon as they were, he put all of his weight into his backside, and stopped abruptly. Without any time to react, the dog slammed into Spike, and the two tumbled on to the ground. And the rest of the extremely close dogs started crashing into them as well.

“Spike!” Rarity called, seeing the whole thing happen.

“Go!” He grunted, “Get out of here!”

Rarity shook her head, she wasn’t leaving him behind. She ran back to him, and levitated him out of the pile of stunned dogs.

“Are you okay?” She asked, genuinely concerned.

Spike nodded, and then sighed, “You should have just gone… Gotten help…”

“Don’t worry,” She whispered, “Sweetie knows we’re here.”

Spike nodded. At least help would be coming.

Quickly, the dogs regained their composure, and surrounded the two.

“Who are you?” Spike asked, his eyes narrowed.

“We the Diamond Dogs,” Their leader said, stepping forward, “And you have special gift.”

“Special gift?” Rarity asked, “Whatever are you talking about?”

“Finding gems!” He shouted, “If we use you, we won’t have to go digging for days just to find ONE measly sapphire!”

“If we help you,” Spike began, “Will you let us go?”

“Of course we will,” He answered, clearly lying to them, “Now come with us!”

Spike wanted to fight, but he knew he would be hurt, and Celestia forbid that Rarity also get hurt somehow.

“Okay,” Spike said, remembering what Rarity had told him about Sweetie Belle. And if Twilight had half a brain, she would use that same spell she had used when Alex went missing, which would mean that she was going to be watching them right now!

Which meant he could communicate with her!

“Where are you taking us?” Spike asked.

“To our underground lair!” The dog laughed, “Very hidden!”

“Underground?” Spike asked, “Right below us? Seems like a dumb place.”

“No!” A henchman explained, “It’s under a biiiig lake on other side of the forest!”

“Thanks for telling me that,” Spike smiled, “I’m just happier knowing where it is.”

“Shut up!” The leader said, to his guard.

“Sorry…” He grumbled.

“Alright, get these two home,” He barked, “There's plenty of work to do!”

Rarity and Spike were escorted over to one of the bushes that the dogs had risen from, and were shown a large hole that had been freshly dug in the ground.

“In!” The leader shouted.

They complied, and entered the hole, as the group of guards went to various holes around the area.

Suddenly, the bubble around the three reformed, and started to rapidly fast forward time, until they were back in present time.

Twilight, Sweetie, and Alex were shocked at what they had just seen.

“They’ve been kidnapped?!” Sweetie shouted, as the bubble vanished.

“I hope they’re okay…” Alex said.

“Well, we know where they are,” Twilight said, “Spike was polite enough to get that information for us.”

“So, what’s the plan then?” Alex asked.

Seeing the two of them get involved in a conversation, Sweetie decided to go check on one of the holes she had seen in the flashback.

Trotting into the forest, she quickly went out of sight from Alex and Twilight, something she really shouldn’t have done.

“We can go get help, and leave them for a few hours while we get ready…” Twilight suggested, “Or we blast in there, and rescue them ourselves.”

Alex was surprised Twilight would suggest such a wild idea. “I choose the latter, but… are you sure that YOU choose the latter?”

Twilight gave a solid nod, “I know you’re strong enough to keep us safe from them, they have no magic.”

“Alright,” Alex said, “What about Sweetie Belle, though?”

“Oh right,” Twilight said, turning around, not seeing the filly, “Where is she?”

Alex turned around as well, and saw that she had vanished.

“Heeeeeeeeelp!” Sweetie called from the distance.

They both started running at full speed toward the voice, unfortunately, they never caught up. Sweetie only made the one call for help, and they had no idea where they had gotten to with her. All they could see was endless trees, and the sound of water.

“Crap,” Alex said angrily, “This is NOT good.”

“Why did we take our eyes off of her?” Twilight said, scolding herself for the stupidity.

“We know where they took her,” Alex said, pointing a hoof toward a patch of water he could see through the trees in front of him, “Let’s go get her back.”

Twilight nodded, “Let’s find our way in.”


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